The Water that Satisfies

Conversations with Jesus  •  Sermon  •  Submitted
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3 AM:Jesus Has The Cure

The Appointment
The Problem
The Cure
What do you do now with this cure?
Welcome to Rise Junior High Ministry. Man it is good be here and be back.
Emily and I weren’t here last week but I can tell you we are so stoked to be here. And today I get to open up the word with you. Can anyone remind me of what series we are going through right now?
Conversations with Christ.
Yes, before we get back into that series, I want to ask you a question. Who here has drank hand santizer?
What brand was it?
How did taste?
Well first don’t ever do it. But with everything going on with Corona Virus. People have actually tried drinking Hand Sanitizer to cure the Big ‘Rona.
Now let me tell you what happens if you drink hand sanitizer. It will
Wreck your nerves
Destroy most of your organs
kill your brain cells
Most likely will go blind
And lastly you could die
So I need you to tell me that you will not drink hand sanitizer.
But imagine that you were like Alex, stop telling me what to do. Drinking Hand Sanitizer makes me happy. And I am going to live my Hand Santizer Drinking Life Style.
Well I hope that you would realize if you did that it would be a bad idea. And you would probably be very sick.
That’s what would happen if you drank Hand sanitizer. And you are probably like I would never do that. And congrats you are a normal person and you have a brain.
But it is interesting becasue the conversation with Christ that we are going to look at today, Jesus is telling us that their are some people who are only drinking Hand Sanitizer.
Well he doesn’t actually say that, but what he does say is that their are some people who have been living life and thinking that they are doing the right things but all along they have been doing it wrong. But the crazy thing is, is that Jesus is not just talking about people who are weird, or people who lived along time ago but he might be talking about you.
So if you want to find out if you are drinking hand sanitizer than open up your Bibles to John chapter 4. John chapter 4.
And Jesus didn’t actually use the word handsanitizer. But he did show in this conversation that the lady he is talking to had a problem and he showed the cure to the problem.
Tonight I want to break our time up into three points.
Point 1. The Appointment - Here we will see what happened and how this conversation even hapened.
Point 2. The Problem - Jesus, through this conversation shows a clear problem.
And last Point 3. The Cure - And Jesus will show us the cure to the problem.
Now who are are like me and read the last chapters first in a book?
So I want to give you a sneak peak of the end. And I want you to write this down and remember this.
Jesus has the cure. Jesus has the cure.
Alright perfect.
Point number 1 - The Appointment.
Point 1 - The Appointment.
Are you in John 4? Perfect!
Before we even get to the conversation itself, I want to show you what happened to get to the conversation. Because there was so much that needed to happen, so this just shows that this was a God planned conversation.
Let’s start reading in John 4 verse 1.
1 Therefore when the Lord knew that the Pharisees had heard that Jesus was making and baptizing more disciples than John
2 (although Jesus Himself was not baptizing, but His disciples were),
3 He left Judea and went away again into Galilee.
Lets stop here. So Jesus was in Judea. Where was he? Judea
Ok good your listening. But he needed to leave for a reason. Who knows why Jesus needed to leave?
Because the Pharisees had heard that Jesus’ disciples were making and baptizing more disciples than John the Baptist.
Well this was a big deal becasue just a chapter earlier some people were talking about how Jesus has a big crowd and because of that, the Pharisees are going to get really mad about that. So Jesus is kinda like “it is not the right time to deal with Pharisees, I will deal with them later.”
So Jesus is out. He leaves Judea and he is going where?
But then verse 4 says that he had to pass through Samaria. Which is weird? But let me tell you why thats weird.
If I am hear in Judea And Dojo in the back is at Galilee and I want to get from here to Dojo. What would be the quickest and most direct way do that?
straight line
that would make sense because that is the quickest way. But most jewish people didn’t do that because you guys are in my way and you guys are the samarritans and did the jewish people like the samaritains? No. so what Jewsish people did was they went all the way around to get to galilee or Dojo.
So its weird that Jesus, being the best jew, would go straight through Samaria. and look back at your bibles in verse 4. Do you see the little word, the word “had”? the reason Jesus HAD to go through Samaria is becuase he had an appointment he needed to be at. Jesus went to this city called Sychar and here he was tired, he just had a long journey.
Lets read 6 and 7.
We are going to start in the middle of verse 6.
So Jesus, being wearied from His journey, was sitting thus by the well. It was about the sixth hour.
7 There *came a woman of Samaria to draw water.
So Jesus walked a long way and he gets to this well at about the 6th hour. Who knows when the 6th hour was?
It was actually about noon. So its noon, Jesus is at this well and this woman comes up to draw water.
Now when do you think would be the best time to get water from the well? When its hot or cool?
Cool right. So normally people would get there water in morning or at night because the buckets are heavy and it gets hot in the middle of the day.
But this woman gets her water at noon. And we find out at the end the chapter, that this woman is not a normal woman. She is not liked, she is an outcast and she’s a sinful lady. So she is probably avoiding other people.
Do you ever like wait to go into bathroom until other people are gone, because you dont want to be seen there?
You girls don’t understand that at all because you go to bathroom together which is weird to me. But like I don’t want someone to see me in there. This lady is kinda avoiding people like that.
But instead Jesus is there. And Jesus starts talking with her.
But even, this was strange because Jews and Samaritains didn’t really talk especially not men and women.
Who knows what Jesus’ firsts words were to her?
“Give me a drink”
And that sets the stage for our converstaion. A lot of things needed to happen but Jesus needed to make this appointment.
Point 2 The Problem
So let me briefly explain this story and show you how Jesus points out her problem.
Jesus asks for a drink. And she is confused why Jesus is asking for a drink and verse 10 says,
10 Jesus answered and said to her, “If you knew the gift of God, and who it is who says to you, ‘Give Me a drink,’ you would have asked Him, and He would have given you living water.”
Jesus offers her this living water. And she goes where is this water?
And Jesus responds with...
“Everyone who drinks of this water will thirst again;
14 but whoever drinks of the water that I will give him shall never thirst; but the water that I will give him will become in him a well of water springing up to eternal life.”
But now, most of you probably caught onto the fact that Jesus is not talking about drinking water.
He is telling her the water that she is drinking is not working. Someone of us are the same way. We are living life trying to be happy. We are filling our life with video games, tv, sports, bad music trying to make ourselves happy. Or maybe we are like the woman here. She is filling herself with ralationships. Verse 18 says that she has had 5 husbands. She keeps trying to fill her life and make herself happy with people. Then she trys to make herself happy with sin.
But the problem is, is that nothing can fill that void. Nothing can keep making you happy or joyful. At the end of the day you will still be wanting more.
Does this descride you?
Are you living a life where you are never fully happy and satisified?
Are you trying to fill your life with making friends, being popular, being liked, watching sinful things, listening to sinful music? Is that what life is all about? Like I am going to try to get as much stuff or do whatever I want them I will happy. Is that what you are doing? Because that is what this lady was doing. And thats why Jesus says that you will thirst again. That you will never satisfy.
This world does not satisfy.
We see that in someone else in the Bible. Who knows who King Solomon was?
He was King David’s son and he started his life by doing the right things and seeking after the right things but he gave into his fleshly desires. He started pursuing the stuff of this world.
And he talks about that towards the end of his life in the Ecclesasties. He says that it was all worthless. He looks and goes why did I waste my life.
So are you like Solomon or the woman at the well? Are you living a wasteful life? Are you only living for yourself?
Point 3: The Cure
Point 3: The Cure
We have seen the problem of sin and living for ourselves.
Do you guys remember what I said about the cure?
Jesus has the cure. Thats it. The water that Jesus is talking about is being saved and being new in him and the Holy Spirit who works inside all Christians.
Jesus says that water is...
It’s the gift of God (verse 10 “if you knew the gift of God”)
It is from God and salvation, being saved is the gift of new life. A new life that leads to love and joy with God in Heaven forever.
2. Jesus says It’s living water (verse 10 “he would have given you living water”)
When we are saved we get the Holy Spirit that moves in us so that we can become more like Christ.
3. Jesus says if you drink, you never thrist again. (verse 14 “ but whoever drinks of the water shall never thrist again.”
Everyone at our core of who we are has a thrist. it is a thrist for something that only Jesus can satisify. We will have enteral joy becasue of who God is and that he saved us.
4. This water gives eternal life. (Verse 14 “the water that I will give him will become in him a well of water springing up to eternal life.”)
This water, what Jesus gives, it ends up in eternal life. This is eternal joy, eternal happiness with God forever. There will be no more pain and no more sorrow.
And what do need to get this eternal life, what do you need to do to get this water?
You need to know that you are sinner. Romans 3.23 says all have sinned. Everyone here has sinned. And that means that we can cannot make it into this enternal life. But Jesus offers us hope. He is the one who says that he offers the gift of God.
And what he did was he lived the perfect life for us. He did it all, he fulfilled all of God’s law but yet he was punished. He died. He did not deserve to die but he did. And he died because the payment for our sin is death. So Jesus went on the cross and died a physical death and God poured out his wrath on him. He did that so we did not have to. Then he rose from the dead 3 days later and he showed that he defeated sin and death and that so we could live eternally with Him. He did that for us. And all we need to do is believe. John 7.39 says that if we believe in him we will get the living water. That is it, believe in him.
This water is so amazing and Jesus can save anyone.
That woman that we were talking about here. She ended getting this water, She ended up believing in God. And she was saved.
So when we get this water, what do we do with it? What are we to do?
Well we should start by doing two things.
We should live differently.
Jesus saving us should change us. Becasue of the Holy Spirit in us we should want to live differently. We should look and act differently than our unsaved friends. We should and need to have a heart that wants to read our Bibles, that wants to pray, that wants serve, that wants to obey, and wants to love others.
Seek to live differently. Some of the ways you could start doing that today is by making sure you read your Bibles.
You could also help clean up here and serve this ministry in that way.
Or even you could be nice to your friends and your siblings and your parents. You should be working on showing love to everyone.
2. We should start telling others about the cure.
Everyone has the same problem we do. We all are sinners. But you guys heard the cure tonight. Jesus is the cure. He has it. He has the cure that changes people and brings people joy. So let’s be a group that is telling others about Jesus. And you should be bringing your friend here. I know its hard with Covid but I want to see soooo many new people here so that they can here the truth about Jesus.
So let’s go after that and let’s seek after him.
Let’s pray.
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