Sermon Tone Analysis

Overall tone of the sermon

This automated analysis scores the text on the likely presence of emotional, language, and social tones. There are no right or wrong scores; this is just an indication of tones readers or listeners may pick up from the text.
A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
Emotion Tone
Language Tone
Social Tone
Emotional Range

Tone of specific sentences

Social Tendencies
Emotional Range
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9
I. God lets you go without.
A. God will let you go without to teach you to trust Him.
Illus: We have this false idea that God is good if He gives us what we want, but the devil is at work if we go without.
There are times when God will purposely let you go without.
He does this for your greater good.
When we have, and have in abundance we see little need for God.
We live in such a way dependent on ourselves numb to a being greater than us.
God lets you go without to lead you to him.
Your greater good.
A person who is fat and happy in this world without God is condmned and eternally helpless.
For us believers, the greatest end in life is not comfort, but instead knowing and trusting God.
We should live daily deepening our relationship with God and growing more dependent on Him.
B. Don’t despise the discipline of God.
Israel grew bitter for not inheriting the land they rejected.
Illus: I remember in my first ministry job I was a youth pastor in Pearsall, Tx (home of george straight).
As a young man I believed I had ministry figured out.
I tend to be an expert of everything I have not experienced.
During that time the pastor left and an interim pastor took over.
He was a gruff and serious man.
I remember him calling me to his office, looking at me and giving me a good dressing down.
I walked out of his office with my tail between my legs, angry and bitter about what he said.
But he was right.
And after licking my wounds I realized areas of deficiency that I never understood till his confrontation.
God’s discipline will sting and hurt… but it is for your good.
God cares enough for you to not allow you to remain in sin and self destruction.
Faith is more than trusting God with the results, it is also trusting him with the process.
A. Never forget who is in charge.
Illus: I have always struggled with why God kept moses out of the promised land.
He obeyed God at great personal risk when he went before Pharoah and said, “God says, let my people go”.
He obeyed all the while the people of Israel fought him at every point.
Why did God keep him from the promised land when he hit the rock instead of speaking to it?
I don’t believe it was hitting the rock, but instead, it was Moses’ words to the people as he hit the rock.
“Must we” These words showed moses took a step that he should have never taken, placing himself as the leader of Israel… not God.
The refrain throughout the first five books of the Bible is to not forget who is in charge.
Did you know that God had to remind his people 87 times that he brought them out of Egypt?
Think about how the Ten Commandments start.
The reason Moses did not get to inherit the promised land is because he broke the first commandment.
B. God’s way is better than your way.
Illus: I’m not good at following directions.
When Jenn and I got married we went to Walmart and bought a few of those particular board book shelves.
I remember getting those bookshelves home and Jenn telling me to follow the instructions.
As a guy, I didn’t think I needed instructions, so I put them together.
When I was finished, every piece in the box was together, but the bookshelves were not fit for putting books on.
They were designed to be put together in a certain way, and I chose to do it my way.
God designed us to relate to Him, relate to our fellow man, and our world in a certain way… and more often than not like moses striking the rock we choose to do it our own way.
In the end, Moses faltered.
A. Moses failed.
Jesus Didn’t.
Illus: We have Easter coming up on April 21st.
Easter is a time we celebrate what Jesus accomplished that Adam, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, and Moses could not… restoring broken men back to God.
At Easter we will celebrate the wonder of redemption and Resurrection.
Coming into Easter I wanted to put a challenge in front of you.
If you have experienced the life changing power of Jesus Christ, I want you to invite someone to know that power.
We expect you to be here Easter Sunday, but our desire is that people’s lives will be changed that day.
As you exit the worship center today you will be given 4 invitations to easter.
I want you to pray over these invitations and then hand them to people who do not go to our church.
If you are really industrious, as them to sit next to you, tell them you will pick them up.
Make this year the year an old friend starts coming back to FBC, or a new guest takes the first step of faith.
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9