2020.9.20 Blindspots part 2 (Sunday am) Part 1 Appetite

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Wednesday night I asked the question, “What Blindspots has covid exposed for you?” I ask you today same ?
Financial health, physical health, where you’re solid where you aren’t, how much relationships mean, some you could without.
What about your spiritual appetite? What has COVID shown you about what you want to taste, what you crave, what turns your stomach?
Reason Blindspots series: To help you see what you wouldn’t if you weren’t looking.
a “blindspot” is a neurological condition that cells aren’t there but the mind uses the lenses of the other eye to ‘stitch’ an incomplete picture together.
definition: 1: any of the instinctive desires necessary to keep up organic life especially : the desire to eat He has a hearty appetite. 2a: an inherent craving an insatiable appetite for workb: TASTE, PREFERENCE… the cultural appetites of the time …— J. D. Hart
Matthew 5:6 NKJV
6 Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, For they shall be filled.
Today, I’m not talking about what you put in your body, but rather your appetite for things of God. At large, I don’t think believers recognize or evaluate their appetite if but not but for a short while. 9/11, Katrina, 2008 Housing Crisis and now COVID.
Permit me to revisit a story - Mexican restaurant emergency light flashing.
They were more hungry for the food in front of them than the impending danger around them.
It got their attention, but it didn’t move them to get to safe place.
Including ME!

When are we going to stop playing?!

Jesus’ guarantee
Matthew 5:6 NKJV
6 Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, For they shall be filled.
Q: What takes it away?
Unhealthy balance in the body. levels get out of whack
Stress although it can increase it but root cause is but it’s not health at the core. Sickness/disease
Hunger is healthy. If you’re not hungry your system isn’t nourished.
Q: What creates hunger?
Muscle growth
If you ask a mom it’s the baby
suddenly she’s eating for 2 because she’s pregnant
I’m not going to say you’re not hungry, but maybe you’re hungry for the right thing.
The blessing is tied to your hunger. ‘Blessed are they that hunger’

Food deserts

Whatever you feed, that’s what grows!
You can have an appetite for fleshly things. So before COVID you were starting to develop the right appetite. At least you were considering what you were doing wasn’t right and that you needed to stop! But since COVID!!!
You can’t injest Migos Bad and Boujee couldn’t crack Lil Uzi Vertand expect to want to hear Amazing Grace Stomp I Luh God and nothing else!
I like trap music “I’m saved but I like trap music!”
your appetite for fleshly things and grow in the right direction. but when you feed yourself Bible
Philippians 4:8 NKJV
8 Finally, brethren, whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy—meditate on these things.
Whatever you feed, that’s what grows!

Wrong Food Cultivates The Wrong Appetite

What I’ve come to learn...if your mind ain’t right it doesn’t matter which plan keto paleo, juice, detox, diet tea, shots, pills. UNLESS, you’re in it for the short term results.
Ex: class reunion
My last reunion. I was just back from surgery. My jaws had been wired. I haven’t been back since. Because my mind wasn’t right. The results showed up in my waist. THEN 32 waist turned to 34. Belt notch when up one
When I started eating the wrong things because they tasted good. Wrong results showed. Just 1 roll turned to 2 to a basket. We use to make cookies and eat the pan. wrong food ended showing up in the wrong places

The Spiritual Application:

There’s a direct correlation.
Lust, Anger, Love: Understanding Sexual Addiction and the Road to Healthy Intimacy by Maureen Canning
anger leads to lust- it’s a trick of the enemy. He doesn’t just show you naked tail. He offers you something to take the pain away and just so happen you’re scrolling and up pops

Your Environment Influences Your Appetite

Heads up

Contact high Ill: monster truck Bernard ‘ you smell that’ activate your senses your and your appetite responds
But there are other scents outside of the kitchen. Certain colognes cool water obsession eternity makes you think about Willie, Frank, Andre w the Gumby
white diamonds think about my mama
Body Works Wild Wanda, Freaky Freda, sexy Susan When people smell certain ways, it gets on you.
You wanna change you appetite?
make an altar, sit on couch. Get dressed, moved from where it smells like bacon. est a place to connect.

Your Hungry Matches Your Destiny

I’m not going to proof-text, but rather speak from experience
When I got hungry and I fed the hunger things changed.


Matthew 5:6 NKJV
6 Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, For they shall be filled.
A verbal adjective is an adjective first and foremost. This means that it’s used to describe a noun. What makes a verbal adjective special is that it looks like a verb.
For example:
“My little brother is annoying me.” – In this sentence, annoying is a verb. It shows what action my brother is taking.
Matthew 5:6 NKJV
6 Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, For they shall be filled.
this makes us read text w more understanding.
The ones that are hungry are blessed.
when your hungry you’ll eat your way to a blessing.
if you’re hungry, you don’t have to worry about the blessing.
if you’re hungry and you trust Me, just keep eating.
if you’re hungry and you take Me at my word, you’ll eat your way to a blessing.
when you choose to get an appetite for righteousness, the blessing is automatic.
when your appetite changes from wanting what your flesh wants then I’ll bless you.
when your appetite changes and the nourishment from my Word begins to satisfy you more than Cardi B, Meg the Stallion, the Migos, 2 Chainz, then the Blessing will kick in - Lil Uzi Vert, Outkast Andre 3000, Big Boi, Nelly, Ginuwine, Prince, Michael or Janet, LaToya, Jermaine, Tito, Marlon, Jackie, Randy or Rebbie, Luther Vandross, Lionel Richie, Charlie Wilson aka Uncle Charlie, Baby Face, Tony Terry, Tevin Campbell, Little Richard, Aretha, Clarenece Thomas, Bobby Blue Bland, BB King, James Brown, Sly and the Family - you get the point!
oh taste and see that I’m good.
I asked God “why do we have to get the right attitude, I heard in my spirit “Because you wouldn’t know what to with it!”
when you
Body life
Prayer life
Worship and praise
Trust in
Your love for Him
Maturity or immaturity
Discipline for
If your answer is “no” don’t worry about it. You’re in the right place!!!
Ill: Jordan driving and crying and I hit her. Pt she want around those crazy students that think they know everything about life. But after she got over being at home. Her speech changed because she’s detoxed from her friendsNot only do you think
Ill: Eating a Pappadeux salad, my taste buds had been recalibrated to the stuff that would feed my body. I wasn’t eating processed fools, carb rich foods, decrease sugar intake
Q: as you think about covid, who have I been around? Kids: got head ‘driving me to drink’ boring spouse ‘you’re inboxing the wrong folk’ in some cases it’s who you haven’t been around.
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