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基於上帝為信徒所做的事,使徒保羅概述了上帝對信徒的期望。這些是新生活的新優先事項。 拯救包括來到耶穌面前,接受他,順服他並跟隨他。
Colossians 3:1–4 RCUV
所以,既然你們已經與基督一同復活,就當求上面的事;那裏有基督,坐在上帝的右邊。 你們要思考上面的事,不要思考地上的事。 因為你們已經死了,你們的生命與基督一同藏在上帝裏面。 基督是你們的生命,他顯現的時候,你們也要與他一同在榮耀裏顯現。
1-4節 把你的心靈和思想放於天上的事,因為我們已經向罪死,並向基督活着。
Colossians 3:5–8 RCUV
所以,要治死你們在地上的肢體;就如淫亂、污穢、邪情、惡慾和貪婪—貪婪就是拜偶像。 因這些事,上帝的憤怒必臨到那些悖逆的人。 當你們在這些事中活著的時候,你們的行為也曾是這樣的。 但現在你們要棄絕這一切的事,就是惱恨、憤怒、惡毒、毀謗和口中污穢的言語。
5-8節 跟隨耶穌包括要經常將所有舊的生活方式,並所有的罪惡和習慣處死。我們過去在舊我的壞習慣和罪惡中過活,但在新生命中我們不再這樣過過活。 這新生命就是向罪說不(bu)但對正直的事說好。
Colossians 3:9–10 RCUV
不要彼此說謊,因為你們已經脫去舊人和舊人的行為, 穿上了新人,這新人照著造他的主的形像在知識上不斷地更新。
9-10節 跟隨耶穌包括穿上新人,有新的生命,被不斷更新成爲主耶穌的形象。 •我們不是即時成熟 •這是一個日復一日的過程。 •這樣需要我們更認識神和知道他的心意。
Romans 12:2 RCUV
Ephesians 4:22 RCUV
•這種知識的來源是聖經:2提摩太后書3:16-17; 1彼得2:2,
2 Timothy 3:16–17 RCUV
聖經都是上帝所默示的,於教訓、督責、使人歸正、教導人學義都是有益的, 叫屬上帝的人得以完全,預備行各樣的善事。
2 Peter 2:2 RCUV
Romans 8:29 RCUV
1 Corinthians 15:49 RCUV
1 John 3:2 RCUV
John 14:9 RCUV
1 John 4:12 RCUV
Ephesians 5:1–2 RCUV
所以,作為蒙慈愛的兒女,你們該效法上帝。 要憑愛心行事,正如基督愛我們,為我們捨了自己,當作馨香的供物和祭物獻給上帝。
Colossians 3:11 RCUV
第11節 我們在基督裡的新生活甚至改變了我們對其他民族的態度,一個健康的教會將消除曾經使人們分離的舊障礙。 •沒有宗教障礙。猶太人和外邦人 •沒有宗教障礙。行割禮與否 •沒有文化障礙。野蠻人和西古提人 •沒有社會障礙。奴隸和自由。 教會是不可以容讓有分門別類的地方。
看看馬太和奮銳黨西門,他們都是使徒。 上帝對信徒的期望。新生活的新優先次序(xu)。
Colossians 3:12–14 RCUV
所以,你們既是上帝的選民,聖潔、蒙愛的人,要穿上憐憫、恩慈、謙虛、溫柔和忍耐。 倘若這人與那人有嫌隙,總要彼此容忍,彼此饒恕;主怎樣饒恕了你們,你們也要怎樣饒恕人。 除此以外,還要穿上愛心,因為愛是貫通全德的。
12至14節 這是一系列針對我們彼此的態度和關係的命令。保羅把它比作我們衣櫥裡的一套新衣服,我們每天都要穿上衣服,在任何情況下,特別是在教堂,但不僅僅是在教堂。 •內心感到同情 • 善良 •謙卑 •溫柔 •耐心 •互相忍耐 •彼此原諒 •愛是外衣或腰帶,將這些結合在一起。 將它們留在壁櫥裡是沒有意義的。他們永遠不會磨損。它們適合所有場合,家庭,教堂,工作場所,城鎮周圍。
Colossians 3:15–17 RCUV
你們要讓基督所賜的和平在你們心裏作主,也為此蒙召,歸為一體。你們還要存感謝的心。 當用各樣的智慧,把基督的道豐豐富富的存在心裏,用詩篇、讚美詩、靈歌,彼此教導,互相勸戒,以感恩的心歌頌上帝。 你們無論做甚麼,或說話或行事,都要奉主耶穌的名,藉著他感謝父上帝。
15-17節 保羅現在從品格轉向行為。在基督中培養新生活的優先次序和習慣。這些習慣適用於每個追隨者,對於整個教會和我們整個生命都是重要的。
1.讓基督的平安在你心中作王。 沒有被更新的心是欺騙人的。(耶利米書17:9)。
但如果我們是已經被更新的心: 拯救 --- 耶穌是我們的主人和救世主 聖靈充滿 – 我們活在他的統治底下 成聖 --- 我們越來越聖潔 管家 -- 我們是負責任的管家 受苦 --- 我們準備好為基督受苦 然後誰在控制我們的心?我們的主將控制我們的心,然後我們就可以相信我們的心所渴望的。
Psalm 37:4 RCUV
又當以耶和華為樂, 他就將你心裏所求的賜給你。
John 14:27 RCUV
Philippians 4:6–7 RCUV
應當一無掛慮,只要凡事藉著禱告、祈求和感謝,將你們所要的告訴上帝。 上帝所賜那超越人所能了解的平安,必在基督耶穌裏,保守你們的心懷意念。
我們也通過真心的祈禱獲得了上帝的平安 我們要讓基督的平安在心中作王。 他的平安將成為我們心中的判斷。所以我們要聽他的話或判斷。 當我們違反(weifang)上帝的旨意時,我們將失去他的平安。當我們承認自己的罪時,平安將會回歸。 這種平安是一種主觀的,是一種深刻平安住在心裏頭。心靈安靜,感覺安全。 但它也是關係,“在一個體內”,在我們之間將合一,和諧,和統一。 我們要讓基督的平安在我們的心裏作王。 2.讓基督的話豐富地住在我們裡面(第16節)。
Colossians 3:16 RCUV
保羅稱之為基督的話,因為它引導我們, 是指向他,並且是關於他的。 如果我們經歷了上帝的恩典和基督的平安,那麼基督的話來到我們的心裏面就會覺得很自然,好像回到自己的家裏一樣。 住在:住在經文中,我可以訪問你的家,你帶我參觀那些房間。但我不住在那裡。我每天都回家。 住在:住在就是感覺舒適的,熟悉,它是一個避難所。 豐豐富富:充實而完整。這是一個取之不盡的寶藏。就像通過望遠鏡觀察宇宙或通過顯微鏡觀察細胞一樣,所以經文是一個巨大的,無限的真理來源。
我們”是複數,指每個追隨者,也指整個教會。我們神的話語要滲透我們的教會聚會。 教導:是傳授積極的聖經真理,指導和訓練。 告誡:是糾正(jiuzheng)和 責備(zebei),警告後果。 聖靈使用基督的話來引導我們的意志。 •我們需要聽,讀和接受上帝的話。 •我們需要學習,觀察,發問和學習上帝的話語。 •我們需要思考,默想(moxiang)和背誦 (beisong)上帝的話語。 •我們必須應用並遵守上帝的話。 我們要用上帝的話語來引導思想。 3.讓基督的名字影響我們所說和所做的一切(第17節)。
Colossians 3:17 RCUV
名字是一種識別。這意味著我們屬於那一個羣體。 名字也有權柄。當我們用我們的名字簽署支票時,它將成為法定貨幣。 基督的名字是他的主權。我們要全力以赴地履行他這合法的主權。 我們生命的一切都要生活在他的主權之下。 無論我們說什麼或做什麼都從星期日延伸到到一周的每一天。 基督的生命將會引導(dao2)和指導(dao2)作為他的追隨者我們應如何說話以及我們應做什麼,我們的言語行爲將要與他是誰和他想要的保持一致。 我們的整個生命要活在他的主權底下。
1 Corinthians 10:31 RCUV
帶着基督的名字是一個極大的特權和巨大的責任。 耶穌基督是中心。我們原諒人,因為基督原諒了我們。 讓是基督的平安在我們心裏面作王。 基督的話豐豐富富地充滿我們。 基督的名字就是我們的身份和權威。 4.要感恩並感謝(15,16,17)。
我們在說神不是好的,或 我們說他對我的處境沒有主權。” 感恩(15)當心中有平安時,嘴唇上會有感謝。 感恩(16)。上帝總是在我們心中看到我們的外在表現。 感謝(17)父親的上帝。 感謝上帝在基督里為我們所做的一切, 因為所有上帝都是通過基督在我們身上做(zuo 作)的, 因為所有上帝都在為彼此身上得工作。 個人:你要聽你的心 教會:我們要聽上帝的話。 在我們的生活中:我們代表主耶穌。 以感恩的態度。
Based on what what god has done for believers, the apostle paul outlines what god expects of believers. These are the new priorities of the new life.
Salvation involves coming to jesus, accepting him, submitting to him and following him.
Verses 1-4
Set your hearts and minds on things above for we have died to sin and live to christ.
Verses 5-8
Following jesus includes the habit of putting to death the old ways with all its sins and habits. We used to live that way but no longer.
It is learning to say no to sin and yes to righteousness.
Verses 9-10
Following jesus includes the habit of putting on the new man or the new life you now have in christ by being renewed to the image of jesus.
• There is no instant maturity
• It is a day by day process.
• It requires knowing more about god and his will.
• It involves renewing the mind: romans 12:2, ephesians 4:22
• The source of this knowledge is the bible: 2 timothy 3:16-17; 1 peter 2:2,
• The goal of knowledge is conforming increasingly to the image of jesus: romans 8:29; 1 corinthians 15:49
• It will not be completed until we are resurrected or jesus returns, 1 john 3:2
Just as jesus was able to say to phillip, “if you want to see the father, look at me” john 14:9. So mature believers should be able to say, “if you want to see jesus, look at me”. 1 john 4:12 and ephesians 5:1-2
Verse 11
Our new life in christ even changes our attitudes towards other peoples and a healthy church will put off the old barriers that once separated people.
• No religious barriers. Jews and gentiles
• No religious barriers. Circumcised or not
• No cultural barriers. Barbarian and scythian.
• No social barriers. Slave and free.
There is no place for man made distinctions in the church. Look at matthew and simon the zealot, were both apostles.
What god expects of believers. The new priorities of the new life.
Verses 12 - 14
Here is a series of commands that target our attitudes and relationships with one another. Paul likens it to a new set of clothes in our wardrobe that we are to put on and wear every day, in every situation, especially at church but not only at church.
• Heart felt compassion
• Kindness
• Humility
• Gentleness
• Patience
• Bearing with one another
• Forgiving one another
• Love is the overcoat or the belt that binds these all together.
It is no good leaving them in the closet. They will never wear out. They will suit all occasions, at home, at church, at work, around town.
Verses 15-17
Paul now moves from character to conduct. Developing the priorities or the habits of the new life in christ. These skills are for each follower personally, for the church corporately and for all of life.
1. Let the peace of christ rule in your heart.
The unregenerate human heart is deceptive (jeremiah 17:9).
But if we are:
Saved jesus is our lord and saviour
Spirit filled we live under his control
Sanctified we are growing in holiness
Stewarding we are serving as responsible stewards
Suffering we are prepared to suffer for christ
Then who is controlling the heart? The lord will be controlling our hearts and we can then trust our hearts desires
“delight yourself in the lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart”.
We have peace with god when we are saved and we are promised the peace of christ
In john 14:27 jesus said, “ my peace i leave with you, my peace i give to you”.
We also access the peace of god through heart felt prayer (philippians 4:6-7).
We are to enthrone christ’s peace in our hearts.
His peace will be the umpire in our hearts. So listen to his call or ruling.
When we step out of the will of god, we will lose his peace. When we confess our sins it will return.
This peace is a subjective, it is a deep abiding peace within, with the heart at rest and feeling secure.
But it is also relational, “in one body”, where there will be unity, harmony, oneness between us.
We are to enthrone christ’s peace in our hearts.
2. Let the word of christ dwell in us richly (verse 16).
The word of christ refers to his revelation and teachings now recorded for us in the scriptures. Paul calls it the word of christ because it directs us to him and is all about him.
If we have experienced the grace of god and the peace of christ, then the word of christ will feel at home in our hearts.
To dwell in: to live in the scriptures, i may visit your home and you give me a tour of the rooms but i don’t live there. I come to my home each day.
To dwell in is to be comfortable there, to be familiar with, it is a refuge.
Richly: in its fullness and completeness. It is an inexhaustible treasure. Just like looking at the universe through a telescope or into the cells through a microscope so the scriptures are a vast, limitless source of truth.
The “us” is plural, referring to each follower but also to the church gathered. The word of our god is to permeate our church services.
Teach: is to impart positive biblical truth, to instruct and to train.
Admonish: is to correct and rebuke,to warn of the consequences.
The holy spirit uses the word of christ to guide the will.
• We need to hear, read and receive god’s word.
• We need to study, examine, question and learn god’s word.
• We need to think about, meditate on and memorise god’s word.
• We must apply and obey god’s word.
We are to engage the mind with the word of god.
3. Let the name of christ influence all we say and do (verse 17).
The name is a means of identification. It means we belong.
The name also carries authority. When we sign cheques with our name it becomes legal tender.
The name of christ is his sovereign authority. We are to do all in submission to his rightful lordship.
All of life is to be lived under his lordship.
Whatever we say or do extends beyond sunday to every day of the week.
The life of christ within will guide and direct how we speak and what we do so that as his followers we will be consistent with who he is and what he wants.
His life will permeate and overflow from us and through us.
In 1 corinthians 10:31 paul even says, “in all you eat or drink or whatever tou do, do it to his glory.”
To bear his name is a great privilege and a tremendous responsibility.
Jesus christ is central. We forgive because christ forgave us.
It is the peace of christ that rules our hearts.
The word of chist dwells in us richly.
The name of christ is our identification and authority.
4. Be thankful and gives thanks (15,16, 17).
The opposite to being thankful is grumbling and complaining. Both impugn the character of god.
It implies we think, “either he isn’t good or he isn’t sovereign over my situation.”
Be thankful (15) when there is peace in the heart there will be thanks on the lips.
Feel thankful (16) in your hearts. God always looks on our hearts not only our outward performance.
Give thanks (17) to god the father.
Give thanks for all god has done for us in christ,
For all god is doing in us through christ,
For all god is doing for one another.
Personally: listen to your hearts
Church: listen to god’s word.
In our lives: represent the lord jesus.
With the attitude: of thankfulness.
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