Sermon Tone Analysis

Overall tone of the sermon

This automated analysis scores the text on the likely presence of emotional, language, and social tones. There are no right or wrong scores; this is just an indication of tones readers or listeners may pick up from the text.
A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
Emotion Tone
Language Tone
Social Tone
Emotional Range

Tone of specific sentences

Social Tendencies
Emotional Range
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9
Jesus is becoming more popular, Pharisees are finding themselves more and more against Him
He was kinda troubling at first.
But, people started really listening and then Jesus became pretty annoying.
Now, Jesus is saying things about you and your friends that are awful.
He is also starting to really ruin how you are living
He needs to be stopped
Look at what Jesus has done:
He embarrassed them
He told them that they were unsaved and going to hell:
He shows up in the temple, ruins their business
He starts telling them these parables—
That teach the people they look down on are actually finding God while these Pharisees miss it
That teach how they are guilty of sinning against God and He won’t let them into His Kingdom
That teach how the Pharisees are not chosen for God’s Kingdom
They don’t just want him to stop talking now.
They want him dead.
They want to trap Him and kill him.
But they couldn’t just walk up and stab him.
Not yet.
So, they decided to make him look bad.
If Jesus looked like he was starting a riot or a rebellion then the Romans would kill him.
So they ask him a real stumpper:
Didn’t work.
If they could make him look like a theological idiot, then the people would stop listening to Him.
If people weren’t listening then they could kill him without anyone caring:
Didn’t work.
Astonished, shut-up, amazed— That’s what happened.
They need a new plan.
Here is our story
So t
34- Jesus gagged them.
He forced them to be quiet
35- This expert is a step above the normal guy.
They send in somebody pretty smart.
And I think he wants to go.
He is sharp and he has a really decent question, he thinks.
Jewish people had laws and some crazy numbers
613 laws for 613 letters
613 law
365 negative laws- Days per year
248 positive laws- parts of the boy
I don’t know why they broke it up— but they had a system.
And this guy was an expert in that system.
Now, he wants to trap Jesus with all of this.
36- So, which one is it?
37- Without hesitation, Jesus gives him the most basic answer: Love God
From - The Shema.
The most popular Jewish thing.
The most familiar scripture.
They would know this sooo well.
Think about it for a second: they are trying to get Jesus to say something new and different from the law.
So, they ask Him the hardest thing they can think and He gives them the most basic, familiar answer: Love God
Heart of Religion
This is a big deal to give this answer because this was the to them.
Except more.
Moses said they should memorize it and write it on their doors.
They should keep it on their minds all the time.
They would write it in a box and keep it on their heads and shoulders and doors to their houses.
They would recite it all the time.
This word “shema” meant “to listen”.
But, a very rich word.
as hearing, pay attention, understanding, acknowledging, listening, or a hear and also respond
**Kids need to listen— hear, act rightly** (listening the right way is actually obeying)
They want catch Jesus saying something wrong and he hands them the beating heart of what it truly means to have a relationship with God
Jesus is not hear to explain something different than what Moses said- Jesus is not ruining the OT, breaking the Law, forgetting what happened.
Jesus is clarifying, explaining, showing why God has given all of these things.
So everyone in the crowd, all these pharisees have been saying for their entire life: “Shema Israel...” or “hear Israel” or “listen and obey Israel” every time they prayed that prayer for their whole life
Jesus points and says “you haven’t been listening, you’ve been faking it”
I bet that Jesus will point to a lot of people and say “you haven’t been believing it, you’ve been faking it”
People don’t have the real faith because they are playing with something different.
They don’t have that real love Jesus says to have.
The Word for love here is a big word: the main use of the word.
The love that is a will, the mind of love, the love of action
Love that is dedicated, will work, will sacrifice, will make changes or even die— not just a feeling.
The command is not “feel close to the lord your God” or “have an emotional experience with the Lord your God”.
God is not commanding you “be nice and polite to the Lord your God” or even “be absolutely passionate about the Lord your God when you feel like it”
This is a love that that says “be committed to the Lord your God”, “Do what is right for the Lord your God”
That’s why there are so many descriptors— Your heart, Your soul, your mind, (your strength)
These are not just parts of you, they are way that you love, ways that you shema (or listen)
These overlap each other and point to everything about you
Everything about you and how you live- love God and love others
Every problem in the bible: Not loving God or not loving people
Every solution: Love God, love people
Everything about you finds its full purpose in loving God
Everything you are supposed to be doing is summarized: love God
Everything that the Bible has said so far comes down to this: love God
Everything is about loving God.
The love should be absolutely powerful and life-changing, to REALLY LOVE GOD.
---- This is what God is asking of you and of me.
This is what Jesus calls the most important, most over arching, above, total, greatest thing: Love God
But we don’t usually say that.
If I was to ask you before this sermon, what does it mean to be a Christian you might say “to believe in God” or “to believe in Jesus as your Savior”
Those are important and necessary, but they are not the full truth.
You must not only believe a fact, you must love God
God wants more than just your belief
< .5
.5 - .6
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> .9