Jesus the Provider, Finding Our Sufficiency & Abundance in Him

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Jesus richly provides for all of our needs so that we may be generous to others

JESUS THE PROVIDER: FINDING OUR SUFFICIENCY & ABUNDANCE IN HIM) Matthew 14:13-21 – MHAFB, 10 Mar 19 Series: Life of Jesus /// Topics: Life of Jesus; Life of Jesus; God: Providence; Generosity; Satisfaction; Contentment; Abundance ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Opening of Worship Passage: Psalm 107:1-9 (also Ps. 22:19-26, 34:1-10, 78, 105, 132:13-18, 146; Is. 25:1–8; Lk. 1:46-55) Songs: Waiting Here for You; Christ is Enough; Lord I Need You; Our God Slide, Psalm 119:105: Introduction 1. Attention: Thinking back on your life... a. When have you seen God provide for you or your family? (Allow answers) b. Sometimes the provision is for a physical need—but... i. What other needs have you seen God provide for? (Allow answers) 2. Big Picture: Today we are going to be reflecting on things such as these, today we are looking at… a. Slide, Title: Jesus the Provider: Finding Our Sufficiency & Abundance in Him b. Slide, Thesis: As we read this today, I hope that you will see that… i. Jesus richly provides for all of our needs so that we may be generous to others 3. Verses: To do this, we’ll be picking back up in the mid-section of Jesus’ ministry a. Context: i. Two weeks ago we finished the teaching that Jesus provided His disciples before sending them out with His authority throughout the land. 1. The Gospel of Matthew then thematically discusses some of Jesus’ continued ministry from ch 11-13 2. Some of these lessons we’ve actually spoken about in some previous sermons, too! 3. And then in ch 14 comes to the Feeding of the 5000 ii. This is one of a few stories that are in all four Gospels (Mt 14, Mk 6, Lk 9, Jn 6) & each Gospel adds a bit more detail to it! 1. Mark 6 & Luke 9 both share that just prior to this, Jesus’ disciples returned from their special assignment. 2. They highlight the disturbance was caused in Israel by the apostles demonstration of Jesus’ authority! a. In Jesus’ name they preached, cast out demons, & healed people! 3. People began to speculate as to who Jesus was: a. Elijah of old having returned? b. Simply a new prophet like the prophets of old? c. Or possibly John the Baptist, risen from the dead? i. Not too long before this point King Herod had brutally killed John the Baptist ii. When King Herod heard about these signs & wonders being accomplished in Jesus’ name—he feared it was John… iii. This was actually the first time that King Herod became aware of Jesus 4. Bearing this in mind, Mt, Mk, & Lk all take a moment right before the story of the Feeding of the 5000 to recount the death of John iii. Matthew then highlights that this is when Jesus heard about John’s death, right around the same time His disciples returned from their ministry 1. Jesus sees their need for rest, a. And possibly also wanting some quiet times with them to grieve the death of John, b. He calls them away with Himself to a secluded place on the northern side of the Sea of Galilee for rest 2. And this is where our verses pick up today— b. 5 Slides, Passage: And so I invite you to join me in Matthew 14:13-21 as we read… Matthew 14:13–21 CSB 13 When Jesus heard about it, he withdrew from there by boat to a remote place to be alone. When the crowds heard this, they followed him on foot from the towns. 14 When he went ashore, he saw a large crowd, had compassion on them, and healed their sick. 15 When evening came, the disciples approached him and said, “This place is deserted, and it is already late. Send the crowds away so that they can go into the villages and buy food for themselves.” 16 “They don’t need to go away,” Jesus told them. “You give them something to eat.” 17 “But we only have five loaves and two fish here,” they said to him. 18 “Bring them here to me,” he said. 19 Then he commanded the crowds to sit down on the grass. He took the five loaves and the two fish, and looking up to heaven, he blessed them. He broke the loaves and gave them to the disciples, and the disciples gave them to the crowds. 20 Everyone ate and was satisfied. They picked up twelve baskets full of leftover pieces. 21 Now those who ate were about five thousand men, besides women and children. 4. Transition: This story is one that can be taken many places; but of greatest significance, let us consider what this teaches about Jesus… a. Imagine… Jesus just found out that His relative & friend, the last great prophet before Jesus was brutally murdered… b. His disciples just returned on a spiritual high, but totally exhausted c. And so Jesus retreats away with them to find a quiet place for rest d. But the crowds saw them going… i. They tracked Him down & before He and His disciples could gain any rest, this ramble of people intercept them in search of healing & authoritative teaching e. A lesser man would have sent them away or returned to his boat to find a better quiet place. i. But how does Jesus respond? 1. v14, “He saw a large crowd, had compassion on them, and healed their sick.” 2. And as Mark 6:34-35 expands, “He began to teach them many things.” until it becomes “quite late!” 3. And then He feeds them f. What does this teach us about Jesus? First off it shows that Jesus is… Slide, Main Point 1a: Jesus is Rich 1. Explain: As God, Jesus has an unending abundance of resources a. In today’s verses we here only about five loaves & two fish— i. Depending upon the size of loaves & fish… ii. This was only enough food for a young boy or a few men iii. There was no way under the sun that this could feed a crowd of 5000 men (over 14 Gunfighter theaters full!), 1. Not even including the unnumbered women & children! b. But our God is not limited by such things i. For as Paul shares of God in Acts 17:25, He is not “served by human hands, as though He needed anything, since he himself gives everyone life and breath and all things.” (CSB) c. MP1b: There is no limitation to God’s provision, i. MP1c: He is rich beyond measure! ii. Feeding these 5000+ was no challenge for our rich God! 2. Illustrate: Hudson Taylor, renown missionary to China, understood the riches of God a. In his journal he wrote: i. Our heavenly Father is a very experienced One. ii. He knows very well that His children wake up with a good appetite every morning... iii. He sustained 3 million Israelites in the wilderness for 40 years. iv. We do not expect He will send 3 million missionaries to China; but if He did, He would have ample means to sustain them all... v. MP1d, e, & f: Depend on it, God's work done in God's way will never lack God's supply. 3. Expand: And so Jesus & His disciples experienced God’s riches in this miraculous event! 4. Transition: From His riches, Jesus provided for these people a. And in so doing, He also demonstrated another noteworthy quality; Jesus is... Slide, Main Point 2a: Jesus is Compassionate 1. Explain: While talking about “Jesus the forgiver” (Feb 3) I introduced the Gk word for this—Anyone remember it? It’s one of my favorite! a. Splanch-ni-zo-mai: The one who has this, has such deep care & concern for another that their ‘insides turn’ i. In includes the idea of ‘entering into another’s sorrow & pain’ ii. It’s actually very close to the English phrase, “My heart goes out to you!” b. When Jesus looks upon us, it is not as some distant god, but instead as One who is close, He... i. MP2b: Has deep care & concern for us, ii. MP2c: Has entered into our sorrow & pain 2. Illustrate: The story is told of two esteemed sociologists who were walking down the street. a. They saw a man lying unconscious and covered with cuts and bruises from a terrible mugging. b. With sorrowful eyes, one of the sociologists turned to his colleague and said, i. “Whoever did this terrible deed really needs our help.” c. And then they continued on their merry way... 3. Expand: Praise be to God that this is not His response to seeing us in our need! a. Compassion, a deep inward moving of care & concern motivated Jesus to care for these 5000+ people b. And this is what motivates Him to care for you! 4. Transition: Now, let’s bring these two ideas together to discuss our final idea; If Jesus is rich & Jesus is compassionate, then Jesus is… Slide, Main Point 3a: Jesus is Enough 1. Explain: Every need we have in life finds its fulfillment in Jesus & what He gives to us out of His riches & compassion a. MP3b: Jesus is our sufficiency in all elements of our life— b. MP3c: Our complete fulfillment is found in Him! i. MP3d: For every need: Spiritual, physical, mental/emotional, & social! ii. MP3e: With an abundance beyond this! 1. Although this abundance is often not in the ways we want or initially think (e.g. physical prosperity)! c. On the surface level, the Feeding of the 5000 may seem to merely focus on God caring for our physical needs i. However, there is a deeper lesson that Jesus is teaching here. d. The Old Testament scholar may quickly recognize the OT prophets that Jesus parallels in these verses: i. Elisha fed 100 men from 20 small loaves (2 Kgs 4:42-44) ii. Elijah fed a widow and her son over a months-long famine through a small portion of flour (1 Kgs 17:9-16) iii. And most memorably, Moses seemed to provide ”bread from heaven” for Israel when they hungered in the wilderness (Ex 16:4, Num. 27:16-17; Deut. 18:15) e. In John 6, after sharing the feeding of the 5000, he goes on to share a key interaction Jesus had with the crowd in the following days... i. The crowd found Jesus and demanded a sign so as to believe Jesus’ challenging words, saying, “What are you going to perform? Our ancestors ate the manna in the wilderness, just as it is written: He gave them bread from heaven to eat.” ii. To which Jesus replied (in part), ““Truly I tell you, Moses didn’t give you the bread from heaven, but my Father gives you the true bread from heaven. For the bread of God is the one who comes down from heaven and gives life to the world. . . I am the bread of life . . . No one who comes to me will ever be hungry, and no one who believes in me will ever be thirsty again. . . everyone who sees the Son and believes in Him will have eternal life, and I will raise him up on the last day. . . I am the living bread that came down from heaven. If anyone eats of this bread he will live forever..." (John 6:30-51, CSB) f. And in this we clearly see that Jesus is enough. i. He is the Great Provider! ii. Jesus, far greater than Moses, brought the living bread from heaven! 1. He provided Himself, His own life in sacrifice for us, 2. So that through belief in Him we will have eternal life! 2. Illustrate: Fernando Ortega reflects on this well in his song, “Give me Jesus” a. Verse 1: “In the morning when I rise, Give me Jesus... b. Verse 2: “When I am alone, Give me Jesus... c. Verse 3: “When I come to die, Give me Jesus... d. Bridge: “Cause it's all I need, give me Jesus... e. Chorus: x2, “You can can have all this world, Give me Jesus...” 3. Expand: All that we need and an abundance beyond this is found through Jesus’ compassionate provision a. Are you in physical need? i. Seek Jesus & His great provision to fill your needs! b. Are you trying to find meaning, purpose, or fulfillment? i. Here, too, Jesus will provide for your needs! c. Are you trying to find out who you really are or are you seeking a true sense of belonging & community? i. You will find this in Jesus. d. Are you overwhelmed and in dire need of comfort & strength simply to make it through this season of trials? i. Come to Jesus e. May we each understand that the ultimate provision for life is found in Jesus. 4. Transition: Now, let’s wrap this up… Slide, Conclusion-A: Conclusion 1. Reiterate: Jesus richly provides for all of our needs so that we may be generous to others a. Jesus is Rich b. Jesus is Compassionate c. Jesus is Enough 2. Apply: And so, how should we respond? First & foremost— a. Con-B & C: Humbly Receive Jesus’ Provision i. Con-D: Trust in Him: His compassions, riches, & sufficiency! 1. Remember the teaching of Jesus in Mt. 6:25-34, a. If your heavenly Father feeds the birds of the sky— i. Don’t you think He will feed you? b. Your heavenly Father knows your needs i. We needn’t worry, but we must trust that He will provide these things & seek first His kingdom & His righteousness! 2. Even in the Feeding of the 5000 the disciples brought away 12 extra baskets full! a. Jesus didn’t simply give a meager portion... b. He gave well beyond their need so that “everyone ate & was satisfied” (v20) ii. Con-E: Accept His provision: For your needs & for an abundance! 1. Often we think about needs in a fairly restrictive sense a. To a degree we think like this, “God, I’ve got my life going pretty well; if I ever have anything that I can’t handle, I’ll let you know.” 2. It would do us well to remember such passages as Deuteronomy 8 where God reminds the Israelites of such key truths as these: a. “Man does not live on bread alone but on every word that comes from the mouth of the LORD” (v3). b. “Be careful that you don’t forget the LORD your God… He led you… He fed you...” (vv1116) c. “You may say to yourself, ‘My power & my own ability have gained this wealth for me,’ i. but remember that the LORD your God give you the power to gain wealth” (vv17-18) d. From our ‘daily bread’ in a very literal & very loose sense, to leadership throughout our life, to our own abilities to gain wealth… i. Let us humbly recognize & gratefully accept Jesus’ provision 3. Optional: Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs may also be helpful for us to realize that our ‘needs’ are bigger than what our first inclination may be… a. Physiological: Food, water, warmth, rest b. Safety: Security, good health, financial soundness c. Belongingness: Love, intimate relationships, friends d. Esteem: Sense of accomplishment & healthy self-pride e. Self-Actualization: Achieving one’s full potential, self-fulfillment f. Self-Transcendence: Finding ultimate meaning & identity beyond yourself iii. And let us certainly recognize the greatest need that Jesus fulfills! 1. As Jesus shared in John 6:35, “I am the bread of life . . . No one who comes to me will ever be hungry, and no one who believes in me will ever be thirsty again.” (CSB) 2. Through Him we can never spiritually hunger or thirst again! a. Why? Because eternal, & eternally satisfying, life is available through Him—even now! 3. Do you so know Him? a. Have you come to believe in Him & receive Him... i. As your Great Provider? ii. As the one who is enough? b. Only in Him will you find the sufficiency for your life i. Only for Him will your thirst & your hunger finally be satisfied c. If you so desire to know & experience Jesus, i. I invite you to reach out to Him even now, 1. Don’t settle to sleep tonight w/o resolving this & finding your satisfaction in Christ. ii. And I invite you to reach out to me this week, 1. I would love to help & encourage you in this journey! 4. Learn to accept all of the good gifts that He offers! 5. And do so with humbleness & thanksgiving (e.g. 1 Tim 4:4, 2 Cor 3:5) iv. A second major application is this— b. Con-F: Be Generous like Jesus: i. If you have learned to trust Jesus in these ways— 1. If you know His riches, compassions, & sufficiency— 2. If you are truly satisfied in Him— 3. Generosity comes much easier! ii. I love how Jesus teaches this to His disciples in these verses! 1. In v16, in a very emphatic way He says, “YOU give them something to eat!” a. Undoubtedly they did not understand how they were to do this… b. But if you read the story—it is exactly what they did! 2. Jesus gave to the disciples out of His great riches & compassions a. And His disciples then gave to the crowds 3. This lines up perfectly with Jesus’ words to these same men when He earlier commissioned them for their special assignment, a. Con-G: “Heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse those with leprosy, drive out demons. Freely you received, freely give.” (Mt. 10:8, CSB) i. And so this commands falls upon us 4. This miracle of generosity was a disciple-training time. a. Are you allowing Jesus to train you through your generous giving? (time, talents, & treasures) iii. Con-H: If we truly trust Jesus & receive His provision, we can even give out of our poverty (both to God & to others) 1. Remember how Jesus praises the poor widow for giving her two small coins, all that she had to live on. (Lk. 21:1-4, Mk. 12:41-44) 2. Remember how Paul praises the churches Macedonia who gave out of their “extreme poverty . . . according to their ability and even beyond their ability, of their own accord.” (2 Cor. 8:2–5, CSB) a. At which point He also reminds us, “For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ: Though he was rich, for your sake he became poor, so that by his poverty you might become rich.” (v8) iv. Con-I: And in this all, be especially attentive to those who are in need 1. Do not merely give to those who will give back to you, but give to those in desperate need! 2. Not merely to friends, but strangers & even enemies! 3. Give as Jesus has given to you. v. Such ‘humanly ridiculous’ generosity is an amazing blessing to take part in! 1. It powerfully lives out the Second Greatest Commandment, to “love your neighbor as yourself.” 2. It is a potent antidote to the ‘love of money’ that so often ensnares us! 3. It opens us up to the great riches of Jesus while bringing us ever-closer to His compassionate heart! vi. This week, consider even asking Him to send you out with His authority & mission to so sacrificially serve & give to those who are in true need. 3. Appeal: a. Humbly receive Jesus provision i. And then be generous as Jesus is generous. b. In doing these things your life will be transformed. i. Will you so receive God’s blessing in your life? ii. I pray that you do! 4. Conclude: Pray with me... a. “Lord, we give thanks to You, knowing Your goodness & your ever-enduring faithful love i. Indeed, You have provided for our needs & satisfied us on so many levels. ii. We are grateful beyond words… b. Jesus, thank you for being our great Provider i. We have found not only sufficiency in You, but great abundance for our daily lives. ii. Help us to seek & find this through You all the more! ...”
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