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The Cast Of Christmas  •  Sermon  •  Submitted   •  Presented   •  10:15
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So now I'm shaving and I have to quit go live now to make a life might as well as quick as I guess. and

now I'm live. And I can share this link Excel share with everyone. Necklace link to the article and yes, someone else did Perfect videos yet. There's my YouTube link.

Now I'm hearing myself twice. It's so weird and just for good measure to if I open up propane. I'm going to go ahead and add another slide for fun so I can actually change to something else.

Play Master recording to so I'll be able to post the audio and slide just like Kristen talking about having a life I cast and just for good measure that looks pretty good to me. And I'm ready to go.

Quit streaming now and I'll go back over here on this window and back on YouTube, by the way. And in just a sec. YouTube just pick it up What helps to refresh?

So now I'm training and I have to quit go live. That'll make it live might as well.


now I'm lie. And I can share this link with everyone. Can I post a link to the article? And yes someone else did Perfect videos? Yeah, there's my YouTube link.

And just for good measure to if I open up.

I'm going to go ahead and well here we are. It'll be really interesting to see how this all works. This is my first run at so we're trying to figure this out. I got some guy in the background talking to me walking me through this. I guess I'm going to pause him cuz I really need to hear him. But this is our first goal as live streaming and I figured this out with the help of so just to remind you that there's no church on site this coming Sunday and it might be for a matter of time. We were working closely with local authorities and make sure that we are doing our part. So your normal events.

Right. Now if you haven't been on the faithlife page FBC Livingston, I would encourage you to get on their uniform create an account. But that is going to be our Facebook of sorts of art on Facebook or social media.

The resources on there you can see a way to give your time so that you're actually opening up an area for prayers on there. You will see some prayers from you as I'm sitting here recording. This is actually scheduled for the doctors at 3 p.m. To pay for an ultrasound in the midst of everything that's going on.

But this is going to be up for Matt that we're going to be using I'm going to try to do this on the daily short word of encouragement. And then you know, I'd love to post some links for worship for you guys to get your worship on during this time so I can charge you to open up if you are available. If you're healthy get together with those that are in your apartment complex gather watch these videos together have a discussion get together with neighbors or friends on your street. And if you are operating out of correct, social distancing lean and everybody's healthy to get together with your small group use technology to do so, but I wanted to give you a word of encouragement from 1st Peter chapter 5 verse 7 through this is what the interesting part is all this stuff showing up on your screen. I don't really know.

1st Peter chapter 5 verse 7 says casting these on him because he cares for you. So as we walk through these times together and individually would we actually do that would we take our fears or anxieties because he cares for you that much. But it's really interesting in scripture because we put a. At the end of verse 7 or a, wouldn't you know y'all? There was no sentence in the Greek. It was a continuation of 6 and verse 6 start off by scene humble yourselves therefore under the mighty hand of God so that at the proper time he may result you. And now we get the verse 7 casting all your anxieties on him because he cares for you my friends. Do you see even during this time is so important it actually starts with humble yourself think of yourselves more highly than you. I thought you melody can best be described as putting others first before your own interest. Now we all have immediate concerns and there's nothing wrong with paying attention. I'm not saying made yourself poor and hungry and feeble because you're putting other people before yourself. You can't love somebody you don't even have enough respect for yourself. Interesting, isn't it? When we look at this time that we're living in a hoarding that's going on. Whether it be something ridiculous like toilet paper. I haven't quite line. One up and how that all works together or if it's just buying out all the pasta on the Shelf personally. I like to go for the ice cream and things as such. But are we operating out of all hoarding mentality or humility mentality? is he because whichever way we go, it's actually going to show where we cast our anxieties on do we have that upon the immediate like that's where our hope comes from his whatever we can get into our cupboard whatever we can get in our homes right here right now, or Are we casting Our Hope and our future on a God that has a mighty hand a God that will help us in the proper time exalt you. My friend God is far more evil. To do exceedingly more than we can even ask and so would you at this time cast your anxieties on him knowing that he cares for you as you walk this out.

Will you be there for your neighbors? Would you be calling and texting goes in your church family and just making sure but they're okay, even if it's just a word of encouragement.

We can do this together friends. The last thing that I want to share with you about 1st Peter 5 verses 6 and 7. This is not a one-time deal. We don't just humble ourselves one time. We aren't eating it one time. Doesn't exhaust this one time. We can't cast all your anxieties on him one time. He doesn't care for us one time, but it's a continual thing. May we continue to be well and love one another.

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