Let us Set Free The Holy Spirit

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I praise the Lord. Good morning.

There is a trinity.

Human flesh and is become a part of of us and Waltz with us for us and then he went to the place where he died for us. It's on that are saying should be safe. But the one thing he's promised us is that whatever he left. He says I will leave a comforter in my place and ask the Holy Spirit. Now we look back in time with the church and it sits down the aisle not too long ago. Was it the Holy Spirit? Was Marvin inside the church's unlikely does today? Because you know, we've got a problem out there. We got a problem in our churches today. It's called hindering the Holy Spirit. We got this problem today in our churches that we don't want to see the Holy Spirit move. You sure we want to come to church we want to visit with our friends. We want to sing some song for going to praise her to come in and give us a plate quick sermon and heaven forbid if it goes past 12 preaching. Answer your in our time now.

Are you know the pastor tank furtick? I can't take much complain at the people were complaining to Terry and his time because a lot of times appraiser complain to the Holy Spirit now you're in my time. What are we talkin about what I'm talking about? I've seen them talk poor people go to church and and during the music portion of the Church of the Holy Spirit in the church. Disable start and end times people start laying out in the spirit same start happening in the end. The spirit the spirit is wanting to move and then the preacher comes into the side. I got to get back in there and it's time for me to preach.

So how can the pastor complain about the people when the pastor is doing the same thing himself and he's Kendry the spirit from movie. And we're not saying the spirit moving our church as we used to. Richard Solis at 11 tell you something people today we need to turn loose. We need to stop putting a Stranglehold on the Holy Spirit. We need to start letting him move today, Today is very short. Let's turn the first Thessalonians 5 and 19.

1st Thessalonians 5 + 19 and this is very short very simple and it says quench not the spirit. Our heavenly father. We thank you today for the short little words that you had given us but these words are so powerful cuz they're telling us that we need to let go and we need to let the spirit move today. When is the season of Miracles that we used to our Heavenly Father? I still believe you're still a miracle-working God and through the Holy Spirit we can see these miracles happen in our church, but we have to open up we have to let him go today our heavenly father just began touching and lifting up our spirits today and letting us be the type of church and the type of people that you so much design this to be our heavenly father. We ask all this a name of Jesus Christ. Amen. You may be seated.

Quench not the spirit. You know when Jesus came home Nazareth was a town with no more than three hundred people. Well, we know some towns like that. We're living in some towns like yet bokassa today. Very many people Amber and got very many people and everybody knows what everybody is doing. No, I grew up in a town like yet Belvieu, Texas then we moved to Bowie and no, they weren't much bigger than Bellevue. But let me tell you something everybody knew everybody I go down at Nocona night I get to doing things and I can remember as a young kid that it doesn't matter what I did my mom and dad knew about it. I know about it sometime before I even did it. Because we were small town in 90% into it. So when I go out and do something I'll guarantee you and my parents knew it. and when I get home Oh would I catch it? My bad be sitting there waiting for me. I was just one of those military didn't have to say nothing. I mean he'll be sitting in his chair watching TV and I'd walk through the door and my dad to give me a little bit whenever he gave me that look. I knew I was in trouble.

I knew I was fixing to have had it, but my dad was fixing to get me. I know the school that I went to know. It wasn't a very big school in Bellevue. I remember probably the biggest year we had there. We had 177 students at school. And I cover kindergarten to the 12th grade into 15 kids in that class and I had a cousin who was the superintendent. Someone I got in trouble you can guarantee my dad knew about it. Because the super tenet my cousin call my dad. And he'll be waiting on the office where I got there. I knew I was in trouble.

Oh, praise the Lord. But you know when we look at it and I am Jesus came from a town. That wasn't very big and everybody literally knew everything about Jesus that grown up with him and his family and his history as well as doing all over the country, you know, they heard about all this stuff. We hear all of it Jesus. We take in the Bible we can play well God is the same yesterday today and forever why he did what he did in the days of Jesus they can still do you know many times we get back and they will know. That can't happen today.

Stop letting the spirit move. Return me and him and we ask for prayer request. We got people in the hospital that need prayer are with a sprayer ourselves and will ask for prayer request.

And we will come up as Donald Gould and another time going to be healed. We get up there and we let the pastor price for us. You know, we can't even feel things moving inside our body. Okay. Well, I'm going to be healed.

And then where are the pastors finished praying for us? And after we get finished doing all that we feel like God is doing for us we go back to our seat. We sit down and You know where like that little lady. I I talk about her quite a bit a little lady on Andy Griffith. I saw that episode again the other day. where they just got this new pharmacist

Here Comes sister Emma she comes in and she she laser died down and she wants her pills. I got to have these pills or I'm going to die. NFL bars in Fayetteville, where's your prescription prescription?

Actor a little bit she leaves and she starts saying it's new pharmacist going to kill me and after a little bit of flowers was that back there talking to Andy and a little bit you see this a turbo up and down. The counter she going to get her pills. City of Scott needles for say she's pretty much run off and she sells I'm going to die and it's going to be your fault. That's why we are whenever we come into Jesus Waco wave that whenever we come up here, you know, what will come up here or come up here. We're not truly believing. We're not truly believe in that we can go up there and be healed. We better get back.

But we sat back and we complain. I think we lost.

I really do I think we got into an age of complaining. Look on Facebook. If you don't believe me, I see people he ran out there laundry on Facebook complaining about saying I like the little I saw this morning. We put all of our private sauce down inside of diary. And then we would get all his brother found her mom and dad found her. Somebody found her diary begin. Read it all we just got so mad.

But now I said he was going to diary we got this Facebook and Facebook for everybody.

Why ain't anybody reading? my toast

probably cuz you're saying stuff that I don't want to hear about.

Facebook I don't put much down on it for the mere fact that I've got a page and there for the church. I know that's what I mine. They put down for it. So people can hear what's happening at the church. So we both can see I I'll take my Sherman I record my sermons. And I put them down my employees iPhone is in our web page. We've got a web page that I put our stuff on. So people can hear the service and hear what we've been talking about that day and every once in awhile, and there's a really good sermon that I liked and I felt the spirit was moving. I'll put it on Facebook. So people can hear it more people can hear

I like to put things of the church out there.

Because I believe that we've got to be what God intends us to be. Not what we want a baby. We don't want to be a social club. We don't want to be a place to go and just see our friend at Aunt and get out there and do what we want it. Well, I want you to preach to where I can do what I want to and then during the week. I'll be okay. That's all I want. You don't want a lot of preachers are preaching today. What ranking is feel-good stuff?

That we should not be preaching at feel good stuff. Like tickle the inner type sermons. Told me that we should be preaching the word of God, and we should be preaching Hellfire and brimstone. Which I was there is a heaven in there is a hell and if we don't preach the truth.

My Bible tells me that if I'm not preaching the truth that I'm responsible for those that fall short of the kingdom of God.

If I'm going to stand up here and I'm going to preach the truth, then that's exactly what I want to do. I want to speak the truth because I don't want to be responsible for anybody fallen short of the kingdom of God.

Oh, praise the Lord.

First thing I want to look at today. Is one of the things that will quench the spirit is cynicism. Praise the Lord and it's not going to do what I wanted to do. But you know, we're going to go on in here and it's close relatives and unavailable for the miraculous. God wants to do amazing things.

Among us but we keep our distance because of something we seen or experienced Francis. Maybe we have had a Time.

Trusting for healing because we're saying someone with bad Motors or bad theology Ministry. There was a setback and we can look and when do you attend church?

a lot of people in the church

There's a bunch of Hypocrites and their preaching one thing but I was one of the ones I got her to charge one time and I said, well, I'm not going to go to church no more and I started running the way of the world. And when I first started doing this, I live in Nocona, Texas and Montague County was a dry county. For us to go and get our alcohol monster. I went over there to get our alcohol. I would come back to Montag we go to somebody's house when it was mine or somebody else's that's where we would drink it.

But everybody knows especially the Christian Community know that all of us worldly people alcohol.

Wichita Falls

the other direction EgyptAir alcohol alcohol

Has a lot of Christians out there today they doing something.

The water that going on in our churches today.

What are the side effects quiz not the spirit but yet we quench the spirit all the time. things to run our way I mean, I'm not one of these people to go out and get drunk get in the fight.

Play I'm a Child of God. So it's okay if I do it.

That's the wrong attitude. I'm not going to tell you that you can't drink a beer every now and then because that's not for me to judge you about. And that's one thing I I never understood. I mean they were more afraid of the worldly people seeing them and they were the Christians. I know every once in awhile instead of going the monster we would decide to go to Wichita Falls and do something and where we go into the liquor store up there to get us a little drink and that would be that Christian that was telling me I shouldn't be doing it.

People don't want to go to church because they say all the time. But let me tell you something.

And it needs to open his ears and it needs to be listen to what is being said. I said is going back and saying what what preacher use yours preach. You preach about what I want to hear and you forget this other stuff and we'll be okay. I'll go ahead and I'll stay in your charts and I'll keep paying my tithes in your church. As long as you keep me happy. People that's what it takes to keep you in church and keep your ties in church. There's the door. Don't let it hit you when you leave.

That's plain and simple.

If you don't want to learn what God wants you to learn and if you don't want to let the spirit move today, then you're in here for no good reason.

We're here for the wrong reasons. I wanted to get in here for the right reasons. Where to get hair like God knew us a spirit move in here and I'm getting ready to go but I got a bad up here and they're singing and they're praising the Lord and the spirit against the move and people start getting laid out. They start coming to the altar lyrics to you. Say. Hey, you got to get up and go to sleep. I want the school to move.

And I'll be just as happy and that's a spirit have his way.

Because that's what we need to take. The spirit is just as important as what Jesus is a comforter and that's why he left the comforter.

Make a Heavenly Home our home. Craigslist

call pants instead of habitually extending Grace and forgiveness as we're called to do many Believers are addictive.

Offense we easily offended at all kinds of people that were easy to get up get offended. You know, what we want a preacher. It's getting to where we

That is a picture to somebody and your preaching about God.

When you're wrong. but Islam

they can preach about the Kaaba. I'm not okay. we go out here and oh, I never thought I'd see the day but we've come into the time when it's okay to burn the American flag.

That's no problem lbgt whatever it is playing.

Are you done offended somebody?

Wait time at work were so afraid of offending somebody. That were allowing things to happen in this world. That should not be happening. afraid to offend you don't

Should we preach the word of God?

Will come in safe for pasture you sure we're stepping on my toes today. What do you have against me?

Shouldn't be in.

Quenching the spirit. We got to understand that God the Father.

And I work together so that today we can be saved and the Holy Spirit Holy Spirit. We're not receiving our hands that we should. A recording the Holy Spirit. We're not receiving our blessings that we should.

Churches need to let go.

The spirit and the people and the lift them up. I'm here to tell you today. It's a spirit wants to move. He wants to move and he wants to be let go. the Holy Spirit

Find me somebody Garrity some of us are so familiar with Jesus. We grew up with Jesus in church and when we start hearing.

About supernatural possibility we might get cynical and offended because of something that happened to us in church.

now today when a dinosaur yes, we're familiar. We heard the same thing and this is something that really gets me. We've heard the same thing time and time again. We've been hearing it for ages back. But Jesus is coming to take his children home. We need to be fair. I don't know how many of y'all play mode what they call the atomic clock, but they move it back and forth according to how close I think we are to the end of time. And you know where we've gone for hours. We gone 4 minutes. I mean we brought it down to five minutes. But the other day they moved. And when I moved if they moved it down to seconds.

Not ours not minutes seconds. The time is coming. We need to prepare because the end is here.

Bible says the Bible is chilling and said in the end we will see today.

I mean boys running wild out there.

You didn't dare let somebody know when you are a homosexual. Now it runs rap. commercials you watch TV shows

Show us the other day. It was at 9. I wanted to see you that I'm a boy. I wanted to see it real quick. I hated that because it was being a good show. But you know, we got to allow this stuff allowed at my house. I'm not going to allow the TV to bring you to my house real quick.

And I got it out of there. Because I do not have to do. The government says I do but I don't.

I'm on route my life according to the way but God tells me. And I say hey watch what I want. I will listen. But it's going to be clean. Because I don't have to see this dirty junk. Got up this morning. I watched a little bit of the news. And I turned it over. Broadcast station they were showing an old Tarzan movie. I like a movie.

Oh, he's always getting in trouble. I like the one with Johnny Weissmuller when I was watching this morning. now he was with Jane and she was taking my little angels so he was trying to learn to talk but he still

watch it. Up until it was time to come over here and then I came over here getting things ready.

Now I'm not saying that everything we watch is wrong.

Some people are in the sport. They like to watch their Sports. I'm not a sports fanatic message Rosie.

I know there's some people that like going and playing job. I never understood why anybody want to chase a little white ball around and put it in a little bitty hole out there in the middle of a cornfield. All the people I love playing. It's good exercise.

That I will give golf at it's good exercise.

You're walking around. Most people there like me. They can't afford them.

I'd be that one is walking out there.

I'll praise the Lord and put it in that little bitty hole.

467 for 5 a.m.

Illinicare trying to put that little bitty ball in that little bitty hole. I'll guarantee you it's going to be 14 or 15.

We lived out there at love it down to the Putt-Putt Golf Course. You know, you played Putt-Putt you were Uptown. They had all these little bitty horses like it, but they just weren't nothing for some reason, but that was the place to go. And I go out there every Saturday morning and I would Chase it around 18 holes and I got pretty good at it.

But I didn't have to get the ball that far.

Can I drive if I was glad to get out at sand trap or anything else? I will just have to go and do what I can.

And I may be using a driver to get out of the fans, right?

But some people do some people enjoy the guy I see a lot of times I'll go by the golf course and I'll be one guy out there by itself. going around For Five Guys in a group, but everyone small.

It doesn't matter what you do and this is a point of trying to kiss me. It doesn't matter what you do. What do you want to play golf and you want to ride Bulls? Where do you want to? Step back and just enjoy life, but you can take whatever you do. And you can use that to benefit the Holy Spirit. Whatever you do to the best of your ability to see the Holy Spirit me. price on War

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