Mark 10:32-52

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And turn to the gospel of Mark the gospel of Mark. We're going to be in chapter 10 this morning.

Really finishing this chapter out after we looked at a little bit last week. But Mark chapter 10 continues this teaching continues Mark showing us Jesus showing us this one who was born who came to this earth to fulfill all of God's promises. When we see Jesus and Marcus Were Meant to see we're meant to see God's purpose at work here in the life of Jesus Christ Were Meant to see that this purpose transcends. Just that point in time at geographical space that that timeline space this this is about much more much more than just that Jesus is revealed to us as the promise when he's revealed to us as the Messiah the coming king of God's people and the kingdom that he is establishing is is shown to us to be one that is different from the kingdoms of this world a kingdom that looks so much difference from the kingdoms that were used to seeing. And Jesus has begun to teach his disciples. He's begun to train them and say this is this is who I am. This is what my kingdom means and what we see in today's passage is going to be continuing that who is Jesus. What is his kingdom about and end even more importantly, what do we do with that information? What do we do with? The word of God, what do we do with the Life of Christ? What do we do with his teaching and his power and all the things that we've seen in the gospel of Mark this far? How do we respond to it? So we pick up then in Mark chapter 10 and verse 32.

And they were on the road going up to Jerusalem in Jesus was walking ahead of them and they were amazed and those who followed were afraid now. I want to I want to stop right there for just a second. Why were they afraid? Why were they afraid?

This is why I think I wish sometimes that you guys would give me like 12 hours to teach. Because when we look at this and we jump in the middle of the story as it were with the conjunction with and we know that there's been stuff happening before we'll what was happening before Jesus have been teaching them about the nature of his kingdom. Jesus had been telling them it's harder for a camel or it's it's easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich person to be saved and here's here's my teaching about the sanctity of marriage in and if you're not like a child, you can't enter the Kingdom of Heaven in the disciples are starting to get this picture. Wow. We can't just stroll through the gates here. there's this some serious happening in the Kingdom this this is much more than we would have ever thought and they even say well if this is all true, then who can be saved and she says with man it's impossible but with God Take a nap. right And so there's there's the wrestling with this and then he says it says in there going up to Jerusalem. They're going up to Jerusalem. Why is that a big deal? Big deal because that's where the people who didn't like Jesus. We're headquartered. That's where the people who wanted to do anything. They could to see Jesus's Ministry squash demolished destroy. That's where they hang out the Jewish leaders who did not like his stepping on their Turf. We're in Jerusalem the Roman leaders who were starting to see Jesus as perhaps somewhat dangerous as he's getting this following they're starting to suspect that. He might be one of those zealots who wants to drive Rome out. And they're in Jerusalem says and they were afraid in light of Jesus teaching but also in light of Jesus's destination and Mark is trying to show us I think something that's really important. We get distracted sometimes when we look at the life in the ministry of Jesus. And we listen to his teaching and we see his miracles. We forget something that Mark does not want us to forget. The destination was what defined Jesus is life. He was going to Jerusalem and he was going there to do what well, let's keep reading. And taking the 12 again to his closest followers. He began to tell them what was going to happen to him. He said see we're going up to Jerusalem and the son of man will be delivered over to the chief priests in the scribes. They will condemn him to death and deliver him over to the Gentiles and they will mock him and spit on him and flogged him and kill him. And after three days, he will rise. Jesus is destination was what well, it was rejection by the very people that he had come to establish himself as king of it was rejection by the Jews West what it means when it says in the chief priests in the scribes a very people who knew the promises of God in the Old Testament who should have been looking for their coming Messiah. We're going to miss it. And these people were going to not uphold Jesus's kingship over them, but they were going to reject it and if in doing so they were going to deliver him over to the Gentiles the Roman and the Romans were going to mock him and spit on him and flogged him and kill him. That's Jesus is destination. His destination is his death. So when it says and they were walking on the way they were going up to Jerusalem and everybody was afraid because this isn't the first time Jesus told them why he came this isn't the first time Jesus told him what was going to happen before he already tried to tell him this before they're going to kill me. They're going to kill me. They're going to kill me.

And the disciples maybe starting to get some of that. But that's not just it right. That's not the only part of the destination. It's not just mockery. It's not just degradation. It's not just rejection. It's not just torture not just death. There was a final part to his destination wasn't there. After three days, he will rise.

That's good news. That's good news that the Messiah would rise again. That's good news that Jesus is destination was not just death but was a Resurrection on the other side of that death. And so we see that this destination is defining Jesus every step. He takes towards Jerusalem every step he takes he knows it's a step towards death, but it's also a step towards Resurrection. The problem is Jesus's disciples and disciple simply means follower student somebody who's walking along with a teacher in order to learn from their way of life and they're teaching the disciples who are supposed to be defined as followers see the direction that Jesus is life is going And they don't want to hear it. It before when Jesus said I'm going to go and I'm going to die Peter took him aside and began to rebuke him say hey man, the Messiah can't talk like that the king can't talk like that. Well, here we go on in this passage and we see that the other disciples don't want to hear anything about this death business either. Pick up with me in 35. And James and John the sons of Zebedee came up to him and said to him teacher we want you to do for us, whatever we ask of you know, that's a loaded question. Parents your kids come to you. Say Mom and Dad in just want you to say yes to whatever I asked How likely are you to say? Okay, that sounds great. Whatever you ask. I'll say. Yes. I'm getting a thumb down here, right? It depends on which kid it is Gina.

I'm glad Aubrey is not up here to hear this right? You're most likely not going to just give a a blank check to your kids, right? Because you know that whatever comes after that is generally going to be fairly self-seeking it best right unless it's right, you know that what comes next is is is not going to have your best interest at heart and it's no different here. They come up to Jesus they say hey, whatever we say next you just do it. Okay, and Jesus says what exactly do you want me to do for you? Right? What is it that you want me to do? And this is their answer. They said to him grant us to sit one at your right hand at 1 at your left in your glory. Hear Jesus we're not asking much. We're just asking to be second and third in command in the Kingdom, right? You're setting up to your kingdom. You're the Messiah. We've already said that Peter already spilled the beans now that you're coming to establish the kingdom. We want to make sure that we're number two and number three on the totem pole right when the when the new startup is it now and when it's released we want you to be up there on CEO, but we're going to be sea level right? You're going to put us up there with you what they're asking for. Is there asking for power? They're asking for influence their they're asking for position. They're wanting the perks that come with sitting next to the guy that's in charge. They say whatever you we asked me want you to do what we want you. We want you to be King Jesus at school. You can sit on the center seat, but go ahead and give us the ones right next to you. That's what they're asking for Jesus replies. You guys are a bunch of idiots, but he doesn't say it quite like that.

Jesus said to them you do not know what you're asking. Are you able to drink the cup that I drink or to be baptized with the baptism with which I am baptized and they said to him. We are able.

Now what did Jesus just say? He was getting ready to go do? What did Jesus say was going to happen to him when he got to Jerusalem? I'm going to be rejected by the people. They're going to turn me over to the authorities. I'm going to be mocked beaten rejected. I'm going to be killed.

and they're thinking we get that we can do that.


Why are they saying that two possibilities one? They don't have a clue. They don't understand what he's talking about and they're just going to pretend like they didn't hear him and they're just going to move on and be like, yeah, we get it. Quit joking around Jesus. We know you're going to set up your kingdom. or they get it and they say yeah, but we heard that part about Resurrection. So we put up with a little bit of discomfort and a little bit of problems so long as when the Resurrection comes we get that power in that position we get those perks. I don't know which was in their minds. I don't know but nonetheless they say yeah, we can do this, you know in exchange for what we get out of it in exchange for what we're going to get. Sure. Jesus will go along with you on this one. So Jesus says all right the cup that I drink you will drink with the baptism with which I am baptized. You will be baptized but to sit at my right hand or at my left is not mine to Grant but it is for those for whom it has been prepared. He says okay have your way my destination is your destination but it's not going to be defined on your terms. Jesus is life was defined by the fact that he was going to die and he was going to rise again. That was Jesus's defining characteristic was a life leading to death and then to life again. Do you says yep, it's going to be the same for you guys James and do the same for you, John. But you don't get to Define. The terms of that life you don't get to Define where you sit in the Kingdom, right? Jesus says no, that's not given to you that's given to those for whom it has been prepared. Well at some point in this conversation the other disciples hear about this.

When did 10 heard it they were indignant at James and John? They were indignant James and John. Why were the indignant how dare you guys ask for positions of influence? We wanted those the indigenous was not in James and John's audacity to ask for it. But the fact that James and John thought of it first I'm convinced the ten were just mad cuz they didn't have the idea first. They still misunderstood the kingdom after all of Jesus's teaching after all of what he had said every single one all 12 of them missed the point about what the kingdom supposed to be about. It's not about power. It's not about their position. It's not about the perks of the job.

It's not about any of that. It's not about establishing a hierarchy and I'm over you on the organizational messiah's Kingdom organizational chart. It's not about that. It's not about who reports to who or who has authority over who? So what's it about then? Jesus give them an answer as well as ass. Jesus called them to him the two who asked the question in the ten who were indignant and he said to them, you know that those who are considered rulers of the Gentiles Lord it over them and they're great ones exercise authority over them, but it shall not be so among you for whoever would be great among you must be your servant and whoever would be first among you must be slave of all for even the son of man came not to be served but to serve and to give his life as a ransom for many. Jesus Takes these expectations of the disciples the two and the 10 and it says we got to read to find your understanding of what the kingdom means you got to put this idea that did it's about power. You got to put that out of your head. You got that you got to completely get rid of that idea that by following me and being a part of my kingdom. You'll somehow gain power. Instead he redefines it and he says no, here's what you need to understand. My kingdom is not about power. It's about service. You know that it in the world the kingdoms of this world are established on the basis of hierarchical power structures. Not so among you. But whoever would be great must become the least. He takes this idea that position equals the benefit right? You get a higher position. You're better. He says no less redefined that down. I'm looking for servants. I'm looking for people who are going to get their kicks by lording it over others. I'm looking for people who were going to serve the people around them who are going to give themselves up for the sake of others and in the term here servant. Is elsewhere translated as slave? Right. This is this is not just all right, I'll do your thing for you, you know so long as I get recognition as such know, it's a willingness to completely submit yourself. To the needs of those around you to completely submit yourself to God in heaven to have no thought for self-advancement. But to think only of how can I love my Creator? How can I love the ones who are created in His image? It's service. It's being a slave and instead of getting the perks that come with the position. He says you want to look at an example of what the Kingdom looks like. Look at what I'm getting ready to go do the son of man, right? And then that term carries a lot of weight with this Jewish audience. The son of man is understood to be the Messiah exercise Authority and drive the Romans out of the land and going to take over and establish the Jews as the top people in the world. He's not about that. He didn't come. Tooth crushed the Nations and make them serve him. He came to be crushed by the Nations and so serve them. His his goal was not. His goal was not to Lord it over. but to die for it's amazing. We're not to the Cross yet, but we have the benefit of a little bit of hindsight amazing. When you see Jesus on the cross praying father forgive them for they know not what they do. That's the example of what it looks like to live in the Kingdom. That's the example of what we ought to seek. Our highest ambition is christ-followers ought to be no less than the example of Christ who was willing to be crushed for the sake of others. Who was willing to die? 4 sins that he didn't commit who is willing to be unlawfully and unrighteously accused.

and to die Did he redefines for the disciples what they ought to expect? He says you're with me. You're following me good job, you're even willing to drink the cup. Been willing to be baptized with the baptism and baptized with okay. I got it. But you need to change your expectations of what that means. You're not following me for the benefits that will accrue to you. You're not following me to have a comfortable or an easy life. You're following me to serve others to be a slave. Others and to die for the sake of the Gospel. I quoted it before but I'll quote it again. Just in case you guys forgot like I forgot what I was supposed to talk about earlier. Dietrich Bonhoeffer A Christian brother from many years ago. Wrote this when Christ calls a man. He bids him come and die. If you're following of Christ has not adopted that destination.

Are you following Christ? Or are you seeking some sort of benefit to yourself? Are you following Christ who was willing to go to the cross and I

if you continually try to shape the church to fit your needs in your expectations.

Are you following Christ? Who said I'm going to go to the people that are supposed to see me coming and I'm going to be rejected by them, and I already know it's coming. And I'm going to be turned over to romance. We're going to beat me and hang me on across the most excruciating and humiliating death devised to that point. But I'm willing to do that for their sakes and for the sakes of the world. Are we following Christ?

Win for us. It's a question of Comforts the question of whether or not we enjoyed it. I love I love I love Francis Chan. He has some of you know Francis Chan Francis Chan is he was a pastor in California Pastor to mega church felt God calling him away from that. He started a house Church Network in San Francisco and was was instrumental in that and just recently has surrendered to a call to missions to going overseas and proclaiming the gospel amongst those. I've never heard it. I love Francis Chan and his response. I think was Francis Chan. Maybe I just went on this whole Rhapsody about Francis Chan and it's the wrong guy, but I'll give him credit anyways. He he he had this couple visit his church and afterwards he called him he went and met with him and he said well guys, you know, how was your visit, you know kind of yelling and they said I you know, we just really didn't like the worst. Hey, so that's okay. We weren't worshipping you anyways.

But how Insidious is that? For us when we come together and we say well, I don't like that person who goes to this church. So I'm going to have to go to a different church. I don't like the worship there. I want to go someplace that doesn't more my style. I don't like that guy's preaching you can't keep back straight. I can't remember anything.

Right. We we treat church as something that some how about us? Jesus is saying it ain't about you. You mean about you? I'm not concerned James and John and the indignity and I'm not concerned with Who's got what position? I'm just wondering are you willing to die? Are you willing to serve? Are you willing to follow no matter how uncomfortable it makes you? Jesus is redefining our expectations of what church is not talking about church. He's talking about following him. But the way we do that is we do that with other Christ followers We Do It Together We Gather we're in this together, but not for the sake of anyone of us. Not not for position. Not for perks not for power over here doing this. So that we can serve so that we can die. And anything else is Unworthy of a Jesus whose destination was death.

And then we see these disciples. Not just hearing Jesus correct them and takes them to redefine their expectations, but they get to see what Jesus means from an entirely surprising source. you and I ought to respect the disciples sweet. We really ought to we ought to Value their example for us. But we need to recognize they weren't perfect. They were flawed individuals just like you and I are flawed individuals and sometimes we need to not follow their example. We need to look to the surprising characters in The Narrative for the example that we ought to follow and that's what we get next in Mark's story here. Mark 10 verse 46 and it came to Jericho and as he was leaving Jerrica with his disciples and a great crowd Bartimaeus a blind beggar. The son of Timaeus was sitting by the roadside and when he heard that it was Jesus of Nazareth, he began to cry out and see Jesus Son of David have mercy on me and many rebuked him telling him to be silent. But he cried out all the more son of David have mercy on me and Jesus stopped and said call him and they called the blind man saying to him. Take heart get up. He's calling you and throwing off his cloak he sprang up and came to Jesus and Jesus said what do you want me to do for you? The blind man said to him Rabbi. Let me recover my sides and Jesus said to him go your way. Your faith has made you well and immediately he recovered his sight and followed him on the way.

I don't think this is one of those times where the sermon that I schedule in advance is not the sermon I want to preach when the day comes. There is so much goodness there. For us to see in for us to reflect on but I just want to briefly go through this story and sake why does Mark put this here? Why does Mark finish telling us about James and John jockeying for position in the kingdom in the 10 being mad about it? Why does he show us? Jesus going to Jerusalem and everybody being afraid because of what's coming Jesus saying very clearly. This is what's going to happen when we get there. Why does he then interject this story of this blind, man? He shows us with the kingdoms about. He shows us what it means all these things that Jesus has been saying what it means for us what it means is it when we hear that Jesus was born to die. We not to think in terms of what is that benefit me. What is that? Give me?

But we start to think what kind of response does that call from me? when we see blind, Bartimaeus

He's not following Jesus. We would expect the hero of the story. To be one of the disciples have been walking around with Jesus for years at this point. Here is some guy sitting by the side of the road begging.

But who hears that is Jesus in cries at son of David have mercy on me.

the purpose of the Gospel

Is not to save you.

the reason Jesus came

was not to save you.

the reason Jesus came was to glorify the father by saving a people. Who would praise His name fraternity?

That is a subtle difference.

Weave weave so individualized the gospel. We still made it about what do I get out of this relationship? What do I get with what benefit do I have for following Jesus? The gospel becomes little more than a get out of hell free card.

Becomes a little more than just something comforting to us. In the middle of the night when we're wondering what's the purpose of life?

Wondering why it was to me how Jesus Loves Me But yeah, that's true. But there's so much more to the story when we stop with the command or with the opportunity for salvation. We stop with the implication just for us. We've missed the point of the Gospel. What Jesus is doing is much bigger than us. He's inviting us into his journey. He's inviting us into God's plan established from before the foundation of the world. He's inviting us in and saying you can come and you can be a part of what I'm doing. I'm not doing it for you, but you're welcome to be a part of it. He's challenging are egocentric view of life and faith. He's challenging the Temptation for us to use even the good gift of God for our own ends.

And it demonstrates that here with blind Bartimaeus. Jesus have mercy on me and Jesus asked him. What do you want me to do? I'm blind. I can't see. When when we think about blindness we think about the fact that today being blind is still a disability, but it's a disability that has some accommodation. We have buildings designed with blind people in mind. We have streets that are designed some of them not all of them designed with blind people in mind that was not the case in this guy's day for Bartimaeus to be be blind man said he had no option to follow Jesus. That's why he's just sitting by the side of the road. He can't do anything with his life. There's no there's no Israelites with Disabilities Act. Making sure that this is a safe culture in a safe place for him taking into account the least of these there's none of that. in his debt his only Capability is to sit there and hope that somebody gives them enough money so he can maybe buy some food and get out of the rain for a little bit. So when Jesus comes by Bartimaeus recognizes, this is a guy this is the one that everybody's been talking about. This is the one that raised Jarius is daughter. This is the one that healed the woman with the issue of blood. This is the guy that fed the 5000. He would just have mercy on me. Maybe my life could be different. Jesus have mercy on me. What do you want me to do? Let me recover my site just said to him go your faith has made you well.

What what what just happened the blind can see? Bartimaeus has eyes that are opened. What is this is amazing. Jesus says go your way. Your faith has made you well. What is Bartimaeus do? He recovers his sight and he followed him on the way. Call Bartimaeus nose. Is whatever life he's just gained is not his for his own enjoyment. Whatever life he's just gain the gift of his side of the gift of life to Bartimaeus. He's been set free from being a beggar. He's been set free from his helplessness is in his inability to do anything worthwhile. He's been set free from all of that. Jesus says go your way. Whichever direction you want to go Bartimaeus you can now do it you want to go learn a trade go learn a trade. You want to go make a bunch of money go make a bunch of money. You want to go find a wife go find a wife. Don't do it, man. I'm set you free. But the only response the only response that Bartimaeus wants the only response that ought to characterize our encounter with the healing power of Jesus with the saving power of Jesus. Is any followed him on the way? Bartimaeus demonstrates the proper response to the kingdom. It's not jockeying for position. He's just this. Undeterred pursuit of Christ he tried to stop and he kept crying out Jesus Son of David have mercy on me.

Knock it off Bartimaeus. You're so annoying. And he cried out all the more Jesus Son of David have mercy on me. The first response to the existence of a savior like Jesus is just an undeterred pursuit of him in a recognition of everything that we need is found in Christ and yet I'm afraid that often times. That's not our response. Often times we take Jesus is something that he's a nice bonus in life. Like I'll follow Jesus. I'll pursue Jesus only after I've realized I can't fix it myself Jesus like the backstop plan for my life. Like if everything else doesn't work, okay. I'll give Jesus a shot. Or you know what? I'm going to I'm going to pursue Jesus but only so long as I don't have to be one of those people. I won't be weird or anyting. I want Jesus to have control of my calendar. I don't want him to tell me what to do with my time. I don't want to tell me him to tell me how I should treat people. I'll pursue Jesus as long as it's comfortable bar. Bartimaeus is no pissy Jesus. I don't care if you tell me to stop talking about him. Stop calling on him. I want Jesus. He unabashedly pursues Jesus. He depends on his former. See that's his car. He doesn't light out with what he told me. He starts out have mercy on me. Bartimaeus know something. I think it's important for us to recognize. Jesus didn't heal everyone.

Because his ministry wasn't about that. Jesus in the hill every person every heartache every broken is because that wasn't why you came he came to die and Rise Again. one day Gil Hill every broken this one day he'll fix every illness one day. He'll set things right and death will be no more and he'll wipe every tear from every eye but first he has to die. You can't conquer death until he dies. He can't set things right forever until he rises. That's why he came. We depend on Jesus for mercy. First and foremost and if he deigns to he'll praise the Lord. But that may not be his purpose. His purpose may just be to give us Mercy to endure Grace to suffer. Grace to continue in faith, despite the difficulty that we face. He comes for Mercy. He's given the healing and he's given the freedom shoes now go your way with his way because of what Jesus has done is Jesus way. His free choice on being set free from his disability is Jesus. I'm going with you. The disciples were following Jesus so they could get some positions of power some purse Bartimaeus wants none of that. He just wants Jesus. And three says I'm going with you. When we are set free when we are given Mercy, we are called to adopt Jesus's destination as our own. Did our highest ambition?

Would be to give our life for Christ.

There's a there's a guy that I've been listening to recently musician John Van deusen. I think that's how you say his name. and as we were driving in the car for a long time recently, we would take a break from you know, the the adventures in Odyssey that we were listening to and we would listen to music and John Van deusen says and it's out in this out. I can't remember the name of the album. But he says your might might my highest goal. Jesus is to know what makes you smile. to know what makes You Weep and to live accordingly he is completely adopted Jesus's desire for his life is completely rejected his own interpretation of what following Jesus means. He says whether it's too common to die. Or to live and rejoice I'm good with it. Because of who you are Christ, this is my question for us this morning.

Why are we here?

What are what are we doing? What are we going to do? in light of who Jesus is

why are we here to worship the only one worthy of worship?

What are we doing? sacrificing Our Lives time that we could have had especially today on daylight savings time. When is all of your kind of doubt? Looking at me. We're here. I hope you're not here for you. I want you to see that there's more to follow in Christ than just showing up on Sunday morning and some the final question is what are you going to do? What will you do with the example of Bartimaeus the example of someone who when they're following or when they're healed? They followed Jesus not because of what they're going to get out of it. Because of what he did.

You got choices to make this morning people. I do too. We all do. Are we going to reject Christ? I'm under no Illusions. There's enough of us here not all of us are Christ followers not all of us want to follow Christ. Wiener, reject him reject the healing he offers in addition to rejecting his destination. We're going to hide from the truth of what he calls us to and just say I'm going to keep living my comfortable American Dream lifestyle. Are we going to say yes, I believe yes, I'll follow but I'm going to twist everything about your kingdom to my own ends for my own purpose because of how it makes me feel. Are we going to pursue Jesus relentlessly? Depend on him and him alone for mercy and adopt his destination as our own. What will you do?

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