Did the Bible Predict Science?  •  Sermon  •  Submitted
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The human body points to the incredible complexity of each person. The overwhelming evidence points to an Intelligent Creator intricately designing people along with the rest of Creation. Denial of that idea flies not only in the face of what modern science discovers, but in the everyday experience you and I have that goes far beyond mere chemical, hormonal, and survival responses. We love, care, and relate to others in a way that demonstrates their value and uniquensess.

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Science and culture often get ahead of themselves. We as believers in a culture that has become hell bent on destroying itself and each other must begin to wave the flag of faith and reason after being wrongly bullied and made fun of for decades because of scientism. The progressive self-centered culture played a game with Scientism and not true science where Christians were ridiculed and lambasted based on a false narrative that made absolute claims of truth but lacked any meaningful evidence. the result has been a lock of purpose in the younger generations that have become more and more wary of religion and the Christian faith. They enjoy many of the benefits from the foundation, but as that foundation crumbles, so does their sense of direction and sense of value. We see the fruit of this new atheism and scientism and it is not good. The younger generations have become confused about common sense issues concerning marriage, gender, love, and purpose.
About 150 years ago science declared Evolution from mere matter has been absolutely proven, evidence to follow shortly. Well it’s been 150 years where has the overwhelming EVIDENCE? Evolution is in a simple explanation, I’m no scientist, but I would be willing to have an credentialed biologist clarify any difference with distinction what I am about to say: Evolution is the IDEA that after the universe began, matter formed, over time molecules coalesced, the water molecules gathered on earth in abundance, then over time a soup of amino acids formed (only the Left handed or Left branch in particular), for no apparent reason, then over time selection brought forth bacteria and amoebas came to life, they became microrganisms that through SELECTION (Who is selecting you might ask? They answer, NO ONE, just survival) and then mollusks and other things branched off until someone decided to suddenly breathe air and become amphibious which one branch moved to monkeys and apes that climbed branches and out popped people. Why do they believe we all came from a common ancestor and then branched off into different evolutionary paths. The answer because its the simplest thing we can come up with for what we see. WHAT WE SEE!
That is what I want to point out today. We as believers should be able to correlate what we see not merely with what we would like to see but what we should expect to see based upon what the Bible has said all along. We should freely ask the big questions.
They claim this common ancestor for all life, the microbe to bacteria to something like an amoeba. And through unintelligent random slow change, piece by piece, inch by inch, this “UNTHINKING” activity of SURVIVAL SELECTION moved “things” these MASS of MOLECULES, MOUNDS OF MOLD, WALKING MEATBALLS, (I can’t use CREATURES because that would be a religious and Christian term being INJECTED into science. Suddenly, one branch of this evolutionary bush became man. We merely the result of mindless chance that survived the game.
OK, Do we find SCIENTIFIC Discoveries that would correlate with the theory of evolution or do we find SCIENCE revealing truths that we would expect based upon the Bible’s account that life comes from a unique creative act of an Intelligent Designer. We call Him God, the Father, Son, Holy Spirit. My goal is to open some minds that have been closed by dogmatic statements clothed in scientism and to give courage to believers who have been tricked into feeling stupid because culture, schools, and media have yet to catch up with the findings of SCIENCE and the rational a reasonable SUPPORT we have for putting our faith in the Lord and His word.
Life Matters, you matter.
Genesis 1:27–28 NASB95
27 God created man in His own image, in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them. 28 God blessed them; and God said to them, “Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth, and subdue it; and rule over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the sky and over every living thing that moves on the earth.”
You are more than dirt, you were designed.
You are not merely different by degree from the rest of Creation.
Images of GE Washer and GE Rocket. Similar parts does not mean that one evolved from the other. Kids don’t worry, the family washer does not have dreams of flying into outer space. You won’t put your favorite shirt or pants in one day and hear a rumbling while it blasts through you roof, taking
Have you ever heard of the Missing Link? We hear that false narrative or Fake News all the time. Listen there was a point in my life where I took science and scientists as honest seekers of the truth. I did not view them as religious guardians of a myth. I really believed when I wanted to write a paper about some creatures and how they evolved, I would find lots of fossils, chemical, organic and other facts pointing to the validity of my thoughts and papers. I went to the library. I went to the Smithsonian. I looked for contemporary papers and magazines. I came across one “Scientific Magazine” on the top shelf. It had written diagonally over and over on it the words, “There is no God, There is no God.” Now I was just a teenager and I figured out, that was not a scientific statement. That was a religious attitude, a prejudice one might say, a purely emotional catharsis. But not science. I was not a believer, but even as a teen I thought, a PHd wrote that, seems childish to me.
Let me read this to you.
The fossil record has long been recognized as a problem for evolutionary theory. In the Origin of Species, Darwin explained that his theory led him to believe that “[t]he number of intermediate varieties, which have formerly existed on the earth, [must] be truly enormous.”65 However, he understood that the fossil record did not document these “intermediate” forms of life, asking, “Why then is not every geological formation and every stratum full of such intermediate links?”66 Darwin’s answer showed the tenuous nature of the evidence backing his ideas: “Geology assuredly does not reveal any such finely graduated organic chain; and this, perhaps, is the most obvious and gravest objection which can be urged against my theory.”67
Today, some 150 years later, out of thousands of species known from the fossil record, only a small fraction are claimed (Not proven. and all the supposed ape people have been found by other scientists to be hoaxes, so I’m tired of science “claiming” victory publicly and deceptively, let the chips fall where they fall), to be candidates for Darwin’s intermediate forms. Fossil evidence of evolutionary intermediates is generally lacking, as the late evolutionary paleontologist Stephen Jay Gould admitted: “The absence of fossil evidence for intermediary stages between major transitions in organic design, indeed our inability, even in our imagination, to construct functional intermediates in many cases, has been a persistent and nagging problem for gradualistic accounts of evolution.”68 Discovery institute has these quotes in articles for you to research for yourself.
You are a special kind of creature.
You are a special Kind of creature.
Body - Physical.
Soul - Eternal.
Mind - Moral and Rational.
Let me just state here about morality and rationality. Those who deny God and say science alone, trust your reason that evolution has developed. Well if evolution were to be true as they define it Molecules to Man, their brain is all they have. It is merely a series of chemical reactions that survived in response to death. They can’t LOGICALLY TRUST REASON because by their own definition it is MERELY an EVOLUTIONARY REACTION, truth, facts do not matter. Just push a button a response comes out. They have no business telling anyone else what to believe or think then.
Let me tell you what the first few chapters of Genesis was written to tell you (It wasn’t written to refute modern notions of evolution, it was written to give a quick overview of the Creators actions and His biggest intent). You are so special, that God made you despite the fact that you would break His heart and kill His Son. Just go back to the Garden where the Father takes that dirt, designs it, and constitutes it with bones, organs, skin, and a brain but yet still a lifeless husk of molecules and tissue. While He bends over that grey body that blood has not yet coursed through the arteries and looks at Jesus. He says, “You sure you want to do this? Because the moment I breathe life and soul into Him, you are as good as dead.” The Lamb slain from the foundation of the earth, the chosen savior, the suffering servant, the sacrifice for our transgressions said, “Yes, I am willing.” And the Lord God breathed life into the first person!
No one gets upset when a leopard catches an antelope and eats it. The entire world has become outraged over the mass murder in ChristChurch New Zealand. Do you see how even modern tragedy and media coverage immediately recognize the DIFFERENCE IN KIND of Creation people are? When they are in intellectual mode, they will discuss the importance of a woman’s choice, but when they are in responding in the moment, they know it’s a baby, they know human life matters. They know each person is a unique and precious creation of God.
Psalm 139:13–16 NASB95
13 For You formed my inward parts; You wove me in my mother’s womb. 14 I will give thanks to You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Wonderful are Your works, And my soul knows it very well. 15 My frame was not hidden from You, When I was made in secret, And skillfully wrought in the depths of the earth; 16 Your eyes have seen my unformed substance; And in Your book were all written The days that were ordained for me, When as yet there was not one of them.
Psalm 119:13–15 NASB95
13 With my lips I have told of All the ordinances of Your mouth. 14 I have rejoiced in the way of Your testimonies, As much as in all riches. 15 I will meditate on Your precepts And regard Your ways.
Psalm 119:13–16 NASB95
13 With my lips I have told of All the ordinances of Your mouth. 14 I have rejoiced in the way of Your testimonies, As much as in all riches. 15 I will meditate on Your precepts And regard Your ways. 16 I shall delight in Your statutes; I shall not forget Your word.
Story of a talking Bull.
Listen, when a scientist or teacher starts extolling the FACTS of Evolution and how the Bible is just a made up myth. First off, the Bible is not a Science text book, so we need to look for contemporary evidence that we would expect from what was said, not answer every scientific question people come up with about the universe. That is what God has given us to discover. On the science side, if they make a claim, it has to be backed up and answered. So the Body is just a gradual compilation of selective mutations. Things have a common ancestor in a microbe that over time the “human” branch developed so far beyond other things. But if we share similar traits such as an eye, we must have common ancestor. So lets get talking about the complexity of the body.
The incredible brain
A pitcher on the mound, a ball releases, a bat swung, an outfielder has to match his speed and movement to climb a wall while tracking a white sphere through the sky. How much calculus, permutations, and movement had to be calculated exactly to execute those actions. And it all happened in a second or two.
They used to say, people only use 10percent of their brain. Science says WRONG. We use 50% of brain just to see.
Think about the amount of information your brain must process second by second. We have senses throughout our body that tell us if something is wrong.The number of synapses and cells in our brains has been compared to the number of stars in the universe. “There are 400 billion synaptic junctions in a gram of brain tissue” (Alan L. Gillen, Body by Design, 2001, p. 87).
Don’t call everyone Seth, even though
DNA must have an encoder and a decoder to work. What evolved first? The decoder, the encoder, the messenger? These are rational and logical questions that evolutionary theory cannot answer based on what we observe.
Michael Behe, a professor of Biochemistry at Lehigh University wrote a book called
“Darwin’s Black Box.” Behe states he once believed in the full evolutionary theory, but as we looked into the challenges to evolution and what he personally observed, he came to the conclusion that life has a number of interlinked structures that all must be present AT ONE TIME in order for an organism to live and the system to function at all. Imagine saying a cell started with just a membrane and amino acids. Then after millions of years, a nucleus developed. You would say, “that makes no sense.”
Now when those committed to scientism here this criticism that so many parts and steps needed for biological life must all have come to be at the same time and the best reasonable and rational explanation would be that an intelligent designer must be behind it, they respond in disdain. They say foul! How dare you claim God had something to do with CREATION. Just because we have no EVIDENCE for what WE BELIEVE, you have no right to say our lack of evidence gives reason to believe in God. YOU MUST KEEP BELIEVING IN OUR RELIGION BECAUSE we know we are right! You ask, what evidence do you have! They respond, HOW DARE YOU QUESTION the priests and priestesses of scientism! We are smart and you are stupid. We are scientists and our FAITH based on no evidence is better than your faith.
Do you see how atheists simply assume evolution even though everything that we find scientifically is what I as a believer in God’s word, world, and creative effort would expect to find? I expect to find irreducible complex organic life and even a complex universe based upon ESTABLISHED LAWS and nature.
Christians interact with the world as it truly is when they embrace what the Bible predicted we would find in nature.
Scientists create a history based merely on wishful thinking. We both look at the same organic life. The evolutionist says, “Whew, I bet that creature is glad it made it.” We look at life and say look at the wonder and awe of what Lord God created. Let’s worship Him
From start to finish, the whole evolutionary story of life is void of empirical support. And one of evolution’s greatest hurdles is the fundamental problem of how life could have begun. Cell life requires DNA, RNA, and proteins in a complex interlocking system in which each biomolecule depends on the other two to both exist and function. And, since each type of biomolecule also contains complex encoded information, then an intelligent agent is the only logical source for their existence—not random chance processes.
NASA claimed just this month that they had recreated life through and experiment. First off all that was produced was an amino acid.
Anyone making such a claim should be stripped of their credentials. Claiming that they had “created life” would be akin to saying
Hey becoming a Brain Surgeon is easy as riding a bike, except the bike is on fire, your on fire, the street is on fire, everything is on fire and Satan is driving an 18 wheeler behind you!
First, the production of an amino acid came only after scientists and technicians used their brains added specific elements and heat etc… to produce an amino acid. That is INTELLIGENT DESIGN USING CONTROLLED CONDITIONS to make a simple amino acid. IT’s and acid, its an organic, IT IS NOT A LIFE. Companies produce Methionine amino acid chemically when needed. So this goes back to the opening illustration… Get your own dirt. Big deal that you made an organic compound in a larger test tube that intelligent agents CAREFULLY regulated. We would expect that intelligent beings could copy what God already did at some level.
The people pushing the unscientific ideas of evolution have an agenda to replace God with either the worship of the autonomous self. They want RIGHTS with no Responsibilty and devoid of any supreme morality. It’s MY BODY, I can do whatever I want to with my body. I can be whatever I want to be. That ends up often over time, I don’t know what life is about. IT TURNS OUT THAT PEOPLE LEFT TO THEMSELVES ARE PRETTY BAD AT CREATING MEANINGFUL LIFE. When people come to that end, we start seeing a rise in addiction and suicide.
Then there are those who want to replace God with the Government so you are no longer an individual with God given rights but a cog in the machine to give government leaders more power over you.
4. Our Call:
a. Speak out and Defend the VALUE of every person whether in the womb or beyond.
b. Root out all prejudice that separates humanity.
Acts 17:26 NASB95
26 and He made from one man every nation of mankind to live on all the face of the earth, having determined their appointed times and the boundaries of their habitation,
c. Join the family of the Jesus by being washed in His blood.
Ephesians 2:13–14 NASB95
13 But now in Christ Jesus you who formerly were far off have been brought near by the blood of Christ. 14 For He Himself is our peace, who made both groups into one and broke down the barrier of the dividing wall,
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