Sunday Evening 10th February 2019

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Swellow, does anybody know what's going on? I don't. I feel very strongly that we are.

I feel that we're in the middle of change. I move announced that it this morning, by the way. I'm not speaking to Island anymore because he preached half my sermon this morning. So we can say this is my mess.

But Island kept saying this morning, we have to move we have to move we've got to do something to move and last week if you miss last Sunday morning and last Sunday's 9 get it. Get the PreCheck get to worship. Sorry. Find the website. Listen to do something member. My granddaughter said it's a doing word a doing was to do something. Over the last week or so Alan and pasta class really really encouraging us and I have asking a lot. Where is this going? What are we doing? Where are we moving too? And I'm not understanding. I'm yet at the same time. I'm sitting in the congregation and I'm feeling different but I'm feeding the people around me sometimes and not feeling what I'm feeling and then that doesn't discourage me but wants me to reach out to them. So tonight if that's one of you I want to reach out to you. Because I Don't Preach my size and kind of buffing up now. So I want to lay a foundation of a situation that happened in scripture and it might be a place that you are in or happiness or as weeping say we're moving we're coming out of I can't see much with those lights. That's the bad. So I want to lay a foundation and because Island used every single one of my scriptures this morning, I'm not going to go through all those scriptures again, but I'm going to use my experience to highlight because one of the things that Alan said this morning was that your testimony will speak to somebody your potassium. They can move somebody from point A to point B. So even though I sense the people with sitting there saying Island pasta Clara I know what you're talking about, but I'm not able I'm not qualified. I'm too old. I am not educated. I'm too tired.

I'm on top of this morning about missed opportunities. And so I want to say grab hold of those opportunities now, cuz it's not too late. Thank God you're never too early and you're never too late. You've never missed. I put head the attacks of the enemy can be hard and I can witness stop, but I want to tell you you're not alone. Many of us and I'm included in that we've learned to survive against the devil. I'm refused off flash to a degree. Carmine's we're going to stand from where saved we're staying saved and it doesn't matter what kind of God doesn't matter how much the devil attacks has. I'll make him do that in the flash. I want to kiss you enough talked about it before about what I call my 7 case. I called him I-5 and my toes my seven keys. I'm account. I can give you lots and lots scripture ask Allen cuz he knows that all I can give you I could preach for at least a day on each of the seven keys. So I'm going to talk about how I personally walk through what I walk through. Hang up. Hey, are we we determined and our mind to stay saved? But in doing that sometimes we determine that we're going to do it on our own. I'm going to walk for our own. I want not going to take God on board. I thought we've all got a call every single one of us has a call on our lives and you know, but not all called to be preachers. You know, my my I'm standing here but my best call that I can operate it is to get two governments and helps if you want Administration to be done if you want something organized if you want something planned The Waltons governments and helps is something that I had specialized and then it all my life. So that's my my strongest call preaching is not my strongest called but after last week, I don't think I'm going to

So whatever your strongest call is to just say I've just got the gift of helps. That is ridiculous. You know when you go to university if there's no I in team. And everybody quotes up, but nobody believes I managed nursing homes. I managed Hospital units. I could not manage my unit. If somebody wasn't cleaning the floors and keeping everything clean and germ-free they were as an important part of the team as the surgeon the Personnel probation. So don't just say oh my call is just the gift of helps a gift of governments cuz it's not every single call is equal an important. If you have nothing else tonight. Let it be known to yourself that you're not alone. Whatever you're walking through. You're not on your own and most important that you have never fail God. You're not a failure. I put heck is my testimony. If you did, I don't know if none of you know me growing out.

I was fond of about 10 children out of two families, but there was 10 of us in the house. I was the stupid one and all my life. I was told I was stupid. And as a child, I was stupid in school. I was stupid. I was never going to amount to anything when I was married. I was stupid. I was a stupid wife as well. I'm people always told me I was stupid. So I believe that was stupid. Believe. I'm stupid. I asked if I had half the time but I came to myself. I'm decided that I was going to go to university. I mean, I applied I have to do an entrance exam cuz I left school with pink and green hair. Well, I did not see any school. I was asked to leave school. I'm so I had to go and sit and then Chand six some Jobstown to post entrance exam and so I went on a date of diploma. I thought maybe I'm not stupid and then just said to me was why don't you stay on to your bachelor's so I went back and got your science. how to craft a first-class pass and I felt I'm not that stupid. But you do want didn't change he changed but he doesn't change cuz I believe that was stupid. I couldn't do it. I ended up with three master's degrees. Angela when I was 46 years old at I'm gonna said maybe I'm not stupid. So don't believe what the world is telling you don't believe you are more than what the world is telling you you are here. God say

So I put her every person every one of us has an operation or call to fulfill every single one of us. I'm with no excuse absolutely. No excuse but I think it was all instead last week. We need the power. We need the authority in our lives which we have to operate in those calls on this this weekend last last week when we were I don't miss teaching and Pastor Clara was teaching. I kept hearing this people feeling that they failed or they were stupid or that they were too old and this church needs stop mindset changed cuz we're moving is your choice of Allen said this morning everything forward to change your mind that I found a place in scripture which kind of shocked me away. But if you got your Bible Skagit unto Matthew 9. I need to find it. I have seen after I was taught. Never ever take a verse out of context, which means you don't just left one verse out of scripture and prayer each other and I was told if there is a bad for you have to find out what it's there for so you usually have to go. I'm the cup the next couple of chapters biblical principles fruit for lunch. I found when I read this and Matthew I started. How to read the whole chapter of the whole book apps like the whole book of my understand what was going on in the Book of Matthew and people say don't be silly gospel. Yes. But it's a training ground and if you start reading chapter by chapter by chapter, and I'm using Matthew, but if you use mock mock is even more in-depth Chico chop to buy chopped of this this nuggets of training and every single chapter Matthews five starts off with the bad attitude. You got the birth of Jesus attitudes. Then Jesus teaches on discipleship on the wall would let your light shine and then he takes his own personal relationships. I'm divorced and I for now I'm judgment and things like that and then he goes on to honoring one another. 7th chapter 6 it goes on about giving to the poor.

Continuing to build on a foundation judging and then tree bearing fruit and I was so happy but a couple of times night when people were saying not send stocks to show the disciples Miracles. He showed them physical Miracles and showed them demonic America on the show me some natural Miracle like when he was walking on the water. so Jesus starts As I said last week, he starts teaching us about putting new wine into new bottles. And so if you read the whole of the Book of Matthew the whole you if you put line upon line into place at can stop and change your whole life, but this jumped out of me Matthew 9 I kind of showed me where I'm at or some of us are not. Matthew 9 this is why Jesus. Sandon stop performing miracles. First 32 and they went out behold they bought and him a dumb man possessed with a devil when the devil with puffed out. What happened the devil was Oh my goodness, surely even more quiet tonight than you were this morning. The temple was cast out a multitude Marvel saying it was never seen like this and Israel old for that to be said it was never seen like this and Glenn Vana things have changed things will changed but the pharmacy said he cussed if out Devils through the prince of devils and Jesus went about all the cities and Villages teaching and their synagogues. What was he doing? He was teaching And he was preaching the gospel of the Kingdom. Anyways, healing every sickness and every disease among the people, but when he saw the mode to choose he was moved with compassion not welcomed passion is a very important that means from his very bottles as fairy and motions. He was moved with compassion. I'm not stopped where I believe the Lord wants us to get to aim towards feeling with compassion. I always say pastors of got a real pastor of those that have thought that compassion and you know, when they carry that compassion the law against the things to get some more Authority and I think it's because he trust them with people's hearts. He was moved with compassion. Behold, they fainted I'm with scattered abroad as sheep having no Shepherd and then he says unto his home disciples. The Harvest truly is plenteous, but the laborers are few pray. He therefore the lord of the Harvest that he will send forth laborers into his Harvest. I was like wow. Everything could you imagine walking with Jesus saying all these miracles happen? Do you think that will change your life? So if you're looking at me, like if I saw and I have time so somebody raised from the dead and I met with someone as a nurse and I believe I was the one that was last founding screaming. And I should have been absolutely freak me out but these disciples so Miracle at Miracle after miracle, and I decided during the week to take hunt to see exactly how many miracles the disciples saw Jesus to my list. My list of Miracles now.

It's okay. This is my best to Miracles that I found. I actually started going through my two and then I thought. All in my tea, so I started and then I realized you know how to use the internet, but it was good. That was good working for me. I found 37 Mary Kohl's. In the hole of the four gospels now, there's one that's not on here. And it was when Jesus rose from the dead. Cuz I wasn't sure whether the disciples saw him and I. I know they saw him off. But I don't know what to sew in Rise. So I laughed it off and then there were three Miracles before Jesus ordained in the disciples. So I worked out but the disciples so ready for miracles, what would that do if tonight we saw that if all miracles, what would that do to your inner being? So if you're just sitting with you, I was forwarded what I'm telling you. I've seen legs grow. I have seen people rise from the dead. I've seen the death Herring I've seen Damon's been cast out and I have the one that's been running around the church screen. If you see even one creative Miracle at will change your life. these disciples saw 34 She want the latest you can have it. They saw 34 Miracles. Would that change it? death Play Not only did this C30 for miracles, but if you go just one verse on chapter 10 verse 1.

So did seem by the state. I worked out the scene 18 maricopa-casa saw the rest after this but did seen at least 18 Miracles chop 210mm when he has a cold and his 12 disciples he gave them. Who did he give

Yes, he gave them power against unclean spirits to cast them out to heal all manner of sickness and all manner of disease. Who did he give it to? Are you sure? Can't see if he gave all power to the disciples to. Cast out Devils to heal the sick and to cure all manner of diseases the disciples had the power agree with me. A7 scripture, I don't care if you don't

I wish I knew what I was like, you know what that's what we're going to do and I actually told myself this morning. We're actually in boot camp put them up. I feel like I'm in boot camp because it's like week by week Island House of Cara are equipping us at slight burn boot camp and the disciples have been in bootcamp and I seen all these miracles. And then the next thing it was like passing out parade and he said okay. Now you have seen all these Miracles now go and do it now go and do it how that's why we are excited this morning. I was like this morning. Are you excited about 3, if it's when people just don't like this time with Alan says are you excited? Nobody was like me. What are you read this I'm thinking I am better than a disciple because I'm so I guess it worked out, but it was now I could be wrong. So forgive me if I worked out that this happened in September of a d-27 or a D-28. April star April of 8027 April 28th

That was a four-time if you fast forward, and it's not far. If you fast-forward to Matthew 17.

Matthew 17

now I worked out Matthew 17 was either September of that year or September the year after so the bed minimum it would have been 5 months without a maximum. I would have been 17 months. Okay, so it depends what calendars you in about around to give time? These guys had seen 34 Miracles. They had been given power from Jesus himself. Jesus had told them and Jesus had Bean. Barre instructor their teacher had showed them up in their role model to read this and Matthew 17 verse 14. The pain before this Jesus appeared on the Mount of transfiguration with the disciples for the disciples. This was like Wow Wow time and it was just before Jesus was this going to start make his entry into Jerusalem. So that's kind of the height of Jesus's Ministry. So the come down from the Mount of transfiguration and when they came down there was a multitude and that came to him a certain man kneeling down to him and say Lord have mercy on my son for he is a lunatic and sore vexed for off times. He falls into the fire and often to the water. And the disciples brought him to Jesus because why not they could not cure him. I'm high right now, and I'm thinking what happened. What happened? They could not cure him. 5 months or 17 months Cheese's had laid hands on them. Now I couldn't hear him. And that was how I was feeling last week when I when was preaching and when power was preaching in the evening. It was like paperwork stuck. until on Tuesday morning Does anybody who was here when she seemed on nobody John? Does anybody remember the words that Pastor better used at the very very end on on Tuesday morning? I have a really bad habit of doing this thorn out something really important. Just as we're all even remember what he said. He says it's time to recalibrate. A man, he said that it was like to do all these dogs will start in the lineup for me time to recalibrate. I'm a nurse and we would have to calibrate equipment all when I was where I can be calibrated our equipment on a regular basis, but I still thought okay perciballi said we had a great so I'm going to check to see what he's talkin about. Just in case I might be wrong. I got it wrong to calibrate is the process of adjustment in order to move something from where it is to the standard range of operation for something to you and it should be here and so the calibrate it to Bahia. Right. It's also to make check or just the controls to make a total work accurately. So if a turtle is not drilling out the right measurement, then you calibrate machine so it feels right. Fair enough. Adventure dentist so that's my understanding. So I took that so I went and checked recalibrate meant on to recalibrate means to make small changes or adjustments to an instrument or tool in order for it to perform accurately. I say that again to make small changes or adjustments to an instrument that me or tow Lots me in order for it to perform more accurately to change the way you do you think about doing something and order to get the best outcome? different pasta video Hood right from God Nobody saw that you had write often systems systems gradually drift off course how many Christians graduating drift off course, how many times has Ruth gradually drifted off course. Systems gradually drift off course so that the Navigator periodically needs to Fresh Point needs a fresh point of reference to recalibrate the whole navigation system upgrade. So I went back and I was reading reading reading and that's I just read that so. 50 Cycles her mom and to the father is a lunatic son and he said.

imagine working with the Lord for even five months seeing all that he saw.

10 time I'm saying we've drifted off course. imagine how that would feel I'm out how we are. Sometimes we drift off course and you know what, I often say to people off is off cuz when you are one degree off yandup a long way off. So they couldn't hear him. So what did the dude? Took him to Jesus. Jesus answered and said faithless and perverse generation. How long shall I be with you? If Jesus said that to me, I'd be got a really really got it. Honey's actually telling them, you know, I'm not going to be your hair all the time and I'm sending you another person who will be with you. I'm not the Holy Spirit honey says how long will I suffer bring him hither to me and Jesus rebuked the devil and he departed out of him. I'm a child with Pure. Barre Iowa. Just like just like And then came the disciples to Jesus not throwing a big crowd Jesus. That's now I'm sure that they probably didn't go. What did I do wrong? Cuz if it was made out of them, can you come into this room? I like to talk to you cuz I would be so embarrassed to admit that everything that the Lord had told me. I'd let him down. so the disciples came And Jesus asked them why could you not have him out the disciples asked Jesus? Why could we not cast him out? And Jesus said not here this this is where your calibration needs to take place in it. I don't know why it's a Genesis Kate said unto them because of your unbelief.

Not Jesus said that to me I would. I don't know how I would feel because of your unbelief, but a lot of us are still walking and unbelief still. For verily I say unto you if you have faith of everybody quotes this verse all the time, but nobody reads what happened before the 10 top just before our 9. If you have faith as a grain of mustard seed you shall say unto this mountain remove hence To Yonder To Yonder place and it shall remove. I'm nothing shall be impossible unto you and that's where they were walking with the Lord, but they were one degree off and then he says this is how you recalibrate how busy it this kind goeth not out, but by prayer and fasting Jesus says he's got to do something to recalibrate your life. You got to do something. I'm on my own now. Here we go again. I put hair this is the Amplified version. Then the disciples came to Jesus privately which you would do and I asked why could we not drive it out honey houses because of your little face and your lack of trust and confidence in the power of God. And I fought do I adopt me? Cuz I'm always when I'm reading. I'm addressing it's not me. Crystal started asking the Lord enough to know when teachers are teaching our preachers are preaching. And development as well as for the congregation. So why am I asking the Lord? How do I re-calibrate? How do I re-calibrate? I'm the Lord said to me do what I told you to do do when I taught you to do. I want to set this morning. We need to take steps forward. That means it's a bird. It's a doing word we have to do something instead. We had to make active choices. Can I put hair I made active choices everyday to stay in fellowship with my father as an act of humility and I'm prepared to walk humbly before him each one of these steps allows the Holy Spirit to be involved in my life. So I'm going to tell you what my 5mm, but I'm staying 5 until 2 because I was taught five and then the Lord showed us two more. I'm so I don't I don't want to leave anything out account. Text Bob and swept away because it would take me hours upon hours. But one of them island has already touched on so that one on your you're moving forward step. Mom is praying in tongues. And it's the most beautiful thing that I have ever learned to do in my life by Toto. It's like as as easy as breathing to me now. I could hear when you pray in tongues. You are you and your born-again spirit to the Holy Spirit. They are communicating relationship with anybody unless you communicate and you know when I'm praying in tongues and I'm communicating with the Holy Spirit the devil has not got a clue what I'm saying, cuz he doesn't have a born-again spirit the way I die. Subheading in tongues and it's designed as for having my prayers are answered. You are praying out the mysteries of God, every time you pray in tongues divine secrets Revelation gifts of the holy spirit is transferring Define mysteries from your spirit to his spirit and his Spirit out to your spirit. And you know what God becomes my teacher. I always say to people get your Bible read it and praying tongues at the same time because the Lord just start opening up the word that's a two-way conversation all the time. I could preach on hours upon hours about the old nature and the new nature nature is a spirit nature and it has to be fed, you know, many many years ago. I'm talking. 2008 MLB 1998 I read a book by Kenneth Hagin old Papa Hagan. I'm one line in the book drop me. I'm at work. You can pray in tongues as long as you want as many times as you want, whatever you want and I was never ever ever taught that never told it. So I'm telling you today. You can pray in tongues whenever you want for as long as you want. However, many times you want because the words says that he's a press in an unknown tongue edifies himself me and you know when I'm edified the church, is that if I'd everybody's edified that's around me. I'm so number one is pregnant tongues and I always say it is biting people that say Told Me So Gone Wild come on cuz my life is completely changed and Allen says, you know people by their test when I if you'd known me 20 years ago, this is not the same roof as well can have a day so I am completely changed just by doing one thing and not spread in tongues. This is not funny, but it is funny. She had a friend. I was sharing when I first saw that and so we decided that we would stop praying in tongues together and he lived in Australia and I would phone cuz what I'm having snot and I would phone and I would stay I pray in tongues 5 minutes today. I'd hate to say what I prayed in tongues 10 minutes today. So I might buy till the next day. I was 15 minutes today. And then he was fine. I'm just went on and on and on and to Noah when he ended up praying together on the phone 5 are some days just praying in tongues because once you get into that anointing at just flows and it flows and I'm building myself off of My Most Holy Faith. I don't hit the nail on the head last week when he said that you need to keep praying in tongues audio to the anointing of the Holy Spirit what he said that I am not the somebody else is not since I am so I am Paul you if you had nothing pray in tongues as much time driving the car watching the TV. Raising your newspaper reading your Bible verse. I was a district nurse on between calls. I would have been praying in tongues. Any any moment I got I have to admit in the beginning that was worked and it was because I wanted to tell the pastor in Australia and I was praying longer and he was praying but you know what that love relationship and it's back to what I said about compassion earlier. Love relationship just grows and grows and grows. So first one is praying in tongues. Second one is meditating or simulating the word of God people still Christian still to this day. Do not think that they need to read your Bible everyday. I'm not just I don't understand it. I just don't understand if somebody bought me a new Amplified Bible last Christmas and it was like somebody had given me the best gift because it started oatmeal pie company cuz I'm I'm a King James the first time from the New Testament and I'm so I just love I could read my Bible like reading a story book. I just love to sit down at 6 verses the Lord will always talk to you so I can hear the holy spirit is able to illuminate the word of God and you when you pray in tongues, so it stands to reason that another key would be the meditate and honor simulate in the word of God will also add if I your life meditation.

Meditating on the word Josephine. Well, we're going to raise the back of my tear this month and next month will read Moc when I take a book. I read it over and then I go back and read it over and I'll go back and read it over and over and over and over. And you know what taught me how to do it. No one we first got a bank cards might have to remember a PIN number. I want to have my PIN number and my purse and every time I went to the cash machine, I don't my purse check the number and put the number in the machine got my money next time. I put the Pan Am Not went on and on and on about 15 or 20 times and then one time I went to the cash machine on a put in the card, I don't do the number because I had started assimilate nut. It started to become I don't know his eyes started to become part of my life at Blue with me. So it stands to reason that if you keep reading over and over and over versus or chopped has a whole books at the word. can you start an assembly large portions on your style and learn from large portions and a star and become natural part of your life OD des and Matthew. And the next thing you go all well Exodus says and then you said come from That's because you started to assimilate the word of God and you're starting to live it and you're starting to breathe it up. It becomes more and more and you know, what the more you read the word of God. I'm going to use the word transform but embarrassed times at stops to recalibrate. You stops to recalibrate your stuff to bring you back and align all the things that you thought you knew in the Bible. The Bible says no, this is what it really said. I don't know. I don't know if somebody is a day because you know who at a wedding you always hair do not let the sun go down on your wrath and that's not what the word says. If you raised to pick 3 previous chapters, the guys say I'm going to stunt should I make that sun stay in the sky? I'm going to stand here and I'm going to have righteous anger till things change. I tell something don't go to bed with a knot when you have an argument. That's rubbish. That's not what the word says. Yeah, it was a good idea. That's not poisonous to catch a ride. So I put assimilating the word praying in tongues. My favorite is private worship.

A prayer praying in tongues will build you up in your spirit. The word will give you something to conform to but you also need to deal with those emotions that empower the strongholds in your life. And this is where worship comes in worship is a powerful tool if you're going through your hard times or your emotional about something. It's difficult for some of us when we're emotional to stop being emotional towards the Lord and tell him how much we love him. But this is what I do and I told you this the phone scripture. This is personal what I do I get into the Lord's presence. I don't think even put on music sometimes I do but I don't often should I say Lord? I love you 20 times Lord. I love you Lord. I worship you Lord. I Adore You Lord. I magnify your entire around the house for 20 minutes for 30 minutes for an hour. Sometimes just telling the load how much I love him how much I adore him how much I exalt his name how much I left his name up how much he is Lord over my life and Lord of my church Lord over my lord of my country. I stand that and I just found that and worship him and worship and I don't put Music on Ruth you nuts I don't care if I'm not cuz you know why this is my walk with the Lord and I'm doing what I believe I should be doing. So I said private worship. I will sustain you and get you through the hottest turmoils in your life at recalibrate your emotions and it take your emotions from me me me me to him where the should be totally recalibrate on my neck. I wanted to wash up and I couldn't even speak to know what I started, I'm Worship the Lord the way I want to try that. I talked to the music. I worship the Lord through my car because it was the only way I had of telling him how much I loved. I have a friend who was paralyzed from neck down. She couldn't move anything and I told her to stop while she pee and she was like Are you crazy, but she's started worshiping I know what about 3 weeks later sure a big toe moving. And you know, what the girl? Why wouldn't we were at Rodney Howard Browne on Thursday? She walked into Rodney Howard Browne and she walked out again. That's because she started to worship recalibrated her life and started moving on moving on. I put head tell him how much you love him from the words in your own stunts tree of your own hot and too into his presents for his his presence that will sustain you and every emotional realm that you have to walk through unless you spend time worshipping him and his presents. He's free to work on the rest of you change your character on that. I stopped praying in the spirit. Somebody asked me two weeks ago versus what do you do? Why shouldn't I pray in tongues Mall? I have to think about it. She said see that cha it's got four legs. If you drop one of the legs off and it was shorter than the rest would it be on again to you? no faces I'm consuming technically we should be doing equal amount of time everything to keep balanced to do I do it. No confessed word really so poorly in on this morning. I was ready for action and every time you look in the mouth my list and I thought his preaching my phone, but I haven't spoke on the Promises of God. Honey with fantastic going through all the different Promises of God and I put his Focus yourself. Oh cuz yourself on the Promises of God when people are sick. Sometimes I write what I call that healing confessions and I take the word of God. I believe her for their life and I put their name and send it to them. I need to wait and do that for herself, whatever situation. We're in whatever problem we are to know this a scripture and the word for every situation that you're in every situation Bibles not have a job as a fellow job. Chocolate Hair confessed big toe If you've no money confessed in the millions, I'm not confessed big. I don't cut hair. This is what I say a lot of money to have it stuck on my mirror, so I had to kind of coffee off. I am a child of God. My Birthright stays I am free from sin right now. I have the ability to put off the old man. I wasn't. Miss but now I'm like because my father is light on and his side. I am beautiful. I am in truth and I will walk and Dominion because sin has no hold on my life. It doesn't matter how many times I have failed. I will get up and walk on because in My Father's Eyes I have not failed. I am free. I am pure I am righteous. I am Holy I'm a good trip because I produce good fruit. My daddy's favorite daughter. That's what I have. Am I and I'm cleaning my teeth. And I'm stand those words to myself every morning. I confess but you know, you don't have to use mine go into the scripture scriptures and Allen said it this morning scriptures that are applicable to you. I'm put your name and it you know, I like all the ones he had this morning who is the head of Mercy is not the tail and Rich will never be the tail, you know, he has delivered man. He has raised me up. I'm freely. He have given birth all things and I got charged because I am God's elect. I am justified in Christ. Anaheim trade in my father and he shall give me another comforter because he has promised that he will give me another comforter. I have I put had the Lord shall take thee by the head not the tail me Ruth on such as this one and I was ready for jumping up. I am blessed in the city and I'm blessed in the field and blacks in the fruit of my body on the fruit of the ground the front of my car and the increase of my 10 a.m. My flocks of sheep. I am blessed whatever I do because God's word said it take God's word. Even if you just take 2 versus and put your name in it and start confessing it. So it's praying in tongue meditating on the word of God and know when you meditate on the word of God say something the more you read the word of God the more you start to get an image a picture of what God is trying. Account number who wrote it meditation imagery and delivery that talks very much at all. She's meditating the word of God present owns a private worship. This is the biggie and you can preach. SLI found my old sermon notes on this house and Pregnant.

18 a description of got at least three scriptures for every single one of them 18 reasons why you should fast. I stopped praying in tongues as I've said Build You Up in your spirit. The word will get you something to come phone to private worship will deal with you and motioned declaring the word reinforces who you are in Christ, but fasting ministers to your body at suppositional truth appositional truth. My body is Dad but my animal is alive to Christ. As I said last week. The old wife has gone on the new wineskin is here upon her fasting is not an act of your will. It's not an actual people say, oh, I'm going to sacrifice. I'm going too fast, you know if you love somebody and when you first started courting your wife husband, he didn't care if you went about a male.

What was that you didn't care you didn't even know that you're fasting is an active love. It's an act of worship. But a lot of us a joke about it all the time. I'm fasting I'm fasting as if I'm holier than you cuz I'm fasting it should not be as a weapon a mighty mighty weapon and their arsenal of God. That's a weapon. So is ready used to its full capacity how to use I actually met a preacher who had a tumor hair. And he decided that he was not going to eat again until the trim of fell off and everybody was like, hahaha. You know what that guy being on The Fosters new chamber left on his body. That's God. That's a mighty weapon. And I also know that we should be using fasting combined with prayer. Helps us bring strongholds down. I'm more quickly than in the natural. Your test and your trials are hard bass a few fostering them. You'll get past them quicker fasting and prayer allows the Holy Spirit to reveal those things that are hidden and the doc pots of your life, you know, the thing that you don't want to tell people those hard things and secure things of secrets in your life it breaks the seal on your life. Timmy Psy I'm going to change. I quickly the last ones but I wanted to say that this is the way I am. I had my picture. This is my body. This is my ferret mess is my flash. And I'm living my life every time I hit my flash my body weakens. I'm so my flash. Gets bigger, Spirit life gets smaller, but you see when you stop feeling that feel sex on your life. Your brakes for it when you're fasting until you're running up and down here because you're full of the spirit and you broke through hard feeling on something and your life and I now incorporate as much as people know that I fast every Tuesday to about four or five different methods of fasting but I lost every one day a week. But if it's something serious going on in my life Alpha longer cuz I know that God will get me through the trials that I'm in faster. You have to become dissatisfied with your old life before you change. You have to become dissatisfied.

Anna put hair before you change Kind of thing that was saying with only have to come to himself, but you actually do have to do that. You have to become dissatisfied with your own life trusting will produce if the change in that price. I cannot bring you to the word kind of bring you to it. I'm worship cannot bring you to it, but you know together combined together. You see that we calibration just beats up and spits up the last two very quickly are sitting in silence before the Lord, which I have learned recently to do just sitting in his presence empty my mind of everything. I'm just concentrating on him. It is so hard to do people say all that could be easy but yourself and the next thing you thinking about your shopping list. She want to mow the lawn you want to go clean the house in the last thing you want to think about is the Lord but if you can learn to even give the Lord an hour just to sit and say okay Lord. I'm having coffee with you. I'm sitting his presents. Believe me. You'll start out God's voice so clearly and your life and then the last one is enough for one. It's cold laboring with the Holy Spirit, you know, if we have that compassion and not love walk your Kool-Aid. It's called sooner. Kyoko labor Synergy Yoko labor with the Holy Spirit and you won't even know that you're doing that. I always say to people get stuff for these lord gave us gifts for us to stop and practice and learn how to do things. But you see when you start walking in the spirit and you start walking and love and you have that compassion you want to you just as just a natural process. So that's my iPad to be obedient to what God wants you to do don't just do something cuz I'm doing it. She's your struggles and your struggles and your heart is your hot but you know what God wants to move do you want he wants to recalibrate? put hair gel on 14 and Jennifer and I were talking about this the other day. John 14 says I tell you this Timeless truth the person who follows me and face. Florida chase the Disciples of not having faith in you told him to pray and fast. Know the person who follows me and face believing in me will do the same my two Miracles that I do even greater miracles than these because I go to be with my father for I will do whatever you ask me to do. When you ask in my name will be asking the name of the Lord Jesus. He says it's a done deal. That's the same deal. I'm not as how the sun will show what the father is really like by bringing him glory. That's all we want is to bring the Lord Lord ask me anything in my name and I will do it for you recalibrate your life. Don't be off track. Don't feel that you're out of sync don't feel that you're too old for all that. You're stupid. You're not as an act of will of yours to recalibrate. Country calibrate you unless you give him permission to do it. But you know, what one should be calibrated on your right back on track discharge with stop move on move on all of us. It's like God's trying to bring us all about the rugby team joining on all moving on together all reaching our goal together, but we all need to recalibrate.

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