Holy Minestrone (Part 2)

Acts: The Age of the Gospel  •  Sermon  •  Submitted   •  Presented   •  50:37
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Theme: The gospel is for everybody. In Acts 16, we see descriptions of at least 6 very different people who God utilized to make a new church in a new country. In verses 16-18 we meet a teenage python priestess that Satan is using for his purposes, but the Gospel gave her a name and a place in God’s family. Then, in verses 25-40, we find the Roman jailer who wanted to torture Paul and Silas that were falsely accused of destroying people’s lives and thrown in prison. But the Gospel of grace changed him when he deserved revenge. The value of one jailer and his family to Jesus is enough to "shake an entire region" of a corrupt government so they might be free.

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