Sermon Tone Analysis

Overall tone of the sermon

This automated analysis scores the text on the likely presence of emotional, language, and social tones. There are no right or wrong scores; this is just an indication of tones readers or listeners may pick up from the text.
A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
Emotion Tone
Language Tone
Social Tone
Emotional Range

Tone of specific sentences

Social Tendencies
Emotional Range
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9
We are here today as family and friends, in the presence of God, to celebrate with Dustin Duminsky and Kate Cressley on their wedding day.
Marriage is a beautiful union of two souls in love, who are bound to one another by their commitment to love one another for the rest of their lives.
Please join me as we begin in prayer:
Father God, we are so grateful that you, the creator of heaven and earth, love us, care about us, and listen to our prayers.
Lord, we ask that you would bless Dustin and Kate today and every day in their marriage.
Help them to start today and always keep you as the foundation of their marriage, and to love one another in good times and bad.
We ask all this in the name of Jesus.
Giving Away of Bride
Who gives this woman to this man?
Father of the Bride: Her mother and I.
You may be seated.
Declaration of Intent
Dustin and Kate, it is time for you both to declare your intentions.
Kate, do you take Dustin to be your husband?
And do you promise to love him, honor him, and be faithful to him as long as you both live?
If so, please say, "I do."
Kate: I do.
Dustin, do you take Kate to be your wife?
And do you promise to love her, honor her, and be faithful to her as long as you both live?
If so, please say, "I do."
Dustin: I do.
Scripture Reading
Dustin and Kate have asked me to read from the Bible.
This is the word of God as written by the Apostle Paul.
Mini Wedding Message
As a pastor, I have the joy of being a part of many wedding ceremonies.
I get to sit down with couples and hear all about how they met, fell in love, and how their lives have been changed through their love for one another.
And it is easy to see that Dustin and Kate do love each other.
But what is love?
Love is a very common word.
We use it in many different ways.
We say, "I love you," to the person we care about most in the world, but we also say, "I love chocolate."
Certainly, we don't love our significant other the same way that we love chocolate.
Yet, we have no better words to express ourselves.
So what is love, really?
As we heard in , love is patient, kind, and forgiving among many other things.
Notice we don’t see the Bible declaring, “Love is a feeling.”
Most people, when thinking about love, think about the emotion - the romance of falling in love and the desire to share every moment, and learn everything about this other person.
We think of the kind of love we see in movies that usually end with a wedding like this.
But love is far more than an emotion.
Emotions are fleeting.
They are here one moment and gone the next.
Anyone who has been married longer than a day knows that the feeling of love comes and goes.
Marriage is not easy because true love is more than a feeling; it's a choice.
If you want your marriage to be strong and to last, you must choose every day to love the other.
If you choose to do this, your marriage will be one of the most fulfilling, rewarding, and fruitful parts of your entire life.
The perfect example of love is found in Jesus, who sacrificed everything and humbled himself by taking on the form of a man, coming down from heaven to earth to die for us.
He chose to give up his life so that all who believe in him could have life.
Jesus' sacrifice was out of his great love for us.
There is no greater love than to lay down your life for another.
In the same way, my hope is that you, Dustin and Kate, would lay down your lives for one another—giving of yourself to the other in the same way that Jesus gave his life for you.
Dustin, each day choose to love Kate by putting her desires ahead of your own.
Kate, each day choose to love Dustin by putting his desires ahead of your own.
This feeling of your wedding day will fade in time, and in those moments, you both must choose to love.
Prayer for Love
Personal Remarks
Please face each other and join hands.
(Option 1: Traditional Vows)
We will start with you Dustin.
Repeat after me.
Please face each other and join hands.
We will start with you (GROOM).
Repeat after me.
Dustin: I Dustin – take you Kate – to be my wife – To have and to hold – From this day forward – For better, or worse – For richer, or poorer – In sickness, and in health – To love and to cherish – All the days of my life
Kate please repeat after me.
Kate: I Kate – take you Dustin– to be my husband – To have and to hold – From this day forward – For better, or worse – For richer, or poorer – In sickness, and in health – To love and to cherish – All the days of my life
Exchange of Rings
Dustin and Kate will now exchange rings as a symbol of their commitment to each other.
May I have the rings, please.
These rings are to be a reminder of the promise you have made today.
Notice the circle of the ring has no beginning and no end.
It is an eternal circle meant to represent your life-long vow to love each other.
The ring is also made from purified precious metals, symbolic of the purity of your promise to remain faithful to each other.
Kate, please put this ring on Dustin's finger and repeat after me:
With this ring - I marry you - and bind my life to yours - with all of my heart - and all of my soul.
Dustin, please put this ring on Kate’s finger and repeat after me:
With this ring - I marry you - and bind my life to yours - with all of my heart - and all of my soul.
*Kate and Dustin go to the cord table and I talk*
Triple Braided Cord
*Flow right into the triple braided cord*
To symbolize today’s commitment, Dustin and Kate have chosen to make a triple braided cord.
Triple Braided Cord
Today, Dustin and Kate have chosen to braid three strands together into a single cord.
< .5
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> .9