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Need to change this cuz I can't breathe leaning over like that.


Now this one is is very calm and very quiet. Okay.

I got two or three of those to add on top of that.


Little Bell Park

the last one one five five

I know there is a bell part 2 on one of them. What are we just do as the Lord my soul?

Okay, Liz are you can you control this one? Can You intro this one Yeah. Like the last four bars.

That work for you.

everyhome everyhome

one more time

Play Joy to Reverend. Every heart rate has five or six nine remember list somewhere in the middle. You going to throw on the zimbelstern and Carl play louder?

Exactly in the temple needs to needs to move along. We don't need to be to relax with this Temple raise a song of gladness.

So let's take it from the top from the beginning. We have spots at the beginning where we usually do our gathering Tunes. So our hearts is our first one for 66

Play the finger symbols on this one Carlos if you play the Bells.



organ piano

It's just piano organ or piano.

Thank you. And I like them too or whatever it is. I like you, too.


let's let's try a different one for this. I'm going to introduce you all I needs to pitch Liz.


naughty list

I'm getting ready.

Get out the next one. The Lord is my light is the next one.

This is the one that we use at.

What is my?

So there's two pieces of that the same one in the theme to could be done at the same time.

Let's try this one again.

Give me a beat.

Yeah, we are.

Don't mess with you. Okay, you pick whatever is comfortable for you. Okay, so we're going to start.

and God

God I trust not in the microphone button Scott I dress

I'm sorry.

Find my phone.

That's fine.

This is the one I want.

warm your car engine



can you get stuff on top?

no choir.

John John Cronk, would you hand this to Tom so he can use it during the service if you're like

that one next one. Lord hear my prayer

It's next track bless the Lord.

Bless the Lord my soul.

Martin Starr

How long are concerts?

Okay. Okay.

Bless the Lord my soul.

And then we're going to do it like 4 times at the end.


I was doing okay. Here we go. Oh Lord, hear my prayer 471 the prayer.

a man list

That's the next step North.


And this is just after we do Tom and listen to me and she finishes the prayer and we saying the Lord's Prayer and all the rest of the stuff that's there.

This is the one with Carlos. Okay, and Liz is going to play the last line. Alleluia all of your joy to every heart to the intro, okay?

Turn everything down.

Cuz I can't control that from here.

Okay, Liz.


Go to sing closer to him.

Set back into 6.

check check check check

stare a hole through you

Don't forget before enough of the grounded.

654 in


no tambourine on this one. All right.


Sing praise and bless the Lord.

Okay, right on the top of the next time around.

alarm time

just pay attention to where we are in the service. So, you know what's coming next?


I have the paperwork in the house.

How was your music?

Will you bring home?

Somebody said it's a little dark in here. We wanted to be that way a little dark today as we do the tar except for y'all so might want to move over a little bit. Does fennel move move Son Grace you in peace from God our father in the Lord Jesus Christ that you're here today as we journey through Sunday after Pentecost. Probably you were worrying about that and a very special Welcome to our visitors were so glad that y'all are here. Next Sunday is the special outstanding wonderful music pieces, so get ready. She'll use today for the offertory. It's also one who just composed. So don't miss out it will be wonderful.

The last Sunday is the Sunday of our musical use. John is still looking for Musical Youth, aren't you?

Immunization clinic if you can find out please do that in the fellowship hall. It's not the second week. It's the fourth week just once everybody gets back in town again. And then I would say Presbyterian Women's Circle group is going to meet Tuesday after Labor Day. So if you need to let me know and we'll order books are the rest of that announcements. Are there except inside it describe a memorial service for George Crowell, which will be August 24th. That's a Saturday at 1 p.m. Right here. Please be present if you can.

Call rights to the Colossians and Let the Peace of Christ rule in your heart the Peace of Christ be with you Spanish hair piece.

I am Peace Quiet.

Psalm 130

Baptist Psalm 130 I wait for the Lord. My soul Waits and in God's word is my hope.

Creator of the cosmos First Light breaking through the moon and the final light. We shall eternally enjoy keep our hearts ever Vigilant as we wait to welcome you that you would find us clothes and dressed in for action and eager to receive you.

Even in our faithlessness God loves us still and waits in Mercy to forgive trusting in the promises given at let us confess our sin before God and one another going with me in the prayer of confession. How to do good at practice and care for those in need and how often replace about passion for other 40 last we pray and cleanse us from the and all our business Jesus Christ Our Lord.

and all God's people say

Can you call me?

Tom and Jerry

We have been saved. Our guilty hearts are washed clean refreshed revived and renewed powered by the Holy Spirit live is ones who are forgiven and freed giving thanks to God in all that. You do friends Believe In Christ. We are forgiven.

Please join with me in the prayer for illumination and which we ask God to open our minds and hearts to God's word in scripture in sermon today. Let us pray. Open our eyes to your presence Among Us that we may hear your word with Clarity and a sureness of Hope as we follow you in all righteousness through Jesus Christ Our Lord. Amen. There will be no children sermon today. Rather than a children's sermon, we want to invite all our children and youth students of in-kind to come forward teachers to a special blessing in schools. About to begin. Come on now.

Come on down.

I can tell this is a really excited group and heal ya but not y'all start a new school year, and we want you to know that the church is with you every step of the way. We love you. We ask blessings upon you this to be a really good year for everybody prayer for the past couple of weeks. So we we thought that this would be a good thing to see the goddess in school too. So, please join us in prayer.

God of wisdom we give you thanks for schools and classrooms and for teachers and students to fill them each day. We thank you for this new beginning or new books and new ideas. We thank you for sharpened pencils and 20 crayons risk blank pages waiting to be filled. We thank you for the gift of making mistakes and trying again. Help us to remember that asking the right questions is often as important as giving the right answers. Today today we give you thanks for the your children youth and teachers and we ask you to bless them with curiosity understanding and respect may be guided by your love all this we ask in the name of a child in the temple showed his longing to learn about you and as an adult taught by story and your great love for this year.

is talwin

and you got a big job. Thank you. Thank you all good work this week. Okay. No desolation.

The scripture lesson today is Psalm 92 1 through 4 and 12 to 15. It is good to give thanks to the Lord to sing praises to your name almost hi to declare your steadfast love in the morning and your faithfulness By Night To The Music of the inner harbor to The Melody of the lyre for you. Oh Lord have made me glad by your work at the works of your hands. I sing for joy.

The righteous flourish like the palm tree and grow like a cedar in Lebanon. They are planted in the house of the Lord. They flourish in the courts of our God in all day. They are always green and. Showing that the Lord is upright. He is my rock and there is no unrighteousness in him.

Styles to energetic this is one of the exception.

Yes, it was awesome. Our second scripture for the day comes from Colossians. The third chapter verses 12 through 17. Listen for the word of the Lord. As God's chosen ones, we and the love clothes yourself with compassion kindness humility. Bear with anyone has a complaint against another forgive each other. Just as the Lord has forgiven you so you also must forgive above all clothe yourselves with love which binds everything together in Perfect Harmony. And Let the Peace of Christ rule in your heart to which indeed you were called in the one body and be thankful. Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in your heart sing songs and spiritual songs to God and whatever you do in word or deed do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus giving thanks to God the Father through him the word of the Lord.

And she has a music in our worship service. This music is often included in Services of the services of healing and wholeness and even in Memorial services.

Why can't I play well the music calms us and it heals us and most importantly it draws us closer to God. About it worship is about giving thanks and praise to God. Our scripture says let the word of Christ dwell in you richly and admonish one another in all wisdom. And with gratitude in your heart sing Psalms hymns and spiritual songs to God. Let me just say that one more time. It's so good with gratitude in your hearts sing Psalms hymns and spiritual songs.

Francis we seen this Taize music over and over it begins to dwell in US. stuck in our hearts reappear at a later time

Ask you this morning. Do you know about tithing? Yeah, I know the community is located in Tyro France that makes a community and listen to this is ecumenical. the whole body of churches all different kinds With strong Devotion to peace and Justice through prayer and meditation and about 100 Roman Catholic and Protestant.

From more than 30 countries from around the world. It was founded by Brother Rodger in 1940.

every year thousands of people travel to France as a Christian pilgrim young people from every corner of the globe to that small village of Taize in central France to share in the community's life. appeal especially to young people

Throughout the summer months thousands of young people ages 17 230 come to Tazza to explore discover their Christian faith. They join in the communities worship 3 times a day. They spend time studying the Bible reflecting in Silas. reading and discussion groups Jonathan and I have long dreamed about going in participating in Taize. I guess I couldn't go in the summer.

In this unique Community something like this. Morning, prayer breakfast large group Bible study small group discussions. Midday prayer Afternoon work our Bible study group discussions. Midday prayer dinner prayer three times a day

words in the music become apart of the People by the end of that week. So we come today to this time of worship by singing with gratitude the Psalms and hymns and spiritual songs.

Jim yet. We see with our hearts and our soul even if the notes are not always correct. We seen with our hearts in our soul and at some point in the future, I promise you one of these two are the words of one of these songs will come back to you.

criminals contain all kinds of hamsters

But they also contain some others some songs devoted to various vocation. The Builder scam How firm a foundation

veterinarians him all creatures of our God and King the dentist him crown him with many crowns

Cheesemakers hymn holy, holy. Holy.

Music what would we do without our music without our ham without those songs that dwell in our hearts and our minds? Turning to this text from Colossians Paul's letter to the people at colossae we read. clothes yourselves with compassion kindness humility meekness and patience Bear with one another and if anyone has a complaint against another forgiving each other just as the Lord has forgiven you so you also must forgive. This is incredibly important in any and all kinds of purchase from back and Paul's time up to the present and it will carry On To The Future.

Compassion kindness and patience and above all forgiveness. Historian Jean Leclerc. That's the best I can do in French explains this way Christian monasticism has developed an understanding and accordingly of how the monks are the nuns life itself becomes the means of that change itself the expression of what he or she knows. The text of the Bible for example are not to be treated as objects to be understood containers of ideas to be questioned debated whether they are to be taken into oneself through the whole shape of daily life. The suggestion is that the biblical text and no longer outside the self but I rather woven within us. And they become elements of our own thinking and speaking. A shape a person's life. This is similar to the Taize experience of singing songs multiple times until they become apart of you saving your life. The singing of distinctive and much repeated chants during Candlelight prayer service is one of the trademarks of Taize the music highlights simple phrases. Simple phrases usually lines from a Psalm or other pieces of scripture sometimes or often times in Latin we avoided that just let me tell you are sung together. Over and over till they become a part of us. So I asked you this morning. Think for a minute about what you are thankful for this.

What about this church composed of a strong Community of Faith?

What about God sending Jesus Christ to show us God's unending love for each one of us.

What about the blessings we receive in this life and the promise of eternal life in the next?

God is the very air we breathe. And for that we are thankful. And as Paul writes to the Colossians in the final verse of today's scripture and whatever you do in word and deed do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus giving thanks to God the Father through him. In the quietness of this moment. Take some time and give thanks to God.

And all the people strong man.

As we come to our times of the prayers of the people. This will also have a musical element to it. So the way this will work is I will pray that beginning of each intersection will have a brief time of silence and then we will join together singing at the last part of a m from Ty's A O Lord hear my prayer and then at the end we will pray the Lord's Prayer together and then we will see the entirety of the song Oh Lord hear my prayer several times at the end of The Melody of this song goes something like this. Am I pretty?

Let us pray.

Oh God, your blessings are as plentiful as the stars above. And as numerous as the grains of sand along the seashore we come before you with grateful Hearts as we pray for the church and the world.

We pray for wisdom and guidance for all people and leaders of this world the family Foster. Peace and Justice and serve the common good.

We pray for your church. The by your grace and our face we may serve you with constancy and love.

We pray for those who are sick or suffering any especially we pray for the proud family for Pat Allen Dana and Carol Conrad and Jenny. They would know your healing strength and find Comfort through our faithful care.

Help us to protect the goodness of your creation. That all may enjoy the precious blessings of this world as a foretaste of the next.

We remember those who have died and look to that Heavenly City where with you and all your Saints. We will enter the Everlasting Heritage of your faithful sons and daughters.

Holy God steadfast and true on you our hope is found. Receive the prayers of your faithful people Hearts Are gladdened by our trust in you and we joined together in the prayer that Jesus taught his disciples Our Father who art in heaven Hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come thy will be done on Earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors and lead us not into temptation, but Deliver Us from Evil. Benign is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever.

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Christ and with the love for our neighbors, but it brings our tithes and offerings to God.

Call Rodger blessings and cover us with gifts of Love except these offerings for the sake of your children that they may Proclaim your mercy and embody your grace in Jesus name. We ask it.



Call Sean Robert Glasper.

breathing, PA

It's pretty awesome. Wasn't it? Let me see this. Hopefully this music today opened a little place in your heart and your mind for some of these songs. And I'll come back to you this week or next week or the week after this kind of music. It's special and I hope that you enjoyed this day the blessings of the Lord Jesus Christ the love of God the communion of the Holy Spirit be with each of you now and forever.

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