Sermon Tone Analysis

Overall tone of the sermon

This automated analysis scores the text on the likely presence of emotional, language, and social tones. There are no right or wrong scores; this is just an indication of tones readers or listeners may pick up from the text.
A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
Emotion Tone
Language Tone
Social Tone
Emotional Range

Tone of specific sentences

Social Tendencies
Emotional Range
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9
[1] Title
Message Intro
Driving to the beach with kids.
Vs back seat adults.
What type of trust do you have in God?
Do you come to him like a little child or
Scripture Intro
- Luke strings together a number of brief incidents concerning parables and people.
In we read of the Jesus’ story of the persistent widow with perseverance and patience in prayer.
Jesus’ story of the Pharisee and tax collector and the basic truth that only those who acknowledge they are sinners will rely on God’s mercy and experience forgiveness.
The response of the rich young ruler.
He gives freely to the blind beggar who cries out for mercy.
Jesus shares with his disciples that of his coming death.
And this excerpt: That complete reliance on God is emphasized in Jesus’ response to little children.
“The way up is still down.”
[2, 3, 4]
- Luke strings together a number of brief incidents concerning parables and people.
In we read of the Jesus’ story of the persistent widow with perseverance and patience in prayer.
Jesus’ story of the Pharisee and tax collector and the basic truth that only those who acknowledge they are sinners will rely on God’s mercy and experience forgiveness.
The response of the rich young ruler.
He gives freely to the blind beggar who cries out for mercy.
Jesus shares with his disciples that of his coming death.
And this excerpt we just read: That complete reliance on God is emphasized in Jesus’ response to little children.
“The way up is still down.”
How does someone receive the kingdom of God like a child?
It means having the simple, trusting attitude that children show to the adults they depend on.
Jesus wants his followers to enjoy prayer by delighting in his company.
Rely on him and trust him explicitly.
Children do all that with adults who love them.
How much more should believers have that attitude toward Jesus, who loves them?
God wants us to come before Him as children, because children are innocent, and trust with a pure, uncorrupted heart.
What Qualities Does a Child Have?
A little child is innocent.
A little child is trusting.
A little child believes without complication.
A little child has not had time to allow the preconceived notions of the world to form his decision-making process.
A little child receives with joy, forgetting herself with light-hearted abandonment.
A little child is humble.
A little child is content in the little things.
A little child has the faith to move mountains.
A little child is awed by majestic splendor.
A little child takes to heart God’s Word in all its simplicity.
One Life Kids’ Paintings
[13] Title
How Do We Go Before God as a Child?
Adults have a tendency to become cynical with age, while a child has yet to be touched by the concerns of the world.
Webster’s dictionary describes “childlike” as “becoming a child; meek; submissive; dutiful.”
To go before God as a child is to go before God stripped of our sins and doubts, full of wide-eyed inspiration that comes from total faith.
Is God going to be there when I need Him?
A child would say, “Yes!”
To go before God as a child is to expect awe-inspiring greatness.
A little child is innocent.
A little child is trusting.
A little child believes without complication.
A little child has not had time to allow the preconceived notions of the world to form his decision-making process.
A little child receives with joy, forgetting herself with light-hearted abandonment.
A little child is humble.
A little child is content in the little things.
A little child has the faith to move mountains.
A little child is awed by majestic splendor.
A little child takes to heart God’s Word in all its simplicity.
One Life Kids’ Paintings
[13] Title
Think of God and the child as one would a child with his parents.
Children, full of innocence, come to their loving father and mother, trusting them to completely take care of them, to protect them, to provide for them, to correct them when they are wrong, and to love and cherish them.
Jesus Says, “Trust Me.”
Jesus is telling us that we need to have this type of trust and faith in the Father.
After all, we are His children.
Peter walking on water
We should be able to come to him fully trusting, without a doubt, that He loves us and cares for us.
Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.”
God reminds us in His Word that we are indeed his children.
Like a child, we should come before the Father, fully trusting in His Word, fully engaged in His Spirit, fully open to His love and His commandments.
Like a child, we should come before the Father, fully trusting in His Word, fully engaged in His Spirit, fully open to His love and His commandments.
Like a child, we should come before the Father, fully trusting in His Word, fully engaged in His Spirit, fully open to His love and His commandments.
Be changed.
Repent and leave your baggage at God’s doorstep.
Then you can come before your wonderful God, arms and hearts wide open, loving and trusting as a child.
Do you trust God that way?
[15] Title
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9