First Sunday in Advent

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Direction for today is to number nine Jesus your church with long eyes.

showcase why study today is the Gospel reading which we just heard from Luke chapter 21 verses 25 through 36. I'll just read the last several verses. Once again, you are the first three for Jesus said watch yourselves or else your hearts will be way down with causing drunkenness the ways of this life god dammit, You suddenly red will call like a trap on all those who dwell on the face of the whole earth still in there all the time praying that you may be able to escape all these things that are going to happen and that you may be able to stand before the son of man. We bow our heads in prayer. Do you have any father today as we have this privilege to study the gospel message? We pray for which measure of your spirit? Why is working in our hearts? Maybe we be filled with a great more certain whole the Salvation that we have in your son and made a whole be evidenced in all that we do but I study bring you glory today as we ask these things in Jesus name. Amen.

How would you define? the word hope

if you want to do some checking in SSRS. For the word cult, you know what other word comes up. optimism Webster's Collegiate dictionary gives the following as a definition for optimism inclination to put the most favorable construction upon actions and events dissipate the best possible outcome. so for instance You like telling somebody that you are acting Mystic? That the weather is going to be good when you go on vacation. Or you might tell someone that you are optimistic as you take your car in to be repaired that it is not anything serious, and it shouldn't cost a whole lot.

A doctor might come in to the examination room and say to you that something showed up on an X-ray. Who is optimistic that it is nothing?

Use the word optimistic instead of the word whole. You seem to express a little more confidence and White and Associates stronger term. What are you using the word Hulk in the world at the world uses it or use the word optimistic?

Both of them contain what? an element of gout today as we enter into a new church year we start with this season of Advent, which I know exactly where the season of Advent became apart of the liturgical worship for the church, but it certainly can be traced back to the 300. Average pay in the early days has been associated with the idea of fasting and we think about fasting we think about repentance.

basketball looking forward to that time when Jesus is going to come and get it all of his glory Jesus all instruction that allows I could be get moved early as well as of repentance so that we might be ready. Anytime what is reappearing?

Search for why is always considered a time of repentance. the color Purple Trey the same color that we use during the season of Lent. What if you are taking a look at a New Liturgical Calendar or possibly visited one of our other congregations in the area, you might notice that they don't use purple. What color do they use? blue why where did blue come from?

Which one is this? Everything is a season in which we actually are preparing for two things. Well, first of all preparing to celebrate Jesus coming into this world and great humility billboard of legendary Envoy. What is it? Also what time that we are preparing ourselves for the fact that he is going to come again that time and all of his glory to judge the living and the dead I love you take these two cartons of together. Why is it good to us?

Do you want to guess what the color of Hope is?

address for the new liturgical color comes from I wish particular Sunday. We begin this process of lighting the candles on an Advent wreath and again some of the background to that is in your bulletin this morning and be sure to read through that. the first candle that we White My check and cash it represents. Hope. Where is Christians use the word Hulk? We're not using will help in a way that the rule does that we are off to Mystic about something. Who is the world hope we use it as a shooter and certain way. Everything is all about the future. Hope that we have in Christ our future that is a bright old because you're trying to be optimistic about the future that would try to be optimistic about tomorrow despite. The way things are today is based on what I hope is based on the Promises of God. Think about Jesus first honey. I promise is that were made about that coming in later possibly ever see how Jesus has fulfilled each and every one of those promises perfectly. We just to realize that is the scripture speak about know all the future. Ashley what did I pass by when we will be with Christ in his kingdom? Where are the dishes at just optimism it is a sure thing. Real cereal shifting sand. What are standing quicksand here? We're standing on the truth of God's unchanging word. We are standing on the rules about God who does not change. What is the same yesterday today and always

Bodacious of that today We take a look at the words of our savior. Is he speaks about that time? We will quit getting all of his glory. We want to better understand this truth. Hope Trump's optimism. Looks like Jesus speaks here were spoken on Tuesday of Holy Week last day that Jesus is here in the public eye. He has been spending a lot of time in the temple. OSU Extension dining table in the temple with his disciples. His disciples are just awestruck with the trampoline modeling beautiful. This facility is Jesus wants them to understand that this Temple that they admire so much.

Its days are numbered. Jack in the Box how much longer it would assume be destroyed any destruction of the temple was a foreshadowing in the fact that God was ultimately going to destroy this world as we know it and he's going to speak more about that later with a chapter.

At the end of this week. Holy Week, which is a species words is Earthly Ministry is going to come to an end, isn't it? He's going to leave triumphantly nice. And that seems to be a rather strange expression. Why would you say Jesus is leaving triumphantly because his exit from this world as anything, but triumphant he's going to be arrested. He's going to be me and you don't he's going to be fully accused.

I told her I said it's going to be beating English skull. Dishwasher going to be challenged. He's going to be mad. He's going to be really killed but I'll take his booty in between all the way across. And it was heavenly father that she is suffering for the same the entire world with animals all the way to the game when he will come and get it all this Glory.

the dishes the beginning of his glory Jesus was going to soon shatter the chains of death or what. 2 days after he says it is finished and gives up his life arises again from the dead doesn't he? Hello happens he is going to be welcomed into the holiday rooms and get it out of the roads are starters going to Cory. He is going to be working with place your trust in him.

You will be here very long as he speaks these words invisible form. And still be here. Disposals will be found in the message that he would leave behind the message about himself. I'm talking about the gospel message that goes for message. That is fine. If I ruled the world record for most of the Holy scriptures that gospel message that is attached to the visible elements of water and baptism in the blood and Wine Bar supper. Dewar's directed his disciples. He's directed you and me as we talked about last week in the use of these means of Grace as we refer to them.

Who said what has been four corners of the earth. Jesus said he's going to come and get him visibly and all of his glory for the purpose of judging the living and the dead is going to a signal what it's going to Signal the end of all Nations. Google signal the end of the church, you're almost here.

Is it true when Jesus is going to take his lovely bride mainly the church the body of Believers by the hand.

Read his people into a kingdom or he will Feast with them at a wedding banquet for all eternity.

Jesus says that we are to understand that before that day comes there going to be signs that are going to remind us that he is not slow and coming or that he's not going to come at all but he is going to, that is coming as soon What exercise there will be signs of a sun moon and stars, but I don't know if Nations will be anguish and perplexity of the ruling of the sea in the surgeon ways people fainting from few expectations of the things coming on the world for the powers of the shaking and then they will see the son of man coming in a cloud with Tyler and great Glory Jesus speaks of other signs pertaining to his coming earthquakes. He said if there's going to be staying Fish Company pestilences throughout the rail station will be an upward rotation with trap Nation. That's an interesting statistic this week. All the years that I nation has existed job percentage of those years. We been involved. in war 93% 93% the first loss of the sound of nation against nation has been there since to turn to Christ spoke. These words are the songs that are going to come when I salute and is now taking place in the forces that hold together the cosmis. And where's that we are waiting on. We'll look at the world unless you dance. Unless we are blind we can see that the end is not far off. We can we can see the stars falling from the sky and the oceans dream of their water. Jesus words here are warning to us and we are doing what we are standing between two oceans Jesus eyes for when these things begin to happen stand up and lift up your heads because your Redemption is near Wizard of Oz of War Redemption you think about that Russian price that's free from those three things were holding change to send us the power of the devil and you just paid a transom price. Did he win his perfect life in his innocence suffering and death at Calvary? Super Warehouse in which was mainly Eternal damnation and Satan no longer has any control over.

Yet while we wait for his return.

Go find ourselves living in a world that is affected by sin and there's easy for us to become weighed down by all the things that we experience. What are the rules for suit of happiness?

It was easy for us to begin to adopt this way of Happiness ignoring girls walk. And what does it do to a focus on the satisfying of our sinful nature?

We can use we find ourselves to living lives of as I text describes as carousing and drunkenness. To what end well to try to get him the pain that we are experiencing or try to forget our troubles. But how you cut it beach waves do not take care of our problems. The only result is always the same. We still have a heart that is way down and bison and then we have a nice that it's weird and nothing but fear being afraid. That's what I'm resolve this one damnation your if we sold to these words of our savior recorded in the scriptures different gospel. Is what we stand on. When Jesus comes again out of the store, we are going there still another Redemption. I finally got ocean. Jesus says do not leave your wife being a friend, but as you see these things happening list.

Paul wrote about that in his letter to the Romans when he said I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us the creation racing eager expectation for the sons of God to be revealed. The creation was subjected to frustration not by its own choice, but by the will of the one who suggested it and I hope it helped but it's brownish TDK and brought it to the Glorious Freedom other children of God. Jesus is coming to get it out of his glory we go so I can play with family take place. Google take me to water the window setting first and second Thessalonians and I Wednesday night bible class. And those of you who are telling them. You should be jealous familiar to you. Jesus Apostle. Paul says, I'm at David speaking to a connotation that is undergoing severe persecution for the sake of the gospel because I don't know because when Christ comes again with his glory, that's what he's going to take his revenge on these people who are trying to find you.

Which sentence is he going to give you them you're going to experience the full brunt of his anger there going to be sentenced 20 ternative suffering. Advanced Warfare standing on nothing, but the wonderful Whites in his last time the gospel song I want to do for you.

He is trying to destroy this world that has been subjected to frustration. He's got to liberate it all the same way that he used at the beginning of tool to create the hottest in the yard before the Creator.

Leslie Stanford watch all this happen. We're going to be amazed all of a sudden we're going to be the father was something we've never experienced before.

Going to be a place that is new and shine a whole know what you're going to lose 4:20, but it wasn't going to be any more stuff. I wasn't going to be any more girls or boys in the universe.

It's going to be in existence that is filled with unsurpassing joy.


Genesis Jesus speaks about these things. He speaks about them with an unmatched Authority. Don't speak like the prophets of the past doesn't speak like the apostles doesn't speak like the Evangelist because the prophets and the apostles in the Evangelist always they always have to prove to someone else for their authority of Jesus doesn't or anyone else because just as wonderful Hebrew expression here with the trash place. Literally a normal. That's a Hebrew expression. This is most certainly true. Jesus is saying I have to prove it. Anyway, I'm going by myself. Prove that it was rising from the dealership. I would say in the opening regionals letter to the world's record yourself as rising from the dead to be the Son of God when he speaks. He speaks the truth.

Jesus reminds us that as much as this world is temporary that the heavens and earth will pass away. There's something that will not pass away and that's the truth of his word. He says a man. I tell you this generation will not pass away until all these things that happen. In other words there is going to be persecution against the church hatred against the gospel from last until the end of the world actually pass away, but my words will never pass away. Recognition of hatred for the gospel will always be there until the end of time, but it was a day when it'll disappear. What is words?

This is the one that is drawn between those who have this hope and don't you don't in Spanish. No, she don't I have a stranger when Jesus comes there going to be for porks. Shut up. I can't stand it from Jesus.

What about us? Why don't you stand on the reality of Jesus promises on a holper Jesus promises? This is a day of rejoicing. This is a day of great expectation.

So what needs to be happening? Until we get to that time. Jesus says that her text watch yourself or else your hearts will be weighed down with carousing drunkenness in the worries of this life and I gave me come in you suddenly become like a trap when all those who dwell on the face of the whole earth stay all the time all the time praying that you may be able to escape all these things that are going to happen and that she may be able to stand before the son of man three basic things. Jesus says to us here. The first one is watch yourselves. Do I get here watching yourself in The Originals the idea of being alert particularly being alert as to where you are.

Which would knowledge The Temptations that are before I sign a daily basis. We to acknowledge those temptations that are particularly hard for us personally, you know lives. We need to avoid the people to places in the things that I know you're trying to lead us into that temptation. We need to be mindful to be wet strengthened by the gospel both word and Sacrament and I don't know if we think about what Jesus said the weirdest sure that we do not like black that one thing. That is true. We need you in our lives. The second thing that Jesus says she is stay alert.

Don't be caught sleeping.

Does your site DMV sharp and alert is the picture here is if you could think of a guard standing on a wall. Garden Fortress watching be mindful of what's going on outside of the Fortress. We have to live each day with the expectation that today price could come in all of his glory. where to watch the passing of days latest in the sweep just don't tell him that Jesus says he was playing the starter simple in the original explains one of the ways in which we may be going back to the second Point remain at work. We need to be talking to God on a daily basis. We need to ask him to do what to give us a king eyesight spiritual eyesight just so that we can identify. What is good. What is evil? We need to ask him to give us a shot mine and just starting. My mom is able to as we see these things to be able to identify them correctly. We are asking them to give us the strength to do what I would like done to fight it. We need to do is go to the first one in Christians and his first letter of George Joseph in the Old Testament that when he was confronted by Potiphar's wife to get away from her and then we got out of there. She's good.

And give us the strength to resist our sinful nature to hold on to it. Give us the ability to live lives that glorify your name. Need to ask but as we go through this world that still troubles us to give us patience and perseverance so that when Jesus comes in all of his glory we will be able to stand.

As we stand here between these two redemptions.

It's not easy is it? Still suffering there still Strife that we experience. We found ourselves experiencing heartbreak and sorrow and disappointment yet. Based upon the gospel message based upon the shore hope that we have in Jesus Christ. We are able to enjoy every angle to doing joyfully and purposefully. We have something that is much more than just optimism. We have something that is a sure thing. I sure hope for the future a future that is based upon the completion of the religion in the world that I sent is why I only son into this world by myself as that sacrifice at Calvary for the sins of the entire world and suffering and death of Jesus. Does what Jesus a bright future Future that will last with him for eternity. A conversation with each other in our conversation with others less always speak with such a confidence so that we might be reinforcing this truth and there's truth might become a part of other people's lives and don't truth being this. That most definitely trucks all forms of worldly opposition optimism. Amen, please rise.

The peace of God which surpasses all understanding keep your hearts and Minds through faith in Christ Jesus. Amen, please remain standing as we now join in singing You Are God we praise you

reefer trailer

Where's my refund?

Jesus Christ is the son of God.

to the trailer hitches

We'll have rules on 2 free.

Please be seated for the Gathering of our offering.

Please rise.

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