Who Do You Think I Am?

Awakening 2019-2020  •  Sermon  •  Submitted
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The theme of this conference is Jesus Christ. Every person have a different opinion on Jesus Christ. So the question is:

Who Do People Say I Am?

Who addresses the reality of human beings. Who addresses a person.
Depending with whom you talked, Jesus is one thing or the other. Some people say that Jesus is a Messiah, or a good moral teacher, or a good person, or a savior, or a prophet. Everyone has an opinion about Jesus Christ. Specially on Christmas. What do your parents say He is? What do you friends say Jesus is? What your colleges in the school of jobs say that He is?
One thing is to see one person from a distance, another is to meet that person.
One thing is to meet that person, another thing is to get to know that person.
How many times you saw a person and after to meet her/him it change the way you thought about her/him?
We get information from many places about Jesus Christ ( In Facebook, Instagram, YouTube ).
How many times after getting to know the person better and better it changed completely what you thought about her/him?
We get information from many places about everything. In Facebook, Instagram, YouTube you can get information abut people
We all know that one think is to hear what people say about someone, like Jesus, and another thing is to know by ourselves who that someone is. So, all that information does not really matter unless we see by ourselves who Jesus really is. What is everyone got the information wrong?
The Gospels speaks 20x of “follow me”. In the Gospel of John we find 3x “come and see”:
Jesus invites us the first time to “come and see” where he stays.
John 1:39 LEB
He said to them, “Come and you will see!” So they came and saw where he was staying, and they stayed with him that day (it was about the tenth hour).
The next two times, a man and a woman invites to “come and see” by ourselves who is this Jesus of Nazareth.
John 1:46 LEB
And Nathanael said to him, “Can anything good come out of Nazareth?” Philip said to him, “Come and see!”
John 4:29 LEB
“Come, see a man who told me everything I have ever done! Perhaps this one is the Christ?”
John 4:29 LEB
“Come, see a man who told me everything I have ever done! Perhaps this one is the Christ?”
In the Psalm we find another invitation:
Psalm 34:8 NIV
Taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed is the one who takes refuge in him.
Psalm 34:8
Psalm 46:8 NVUL
Venite et videte opera Domini, quae posuit prodigia super terram. Auferet bella usque ad finem terrae,
Psalm 66:5 LEB
Come and consider the works of God; he is awesome in his dealings with the children of humankind.
Come and see what the Lord has done, the amazing things he has done on the earth.
John 4:30 LEB
They went out from the town and were coming to him.
So the massage is clear, you can hear and read from other who Jesus is, but Jesus Himself is telling us. You need to come and see by yourself who I am.
We all know that one think is to hear what people say someone, like Jesus, an
But all that information does not really matter unless we see by ourselves who Jesus really is.

Who Do You Think I Am?

Who Do You Think I Am?

The way in which you perceive reality is the way you see everything else.
The way you see the world around you will influence the way you see people and God.
For example: the way we grow up with our family and friends influence a lot the way we see others and God.
If we got enough love and affection from our family and/or friends, we will see others and God as loving, and we will easily trust people and God.
I tend to think that everyone is good unless they prove me the opposite.
If we did not get enough affection and love from our family and/or friends, we will see others and God as not loving, and we will have difficulties to trust people and God.
These people tend to think that everyone is bad unless they prove the opposite.
One thing is to see one person from a distance, another is to meet that person.
One thing is to meet that person, another thing is to get to know that person.
How many times you saw a person and after to meet her/him it change the way you thought about her/him?
How many times after getting to know the person better and better it changed completely what you thought about her/him?

What Do I Do With Jesus Christ?

Who do people say I am?
All of us have to answer this question: What do I do with Jesus Christ?
Who do you say I am?
You got to trust the Gospels and what Jesus says about Himself. Here is where you should start your journey that may change your life forever.
Do I depend on the opinion of people or I see by myself?
The Gospels are written in a way that you will not easily find an answer to the question, but you will have to read the whole
There are three options to this question:
There are three options to this question:
He is a liar
He is lunatic
He is what He says He is


The way people perceive God and Jesus shows something opposite.
Who do people think Jesus is?
Consider these three options:
Is Jesus a liar?
Is Jesus a liar? If no, why?
Is Jesus a lunatic?
Is Jesus crazy? If not, why?
Is Jesus what He says He is?
If He is what He says He is, then Who is Him? (see (); (); ())
If He is what He says He is, then Who is Him?
Who do you think Jesus is?
Who do people say I am?
Who do you say I am?
Who do people say you are?
Who do you think you are?

What Is Truth?

What addresses the reality of non-human beings. What address the whole reality that we can see, touch, hear and feel.
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