The ultimate trial - Jesus before Pilate

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Hey guys, for some reason the slides aren't showing and they might kick in whenever the slide supposed to start at 10:50, but if not, I will just wing it. We will have slide there. I'll just go with it this weekend. So we should be starting here in about the six or seven minutes.

Hey guys, it's time to get started. I just wanted to thank you for joining today. This is a new experience for all of us for me for sure get to not only write the sermon but also get to do all the tech stuff and I'm usually pretty good at that but this is been the challenge before we get started on the sermon. I would like to make a couple notes first. Let's all stay in touch with each other.

Cabin fever and people get lonely when they're all cooped up like that. So stay in touch with each other see if there's anything that you can do for each other. Oh, I've had a couple questions about offerings since we haven't had our normal, you know Gatherings on Sunday morning, of course, you can always mail your offering to the church. If you would like you can drop it off here in the church. The mailbox is locked but talk with some of you that don't feel too comfortable with that because you know, the lock is only as good as the thief right. So if you want to meet up here at the church sometime where you could drop off your check, I'll be happy to meet you at the thing is the food bank. We've had several people contacted church over the last several weeks needing food has coronavirus is hitting a lot of people pretty hard. You know, they can't get out and on top of that. The money so we've had several people in the community donate money. We have about $700 that's been donated. We have a bunch of hamburger patties that have been donated by surprise and just a bunch of them just miscellaneous food. So keep your ears and eyes open as to if anybody that has that need and if you know somebody that needs some food, please let me know. I'll be getting in touch with the food bank about how we can spend that $700 the best that's get the best bang for the buck. So they speak so next next Sunday Easter. We're going to have a service where everybody comes to the church but stays in their car and listens to the service over at the radio and I've ordered that little FM transmitter if it supposed to get here in the middle of the week. I got a message today that it's out for delivery right now, so we should be good to go for that. I don't have any service on Friday Good Friday that will be like this would be online, but I look forward to the worshipping with you then and also today. so

also for Bible study I'm going to start and I having a zoom meeting on tonight's going to be the first trial run so to speak and here are the credentials that you would need to log into that Zoom meeting. You have a the meeting ID number, which is my phone number 501-251-7068. And then you have the phone number that you called into. So it's like a big conference call. You don't have to have a computer to join this call. You can just dial into the phone number enter the meeting number and you'll be on the conference call with everybody. But if you do have a computer and you login you can see my screen I can share my screen with you. So. So, you know, we've been going through Jesus's Journey up to Jerusalem going to the Cross is so we'll continue that today. And today we'll see how Jesus appeared before Pilate I call this the sermon the ultimate trial then we will be in John the 18th after starting at verse 28 of the going all the way through chapter 19 verses 16 before we get started if you would let us pray. Call. Thank you for this time together. Thank you for giving us the technology so that even though we're supposed to be in so we're supposed to be separated. So that this virus doesn't spread you giving us this technology so that we could still meet together is your word says where two or more gathered in your name you're in that mixed. So we thank you for that. We thank you for the technology, you know, Lord the you know me better than I know myself that I'm a glass-is-half-full kind of guy. So I like to see the the benefits and things and it may be that by having services like this this morning. We have people who are attending that wouldn't never walk in through the doors of Maddox Road Baptist Church for whatever reason so father. I just pray that you would use this technology give them to give them access so that they could hear your word proclaim so that they could come to know your son Jesus Christ. I pray father for all healthcare workers that are involved in this a virus that's going on how they are. They're going into work daily risking their own lies 458 of other people. People. They don't even know maybe go in and in a situation where they don't have the equipment the medical equipment to protect themselves while they're just pray that you would protect them and that you would see them through this so that they could help us and I just pray that your spirit would be with us as we study your word. We ask this in Christ's name. Amen. So the scripture to begin with is John 18 starting a verse 28, didn't they? Let Jesus from the house of Caiaphas to the governor's headquarters. It was early morning. They themselves did not enter the governor's headquarters so that they would not be defiled but could you pass over so high that went outside to them instead? What accusations do you bring against this man? They answered him. If this man were not doing evil, we would not have delivered him over to you pilot said to them taking but yourself and judging by your own law. The Jews said to him is not lawful for us to put anyone to do this was to fulfill the word that Jesus had spoken to show by what kind of he was going to die. So Violet palette entered his headquarters again and called Jesus and said to him. Are you the king of the Jews? Jesus answered do you say this of your own accord or do others say it to you about me answer? Damn? I got you your own nation in the chief priests have delivered you over to me. What have you done? You just answered. My kingdom is not of this world if my kingdom or of this world, my servants would have been fighting that I might not be delivered over to the gym. The my kingdom is not from this world then pilot said to him. So you are a team Jesus answered you say that I'm a king for this purpose. I was born in for this purpose. I have come into the world to Bear witness to the truth. Everyone who is of the truth listens to my voice pilot said to him is the truth after he had said this he went back outside to the Jews and told them I find no guilt in him. But you have a custom that I should release one man for you at the Passover. So do you want me to release to you the king of the Jews? They cried out again? Not this man that Barabbas now Barabbas was a robber. So as a kind of a recap as we've gone through this journey with Jesus on his way into Jerusalem going to the Cross course. The first thing that we went over was the triumphal entry Palm Sunday, which is today. Today is Palm Sunday and it showed how Jesus came in as a king. And as long as he was feeling and their idea of a king. We'll talk about that a little bit later. Everything is great. But once they realize that he intended to be offered up as a sacrifice on their on their behalf. They lost all interest in it. So we had the triumphal entry. We also had the the situation where he met with his disciples and he told him look I'm about to leave and where I'm going you can't go but I'll come back again and you know the way so don't worry about it, Of course, we don't know where you're going. So, how can we know the way? And Jesus told the look don't get caught up in all of that because all you really need is a relationship with me because I am the way I am the truth. I am the life. So we had that step on the way on the way to Jerusalem. Then we went over Peter's denial of Jesus and I asked you to step into Peter sandals or so to speak into the Peter was a guy that never for one minute thought that he would deny Jesus, but that's exactly what he did not once but three times and then today we get to the trial and I'll call this the ultimate trial. In Jesus is Caso trial may not be the right word because even though he had appearances before religious rulers. He had an appearance before Pilate. It was really all a sham. There was no evidence really that was offered any evidence that was offered was concocted. There was no due process as we used to that word. Jesus really didn't have a trial in Jesus's case. The better word probably would be Jesus was railroaded into these religious. They knew all about the new his miracles. They knew that he had turned water into wine at the wedding in Cana of Galilee. They knew that he had his side every been blind his whole life and then more recently they knew that he had raised Lazarus from the dead and they were getting scared about that. John Chapter 11. First 47 you see this it says some of the chief priests and Pharisees gathered to cancel and said what are we to do for this man performs many signs if we let him know one like this everyone will believe in him and the Romans will come and take away both our place and our nation. They weren't interested in the truth. All they were interested in was maintaining their own positions and they were willing to do whatever they needed to do to keep those positions.

So how they ended up bribing Judas they gave me 30 pieces of silver to basically turn on Jesus. And so Judas came with the scripture calls it a band of soldiers that was probably a group of probably at least a hundred people inside. You just came into the garden with this band of soldiers and also a bunch of religious officials and what's ironic is that this group this big group coming into the garden. I kind of have in my mind and image of of the tall the townspeople storming the tower where Frankenstein is best kind of probably what this look like, but what's what's ironic about this is you have this great group of people that are coming and they have all these lanterns and torches cuz remember this is the middle of the night and they're bringing all these lanterns and torches to find the light of the world. Who is Jesus. And they also have all their clubs in their swords and they're coming to find Jesus who is the prince of peace and then irony upon irony. We know that Jesus was ultimately betrayed by Judas because Judas gave him a kiss on the cheek to let the guards know who Jesus was. So the guards came to Jesus and Jesus said who is it you seek and they said Jesus of Nazareth. It's just like that we talked about when we talk about that. I am the way the truth and the LIE Jesus just said two words. I am in that had me in the Jewish culture because it related to when God revealed himself to Moses with Moses a who's who? Can I tell this people what's your name? And God said I am that I am so when Jesus said I me I am that kind of ship them to their boots. In fact, they asked him again who he said, who are you seeking? They answered Jesus of Nazareth Nazareth. He says it again Eggo. I mean at that point in time, they hit the dirt. There was something special that was obvious to anybody it was there looking at Jesus that something was different hear Jesus spoke as if he was God I am So, you know, I'm a lawyer. So I'm wondering as I'm reading the stuff. Where was Jesus's lawyer. I told you it's not a trial. He was railroaded. I guess they didn't have the ACLU back then but I guess they probably wouldn't have worked. Anyway first we'll leave that alone, but we'll get to political. Where was this lawyer? Where was Justice in all of this being upheld it all by these religious rulers and that was the really their job but the ends Justified the means to them the Sanhedrin was meeting illegally when it came to this trial of Jesus from when they were meeting at nine in the Sanhedrin wasn't supposed to meet between the evening sacrifice in the morning sacrifice. They also weren't supposed to meet in a capital offense case like this. They weren't supposed to meet on the eve of a Sabbath and this was the Eva Passover and they weren't supposed to meet that way because you know, you're supposed to have time. When did consider this fax dividends before you can pick somebody and send some today in capital cases that it's supposed to happen in under their laws try was supposed to happen during the day but they're having it at night. Not only that it's supposed to be at least 2 days long now if they found not guilty they could have acquitted in one day. But if they're going to find him guilty they were supposed to have at least two days to consider the evidence. The Deep religious real rulers had tunnel vision know there's a people the head of the church. So the speed the Jewish religious community. They are the people that are supposed to be up to holding the standards of moral law The Ten Commandments which is all about that. They were supposed to follow the ten commandments. They had tunnel vision. They just wanted to get rid. Jesus no matter what and so because of that they forgot their job. They forgot the law that God has given them where you said You shall not lie. You shall not kill you shall not covet that they were guilty of all of that is an example of do as I say not do as I do. Who wanted Jesus dead and they wanted him to be humiliated? They wanted him to be humiliated. If you look in the Deuteronomy the 21st chapter verse 22. They need the scripture that says if a man has committed a crime punishable by death and he is put to death and you hang him on a tree his body shall not remain all night on the tree, but you shall bury him the same day for a hanged man is cursed by God. You shall not defile your land that the Lord has given you for an inheritance. They wanted Jesus to be executed but they wanted him to be crucified. The people the Jewish people would think of him as being someone that is cursed. Did you use a problem that they didn't have the power to execute so they had to turn to Rome for that and pilot was wrong. If you look at this, it's just obviously hypocrisy here again to them the ends justify the means when they went up to Pilot early that morning because it was the eve of Passover they couldn't enter into his house because that would make them unclean and if they were unclean they couldn't celebrate Passover so they wouldn't interest house when Judas realize the error of his ways and he tried to give them the money back that they'd given him because in this the hypocrisy they're the ones that gave him the money in the first place. But again the ends Justified means so because they wouldn't go into Pilots House pilot had to come out to down so chapter 18 verse 29. It says so pilot went outside and said what accusations against this man? And their answers kind of funny that we made it you noticed that they don't bring any accusations. They don't tell Michael he is don't bother us with the details. It's almost like a Jedi mind trick going on here because they said, you know, if he wasn't doing something wrong, we wouldn't have brought him here to you the true motive then comes out in verse 34. They say look it's unlawful for us to put someone to death. So we have to come to you. The pilot in his headquarters again and call Jesus and said to him. Are you the king of the Jews as chapter 18 verse 33

Jesus answered do you say this of your own accord or did others say it to you about me?

Did you said co-pilot? Look we have a law and according to that law Jesus ought to die because he made himself the son of God. So look how Jesus answers this question that pilot had presented to him. Are you the king of the Jews? It's kind of like the Socratic method that they use in law school, you know, you answer question sometimes by and he's going to give it another question because by asking the questions over and over again you think about it more? Jesus answers his question with a question and it's at this point in time that the tables are turned good really this ultimate trial that I've been talkin about is not of Jesus, you know, there was no chance for Jesus. He was going to be convicted but something is Jesus knew that despite knowing that he still went to the Cross because that was the Plan of Salvation that was created eat before the world began in Jesus was being obedient to the will of the father in fulfilling that plan so it's not really a trial of Jesus. If you not go to a trial we want to win, you know, we want to win a judgement against somebody who's stolen money from its or if it's a criminal case. We want to be found not guilty. But Jesus knew he was going to be found guilty and that was his goal. Really the ultimate trial here is a pilot. You know when we talked about Peter and his denial and I asked you to kind of put yourself in Peter sandals, so to speak and in doing that pretty clear. You realized Peters not the only one that denied Jesus. We all deny Jesus and so here today. I put yourself in Pilots sandals. Because pilot ultimately is going to deny Jesus as well. And the point that I think we all need to get out of this message is that we are pilot because we are going to deny Jesus sometimes ourselves in verse 34 Jesus answered. Do you say this of your own accord or did others say it to you about me? You know, there's different types or kinds of King. So when Jesus answered Pilots question with this other question, it's a it's a it's a sincere question. What do you mean pile there different types of Kings pilot was an Earthly ruler, maybe somebody that had an army that could be somebody that would be a burr under the saddle of the Roman Empire that would challenge the legitimacy of the Roman Empire the back pilots idea of the king. That's what he's thinking of when he asked the question but there's the Jewish idea to of the king the Messiah the Christ the anointed one. And so Jesus has been questioning in effect, you know, if you're meeting a minor they didn't answer would be no. Play if you're talking about the type of team that the Jewish people are thinking about a messiah the anointed one of God, then the answer would be yes and then pilot gets to his response which was a mygu in effect. He saying I don't care about Jewish politics. I don't care about Jewish religions. I'm sure he thought it was all ridiculous. Anyway, he didn't care about that. That's where he was dead. Cuz he thought this Jesus this Jewish King really doesn't impact me at all but these wrong because Jesus wasn't just a Jewish King. Jesus was the King of Kings. He is the Lord of lords. And people have that same problem today. They might say look, I don't care. If you worship Jesus that's kind of your decision to make your religion doesn't impact me. The Jesus is still your teen whether you go to him voluntarily and in trust and inside or when he returns when you go to him as someone that's being judged by the king first 36 Jesus answered my king or my kingdom is not of this world if my kingdom of this world, my servants would have been fighting that I might not be delivered over to the king, but my kingdom is not of this world.

So then pilot Caesars on that one word King because I know you are a king in Jesus was a response to that. You're focusing on the wrong thing. You say that I'm a king. In a way. Yes. I'm a king. But what you need to focus on is where is my kingdom? Jesus said my kingdom is not of this world. That's because he is God his kingdom is over this world. You're thinking too small you need to think is a whole universe I am my kingdom is in heaven. Verse 37 pilot settings. So you are King Jesus answered you say that I'm a king for this purpose. I was born and for this purpose. I have come into the world to Bear witness to the truth. Everyone who is of the truth listens to my voice. Pilate said to him. What is truth after you said this he went back outside to the Jews and told them I find no guilt in him is true. The question that mankind has been asking ever since the fall of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eatin. What is truth? Is there a God who created me? That's the question that all mankind has been trying to answer and if you're watching this today, you might be asking that same question. Are you looking for truth? I'm here to tell you by the authority of the word of God that Jesus is the truth. Back in the car study a couple weeks ago. Jesus said I am the way I am the truth and I am the lie and no one comes to the father except through me Jesus is the embodiment of Truth. He is fully fully man. He's fully God. He is the only man who ever was able to live a sinless life in follow. All of the law. He's talked about is being the word of God and we know from the scriptures that the word is true. So because of his position if he is as God Son of God, he determines what is right. What is wrong he determines what truth is.

Co-pilot hear the tables have been turned pilot is the one that is facing an ultimate trial not Jesus and when Jesus tells him I came to tell people about the truth and people that listen to me everyone who is of the truth listens to my voice. There's an unspoken question there and what he saying is pilot. Are you seeking the truth? Are you seeking the truth? Because if you are the truth is standing right before you I am the truth. I am the way the truth and the life he is the word the word is true. He's fully God fully man. He determines what is right. What's wrong? He's the only one who's ever lived in this life. Let's look at Pilots answer and really he doesn't say it. It is many words, but we can look at his actions kind of conflicted because he knows the Jesus is not guilty. He says this much three different times and verse 38. He says I find no guilt but you have a custom where I release a prisoner and they respond give us Barabbas and it affect he's trying to put the decision off on to them by making them pick between Barabbas in Jesus in verse Chapter 19 Verse for as I find no guilt. I find no guilt. This is right after he had flogged Jesus and their response to that is crucify him and then lastly and verse 6, he tells him take take Jesus yourselves and crucified. Am I find no guilt in him again. It's like he's trying to Pawn off the decision about who Jesus is to these religious rule is trying to avoid making the decision. He's trying to get them to do it for him in effect if you remember in a Matthew

Matthew 27 verse 24 his wife knew that Jesus was innocent to when Jesus Are One Pilots all that. He was gaining nothing. But rather that a riot was beginning he took water and wash his hands before the crowd saying I am innocent of this man's blood see to it yourselves lessons for sat down on the Judgment seat have nothing to do with this righteous man, because I have been troubled in a dream about him. He don't do anything to him. Don't do anything to it. So pilot is trying to get out of it and he realize he's not going to get out of it. So it first 24 Pilots saw that he was gaining nothing. So he tried to wash his hands of this decision. He says I am innocent of this man's blood see to it yourselves and they answered his blood be on us and on our children. Then he released for them Barabbas and having scourged Jesus delivered him to be crucified. You know in our coronavirus World we'd know all about washing her hands, right? And I thought it was kind of interesting as I was studying for this new coronavirus means Crown the crown of thorns on Jesus head so we can never think like we can escape this coronavirus stuff. We know all about washing her hands, but let me just say this much as my friend. Ricky would say you can't wash your hands of Jesus, you know, if you make a decision and you stay in your heart, I don't believe Jesus or your stuff with that decision. You can't wash your hands that pilot made a decision that day and he is stuck with that decision. Now, there's some talk in the Orthodox Christian Church that later pilot his wife repented came to Jesus. So there's always that hoe but pilot headed to see Listen to me and if you deny Jesus, you can't wash your hands having so don't deny him. Don't listen to this world that says all you don't have to mess with that. Jesus stuff. You can be your own person just be a good person. That's all that you need to do. That is not the way the Bible says she have to do things. Jesus said I am the way the truth and the life and then the next part no one comes to the father except through me, you know, this wasn't about Jesus's ultimate trial because Jesus was going to be convicted and he knew that and that was part of the Plan of Salvation and it's really not about ultimate trial. It's really about your trial in my trial because we all have a question that we have to answer and we have to do it for ourselves. What will you do with Jesus, you know, when Jesus was with his disciples. He said, you know who the people say that I am and some of them answered. Well, some people say you're alive and people say that you're John the Baptist and then Jesus said, okay, but who do you say that? I am and Peter answered and said you are the Christ. The son of the Living God that's the question that all of us face in our day-to-day walk. Now as we in this service, like I said, I'm a I'm a glass-half-full type of guy and it may be that there are people that are watching today that normally don't come to church at all maybe through this video or the internet station hear you're having the opportunity for the first time or maybe in a long time to hear the gospel. Today is Palm Sunday in almost two thousand years ago. Jesus came into Jerusalem in it first. He came in as a Triumph Food King, but he came to Jerusalem for one reason and one reason only in that was to go to the Cross because Jesus was the pure sacrifice that was needed for the sins of this world to be taken care of. Jesus went to that cross willingly. Our sacrifice as our substitute. He took all of your sins took all of my Cindy put it upon himself and he died he was buried and then he was resurrected three days later and because of that all you can be washed away, but don't say that you would have benefit from what he did on the cross is to put your faith and trust in him. Don't be like pilot and Trust in the things of this world where he had to worry about keeping the Jewish crowd has he had to worry about keeping Caesar happy pilot had all the power that day he could have Just Let Jesus go but he was being hemmed in by the world and he succumb to that don't be that person you have a choice to make Who is Jesus to you? Is he the Son of God? Is he your only hope of Salvation? That's what the Bible says. And so maybe you've not been to church. You aren't you've never heard this gospel heard it many many times before but it's never sunky and it's never hit you I was just pray that today is the day. Set the Holy Spirit convicts you and convinces you of your need for a savior. The let's pray father. Thank you again for this time that you've given us. Above everything father. We thank you for the gift of your son Jesus Christ. And that he was willing to go to the Cross to suffer humiliation and shame and just sheer Terror in terrible pain for our benefit. But because he did go to that cross all the sin dead of this world has been written off. But only if people believe that Jesus is the Messiah he is the Son of God that he is their sacrifice that he took their sins on himself so that they could be washed clean and join into your kingdom Safari. I just pray that your spirit would move that you would conduct those. Who are we listening to this who haven't put their faith and trust in Jesus let today be there day of salvation and we asked us all in Jesus name. Amen. Just a reminder that we're going to have the bible study tonight at 6 via Zoo. Remember if y'all stay in touch be sure to call friends and family to see how they're doing. It'll help with cabin fever.

And God bless that y'all know how to get in touch with me you need anything. Goodbye.

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