200705 Mark 6=45-56 Walking on the Sea -a

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Walking on the Sea.

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Route 12, Utah

Welcome to Sunrise Valley Baptist Church on this June 5th, 2020. We're glad to have meet you here yesterday. I joined with a group of people as we said goodbye to a very precious Soul winner that was part of our church and many other churches. Gene is down home with the Lord for your husband David misses her but the legacy of low the cheese left is absolutely incredible oftentimes is a pastor. I I I meet up with the wake of a person who from the Nazi in their life head-on, but I have the joy of seeing the influence that they've had and their love for Jesus Christ such was the beauty of this situation and that dear safely wife mother Soul winner Sunday school teacher CEF. The teacher is just a great lady in the Lord. And now there's a big hole in the church today. We need others to step in and fill in those those gaps and especially is hopefully there's a new research and hopefully a great Revival in our country as Christians. We're hoping they come back to church because it's so important in terms of influencing a nation and a world towards the Lord open this service Heavenly Father. Again, we thank you for Jean. We pray you be with David be with her children her grandchildren her great-grandchildren Lord and encourage this family health night people. We are for the person of Jesus Christ who marked each and every life there in for Faith that's determined for a joyful fellow father. I pray that you be with the family and encourage their hearts Lord. We have another deer family that's going through a time of the laws and we look towards Abner messiah in Judaism pray, you give them strength Lord and encourage their heart Lord. We're very concerned about our dear sister Sandy and the terms of the medical steps that are still needed here Lord, we pray that they will come through and come through Ripley and for her advantage. Lord be with her cheer her heart father. We think of brother Tim and his recovery, we think of many that are struggling with depression some that are caught up in the fears and confusion of the world today may this be an opportunity to learn to focus upon this save the author and finisher of our faith bother me Christian stand with great faith and share the good news here and worldwide. Our prayers are with our missionaries that you strengthen them. Keep them. Keep them safe. Lord gives Solace to their fears Warren peace and encouraged them in their Ministries and we're praying for a ring harder for each and every one of those men. Lord be with our friend Ryan encouraged his heart. Lord there are others who are stepping in Ministry and out of ministry. There are many that are struggling with job loss. There are many who are struggling with Adelaide's surgeries in Hell. Please be with these dear ones. We pray the Lord that you give wisdom continued wisdom to our president the president of the United States Donald J. Trump. May you encourage him and protect him and his family and father. We pray that that the nation will learn to love the leadership. He displays in a great way. We pray for success in terms of his coronavirus plan 6s in his economic returns plan Lord be with him and the leaders who gather around and advise him. And Lord, we do pray for our medical personnel are doctors nurses technicians those involved in all aspects of encouraging one another and then also that the physical sign and Lord we think of the many who involve themselves in Christian Ministries encouraging other putting out the good news May they not be weary in doing good work Lord rather may they get renewed energy during this time of Crisis. And again, we pray that kingdom of God will grow and grow greatly and wonderfully. Lord prepare our hearts for this time of worship. May it be in time and confessing our sins and getting right with you me and taught me a time of restoring you to our our Chi priority in life. The very focus of what life is all about Lord by our love for you increase May our walk with you steady and mature Lord. May we give our all to this evening and see the joys and blessings that come by your and as a result make glory be given to God we pray in Jesus name. Amen.

We are looking at him number 486 him number 486 faith is the victory.

map of Longboat Key


Is cellular sign in?

Albert Hartman

Good Rowling song. Let's turn out at 4:04 p.m. Number 404 the solid rock.

It is a favorite...

My apologies that I've messed up on me get the right one. You know if they save you need to be able to but rub your head and Pat your belly at the same time, but that's that's multi-tasking. I can't go that far so burgers.

Our messages morning is dealing with Jesus walking on the lake or sea got of the Sea of Galilee and so our last YouTube right here and I pressed the wrong button again, by the way, I have to take full credit for this. This is not McGill's fault Miguel. I'm just working on this.

Okay. We're at the starting spot a shelter in the time of storm number 353. Let's sing.

shelter in Oxford health

ABC Store

You need to find.


Wight comes funeral tradition where they would hold that pull out so long people would start the pass out in the congregation.

And I just don't have the necessary wind hold that long ago as we move through world. You don't think Christians could have fun when you don't even know you need to know the price is your savior. Please turn in your Bibles to mark Chapter 6 verses 43 by 256 vs. 45 through 56 Mark chapter 6

with your Bibles turn to that location. Let's read the passage is a whole starting out of verse 45 and straightway he can string his disciples to get into the ship and to go to the other side before unto best data while he said away the people And when he had sent them away he departed on to a mountain to pray. And when the evening was come the ship was in the midst of the sea, and he alone was on the lamp. Adding salt in boiling in rowing for the wind was contrary unto them at about the Fourth Watch of the night. He cometh unto them walking upon the sea.

But when they saw him walking up on the sea, they supposed it to a bin a spirit and cried out. For they saw him and we're trouble and immediately he talked with him and he said unto them be of good cheer it is I Be not Afraid and he went up in he went up under them into the ship and the wind ceased and they were sore amazed themselves beyond measure ever wonder. For they considered not the miracle of the lows for their heart was hardened. And when they passed over they came into the land and we can estimate Andrew to the shore. And when they were come out with the ship straightway they knew him. And Runnin through the whole region roundabout that to Terry about admit those that were sick where they heard he wants. And whithersoever, he injured Under The Villages or cities or country. They laid the sick in the streets and besought him that he might touch if it were but the border of His Garment and as many as touched him were made.

This passage tells us a lot about the character and the power of our seed. And one of the big points of scripture is it tells us the identity of who Jesus is as much as we have the Tabernacle in the midst of the cap in the book of Exodus. We have the Saviour dwelling amongst us as we see in John 1:14 folks. We have a chance to see God incarnate. We have a chance to see how he operates within human life so that he's able to teach us to show us he's able to give us that definition. We need to understand in order to best worship our great God by way of introduction of the Sea of Galilee with the rolling waves, Dr. Warren wiersbe rights over of Miracles were involved in this event. Jesus walking on the Water Peter walking on the water. Mark did not record this but we do see it the Book of Matthew. Is stealing the storm and the boat arriving on Shore the instant Jesus entered it. This was certainly a night of Wonders for the 12. Why did Jesus compare his disciples to leave because the crowd was getting restless and there was danger. They might start a popular Uprising to make Jesus king.

12 we're not ready to face this kind of test because their ideas and Kingdom. We're still to National and political. There was a second reason he wanted to teach them a lesson on faith that would help prepare them for the work that lay ahead of them after he was gone. The disciples just completed a very successful Mission Healing The Sick and preaching the gospel. They had shared in the miraculous feeding of 5000 people. They were honest spiritual hot and this in itself was dangerous. It is good to be on the mountain top if you don't get careless and stepmom clip Spiritual blessings must be balanced with burdens and battles. Otherwise, we may become pampered children instead of future sons and daughter on a previous occasion. Jesus had let his disciples into a storm following an exciting day of teaching. Now I know after a Time the miraculous Ministry. He again LED them into a storm in the book of Acts. It is interesting to notice that the storm of official persecution began after the disciples in 1 5000 people to Christ perhaps while they were in confinement. The apostles were called the storm that followed the feeding of the 5000 and they must have been they must have been encouraged themselves with the assurance that Jesus would come to them and see them through. Each new experience of testing demands of us more faith and courage in that first storm experience. The disciples had Jesus in the boat with this but this time he was on the mountain praying for them. He was teaching them to live by faith for that matter. Even when he was in the ship with them. They were still afraid Chuck Swindoll rights, even in the simple things of life. We can miss the point in my home. We call this failing to connect the dots. Some use the Expression missed the forest for the trees and I'm sure you can fill in some blanks that you had in that considered consideration check for the dog continued it is it that we don't hear what's being said. Or we don't see what's happening, which is better to put everything together to see the primary issue as a whole. Let's take a few moments to note a couple of individual. Recently drawn by Mark and his narrative. In chapter 6 verses 7 through 13 Jesus delegated his authority to the 12 who then spread out across Israel preaching healing and casting out demons performing incredible Supernatural D. Just as they had seen Jesus do from the beginning then and Mark 6 33 through 44. Jesus challenge the 12 to feed the multitude only to provide the means by his own divine power They Carried food to the hungry masses, but only as they received it from their master. Allegiant since the disciples were given an opportunity to reach a logical conclusion about their role in Ministry with Jesus as Authority and power they could accomplish what is humanly impossible. Without Jesus is provision. They could do nothing symbol unless you fail to connect the dots.

Let's look at these versus Warren wiersbe entitles this passage the stealing of the storm. The stealing of the storm Tempest that right pronunciation. This is Miracle followed the feeding of the 5000 by just a few hours. Both Miracles were important part of Jesus's discipleship training program for the 12 stop here for a moment. You do realize that you are part of Jesus's discipleship training program. Don't you many of you are quite a ways along some of you are not so far along but the Lord and his wonderful patient moves us along day by day if we see him clear and mirror in our lives and to encourage more and more by his present continuing on with Tom constable. Enmark 645 green straight way they can strained his disciples to get into the ship had to go to the other side before unto betzaida while I sent away the people

Zach is written with Wahlberg immediately again. We that's a characteristic word in the gospel of Mark. It gets our attention. It tells him that things are happening fast and we're caught up a right into the action duct in wall board immediately after feeding the 5000 Jesus made his disciples return to their boat and set sail before him to the other side to bet Statham. And that word Corson Greek gives us the idea of House of fishy should say Hebrew goes back to the house up.

The verb made implies an unexplained urgency but John 6-14 in 15 states that the people recognize Jesus as the promised future problem and they determined to make him King by force if necessary. Jesus it's the political danger of this Messianic enthusiasm and its effect on the disciple so he can pull them to Embark while they dismissed the crown. Sucking Wahlberg continue There is a geographical difficulty about the location of betzaida. The simplest solution seems to be that betzaida Julius east of the Jordan spread across the western side of the Jordan was it called bethsaida in Gallup a fishing suburb of capernium the disciples to jail for this town from the north eastern shore of the Sea of Galilee what were blown off course by course Southward eventually landing and younes red on the western shore on Console, right? The feeding of the 5000 evidently happened on the northeast side of the Sea of Galilee south of that stayed in Julia's this town should immediately east of the place where the Jordan River empties into the lake on its northern coast. Some of the Town may have been on the western side of the Jordan evidently Jesus sent his disciples to This Town by boat Mark and speak of it as on the other side because they had to cross some water to get there. It is definitely not on the far western side as opposed to the Eastern side. The boat was the one they used to travel in travel in earlier that day. Dr. Jay Vernon McGee rides. There is an essential Scooby. There is an urgency expressed in the two words straightway and constrain the explanation is found in John 6:15. Jesus perceived that they would try to take it by force to make him a key Bloomington and 1st and it's been sighted a number of times but now we get to look to the version very important people tried to buy 4th make Jesus there can't even without his permission. In John 6:15, we read when Jesus therefore perceive that they would come and take him by force to make him the key. He departed again into a mountain himself alone.

Mark 6:46, we continue in our study and when he had sent them away he departed again into a mountain to pray. After dismissing the excited crowd Jesus went up a deer by Hillside to pray on Console. This is the second of the three crises that moved Jesus to pray that Mark recorded. Evidently the desire of the multitude to take Jesus by force to make him King drove him to pray. This was another temptation to secure Israel's leadership without lacrosse. References to Jesus pray and always shows his humanity and its dependence on the Father the mountain contrast with the short where Jesus left the disciples Chuck Swindoll. All right, after feeding the multitude Gathering the leftovers and dismissing the assembly Jesus instructed his disciples to go ahead to go ahead of a Mike boat. The Gospel of John tells us that he wanted to distance himself from the crowd because they were ready to take him by force and put him forward as they're rather than submit to their agenda. Jesus retreated to the Hill Country Rising above the north eastern shore of the Sea of Galilee. He plan to meet them in bethsaida the hometown of Andrew Phillip theater. You evidently plan to spend some downtime with them at last that say they've been a small village and Jill Philip the tetrarch the brother a man's penis enlarge it to support a private residence even so the town laid near the bank of the Jordan River North of the sea and offered a quiet. Retreat from the constant bustle of Kaepernick

Mark 6 verse 47 and when even was come the ship was in the midst of the sea and he alone on the land. Stopping Wahlberg at Eaton Sunset until Darkness. The disciples boat was well out in the lake not in the middle of geographically and Jesus was a loan on the land. When he was absent or appeared to be the disciples often experience distress and demonstrated a lack of faith.

Mark 6:48 and when he saw them toiling in rowing for the wind was contrary under them and about the Fourth Watch of the night. He cometh unto them walking upon the sea and would have passed them by. Jesus continued praying well past midnight. Meanwhile, the disciples had made a little Headway out on the lake because of the strong north wind blew against them. I want to stop here for a moment Nancy and I were at the beach at Pescadero on Thursday and there was a pretty good wind blowing across that beach we would watch these big pelicans and seagulls flapping their wings laboring to get a little further ahead of the win and then suddenly dancing. I saw a bullet shoot by the opposite direction some Siegel was on a speed ramp. I mean he shot down that beach doing Totally ignoring all the speed limit, but I guess that's what happens when you Daredevil and go with the wind instead of against it, but they were going against the wind sucking Wahlberg continue in the dim light of early Dawn the Fourth Watch of the Night by Rodan Reckoning 3 to 6 a.m. Jesus saw them straining at the door and went out to them walking on a choppy Water Service the words who is about to pass. About to pass by them does not mean he was going to bypass them. He intended to pass the side them in the sense of an Old Testament the off Annie to reassure her that I'm Constable Reitz. The disciples have evidently been saving Julius. But Jesus had not yet come to that. The disciples had then turn their boat towards capernium. It would have been easy for Jesus to see the disciple said they would have been only a few miles from where he was praying. Perhaps the moon illuminated the link. They were in the middle of the lake in the sense that they were well out onto it not close to the Shoreline. The Fourth Watch of the Night by Roman Reckoning which Mark follow would have been between 3 and 6 a.m. Jesus intended to pass the side the disciples to reassure kill them. Even though Jesus had been praying he had not forgotten or forsaken his assignment. He would probably praying for them. Warren wiersbe writes the scene illustrates the situation of God's people today. You should have your ears perking up. This is his highlight that this has application today. Where is beef continues? We are in the midst of this farming World boiling and seemingly ready to sing but he is in glory inner-city Florence the hours to the darkness the darkest he will come to us and we will reach Shore Waves with frightened the disciples including the fishermen in the group where the only stair steps to bring the Lord Jesus to them. He waited until their situation was so desperate that they could do nothing to help themselves. But why did he act as though he would pass them by because he wanted them to recognize him trust him and invite him into the ship. Dr. Jay Vernon McGee writes note that here we find no record of Simon Peter Cunningham walking on the water after all Mark got his information on the human plane from Simon Peter and Peter. Just let left out his part of the story. It isn't Matthew who gives us that detail leaving to the accountants. They get all that detail in place. They gained continues. I do want to call your attention to verse 48 where it says and they saw him and they said he saw them toiling and Rowing those men were in the boat that night. They were mingling their sweat in the waves who's saltwater was breaking over their little boat.

They were straining at the oars and actually thought that they were going down but he saw them toiling and Rowing. I love that. I don't know where you are today or in what position you are in you may be in a hard spot right now. You may be sitting alone in a corner of Darkness. You may be facing Temptations and problems that are too great to Bear. You may find yourself out on a stormy sea and you Bill is if you're a little bold is going down. I have some good news for you Christian friend. He saw them toilet in rowing. He sees you he knows your problem. You don't have to send up a flare to let him know he already knows. Today, you might commit your way to them in a very definite way. That is something that so many of us need to do in times of the darkness just mentioned way under him. He saw them toiling in rowing only marked by the way, we chords that. Then we find that he came under them and entered into the ship with them and Mark says that they were amazed in themselves beyond measure. Chuck Swindoll rights sometime during the evening. The 12in road part of the way to their destination is the sun dipped below the Mediterranean Horizon a fierce wall descended upon the Sea of Galilee an event that occurred that occurs frequently to this day. The circus lies 686 feet below sea level in a deep Rift between the Arabian Desert and the Mediterranean Sea Winds frequently went down through the gorge and turn the Sea of Galilee into a choppy nightmare for a small craft one commentator States even today the situation is similar powerboats periodically or worn to remain. As the winds will the water into a bowling Whitecaps. Mark states that Jesus could see the disciples struggling Against the Wind during the daylight they could easily he can easily watch them from his vantage point on a plateau several hundred feet above the water but his ninth and storms darken. Jesus must have seen them Supernatural. He began watching them struggle of the orders before Darkness fell but he didn't start after them until the Fourth Watch of the night which was between 3 and 6 in the morning. That means Lee Road diagonally Against the Wind and Waves for nearly twelve hours. Finally enough was enough. They had to rescue had to rescue them from themselves had to rescue his men from themselves while the 12 struggled against the alien elements. Jesus walked across the surface of the sea stepping on it over the waves to where the boat was. He intended to pass them by in the manner of God in the Old Testament who sometimes allow his people to live in his presence as a mean of means of reassuring them. In the Old Testament only God could tread upon the waves.

Weird Mark 6 verse 49 when he when they saw him walking up on this evening supposed. It had been a spirit and cried out. Can get. Recognize him but instead screamed with fear because they thought he wasn't ghost.

Mark 6 verse 50 For they all saw him and were troubled and immediately he talked with them and said unto them being good cheer it is I be not afraid.

The disciples we see in stock at Walmart. The disciples cried out with Terror at Jesus's appearance on the water. They thought he was a ghost a phantom. Mark explain that they responded this way because they they all saw him and we're terrified. Constable Reitz Mark noted that all the disciples saw Jesus and they all thought he was a phantom. Jesus told them to take courage at the stop fearing some interpreters believe it is I indicates a theophany. Undoubtedly, the claws at least indicates self-identification walleye Edwards is quoted Jesus walking on the water connotes, the Jesus Treads where only God can walk and designates Jesus by the same expression. That is used for God self-disclosure to most in the reference. There's an Exodus 3:14. He writes Jesus destroyed them with his word. Take courage. It is I do not be afraid at this point. Peter asked Jesus to let him walk on the water. But Markham it's the tradition says that Mark Road as Peter spokesman. So perhaps Peter was reticent to include his experience less than gives people the wrong impression. It is easy to criticize Peter for sinking, but have you ever gotten out of a boat yourself? The disciples had failed their test because they lacked spiritual insight and receptive Parts the miracle of the Loaves and Fishes and they know lasting impression on them after all in Jesus can multiply food and feed thousands of people then surely he can protect them in this phone or even a disciple of Jesus Christ can develop a hard heart. I want to repeat that because it's important for you to know this even a disciple of Jesus Christ can develop a hard hard if he or she fails to respond to the spiritual lessons that must be learned in the course of life and Ministry. Weird B continues as you review these two Miracles, you see that Jesus bring for bitching and protection. The Lord is my shepherd. I shall I will fear no evil. Weird feed continues if we trust him. We will always have sufficiency and security no matter what the situation might be. The important thing is that we trust. Swindoll rights what Jesus intended as reassurance the disciples perceived in Terror, they mistook Jesus for Phantasm a rare term in the New Testament. It doesn't necessarily mean ghost in the sense of disembodied spirits of a dead person in Hebrews 12 and 18 through 21. The term is used to describe ventral manifestations of God's Supernatural presence hiring smoke and funders. Good shoes were not typically given to Superstition, but they did have a healthy appreciation for the spiritual and Supernatural Realm. Bear in mind that these men had earned their living on the Sea of Galilee most most of their line so they didn't fear much. They saw something they perceived as Supernatural unknown presents coming towards them and the site drove them to screaming Terror. Jesus reassured them with the expectation for a sale which means to be firm or Resolute in the face of danger or adverse circumstances Swindoll continues. This is the kind of encouragement and Commander on the battlefield Woodshop to his men so they would stand their ground and refuse to retreat Jesus then announced himself with a statement full of meaning ain't no 80 I am The rendering it is I and Mark 650 doesn't capture the theological implications of the phrase which Jews understood as the classic self designation of God, then finally he commanded them do not be afraid literally rendered here is what the Lord said be courageous. I am. Theater.

Did Mark 6 verse 51 we read and he went up into them into the ship and the wind ceased and they were sore amazed at themselves beyond measure and wondered. Constable Reitz Mark invented the record Peter walking on the water the seems unusual and Peter influence March riding.

Hybrid is quoted by Tom Council Peter influence March writing perhaps Peter was reluctant to picture himself in a unique and spectacular incident gives us an awful lot of insight into the character of the disciples. Impossible continues another miracle happen the wind die down as soon as Jesus stepped into the boat. This is Spanish the disciples were there. Mark 658 for they considered not the miracle of the lows for their heart was hardened. Sucking Walbert immediately Jesus calm their fears and spoke words of reassurance. Take courage Don't Be Afraid are familiar. Old Testament words to people in distress. First Command occurs seven times in the New Testament always on the lips of Jesus except for Mark 10:49 The word just get is I I am a going basically could be a self-identification but they are probably intended here to Echo the Old Testament formula of God's self-revelation. I am who I am. When Jesus joined the disciples in the boat, the wind died down an additional demonstration of his Mastery over nature. The disciples were completely amazed among themselves at the revelation of Jesus presence and power stop here for a moment as you run your Christian Pilgrim Way, one of the things you learn as you're working for Jesus as you're walking with Jesus, you get to sense his presence and your promise that in Matthew chapter 28 the last first and lo I Am with You alway and then of course his enormous power that he gives to his people to do his work, especially the power of Prayer. Nothing Wahlberg continue Mark alone explained. They had not caught on to the meeting at the Lowe's Miracle as a pointer to his true identity.

A little psycho here. I was 10 years old. When I accepted Jesus Christ as my savior. And while my prayer was simple as I invite them into my life and heart is Holy Spirit came to me and and took root in my life in a special way. I have taken best you I really didn't know that much about Jesus. We learn more more about Jesus in the study of God's word. We learn more and more about Jesus as we obey him as we see his Spirit at work and lo and behold saints that have followed and obeyed Jesus year after year decade after decade. It's remarkable to see the mark of Jesus in their lie. I mentioned the memorial yesterday to Gene. Gene was a very special lady. I saw the mark of her spiritual maturity in the lives of others her family members, and it was an incredible thing to witness and to see the influence of a Godly woman.

I want to turn now back to sucking Wolverton so they did not recognize him when he walked on the water. They were spiritually in perceptive.

I'm Constable right here is the reason the disciples reacted as they did in this series of Miracles. Margalo and recorded it probably as a result of Peter's preaching the disciples did not learn from the feeding of the 5000 that Jesus was God their Collective mind was not open to the possibility. Chuck Swindoll rights when Jesus stepped off the waves over the side of the boat and onto the deck Nature's Fury dissipated like a paper. the storm cease the winds die down in the White Caps melted into ripples as the boat righted itself and obeyed the till Finally the sea was as smooth as slick silk again. The authority of Jesus came to the rescue of the inadequacy of humans turning their impossible situation into his magnificent opportunity to teach them. The 12 Oregon beside themselves with astonishment. In the recent past and seen Jesus calm an earlier storm cast out demons raise the dead and feed a multitude with a small lunch yet. They marveled at his latest them at the latest demonstration of his power. Why would they markets Plains and simple terms? They had not gained any insight from the incident of the Lobos? Bscsd at is the English Standard Version renders of the Greek well in quote, they did not understand about the Lowe's boat accident. Look at that there horizontal perspective took over. They missed the point. They failed to connect the dots.

Let's not be too hard on the disciples. They didn't have the complete understanding of the Incarnation. They didn't expect God to becoming human we on the other hand have a completed you test and 2000 years of brilliant theological mind to explain and clarify. What were reading furthermore. We aren't in that boat. Dripping wet from the storm this idiom doesn't mean they weren't that doesn't mean they were on kind or cruel as it does in English rather their responding and their reasoning and motions remain hardened against resistant to develop we would say they were thick-headed. I remember hearing that the discussion of men at work. They were Advocates or I should say they were followers of The Three Stooges and they were asking which was the work number to call or bonehead. I never got into that constant that discussion but I guess one might be worse than the other. I don't know. What's good to do other than Earth study here. We have the summary statement Jesus Healing Ministry Atkin estrid, this summary statement marks the climax of Jesus Galilean Ministry just before his departure for the coastal region around tyre and sidon. Uncomfortable Jesus return to Galilee from the predominantly Gentile area where he had been recently Mark 653-6653 and when they passed over they came into the land of canestra Andrew to the shore.

Jesus and his disciples cross over the Sea of Galilee from the north east to the West & Anchor or more than estimate. A fertile pop-up populist playing two miles wide for miles long South Africa per diem on the Northwestern shore of the lake is called Miss playing The Garden of gone and a paradise a small town was also called The Nest room. I'm Constable Reitz Nazareth was the name of the town and the name of a plane on which the town's to the region on the northwest coast of the lake. It was so prominent because of its agricultural richness that another name for the Sea of Galilee was the Sea of canestra. It was an area of its population Chuck Swindoll writes the next 4 versus frequently falls through the cracks of many common terms the versus don't seem all that important when you read them through no major event transpires in these vs. There is no dialogue between Jesus and his disciples. No profound lessons taught to the grounds notepad Parables to ponder no miracles to witness these four verses. In fact appear in the void of all significance. While the passage May lack the illogical implications on a intellectual level at least Mark takes care to highlight a profoundly important Divine attribute of Jesus. He possessed the nonsensical irrational unjust and costly character trait we call. compassion Mark 654 and when they were come out in the ship straightway they knew him. Mark 6:55 and ran throughout that whole region roundabout and began to carry about in bed. Those that were sick where they heard you was. Swindoll and hazrat most likely alongside the Northwestern shore of the Sea of Galilee at some point during the Lord's travels. He in the disciple older boats into the shore intending to minister in that region. While they had been rejected in some places and Norton others, the people here received them eagerly. They even ran with great expectation to gather their sick and disabled friends and bring them to Jesus on pallets knowing that he would have compassion and building with a mere touch March the scription indicates that Jesus moved from place to place carrying out his itinerary ministry as it always telling him that people tracked him down to have their loved ones restored by him. What a contrast to the apathy and faithlessness of his own people back in Nazareth.

Where's Mark 6:56? And whithersoever, he entered into Villages or cities or country. They laid the sick in the streets. If you saw him that he might touch the touch if it were but the border of His Garment and as many as touched him were made whole the course you get the messages of previous events have caught up with the people that leave you just Touch the Hem of His Garment they'd heard about I just slightly touching Jesus and by the way, so what did perfect bait but even at that level God wonderfully honors, even the smallest amount of Faith Jesus talks about faith as a grain of mustard seed. What is the big thing? Is it the static idea of that but the fact of the potential of its growth A multiplicity that the multiplication takes place by God pan, James Joseph has given this art piece in them always impressed with good artists would give biblical considerations. He does so in this as Jesus walks to the streets healing people. Zack and Wahlberg, right immediately. We've heard that word before immediately people recognize Jesus as a booth through the region that carry the sick on mats for healing everywhere. He went the sick for placed in Marketplace has several medicinal Mineral Springs in this area May today Resort for invalids. They kept begging again and again to touch even the edge of his cloak as he passed by the edger Fringe was a border of blue Warren tassels worn by loyal chews on their outer cloak.

All the touch them or heal these words in a ring marks early a reference to a personal faith relationship between Jesus and a sick person feeling was not affected by a touch. But by the gracious action of Jesus who honored this means of expressing their faith in him, Constable Reitz these verses summarize Jesus's Ministry in many towns on many days before his dick withdrawal to the nation. Mark stress the immense popularity of Jesus and his generous healing of the multitude of sick people. Is literally saved the sick experience deliverance from their infirmities and restoration to physical sound that is the Salvation in view. Sometimes there is a physical salvation, which is healing but the goal is what spiritual salvation that forgiveness it takes place when but one puts their faith in Jesus. Warren wiersbe writes this scene is in contrast to that in Nazareth where a very few were healed because of the people's lack of faith.

1st John 5:4 and this is the victory that overcomes the world. Even our faith, didn't we just sang that? Weird thing continues trust the server. He never fails. In the first century towns were built around a public area called and Agoura often. The Agora featured a will or some other communal resource. This is where news was traded goods were sold politics discussed disputes resolved agreement struck and speeches given if you arrived in town and hope to find a familiar face. This is the place you went to look. Most likely Jesus headed straight for the Agora for a new town before going else anywhere else. Because people do this they brought the sick friends to the market place to gain a nodding audience with the healing Rabbi from Nazareth.

Picture to see roads in the city and throughout the country sidelined with the sick. As he walked along there was no Fanfare. No announcement. No public Crusade MTG thing. Just touched His Garment and see past 5. Following here or those standing to their feet now instantly hole.

I would go through this passage. We see the power of the Savior. We see his compassion. Jesus never seems to weird serving the multiple teams. Jewish and non-jewish

Soon he's headed to the gospel of Mark is beginning to Linus up to that incredible event in history where our Salvation Foundation is laid where Jesus Christ goes to the cross and presents itself as a sacrifice for our sins a sacrifice that God the Father except a sacrifice that gives us an opportunity to receive Jesus as our personal savior. The universal problem of humanity is not covid-19 folks. It is not cancer. It is not an idiot of the boogie boo words. That kind of Spur Gears are upset Nature's folks. The problem is sin. isn't that interesting that never talked about on TV so many other things that we can consider our problem, but both the big problem is sin and that's the problem then Jesus came to deal with here and now Number one. Do you know all of a sudden fall short of the glory of God the Bible is very clear. That's true. Number two. We see God so loved the world, but he didn't just stand back and go seek got heavily involved the Incarnation. God came down become a man. He lived in that perfect life and he went to the cross at Calvary John calling multiple times the Lamb of God. He was prepared as Living Sacrifice for your license for the sins of the world, but they just don't bring Universal salvation Folks at third portion of this salvation plan is very important You Must Believe In Jesus as your lord and savior, you must have received Jesus as your savior folks. Have you had that point of time? Have you been born again? And if not now is the time Tacoma side and praying to God a prayer could be something like this. Oh Lord. I know I'm a sinner and I'm sorry for my sins. I want to get right with you. Thank you for your demonstrated love. Thank you than Jesus is come down and died for my sins. I hear now. Ask Jesus to be my Lord and my savior. In Jesus name amen.

Many prayers like that that acknowledge the power of God acknowledge our sinfulness before holy God acknowledge Jesus as the solution to that same problem as he presents salvation to us a free gift. We received we take it and then you have this awkward moment when my friends what's next is all the stuff. God does the moment you receive Jesus your sins are forgiven you move from Hell Bound To Heaven. You receive at least one or more spiritual gifts to be used in and through the local church folks. You become a child of God.

And that changes you forever.

Heavenly Father Are greeting prayers for the reception of Jesus Christ in the world that desperately needs. I thank you for Jeanne and her love for you. Is she led souls to Christ through the power of the Holy Spirit and may those tools continue to strengthen in a great way and mature their Christian faith. I pray more than ever. We will continue as full winners leading people to Jesus pointing the way to the Christ the Messiah Lord help us to be diligent in our job as well Auburn. We thank you for the Dynamics of Jesus. Who didn't just stay up on the mountain but came down and got involved with his disciples Ministry deeply to the depth of their soul building up that imperfect into a stronger and greater thing is they walked day by day with him. May we all grow in Christ? Thank you Father for this presentation in your word the fact that Jesus does great things and shows great compassion as he demonstrates that. Does low the world and we stand amazed at the grace of Jesus Christ. Prepare our hearts for another week of serving you and they are expectations of the soon coming of Christ bilis with peace and joy and determination to bring glory to our great God we pray this in Jesus name. Amen. There's an expectation every message of Jesus Christ should have some spiritual response in our minds and hearts a responsible growing in the knowledge of Jesus and called to do great things for the Lord. Let's turn in our hymnals to number 327 Jesus is Calling number 327

all the new


It is.

Thank you for being with us this morning or whatever time you have the TuneIn we pray that your drawing closer to Jesus. We pray that you're encouraged by his love his compassion his determination. If you know Christ as your savior, we pray that you're becoming more christ-like in your walk with him more determined in your friend more involved in a local group of Christians in Worship in Outreach in rope. We look forward to a day that's coming the great reunions in the sky. We look forward to the coming of Christ for his own and folks. Please know that that day is coming soon. Heavenly Father may this be a week of expectation a week of seeing you at work in our lives a week of joy and peace. May we as Christians grow more and more christ-like. In our hearts and our minds and our soul. Lord help us to know the joy. Help us to see the blessings all around. Give us that heaven site give us that inside of how Jesus sees thing and help us with a whole heart to obey him with all that we are and all that we have again for the glory of Jesus. We ask your blessings upon each person in Jesus name. Amen.

been awhile

Yeah, she had growing up.

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