Spirit Led Soul-winning

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While striving to win souls there will be oppostion but we must allow confront the opposition in the power of the Spirit of God.

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In this passage we find Saul and Barnabas entering another region where the gospel had not yet been proclaimed. In this region there was at least one individual who had a sincere desire to hear what Saul and Barnabas had to say, but as is often the case they were also met with strong satanic opposition to the proclamation of the gospel and the Word of God.
As we endeavor to reach our community with the gospel there will always be:

Those Who Are Sincerely Seeking Truth

As Paul and Silas were journeying through Paphos (city on the southwest coast of Cypress) the Roman governor of the city approached them with a desire to hear the Word of God.
It is evident that he was a man who was searching for truth. We do not know what led him to call for Saul and Barnabas, but it is likely he had heard of their proclamation of the Word of God throughout the isle and he wanted to hear what they had been teaching.
Each and every one of us should be messengers for the Lord Jesus Christ taking the Word of God into our community. As you do, you will find that from time to time you will meet with someone who has a sincere desire to know the truth.
What a tremendous blessing it is when someone is intent on hearing the Word of God with no preconceived ideas as to its accuracy or inaccuracy! So many people we meet are quick to critique the Word of God and are more than eager to declare it false.
Illustration- men in the Base Bible Study- discipleship class- those who listen sincerely and ask questions to seek out the truth.
- Ethiopian Eunuch
When we find someone who is sincerely seeking the truth we ought to be willing to invest the time and effort that is necessary to help them recognize that God’s Word is truth.
We ought to patiently seek to answer their questions and alleviate their doubts and fears through the sharing of the Word of God.
In the end this man became a believer not because of the miracle of the sorcerers blinding, but because he was astonished at the doctrine that Saul and Barnabas shared with him from the Word of God.
Any intelligent individual with no inherent bias, when faced with the evidence, will likely come to believe the Word of God as Sergius Paulus did.
No matter what our critics may say, Christianity is not illogical. It is in fact the most logical explanation for all that we see in the world that we live in!

Those Who Strongly Oppose the Truth

As they begin to share the Word of God with Sergius Paulus, they meet Bar-Jesus/Elymas. This was a man who was intent on doing whatever he could to keep the governor from placing his faith in Christ.
We do not know exactly why it is that this man did not want Sergius Paulus to become a Christian, but it is safe to assume that he did not want to lose his power and influence over this man.
There are many in our world today who strongly oppose the truth for the exact same reasons.
Illustration- soul-winning conversations that become fruitless debates
Many who profess to be atheists today are such for the same reason. They want to be the ruler of their own lives and they do not want to be held accountable to God.
There are many in academia who strongly oppose the truth of God’s Word because they do not want to give up the power and influence that they have. They cannot bear the idea that they are not actually in control!
- Most of scientific study today works from the assumption that God does not exist, rather than following the evidence and sincerely seeking out the truth.
There will always be strong opposition to the truth of the Word of God. As long as Satan has power in this world, he will stop at nothing to discredit the Word of God.

A Need for Sensitivity to the Spirit of God

You and I must learn to listen to the Spirit of God and follow his guidance. Saul knew exactly how to respond to each of these men because he was “filled with the holy ghost”
You and I have a limited supply of time in this life in which to share the Word of God. We must seek to allow the Spirit of God to lead us to those that will profit from the hearing of the Word of God and to direct us away from those who simply have a desire to debate and dismiss the Word of God.
The Spirit of God led Saul and Barnabas to take the time to patiently deliver the Word of God to Sergius Paulus and the same Spirit also led Saul to boldly confront Elymas and directly deal with his opposition to the Word of God.
There are people that we will deal with that will require patience and endurance to win but who are sincerely seeking the truth. There are others who will feign sincerity and who need to be confronted because their only intent is to provoke a debate or an argument.
The only reliable way that we will know the difference is by yielding ourselves to the Spirit of God and striving to stay sensitive to His leading as we take the Word of God into our community.
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