09152019 The Blessing of Suffering 1 Peter 4:12-16

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Pain with a Purpose  •  Sermon  •  Submitted   •  Presented   •  1:01:25
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God’s will is for believers to suffer so that we can experience joy through the Holy Spirit in unique ways now and even greater joy later when His glory is revealed.

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Everybody in the house this morning so everybody so this is the day the Lord has made.

We were missed a blessed time at the time. We got a chance to meet for the first time. Mr. And mrs. Hughes job a man. Amanda and we got married this past Friday and the social event of the year it was to die for and I am so glad that we all got to be a party. So let's make sure that we now Chief Keef lifted up Bethel would not have time for the marriage. So let's make sure that she's getting married today down and I need your help. I just finished talking about this joyous occasion. So how do I now transition over to our study of First Peter, which we've entitled playing with the purple rain today? Is 1st Peter chapter 4 verse 12 through 16 and teachers. I want you to really listen to what he's cheating on his dear friend. Pizza fries at the painful trial your suffering and does something strange were happening to you. Did you participate in the sufferings of Christ so that you may be overjoyed when his glory is revealed? You are insulting the name of Christ. You are blessed for the glory.

If you suffer it should not be as a or any other kind of criminal or even as a meddler. However, if you suffer as a Christian do not be ashamed, but praise God that you bear.

May the Lord add a blessing to the readers of his word. Let's go. Let's pray. It's time to you and probably we hear your word Lord you are teaching us about suffering. That's not a lesson that we really really want to learn because we wish and hope that we can get around the Lord's supper at one point when you deemed necessary in our lives that you're preparing us for that time for those times of suffering that comes into our lives for you hearing us for the test. Listen intently. Please tune on ears to your hearts to your heart and it when she loved me and made me look it on neighboring encourage them as well to 2. live like you say Safari Gard teacher near listening to a father that you're were going to be just as your name in the Overflow with joy as a result. So we thank you Lord in Jesus name we pray let the whole church say Amen now, this is God's word. Word for us this morning come to us through the first century church that is very important to understand this passage from Peter. Let me first take you back to chapter 3 verse 14 Peter raised the issue that believers who suffer for living Light Christian are blessed before you said back during first 14 he says, but but even if you should suffer for what is right what a mess we're blessed when we suffer for doing right the Holy Spirit needed to teach us three of a lesson and we saw that in chapter 17 through 20 to where he taught us that when we suffer for doing good. We are never ever to stop doing good. Why because I Expectation is in Christ. And then we got to chapter 4 verse 1 through 6 where the spirit taught us in order to successfully step brakes. We must arm ourselves in. What's the same mindset of our Lord Jesus Christ?

What is Thalia so that what in all things God may be glorified in Jesus Christ. So now today? Repeat stinky brings us back to where he left off in chapter 314 in order to put his teaching on suffering together in a neat pile by teaching of the blessing of suffering. Which will be our title this morning. This is the title of my time together the blessing of suffering we know it sounds like a misnomer. How can you put blessings and suffering in the same sentence? Taylor returns to upload the main point of Tina wants to make about the blessing of suffering is there will is for believers for us to suffer so that we can always spirit and unique ways right now in even greater wave and Greater Joy man, when his glory is revealed he hasn't he knows what he's doing and so were his ways are not our ways when I see what he wants to teach us today. In other words. Peter is teaching us suffering persecution for Christ. I am not miss speaking actually participating in the sufferings of Christ now today so that we can be overjoyed when the glory of Christ is our him later to the whole world. Are you following me right now? Best of Peter says this work to really understand this. First we must remember Peter was not writing this letter to up 21st century Church in America first century Christians who are living out their distinctive Christian value in a Greco-Roman society, which it really was not Christian.

Back then in the good old days when Peter was writing to Christian. Christian Louboutin stop reminding Christian lifestyle in possibly suffer for being Christian or they can remain in the closet lights. Hope we can remain under the radar and avoid any supper now for us in America to be a Christian was really socially acceptable acceptable in really the social Norm kind of come down history when to Lisa 60-70 maybe in the early part of call the Christian. That's why many American Christians today have pellegrini's of patriotism in their face to the point that you can't tell the difference between the two and Jesus almost the same people. Teaching in the Bible are almost 1. Street life liberty. And the pursuit of happiness is an unalienable right in down by the Creator then with Christian state if we we shouldn't even have to stop. Peter is here this morning to trash our Western culture theology here to teach of this morning about the blessing of suffering on the blessing of suffering by telling us directly with no pcsx PacSun. I want you to read. Not just listen, but I want you to read what Peter says in verse 12. What does he say?

No position teaching on suffering by calling them. What do your friends? And these are the same words that he used in chapter 2 verse 1 when he talked about abstaining from sinful desires that seek to destroy our soul and I believe Peter referred to the scattered Believers as dear friend. Take care of your friend Baptist East Campus is a very hard teacher I'm about to give you some really hard to really difficult truth. But first I want you to know that I really really really really love you. You are my friend and that's what he's laying out here. In other words is almost like a nurse would give you a shot. You know why she swallowed the area and kind of make it clean and everything and you know, you looking for trailers stick if you can and that's what he's staying here this morning Financial stuff going on do not be surprised at the painful truth corporate. What is the command this is not a suggestion in June not to get blindsided checking out your stability and it's also is a command not to go the other way the other way, become fatalistic or depressed and things like, you know, I'm just getting beat up.

So big surprise and green bean blooming is what commands the church not.

So what are supplies a gloomy about you tells us right here in the passage about what the painful trial you are suffering has commanded a believer. That means all of y'all not to be surprised at the painful trial.

What you mean is y'all know you touch a stove is hot what it's going to hurt. Then you said it's going to be like you're burning. We've already run away from way back in chapter 1 verse which means so what are you going to get like that, They come in all kinds of ways and later in the same chocolate 16 Petersburg being insulted for the name of Christ and suffering are just a couple of days.

No painted also cover other kinds of suffering as well as not just limited to being persecuted don't be surprised at the pain of your suffering and the ESV says when it comes upon you to test you which is a better rendering is the ringing again here. So we need to ask ourselves right now test from being administered.

Castle and you want to know how to pass it right? And then we go back to chapter 1 verse 6 & 7 to Amsterdam. Look what he says in verse 6 in chapter 1 Somebody read out loud for me. In all kinds of Trials are Tech and now starting to verse 7. Why have these tests come? So what is God testing he suggesting which means that it is possible to fail the face check when you trusted you can easily say I'm tired of you saying I'm tired of trusting you Lord, and I don't like it. I thought being a It would be different than this. I thought I was going to get everything. They just want to hear. We also need to know they'd I believe I want to tell you this why we know that God definitely believes in retesting you and retesting up and he keeps retest until we can you text to the same test tried to get past that you ain't got passing yet, but I could bring you back and bring you back. You know, why? Restaurants to use Richardson you think about you failed it the first time that's what I want to encourage each of you understand. What's happening to you seen you and he's going to keep texting you in that area until you're ready to go on to the next year. If you want to drive to text when you can see if there is no place I can turn no one else. I can turn in the midst of this. May I come forth as pure gold gold something strange. What happened to you?

Give me your head in the heart that God says paper towels are not straight. Even in 1st Peter chapter 5 verse 9 that believe it all over the world are going through the same kind of suffering. Testing is common to man means that you're not being singled out. No matter how you may feel your volume three Three Rivers Texas rainbow trout Club. So guess what the scripture clearly says our Lord and Isaiah 53 what scripture describes him?

Enfamil you would think that he is the greatest person ever.

Why do you think we going to get this in your head in your head and it has not to lose respect suffering is normal for God testing Us by car.

First Command command command to follow what does he say Nick Rejoice in suffering? Let's read what he says in verse 13 check it out.

Now we've just been commanded not to be surprised by suffering don't allow suffering to throw us off balance. Even whenever you want to come on when you say I don't want you to live like that. I want you to see what you got coming to do a hundred eighty degrees. Turn. Why is he say rejoice in our sufferings are clear indication. We are participating in the summer. Death rate due to our faith in Christ testing on face, if confirmation that we belong to Christ.

That's why we have to change the way we think that's why we got to keep rehearsing scripture because this is not something that we naturally take. Although teaching us that are suffering as Believers is a reason not for business or despair, but he said suffering is a reason for what What's to enjoy suffering that's wrong? That's cruel that sick. But he's telling us to Rejoice. Do you want something to show you some examples of this example by the sanhedrin's for preaching in the Name of Christ? Look what the Apostle said? What did they say and what rejoicing they have been counted worthy of suffering disgrace for the name, and I want to be a good supper dishonor on account of Jesus.

Happy suffering. The same thing happened to Chrysler was happening to them. So they were glad to be identifying. No, let me take you to Colossians chapter 1 verse 24 when he suffered on behalf of the turkey. Listen to his reason for Jordan. I am glad that I suffered for you in my body.

We got to get this down right here in Sharing in the suffering of Christ doing her part of the free. I know what I'm not as we think Jesus Paid It All

But only believe in Jesus but what on his behind suffering not only for Christ we have our part of suffering going to give you one more example of Hebrew chapter 10 of the writer of Hebrews. I want you to remember your early day, even when it's even though it meant terrible suffering public ridicule, even though they were suffering they turn around and couple others suffering the same thing not want you to listen to what the writer said about it and Hebrews 10:34. Look what he says. He says you sympathize with those imprisoned and then accepted to College Station real property.

Are you going to help fixing the problem? What is a number?

I'm telling you right now. I'm living as a Christian.

The Peter is about to make back and forth to the sharing participate. Is it worth sharing which is the word Koinonia? We're sharing in the sufferings of Christ. And then why he said why does he say this? So did you make me what? Interesting. He says that you participate when you were Joyce now, so did you enjoy later? Don't ever take you to a higher level when when it's glorious. Yes. You are right person suffering for Christ.

7080 years we live long LED strip.

In Christ's suffering now, let me tell you what it shows. Food Network shows are treasure ship and not the world into a Living Hope in the Bible in here so that we will get a reward when he comes to me that you don't sure. guarantee

price in the statement of Christianity, which our identity suffering now and Glory later We live in America American conditions us to what I wanted. And when do I want it all now? And that's when we living in it and that's having a big effect around mine. We live in looking at all the people around and they got it. We always want to keep up with the Joneses Benjamin and and then play we always in every day weekend.

Greater Joy later with Christ glory is going to be on full display. When you going to see fully his brightness in his Beauty and his work. Reason why the Apostle Paul say now cannot be prepared at all with what?

Singing about our suffering. We know now that is normal strain. I don't know if I know this message, He's not getting all excited. We should be looking for in the midst of our suffering.

early church GPS torque specs he said rejoice in suffering teaches us when we get to work 14 to understand something. I think this is what we tend to feel that it's right here because we really really don't understand suffering. So I'm hoping this will be a blessing to each one of you as we read what he says in verse 14 read out loud everybody. He says you participate in in in the sucker require an example of how we participate in the suffering for Christ. He said if you are insulted of the name of Christ again on believer in what happened in even possibly physically, they got the opportunity. Why because we are not living with them in their sinfulness in Wicked. We're not joining with them in. So you may not have said a word to them and you ain't even sit on you might have said good morning. And that was it and then they began to call you names and reason they call you names. They really are trying to hurt you word. So don't believe the same as that sticks and stones will break my bones, but I guarantee you words hurt. Call you holier-than-thou. For some reason we get upset about that. They call us Dudley Do-Right or something like that or they ask where the fanatic what are some Ramones they use now and they make sure you keep it G-rated. What a Jesus Freak. Is it going to hurt you? This is what insulting look like. participating in the suffering that you

Horses driven you to change your behavior and they don't like it your Godly lifestyle makes them feel uncomfortable. Why do you think I'm Believers are uncomfortable a person who lived out his life.

What what do you think?

Just your lifestyle. What's your present some time to dim your lifestyle and judging there? Have you heard people don't judge me and everything because your lifestyle conviction and all you're doing is letting your light shine before them. Hoping that they will see your good deeds and give Glory restaurant magician and all over a word to them. What is this is happening. Guess what? What does he say? You are what gets right or right now, context in happening at the situations and circumstances.

Abbreviation for New York Liberty chapter look at chapter 5 the Matthew chapter 5 verse 11 and 12. What does he say when people Call Jew Jew, Jew, Jew Jew or reward in heaven born in the same way. They persecuted the prophets before you. I will bless the Lord in heaven. That's what he says. When is Soldier for Christ. He said put your eyes on the future and take a big blow because you got a reward waiting for you. What would you look up to your future award something that is personal series persecution right now. Your shop, you know when you're going through something. We are blessed and he didn't say anything about a future award coming which is true for a bus right now. For the spirit of God rest on you. Think about that right now because the spirit of Glory in the spirit of God is a spirit of God resting on a race is not none other than the Holy Spirit. Okay. None of the Holy Spirit and there are many who think y'all know y'all can County people with pink speaking in tongues is a Bic indication of the Holy Spirit Restaurant Suffern unusual full of the presence of the holy spirit's blessing up and sprinting up and giving us a foretaste of Glory divine right now in the midst of our company. May the Lord open in the sufferings of Christ name. We are blessed and we are blessed is present with her just like he was Shadrach Meshach and Abednego in the fiery furnace change that we threw in three, but I see what you're walking around in the car.

When we suffer replace hard time, we came to question. Where where are you? Are you mad at me strength.

I don't know if this is how we tend to respond and react to Wrecking Yard drinking here. He's correct understanding here purchasing don't be surprised that suffering when you are living for Christ is normal always say when you are stuck with as a Believer don't think God has abandoned you on the contrary Cantrell my friend. He says God is blessing you with you as a matter of fact Peterson. He's resting on you right smack-dab in the mystery. It is only by the power of the holy spirit that we can find the resolve and strength to stay the course without compromising.

To give you the result of the Strip District Court in to supper rather than compromise and then the transforming power of the Holy Spirit and now taking place when will loving Jesus even though we never seeing you got me got to jail and Joyce York in in in Grace. This is the elevation of this how we know we are saying I didn't mean to say right now. If you want to sure this is the insurance God has not abandoned us when we suffer for Christ. It's just the opposite God is present. So close y'all so close to the stage restaurant. Can I get a Hallelujah tire on a trainable teaching? This is suffering 101. We get the understanding teacher other believe me to understanding. Now in the next to Burger more insight into suffering and what he tells us there two types of suffering there's good and there's bad stuff in verse 15 He commands us then to avoid bad Tucker. You don't want that and look what he says about it and birth certificates read together. So, you know it bad suffering you what he said. If you go first in this verse Peter is not not he's not saying don't get caught suffering for being a murderer think he ain't saying that okay. That's not what you say. The holy spirit is not resting on those. Who do. Also remember this is not the first time Peter said this he said the same thing back in chapter 2 verse 19 and 317 will make a note of that the same since you make sure that it's not deserve for being a criminal or we're being a meddling. That's what he's saying is telling us that undeserved suffering for doing is better in death than suffering for doing even notice the list that I said, you don't want to suffer for you said you don't want to suffer for being a murderer a zebra or any other kind of make sure that you see that the Mist move from the most serious offense to the left. Which remember I don't want you to The worst things nor do I want you to be criticized for the least thing. I want you to be above reproach. I don't want to talk about you behind your back because you are nosey in somebody else's business. I do believe that that that is not far away. Can sometimes be so painful.

what do you mean a girl is suffering that we may be tempted to steal if our livelihood has been shut down because of

churches stealing everything that we said about the death of the resurrection and New Life In Christ. Now as a matter fact, I already said that the main reason to avoid being a criminal because you want your life to be known you want and do what and then he says don't even allow yourself to be labeled as a mettler a busybody sticking your nose into places where it don't belong and I work what is a teaching us as Christians we are to do at mind your own business. How do you say teacher in 1st Thessalonians chapter 4 verse 11 local Paul told the church. Say Amen. What time does he say make it your ambition?

Suffern train white woman on live Light Christian cross the line. There's no blessing in this kind of suffering at all in the blessing and Commendation that comes from God only comes from I'm just an undeserved. Okay. Now there's a good kind of suffering and in Peter encourages us to fully Embrace what this summer 16 says right here. What does he say?

Stay here. Don't suffer as a criminal. What's up with you being a Christian?

We only find the word Christian three times in the New Testament job. And the Word was really when first was coined and probably was a derogatory term there goes one of those Christians again from the beginning and more more In this passage suggests. What is named now? Can you sing something for being Christmas Commander? I command you first of all, what do you not be ashamed? Do not be ashamed don't be embarrassed.

Is the temperature today to take place? undercover Christian not really want to step out there because you know when you're in school and everything, what do your friends do dog you out? I remember how early in Chapter 2 Verse 6 and 9 how to turn off the shame feeling how to turn off the chain. Anybody want to know if you do the same man if you happy and you know it clap your hands it Chapter 2 Verse 6 Peter says here. He says the one who trusts in him talk about Jesus Christ for what never be put to shame Peter Thomas hair price was rejected by men but exhausted and honored by God. This means as followers of Christ Society the same society that rejected Christ will also rejected and they will try to shame up as you think I'm at Trickum and everything's right.

Look up Peter says in verse 7 and I'll pull the ESV version cuz it hasn't been an IV.

It's for you. But for those who do not believe look what he said yesterday.

Because God bestowed on those who trust in Christ.

In this world and it all centers around our identity in a chosen race. That's number one. bus number 2

What else are we?

But you may what are the Praises of him and take the number 643 what he called us out of Darkness into what? Turn off that shaenfield and you going to rehearsal mode in your mind. We are told and just just not that thing out and look at such a rate your minds.

Chase for business reasons that we must we must right over our status pending in the universe as a child would go to stop living beneath. We are y'all. Christian said we should use our status as a Christian then to lunch.

launching pad for glorifying God suffer for being a Christian experience God and show guide for the world. Why because we were put here so that God may be what in Jesus Christ.

Show me a break if there is a blessing in summer.

We're going to have to resort we're going to have to learn to really understand something. We got a timer suffering and got a fully embraced. Hey, man, let's go over it one more time. What do we have to do?

and he said

in the sufferings of Christ and then we can be overjoyed when his glory revealed and we can even more because we know they say God is with us because the spirit and the spirit of God rest on a Nissan Sentra. Really interested in signing a practical another word about you store. Bulletproof

we want to continue to bless you and thank you and thank you for keeping us this morning for your spirited for teaching us.

It for us to really Embrace if we got an inspection. We got to really understand what's going on. Avoid the bad time to fully embrace the spring for the truth of the Lord scripture.

They will stand firm knowing that your spirit rests. Thank you.

18 Hudson in re7

Stop ringing in right ear.

Take me to Aldi's on in the midst of our stuff to be reminded of a cross being reminded of her love and Sean.

Thank you, Thank you.

walking cane

Curtis Road

Can pay me?

Dave Amazing Grace

Scratch my back.


what's Trazodone?


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