Sermon Tone Analysis

Overall tone of the sermon

This automated analysis scores the text on the likely presence of emotional, language, and social tones. There are no right or wrong scores; this is just an indication of tones readers or listeners may pick up from the text.
A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
Emotion Tone
Language Tone
Social Tone
Emotional Range

Tone of specific sentences

Social Tendencies
Emotional Range
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9
Things change!
Appearance, design, methodology --- most of us have different furniture and styles in our houses than we may have 20-30 years ago --- in our current day things change even faster than ever before, and an eclectic mix of things has become a norm.
There are different events in life that also cause things to change - loss of family members, friends that move away and friends that move in and family members that are added in through marriage and birth!
These events cause NEW NORMS - NEW REALITIES of existence.
They are scary sometimes in the moment, but without them we would not have progress and growth.
The church is no different.
We cannot see clearly now what is in the far off distance!
That does not mean that the reality of that distance when discovered is bad!
People fight against changes in the church (which is the slowest organization around to change) - however, those churches that have allowed for progress and change have discovered great benefit in reaching their communities for Christ.
Because culture changes and morphs… we must be adaptable in doing the same —
Think of the world before space exploration - in the 60’s it was a race to see which country could discover the moon first.
With telescopes they could see the moon more clearly, we all can see it in the super distance, but until someone landed there, no one would have first hand knowledge of what was there.
Greater than the discovery of the moon was the discovery of space!
Today, much of our world has become closer together because of space exploration.
One great example of this is the SMART PHONE!!!
These little buzzards deemed by some to be evil, time consuming, and presenting a world of problems - ALSO present a world of solutions, safety, connection, and convenience!!! (there are always 2 sides of a coin)
- The Smart Phone functions because of satellite technology.
- Satellite technology exists because of space exploration.
- Space exploration exists because man had a dream to go the distance.
It has now created a new altered reality — a different existence than what was some years ago — an enhanced difference.
Yes, we can bemoan the old days, and simpler ways of life, and yet we also can embrace the positives of change.
What we cannot do? — Alter our MISSION and our TRUTH as methods and means and new norms take place.
As a church - things SHOULD always be morphing and changing.
New ministries, methods, styles — because society and people change.
Our message to be a:
Christ Honoring
Hope Giving
Community of Faith
This morning as we endeavor to see in the distance of WHAT God might have in store for Destiny - realize this is not tomorrow, or next year, or probably even the next five, but maybe… let us look like the pioneers of space exploration with starry eyes to see what might become if we keep our eyes FOCUSED on the VISION — as we endeavor to do our part in being that Christ Honoring, Hope Giving, Community of Faith!!!
As our people begin to dream dreams of how God can use them to touch the lives of the lost… (last week I had several people come to me with things God has placed in their hearts to do for him… we have already begun to endeavor how individually and with the support of the church those dreams can become NEW NORMS… DO NOT GIVE UP ON THEM — MAKE THE DREAM BECOME A REALITY… it creates a new norm that continues to progress and grow!
How true this was for the Patriarchs when God gave a vision…
How true this was for the early church when they endeavored to be faithful to the mission
How true in the lives of every Christian today...
1 cor 13
As we endeavor to be the church - we will not see all things clearly until we get to heaven, but then we will see all that God had planned and in store for OUR LIVES, OUR FAMILIES, OUR COMMUNITY and CHURCH!
However, if we look forward into the distance with LOVE for one another and the lost in our hearts, and we endeavor to be who Christ has called us to be… we will see HIS PLANS UNFOLD.
1. Don’t Limit God
In Scripture we see a principle — God is bigger than we are and does not want to be limited.
That being said - God has boundaries that He has revealed to us in HIS WORD…
The Lord calls people to come and know Christ, and the WORD does not change!
We cannot add to it...
He says this at the close of our last book in the Bible, however, think to do the day when Jesus was sent into the earth --
When Christ came - He fulfilled the law, and changed the era to one of grace and mercy empowering us to live a righteous life… (BUT IT CHANGED)
What would have happened had Peter limited God!!! ????
God was calling the GENTILES into HIS KINGDOM — something probably 99% of us here are!
Letting go of what was considered unclean --- I am not talking about moral standards of righteousness — but sometimes God has to change our thoughts on things (not altering HIS WORD) so we can see the lost!!!
For years the church began to shut itself up from the world to protect it from the sin that existed — we still need to stay clear of the sin --- but we cannot be shut off from those we are trying to reach...
We need to refocus our mission to be in the world, but not of it so
That does not change the fact that if we have hidden from the lost, how shall they see????
We are sent to the lost not to other Christians.
The example of Christ was to be with sinners — not to participate in sin - but to show them NEW LIFE!
2. Accept New Landscapes
As we reach out into the future realize things are going to look different!
New people in a church, alters the feel of that church...
People run to the mega churches for what they offer, convenience, and a quick place to be fed...
Those churches had to go through change with a group of people willing to accept the landscape forever changing around them!
As new people come in and become involved, and as ministries morph, grow, and change — things look different.
Buildings are altered, music changes, methods and means all altered for the purpose of reaching the lost and ministering to new generations.
I remember my generation in church doing things much differently than the one above us, and I see the generations below doing the same… those accepting new landscapes are succeeding.
(Brandon and his church — the almost 70 year old pastor looking to adjust to meet needs of a new generation - a church that declined from over well over 1000 to 600 or so.)
When we go to a second service --- the landscape will feel different!
When and if we alter the building to meet needs --- the landscape will feel different!
As we continue to grow — addition to building will feel different!
OUR church currently reaches out to 10 different communities!
10 Communities without an A/G church in them, many without any SPIRIT FILLED church in them…
What if God leads us to create SATELLITE CAMPUSES?? What if God raises up leaders from within our church to serve as campus pastors in their communities — still connected to Destiny - still a part of our ministry, but local in each of these communities!!!
The landscape in Fort Lupton would change, and the landscape in those communities would change - but we would be impacting more lives for Christ!
Abram had to step out into the unknown — you don’t think that the land God gave him looked different than where he came from....
Through the years that land changed — the landscaped changed...
Somethings Abram never realized in his lifetime, but his descendants did...
When Moses led the people out of Egypt - they had to be willing to accept the change!
Wilderness journey… they could have entered almost directly into God’s promises - but the people could not see past the giants in the new landscape - it scared them and thus they wondered for 40 years until that generation past...
There was a new landscape to take hold of…
God wants our church to be that regional church reaching out well beyond Fort Lupton to touch the communities surrounding us…
some here will see this fulfilled and some will not ---
We still need to progress toward that purpose!
Whether that be a new facility on more space in the “distant future” or be campuses in the regions around us rooted to this location
The means of music, ministries and style, the appearances of buildings and location will change - will we accept the NEW LANDSCAPES???
3. Hold Fast to PURPOSE
The moment the vision tries to take us away from being Christ Honoring, Hope Giving, and a Community of Faith is when the vision has lost sight of calling...
The moment we become a church that is no longer giving people DIRECTION FOR LIFE - HELPING THEM FIND THAT ROAD - we need to get back to the basics!!!
Change and progress does not mean changing our PURPOSE!
The Lord has given us a Biblically based PURPOSE in being a Christ Honoring, Hope Giving, Community of Faith.
God wants us to hold fast to the truth of the Gospel as we allow for things to continuously change to new norms and realities as we do His work.
Let us not lose sight of our PURPOSE AND MISSION in CHRIST!
As we look to the distant future, that which is not right in front of us or around the corner, may we realize that as God moves so does the church!!!
I believe the Lord wants us to stay relevant to our culture and the changing generations, and effective for the sake of the Gospel.
I believe growth will cause change naturally as well---
I believe this applies when things are happening not just when we don’t see results.
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9