Sermon Tone Analysis

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A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
Emotion Tone
Language Tone
Social Tone
Emotional Range

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Social Tendencies
Emotional Range
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9
Psalm 107:
Such as sit in darkness and in the shadow of death, being bound in affliction and iron;
Because they rebelled against the words of God, and contemned the counsel of the most High:
Therefore he brought down their heart with labour; they fell down, and there was none to help.
Then they cried unto the LORD in their trouble, and he saved them out of their distresses.
He brought them out of darkness and the shadow of death, and brake their bands in sunder.
Oh that men would praise the LORD for his goodness, and for his wonderful works to the children of men!
This is the final message in our "This Means War" series.
I have really enjoyed preaching this series and I pray that you have received something in these few weeks we have spent together.
Since I have been preaching and preparing these messages, the attack from the enemy has increased against me in every area of my life.
The pressure has been turned up and he's tried his best to discourage and defeat me.
I'm convinced that satan doesn't want us to be knowledgeable about his tactics and to be fully armed to stand against him.
Imagine that you have been shackled with chains on your ankles.
The chains are heavy, make a lot of noise, and make it impossible for you to run.
You cannot successfully move like you want.
They inhabitant your ability to be mobile.
The chains are heavy enough that you quickly become exhausted and are limited in the things you can do and for how long you can do them.
All believers are in a war - a war with their adversary, the Devil (), and his evil spiritual forces which he dispatches and assigns to perpetrate his wickedness throughout the world.
The scripture says that we "wrestle... against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places" ().
"Strongholds" don't necessarily refer to something as extreme as "demon possession," but can merely be a "strong" influence or grip, persistent oppression, obsessions, hindrances or harassment.
The devil's primary strategy is to disguise his activities so that it appears that someone or something else is to blame.
He wants us to get our attention on his surrogates, his instruments, his hindrances and "wrestle" with them, so that our battle will be directed against the "symptoms" instead of the "real source."
The devil wants us to waste our time.
If he keeps us busy, if he keeps us distracted, he has caused us to get further off the path to our purpose.
Jesus said, “The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly” ().
According to these words of Jesus, the thief comes to steal, kill, and destroy everything good in your life.
He wants to destroy your job, your joy, your happiness, your health, your finances, your marriage, and your kids.
The thief just wants to ruin anything he can get his hands on!
The word “thief” comes from the Greek word klepto, which means to steal.
It gives a picture of a bandit, pickpocket,or thief who is so artful in the way he steals that his exploits of thievery are nearly undetectable.
They can slip their hands into a person’s pockets, take what they want, and be long gone before that person discovers they were even there!
Jesus uses this word to let us know the devil is very cunning in the way he steals from people.
He knows that if he does it outright, his actions will be recognized; therefore, he steals from people in such a deceptive way that he often accomplishes his evil goal before they even know he has stolen from them!
Often the devil injects thoughts into a person’s mind to steal his peace, his joy, and even his beliefs.
The word klepto describes a thief’s uncontrollable urge to get his hands into someone’s pockets so he can take that which doesn’t rightfully belong to him.
I find it very interesting that this is where we get the word kleptomaniac, which describes a person with a persistent, neurotic impulse to steal.
Just as a kleptomaniac can’t help but steal, the devil can’t stop stealing because it is his impulse and his very nature to steal.
This is precisely the nature and behavior of the thief Jesus told us about!
The thief cannot bear the fact that you possess any kind of blessing.
Therefore, if he is unsuccessful at stealing the good things from your life, he will try to cunningly convince you to give up everything you possess and love — simply because he doesn’t want you to have it.
He may even try to create stressful situations that cause you to conclude that your only solution is to sacrifice the things you dearly love.
“The thief wants to get his hands into every good thing in your life.
In fact, this pickpocket is looking for any opportunity to wiggle his way so deeply into your personal affairs that he can walk off with everything you hold precious and dear.
And that’s not all — when he’s finished stealing all your goods and possessions, he’ll take his plan to rob you blind to the next level.
He’ll create conditions and situations so horrible that you’ll see no way to solve the problem except to sacrifice everything that remains from his previous attacks.
The goal of this thief is to totally waste and devastate your life.
If nothing stops him, he’ll leave you insolvent, flat broke, and cleaned out in every area of your life.
You’ll end up feeling as if you are finished and out of business!
Make no mistake — the enemy’s ultimate aim is to obliterate you….”
There’s no doubt about it!
The devil wants you to be defeated.
he devil wants you to struggle through your entire life.The devil wants you to be sick, depressed, down in the dumps, glum, and miserable.The devil wants you to feel like you will never hit the target with your life.
The devil wants you to struggle through your entire life.
The devil wants you to be sick, depressed, down in the dumps, and miserable.
The devil wants you to feel like you will never hit the target with your life.
Or else how can one enter into a strong man’s house, and spoil his goods, except he first bind the strong man? and then he will spoil his house.
Chains of Unforgiveness
Chains of Unforgiveness
Definition of Forgiveness
To excuse for a fault or an offense; to pass over a mistake or fault without demanding punishment
Why is it is Hard to Forgive?
We feel forgiving others would allow our abuser to feel justified for what they did.
Corrie Ten Boom, a Christian woman who survived a Nazi concentration camp during the Holocaust, said, “Forgiveness is to set a prisoner free, and to realize the prisoner was you.”
We want others to feel the same pain they have caused us.
Lack of Trust
We don’t want to be vulnerable again.
For if you forgive men when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you.
But if you do not forgive men their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins.”
Facts to Consider:
Forgiveness isn’t minimizing the wrong done to you; it is forgiving them despite the wrong done to you.Forgiveness may be a daily thing for you.
Something may remind you of a hurt that you encountered, but be diligent to consistently lay your pain at the cross.
Only Jesus can truly release you from your pain.Choosing to forgive is an intentional choice.
It does not come naturally.
Chains of Bitterness
The first emotion that starts this chain of bitterness is hurt and shame.
Bitterness—The person becomes hopeless and, because of the pain, dwells more and more on the wounds of the past.
He or she becomes hypersensitive to hurt and goes into angry but internalized reaction to those that hurt them.
They begin to have a bitter view of life with many caustic and sarcastic thoughts and words spoken in private about the offender.
They settle down in a soured view of life, feel all they can do is to be bitter and sit in the misery and angry but passive state.
Bitter root—If the person stays in bitterness he or she will begin to practice idolatry and miss the grace of God because of clinging to worthless idols.
The root grows into the person’s being—their mind, emotions and body and turns into a central root, It can defile many with its contagious poison.
The bitterness blocks the way to sweet fellowship with God and keeps the old wounds “infected” because of constant reliving of the offense.
They lose their hope, have no joy and no peace.
Your life is not an exemption from the chain of procrastination.
I don’t gamble, but, I bet that you do this, and when you think you got it figured out, it shackles you up again.
Why do I assume that?
Because I do it.
Our society is fast-paced, filled with distractions and everyone wants your time and energy.
Everything seems important and with a society full of people that want to be appreciated by others, we pressure ourselves to do everything.
The definition of Procrastination is popular in all of us, more than we like to admit.
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