Best Supporting Actor

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A scripture reading this morning first Samuel 18 after David had finished talking with Saul Jonathan but became one in spirit with David and he loved him as himself. From that day. You saw kept David with him and did not let him return home to his family. And Jonathan made a covenant with David because he he loved him as himself. Jonathan took off the robe. He was wearing and gave it to David along with his tunic and even his sword his bow and his belt.

Good morning church. It's good to be back with you. I miss being with you this last week, but I heard that Chris Carter did a wonderful job and I was so glad that he was able to fill in for me in my absence every single year. Hollywood gets ready for the Academy Awards. Otherwise known as the Oscars. And actors and actresses producers and directors a composer's and science. I guess special effects. I should say not science fiction of a special effects wizard. They dressed to the nines and they walk down the red carpet to celebrate the best in the Excellence in the art of filmmaking. And if you've ever seen what all goes into actually making a movie a movie that people want to watch I mean anybody can get there video camera and go do anything but to actually make a movie there are hundreds. If not, maybe thousands and some Productions of people that go into working these making costumes doing the music doing the acting in that does the direction in the editing and all of these kinds of things and so it is something that is a big accomplishment whenever a movie gets made and so they celebrate the best of the best and they give out lots of awards and you most of you have probably seen at least the Oscars before maybe you haven't watched them in recent years, but you used to watch them. Do you know they give out towards that you would expect Awards like best actor best actress best movie obviously best score best costume design special effects, all of those kinds of things but there's one award that is always and treat me at the Oscars and that is the award that they give out for best supporting actor. We think about it. This is Hollywood, right? Everyone goes to Hollywood wanting to be the star. They want to be the character the main character in the story. The one that the story is All About so why? Why? If that's the case would Hollywood recognize actors and actresses who were not the star in the movie. Not the main character. I think it's because they recognize that you don't have to be the main character to make a big impact in the story. I mean just think about it with me for a minute. Where would Woody be without Buzz Lightyear? Where would Marty McFly be without the duck? Where was Butch Cassidy be without Sundance? Where was Luke Skywalker be without Han Solo or Han without chewy all of these characters, even though they weren't the central character in the store. Even though they weren't the main one that the story was all about. They had a big impact on the life of that character in on the story and for better or worse. They made a huge difference in the story. And even though this is true in Hollywood's not just true in Hollywood. It's also true in the Bible. For the past several weeks. We've been looking at the life of David and David you could say is probably the star of the story. He last week. We saw killed a giant a giant who was trained from birth a giant who has showed you was 9 foot 6 tall. I still got this over here. Nobody took it away. So this tall a little guy kill the giant that size. We just a sling and a stone when nobody else would go out and fight him. We've all heard the story of David and Goliath and it's incredible to see how God use this young man, but God's not done with her. But just because David is the star of the story. It doesn't mean that there are others that God use in David's life. And we're going to talk about one of those guys today A guy by the name of Jonathan. I've been excited about this when I did this not my notes or anything like that, but I wanted the title this be like Jonathan, but I thought that was a little bit too. But but my name is actually Jonathan David Whittaker. I don't know if any of you knew my middle name, but this this story is kind of my namesake and so I feel a great responsibility to it. I need to do this one. Well, so we're talking about Jonathan. So here's here's the deal last time. We were together David killed Goliath and instantly became the most famous person in the nation of Israel just like that one the day before he was just a Shepherd boy that very few people had ever heard of And then all of a sudden it's all takes him into his house. Because he wants to capitalize on David success here is the Giant Slayer we want these kind of people to be around the king. We want to use them and see if we can't leverage their success to benefit the kingdom. And so that's what cell does but as he brings David into Saul's house. David makes good friends, but friends Saul's son his oldest son named Jonathan and it says that they become so close. That Jonathan goes as far as to make a covenant with David. Here's what it says in chapter 18 verse 3 and 4 to send Jonathan made a covenant with David because he loved him as himself. Remember those words are important. He loved him as himself. He took off the robe. He was wearing and gave it to David along with his tunic and even his sword his bow and his belt now this seems kind of strange to us cuz we don't do these kind of things today if I'm friends with somebody. I mean, I guess if they need it, you know, you'd give him a belt or shirt off my back or something like that. We could say that but this is something that's even more significant because who is Jonathan he is the son of a king that road that he was wearing signified his future as the king. Aventura he was next in line and yet he loved David so much that he was willing to take that off and put it around David remember who God chose to be the next king of Israel. Any Love David so much that he was willing to disarm himself his weapons. That was his livelihood. And you said I'm willing to be vulnerable with you to take off my weapon. I'm willing to give those to you because I value you and I value our friendship more and I value anything else in my life even more than the kingdom.

As time goes on it becomes apparent the Jonathan's not the only one who loves David all of Israel loves David too. He becomes and gross to become a military leader Saul sent him out with his armies and he always goes out and he wins Mighty victories to the point. That's David becomes even more popular than saw here's a song that Israel saying one time after David and Israel came back from fighting Saul's battles. He says this he says Saul has slain his thousands and David his tens of thousands now if you're the king, You don't like that because if you're the king you want to be number one, don't you if you're the king you want to take the credit for what everybody else does problem is they're not given saw the credit. They're giving that credit today, but it's almost as if the whole world is going after David and Saul cannot stand it. It's so so begins to get jealous. And that jealousy turns to anger and that anger will eventually turn into paranoia. It's all begin to see David as a threat. In fact, he says if they're crediting David with 10,000 and me with thousands. What more can he take away from me? Except the kingdom. And from that day on saw the sides that even though he's benefited greatly from David even though David is one great victories for him, even though David has served him faithfully and done nothing wrong. But it's out of his own best interest that he needs to kill David and that's what he tries to do. We don't have time to go through the entire story. But he tries to kill David six times before David flees for his life. before David runs He goes to his friends. Jonathan

turns out Jonathan actually has no idea. Saul's intention to kill David Jonathan has known that his dad's attitude is changed and he's tried to put in a good word for David and say look David's been good to you. And in fact Jonathan got saw the promised him that he wouldn't kill David. But even though so had made that promise to his son. He wasn't the kind of guy to keep promises after all. He was the king who could tell him what to do right? When you're the king you call the shots. In fact, that's going to be the difference between Saul as king and David is King is that David will submit his kingship under the authority of the true king. And saw he wants to be the king himself. It doesn't matter what God says.

So David Goes to Jonathan. I'm going to be reading a few verses from 1st Samuel chapter 20, it says this. The David fled from nayasa trauma and went to Jonathan and ask what have I done? What is my crime? How have I wronged your father that he is trying to kill me. Never Jonathan replied. You're not going to die. Look. My father doesn't do anything great or small without letting me know. Why would he hide this for me? It isn't so Jonathan at this point still has a lot of respect for his father after all. He's the king and he just can't see that his dad would go back on his promise from a but the story continues, but David took an oath and he said your father knows very well that I have found favor in your eyes and he has said to himself Jonathan must not know this or he will be grieved yet as surely as the Lord lives and as you live there is only a step between me and death. Jonathan said to David. Whatever you want me to do. I'll do for you. Remember that that's important later as well. Whatever you want me to do I'll do for you. So David and Jonathan have to plan. They're playing is they are going to the next day. There's going to be a feast David as the Kings General would be expected to have a place at this table. He would be expected to be there. David says instead of that. What I'm going to do is I'm going to go and I'm going to hide in a place that only you know about I want you to please give a reasonable excuse to the king as to why I'm not there. Tell him that I had to go home for a family sacrifice. My family requested me to be there I had to go in and I asked your permission and you said that it was fine.

so the next day comes and what they're going to do is they're going to look at South attitude. He says if salt is okay with me being gone if he's okay, then we know that he's not trying to kill me. But if he gets angry you see his attitude is true attitude toward me cuz that'll come out in this instance. The Jonathan you'll know and if it is trying to kill me then you can warm me and I can escape and I can go. Off into the Wilderness which is where he will go. so next day camps

Saul notices that David's not at the feast but it's the Sabbath feast and so David he thinks must have become ceremonially unclean but this piece is going to go on for several days and selves as well. He's not here today, but he'll be here tomorrow. But the next day when David seat is empty, he goes to Jonathan. He says where is David? Where's the son of Jesse? And Jonathan gives him an excuse. So he said he's really sorry couldn't make it but he had to go and do this sacrifice for his family and heal heal, you know, you just ask me for permission and I told him it was okay and then stalls response is this what happened to Saul zanger flared up with Jonathan and he said to him, you know sells anchors about to be targeted tortoise on you, son of a perverse and rebellious woman don't I know that you have sided with the son of Jesse to your own shame and to The Shame of the mother Who Bore You Next he says, As long as the son of Jesse lives on this Earth neither you nor your kingdom will be established now send someone to bring it to me and I know you know where he is. I know that you're lying to me since someone to bring him to me cuz he must die Jonathan continues. Why should he be put to death? What has he done? Jonathan s his father but then saw hurled his spear at his own son to kill him. Then Jonathan knew that his father intended to kill David Jonathan got up from the table and fierce anger on that second day of the feast he did not eat because he was greed at his father's shameful treatment. a David Jonathan Davis now Jonathan risked his life for his friend.

It got so bad to the point where Saul was even willing to kill his own son. Because he had cited. With the one who saw have made the enemy even that David had been completely faithful to Saul. It served him. So Jonathan the next day goes out to the field. And David and Jonathan have arranged to sign and Jonathan through this warns David and he's going to have to leave so you have to imagine what this would have been like for David. This is his life everything that he is. No. He has family here. Jonathan is his best friend in the entire world and they are going to have to leave and as we know the rest of the story, they're not ever going to see each other again this side of Heaven.

So what the hard thing? In fact at the end of that chapter it says this. Verse 42 Jonathan said to David go in. Peace. For we have sworn friendship with each other in the name of the Lord saying the Lord is witness between you and me and between your descendants and my descendants forever. Then David left and Jonathan went back to his own town.

Jonathan's actions effectively saved David's life

We can look at the story and say yeah David star, but where would David be? without Johnson

the story amazes me. Not only because of the Friendship of Jonathan and David that's something that we could talk to it link that that idea of vulnerability and openness and intimacy between two people and our culture. That's kind of a weird thing for two dudes to have but there's nothing weird going on here. This is this is exactly the kind of friendship and relationship that God wants for us to have in The Strokes is this friendship where we kind of become vulnerable and open and then tear down these walls and then share our struggles and share our thoughts and share these things where we don't have to put on a mask or a facade, you know, Cody she came back from church camp this past week and one of the reason she left Camp so much as he said she said nobody cares what you look like. They're nobody cares any of that stuff. It's just a time where you kind of tear down all that social she didn't say this. But yeah this social constructs. Eternally, social constructs in these things that you're kind of expected to be and you get to be yourself with other people and they get to be them self and that connect and that's one of the reasons why I think Church camp is such a wonderful time because you kind of get to break free from all that. That's what the church is supposed to be. That's what friendship is supposed to be. I love this story because of that and has inspired me in my own relationship to try to be more like that as well. But it doesn't make me just because of the friendship and it doesn't amaze me just because of the faithfulness of Jonathan because Jonathan is you'll see was faithful to David but he was still faithful to his father was he 9 is when they when they split up where does Jonathan go he goes back to his dad even though his dad has been awful to him and awful the David. He's still faithful to the people in his life and that is remarkable as well that can teach you something. But this story is remarkable to me. because of how selfless Jonathan is towards David and how much he is willing to give and risk his life. For his friend.


During that day. Jonathan was born to be the star. He was the King's son. He was going to be king someday if everything went according to plan. And yet that was not the most important thing to him. The most important thing was his relationship to God and his faithfulness and his relationship. with his friends and that is the great lesson that we can learn from Jonathan is he intentionally humbled himself and became a supporting actor in this story. And lived his life not for himself, but for the benefit. of others

and that's what God has invited you and I to do as well. If you're taking down notes in the bulletin and you want to to write this Jonathan was a supporting actor, that's good. Because a small role and got story is bigger than the leading role in our own a small role and God story is bigger than the leading role in our home. I told you earlier that anybody can make a movie. In fact a few few cousins of mine and friends of mine. We did. I'm actually the star of the movie that you've never seen and never heard of called Dude. Where's my sandwich? I'm not kidding. This is real. I don't have a copy of it anymore. It's it's at somebody's house. It was on VHS if you can believe that but is that long ago but I am the star of the movie only problem is you're never going to see it and I only the only reason I tell you this is because it's so not impressive but what if I told you a story in the store is not true, but what if I told you that on the last Star Wars movie I was actually an extra and one of these things you can see the back of my head in the built middle of this crowd if you pause it, just right that's even more impressive right? Because a lot of people have seen the new Star Wars movie and that's more impressive. It's okay. The truth is I asked you would you rather be the star of your own movie or would you rather be the star of somebody else's movie that people are actually going to see I think I think that the reality is you rather be in the ladder just an extra, right but God has invited us to be a part of a story that is bigger than our own. You see like Jonathan we all have the opportunity to live as if we are the king of our own life. We have the opportunity to do what we want to do live for what we want for Sue the things that we want out of life to live for us and ourselves alone. We want everybody to be a part of our story. We want the whole world to get on board and recognize how important we are. The only problem is is that everybody else in the world is living that way too and when that happens, we don't support each other. We don't help each other. We just completely self-centered and fight the world trying to take from people the things that we think we need whether it's love whether it's money, whether it's you that satisfaction whether it's a self-esteem all these kind of things. We need all of these things from other people just to build up our own ego and live for ourselves.

But God has another king in mind.

Just like in the story of Jonathan and David where God has chosen David for us. He's chosen a king as well. Actually David's great great great great great great great great grandson in Jesus.

And Jesus is meant to be the king of Our Lives. He came to us as a friend. That's what he says to his disciples. He says I no longer call you followers, but I call you my friends and he came to us and he humbled himself even though he was a king. He did what Jonathan did and he took off his robe and he took off his weapons and he made himself vulnerable for you and for me and he died on a cross.

And because of this he invites you and I into the story. But if we are going to experience our life as a part of God story we have to give up this idea of living for ourself. We intern should do the same thing to take off the things that we think we have the things that we think we want and to give them to him. The Apostle Paul says this that he died for all that those who live should no longer live for themselves, but for him who died for them and was raised again,

so the question is in your life. What kind of character are you in the story that you are trying to tell? Are you inviting yourself in the way that you live is God inviting you? He's invited us all are you accepting that invitation to be a part of God's story in to give up all of this other stuff.

or are you living as if you are the star character in the movie of your life, here's what Jonathan is going to learn.

The reality is that Jonathan will never be the king of Israel.

At the end of 1st Samuel Saul and Jonathan and a few of Saul's other suns are going to die in battle and he is never going to be crowned King. Let me tell you something. You want to live like you're the king of your life. Go ahead, but you never ever going to get there. Bible says that one day every knee is going to Bow and every tongue is going to confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, whether they believe in him in this life or not. They will the key is God's pick for king of the universe that he is the one that all of this is about and is it an incredible that he's invited you and me is a part of the story. What were on the movie thing? Let's say that Steven Spielberg knocks on your door one day and says I want you to be a character in my upcoming film knife, you know Steven Spielberg and you know his credibility and all that kind of stuff at very you might say no, but at very least you'd be flattered right like this is a good opportunity, right? Do you recognize that God has given us all a greater opportunity to be a part of something that is more eternal then film. in cinema that the role that you play as a part of God's story has Eternal effects and eternal benefits and eternal consequences that far out live anything in this life.

And instead of resenting God for saying hey, I need to I need you to give me this and I need you to stop living for yourself and and stop pursuing this thing instead of resenting him. We should be honored. We should say I got who am I that you would invite me to be a part of your story?

But it's like David and Jonathan God is looking for people.

We're going to love Jesus. The son of David just as much as we love. ourselves

people who are going to be in a relationship with him and value that relationship higher than anything else to say to him Lord, whatever you want me to do. I will do for you.

To enter into a covenant with him. the take-off are right the kingship to become vulnerable to open up to give God Access to everything that we have and everything that we are and say I'm tired of what I can do. I want to be a part of your story because I recognized it in the long run. My story will not amount to much.

We can do that. You know how many of you have done that?

weiner in the Covenant with God through Baptist That's when we symbolically we die to ourselves.

That's what it symbolizes when we go under the water when we say I am not going to live for me anymore.

But I'm going to wake up everyday and choose to be a part of something greater.

So let me ask you the question. Do you want to be a star?

Do you want to live is it the whole world revolves around you or do you want to be a supporting actor in The Greatest Story that will ever be told a story that is going to be told throughout eternity a story where your part no matter how small you think it might be is going to matter.


Let's look for that story. Like Jonathan, let's become that's supporting actor.

I don't know about you, but in my life I can think back to people who have supported me. I guess I wear what I've been without this person maybe was a parent. Maybe it was a teacher somebody who cared about me and invested in my life. And those of you who have have been a part of that maybe some of you her teachers or nurses or somebody were you help save somebody's life or or leave them in a good direction. Doesn't that make you feel like I'm a part of something that's bigger than me. This is what God invites each and everyone of us to do every single day. So I encourage you and I'm poor you be like Jonathan. B that's supporting actor Trust in God live for him. Not yourself. And no matter where he leads you in this life. You'll know.

And I was a part. but that

I've got story. There's no greater story. What spray?

Heavenly Father you're wonderful. Got to can't sometimes I can't believe that that you would have invited us by me. To be a part of your story.

Forgot I pray that you would help us to understand what it means to live the Christian Life.

That you would help us to let go of the things the selfish things that stand in our way of living for you.

There's nothing bigger in this universe than living for you. There's nothing greater that we can be a part of the new church in your community your people.

To help us to be like Jonathan help us to see ourselves not as the star of the story.

And you was some secondary character, but the see Jesus as the star and he is the one that we live for he is the one that we serve he is the one that we love.

Because Lord that is what you call us to.

and even though it takes sacrifice on our part father, you can give us the strength to do so even though it Is it to give up certain things that dreams things that we want and desires father? We know that you walk with us and that you give us every good and perfect gift. Help us to love you and to trust in you and to let go of everything else.

Your name I pray.

Hey, man, would you stand with me Church? Max

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