Philippians 4:1-9

Philippians  •  Sermon  •  Submitted
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Verse by verse study of Philippians

Philippians 4:1–9 ESV
1 Therefore, my brothers, whom I love and long for, my joy and crown, stand firm thus in the Lord, my beloved. 2 I entreat Euodia and I entreat Syntyche to agree in the Lord. 3 Yes, I ask you also, true companion, help these women, who have labored side by side with me in the gospel together with Clement and the rest of my fellow workers, whose names are in the book of life. 4 Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, rejoice. 5 Let your reasonableness be known to everyone. The Lord is at hand; 6 do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. 7 And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. 8 Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things. 9 What you have learned and received and heard and seen in me—practice these things, and the God of peace will be with you.
Philippians is a fairly short letter,
It was broken up into four chapters, a long time after Paul wrote it.
With few words, it delivered a huge message
It has shown us..
…the great burden of servanthood..
…the inspiration that grace should be in our life.
…the unhindered to circumstance attitude we should have, in our devotion to God.
…the need to lay aside personal agendas and ulterior motives..
…the importance of unity, and the basis of love and discernment, upon which it is built.
…a driving force in our lives.. is the example of Christ.. specifically: His humility, love and obedience.
…the desire we should have, to know by experience, the power of God in our lives..
…the reality, that in this life, we have not yet attained.. but we are striving.. set on a course, pressing on towards the goal.
Folks.. these have just been the highlights.
These are milestone revelations..
These are life impacting points of understanding.. ++
…as we move into chapter 4.. the richness of this letter continues..
For here, we are encouraged to have the right attitudes..and…the right thoughts… ++
The first word in verse one, forces us to look back a few verses.
Therefore is transitional. It’s drawing a conclusion based on something that was previously stated..
In this case: our citizenship in Heaven. ++
We are strangers here.. sojourners.. pilgrims..
This land, is not our land..
We are but, passing through it. ++
Our physical side claims identity and ownership to this physical world..
But the greater me.. the more significant “us”.. is spiritual..
And it is our spiritual home, where we have true residence.. ++
Mortgage or no mortgage, - own it or rent it.. –it doesn’t matter..
We are all just here, on a temporary basis..
Not only do we have a heavenly citizenship..
But we eagerly wait, for our heavenly Savior..
For He has a plan, ++
He intends to return for us.. to transform these lowly bodies..
To conform them to His glorious body.. ++
Because of this knowledge.. - Because we are citizens of God’s kingdom and as citizens we anticipate, on a daily basis, the Savior who will transform us and glorify us by a power we cannot fathom..
therefore.. (vs. 1)… because we know who we are and what we are waiting for…
We need to “stand fast” ++
Hold true.. Be un-moving.. plug the lessons of this letter into our hearts..
And disregard the influence of circumstance.. ++
Many of you are familiar with that song by Leland… “Beautiful Lord”
“..when the storm is raging all around me, You are the peace that calms my troubled sea.. when the cares of this world darken my day, You are the Light that shines and shows me the way..” ++
Or, in manner that is much less poetic, but straight to the point..
We could say.. ++
When things are real unnerving and stressful.. You are my peace..
When things seem despairing and hopeless.. You show me hope… ++
This is the attitude, of “standing fast”
This world is corrupt, wicked, fallen, selfish, perverted and hateful…
But, we are not citizens of this world..
Therefore.. we stand fast. ++
We remain true..
And Paul has already told us how..
Instead of focusing on the crud that creeps in around us..
look up..
to what? ++
To the goal. To the prize.. the upward of call of Christ… ++
The thoughts and attitudes that help us to do this, will be discussed here in chapter 4.
But first, Paul has some specific words for a couple specific people.
In a general sense, Paul has already encouraged the church in Philippi to “be of the same mind”
Back in Phil 2:2 and Phil 3:16
Here, that encouragement gets specific.. ++
These two ladies are apparently at odds.
And we can only imagine what the point of division might be..
But it’s obvious. It’s known even to Paul who is holed away in jail way over in Rome.. ++
And.. it’s of such a degree that it’s worth mentioning names over.
Now, if there’s one thing that Christians are good at.. it’s.. “getting offended”
Non Christians are good at it too.. especially the overly-sensitive type that are way into bumper stickers..
But here, in the church.. it doesn’t take much to offend somebody.
Often times you can do it without even trying.. ++
I’m probably offending someone now, by insinuating that they are easily prone to take offense.
Christians will split hairs over the smallest things..
Build fortresses around their philosophy… or their doctrine..
And go to war, with their brothers and sisters.. ++
We do it on a large scale with our: discernment ministries.. our websites, radio programs and our publications..
All this time and energy is set upon the lines of division in the church..
And what we can do… to clarify those lines. ++
If we do it well on a large scale.. we do it even better on a small scale..
We come into church, sit there w/our arms crossed… a displeased scowl on our faces…
We are waiting, like a lion hunched down in the bushes..
..just waiting, w/great anticipation.. to hear that that thing that we won’t agree with…
It might be an issue of doctrine.. it might be a more fluid issue of philosophy… it might be something so personal as tradition..
…so.. we hunch down.. ready to pounce.. ++
we’ll take any thing....
from the deer, to the field mouse..
from the big doctrinal disagreement..
to the old standard.. “the pastor’s unapproachable…” ++
Some folks are professionals at this..
You can tell by their resume.. ++
We’ve been to 14 churches in the past 3 years..
We’ve been instrumental in 4 church splits…
We’ve written 5 letters to the heads of the 5 different denominations and have yet to find the perfect church that believes 100% as we do, ++
….from issues of eternal security all the way down to Spongebob Squarepants, who, by the way, is of the Devil. ++
Now we’re at Calvary Chapel Charlottesville..
Our notepads and checklists are out..
We’ve already marked down a few concerns… primarily worship volume… ++
And we’re still holding out to find out where the pastor stands on Sponge Bob. ++
Folks.. three times in this letter, we are directly reading about the encouragement to be: “of the same mind”
This letter has focused heavily on unity..
Not, a unity of compromise.. but a unity that is set on truth, love and discernment.. ++
Sure, we are not always going to agree..
And sure, there is a difference between someone who believes differently than us..
And someone who is a wolf in sheep’s clothing..
There’s a lot of guys that I don’t agree with..
And yet, I might read their books and learn from their wisdom, even though I don’t see eye to eye with them concerning Calvinism.. or Prophecy… or Baptism… or Spongebob. ++
And there are some guys… like the Reverend Peter Popoff… or Kenneth Copeland…
Who I believe are wolves, they should be named, and should by all means be exposed and shut down as quickly as possible.. ++
We can have some differences, and still be of the same mind… but if someone is preaching a completely different gospel… like these two gentlemen I just mentioned… then, there is no common mind to share…
If we share the same Gospel… our disagreements shouldn’t lead to warfare..
They should exist within the realm of brotherly love. ++
Sometimes, these disputes aren’t easily handled on our own..
And we need the help.. the counsel.. the intervention of others who are not emotionally involved.. ++
Paul recognized that in this case in particular..
For he urged his fellow companion to help these women come to a place of agreement..
In this section.. Paul stuck two little statements in there.. that both, kind of acted as a motivation.. ++
They had a past, where they worked along side of Paul..
Doing what?
Simply stated: they “labored with him in the gospel…”
Looking back, Paul remembered these two ladies laboring for the sake of the gospel. ++
They were knee deep in the ministry.. serving.. sharing the word.. loving people.. focusing on the lost..
And now.. they are divided.
At this point… we can guess.. but it’s likely, they’re not “laboring in the gospel” with one another… at this time.
Why can we make this guess?
Because it’s such a prevalent reality. ++
One time.. we’re way into ministry.. we’re serving.. we’re doing our all for the Lord..
Then, after the offense.. after the disagreement..
We are not serving, like we once did. ++
We’ve stepped down.. and stepped back.. ++
Look at Paul’s concern..
He wants them to get over their difference..
But the implication.. at least, as I see it..
Is: he wants to see them serving again.. ++
Remember Clement? Remember the rest of my fellow workers? ++
These ladies were there, in the good ol days..
Laboring, ministering..
Let’s get them together, and bring them back to a place of serving..
At the end of vs. 3.. Paul throws in the fact that their names are “written in the Book of Life”.. ++
Jesus has taught us, that this is a reason for rejoicing..
Rejoice… Why? Because your names are written in the book of life.
Back in Luke 10… the disciples came back from a time of ministry all excited..
Well, the demons were subject to them, in the name of Jesus.. ++
Jesus responded.. in
Luke 10:20 ESV
20 Nevertheless, do not rejoice in this, that the spirits are subject to you, but rejoice that your names are written in heaven.”
Sometimes.. our reasons to rejoice.. become so circumstantial..
We need to have some kind of validation… success… we need to see fruit. If things go well, we will rejoice…
But Jesus pointed to a reason for rejoicing… that was beyond circumstance.
You don’t need to experience victory over demons to have rejoicing… you don’t need to have success or victory in the present circumstance… - Your reason, is one of an eternal truth… - Your names are written in heaven.
There was division in Philippi..
Part of that division had to do with these two ladies..
They were separated in their fellowship..
This, I’m sure, robbed their joy, and probably the joy of those who were around them..
Disagreement and bitterness have a way of doing that.
But our reason to rejoice supersedes all that.
“don’t rejoice because the spirits are subject to you..”
“do not rejoice because the ministry is growing and fruitful”
“do not rejoice because the budget was met..”
But rejoice.. because your names are written in the Lamb’s Book of Life..
This is the foundation and the basis for our joy..
Again, reaching back to the lesson on circumstance..
We are to serve, we are to worship, and we are to rejoice..
In such a way, that is unhindered by circumstance.
Having our names written in the Lamb’s Book of Life..
Well, for those of us who know Jesus by faith..
That’s a set in stone thing. ++
No outward circumstance of life is going to change that.
So, someone hurt your feelings.. you got a flat tire.. you got demoted at work..
… rejoice, for your name is written in the Lamb’s Book of Life…
No flat tire is going to change that..
Neither is any division in the church.. no disagreement with your brother or your sister..
No political divide between friends and family…
You both come down to the same platform of common reality..
Your names.. are written.. and you have a a common reason,… to rejoice. ++
Philippians 4:4–7 ESV
4 Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, rejoice. 5 Let your reasonableness be known to everyone. The Lord is at hand; 6 do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. 7 And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.
We all want to experience the peace of God..
Here, Paul lays out a formula for us..
These are the attitudes and actions.. that will lead us to the place where we experience the peace of God.. ++
First off… Rejoice!
Well, we’ve covered that..
Rejoice always! The previous verse led us back to Luke 10:10 where we are given a reason to rejoice..
Because our names are written in the Lamb’s book of life..
It’s always written there.
Therefore, we always have reason to rejoice.. ++
He repeats the word two times..
Giving it great emphasis.. – that indeed this is something that Paul is emphatically encouraging us to do.. ++
The next attitude is “reasonableness”… also translated… gentleness
How do we behave reasonably… well, positionally… we are to do it in a way that it is known by others.
This word literally speaks of one’s predisposition to “not retaliate”
Right now… we live in a country that ripe with retaliation. We have billions of dollars of damage to the properties of state, federal, and private property. Why? Not because of of reasonableness… not because of gentleness.
We have political reactions to things said, inferred, or projected upon opposite political parties… - and there’s nothing reasonable about it. ++
We literally have men who do, or have worked in our very own white house, declaring to the world… a complete and total lack of gentleness and reasonableness. - Both of them-
We have millions of people in the new media… that is … social media… literally exploding with a lack of gentleness and reasonableness.
If there was ever a verse, that is more… practically applicable to our current state of affairs.. it would be this one.
“Let your disposition to NOT REACT… let your gentleness… let your behavior or REASON… BE KNOWN TO ALL THE PEOPLE AROUND YOU.... “ ++
Consider for a moment… the actions that drive us to “retaliate”
Gentleness and reason, influences and informs our response..
It helps us to respond in a way that if more profitable.. more beneficial..
Rather than in a way that just makes us feel better.
Our current social and political environment could use a lot more gentleness. ++
The next attitude is “expectation”
“The Lord is at hand”
Folks, I don’t care if you’re right or wrong when it comes to your views on “when Christ shall return”
You can believe in the rapture, or like many in the church, you can not believe in the rapture..
Personally, I believe in it, and I believe that it could happen at any time..
That belief, helps me to have this attitude..
I want to be found.. doing my Lord’s work!
I don’t want to be found.. at the return of Jesus..
Doing something that might bring me shame.. ++
Jesus repeatedly teaches this call to lives with obedience and expectation in His parables.. ++
If you don’t believe that Christ may show up at any moment..
I pray that you are still able to live with this attitude..
The Lord is at hand.. ++
Yes, He’s present.. He’s here.. Yes He is omnipresent on a spiritual level…
But His physical return… the one we will behold visually and experientially..
Well.. it’s close…
May we live in such a manner.. that we expect Him to walk in the door at any moment. ++
The next attitude.. has to do with faith.
Don’t be anxious..
But trust in God..
Bring every thing to Him, in prayer..
Don’t hold back your request..
Let it be known.. ++
And the outcome?
what will it be?
The peace of God, which surpasses all understanding.. will guard your hearts and your minds through Christ Jesus..
That’s a power-packed verse right there..
We think.... “I’m going to bring my prayers to the Lord, so He can save me from my trial… so he can heal my loved one… so he can help me financially… so He can heal a realtionship.. so He can fulfill the thing that I want HIm to fulfill.
That’s what we think prayer is… - and yes… God answers prayers and does fulfill our requests when these things work according to His will and for His glory..
But that concept of prayer… is like the outer layer of the onion… - This verse shows us what is under that first layer..
This verse tells us what prayer is all about. It’s not always about us getting what we want… - It’s about bringing us into a place of relationship and communication… with the one who… if we are walking closely… will give us peace that surpasses understanding.
Prayer… keeps us close, relationally… with the one who who will guard our hearts and our minds.
But what about my prayer for healing? I prayed that my loved one would live, and they didn’t.... they died. Where was God? -
Well, when you were intent to focus upon HIm in prayer… regularly… God was there with you… - He was present in the activity of relationship… - In and through that activity of relationship… He made something amazing available to you....
He wanted to guard your heart… with incomprehensible peace.
We want our preferred answer… as if God is a waiter taking our order. As if we are consumers and the customer is always right.
We all too often miss the point of what an answered prayer is. - “I prayed that my loved one would be healed. God did not fulfill my request. They were not healed. My prayer was un-answered.”
Maybe your prayer was un-answered… because you weren’t willing to pursue, believe in and experience that answer that He had for you. You were in pain and turmoil. You were suffering with grief. You were confused. And God heard all of these things in your prayers. - And here is the answer He had for you… -
“Child… I’m here to guard your heart with peace… peace you can’t understand… but it’s here for you none the less.”
I love the language that is used here to explain what “Peace” does..
It guards our hearts and minds..
A guard.. stands as a barrier..
Keeping in, that which should remain in..
Keeping out.. that which should remain out..
This is what the peace of God is intended to produce in us..
A barrier of protection..
Philippians 4:8–9 ESV
8 Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things. 9 What you have learned and received and heard and seen in me—practice these things, and the God of peace will be with you.
Verse 8 is giving us instructions, and exercises, concerning the activity of our mind..
Six items are mentioned.. as objects of a wholesome thought life..
Each one.. introduced with “whatever”, in the Gk, the word “whatever” is plural..
So each of these 6 points.. are topics under which many thoughts will fall..
The first one: “whatever is true”
In Eph 4:15, we are encouraged to speak the “truth” in love..
Then, down in vs. 25 of that same chapter, we are to
Ephesians 4:25 ESV
25 Therefore, having put away falsehood, let each one of you speak the truth with his neighbor, for we are members one of another.
If we are to think on those things which are true..
It goes to say, that we should know and understand what truth is.
A wise person, is always seeking truth..
This is done, by learning the new… And by testing the old.
Don’t be stuck in your current understanding of things forever..
Test all things..
Challenge every nuance of your belief, and let God show you the areas where “truth” is not there.
When you learn truth, put your mind there..
When we put our minds upon that which is not true..
We create false expectations..
And set ourselves up for disappointment.
We are also to think on those things which are honorable …
referring to those things which are dignified and worthy of respect..
The next thing: “whatever is just”
This talks about.. things that are right. And by right… I don’t mean “I’m right and you’re wrong...” -This isn’t about ‘information and knowledge’… this is about JUSTICE…
It’s talking about things that need to be made right. This is what justice means… - making things right - - Our God is a God of justice… The Gospel is all about making things right between man and Him… - And we don’t have to look too hard to see… that the Bible calls us, to seek justice in our relationships… and to seek justice for those in need.
After that.. we have purity..
referring to that which is wholesome
Then… that which is Lovely.. speaking of that which promotes peace, rather than conflict..
And then.. finally:
Whatever is Commendable..
relating to that which is positive and constructive.. rather than the negative and destructive..
In the end.. these 6 objects of thought.. are then described as both:
excellent.. and worthy of praise. ..
These first 9 verses of chapter 4.. have focused pretty clearly on the activities of our minds..
Paul takes us into our thought life..
And gives us the disciplines.. the attitudes.. The mental vitamins… which will help us take the right kinds of actions.
thinking leads to action...
There are a lot of bad actions going on in our world.
Bad thinking… leads to bad actions..
Good thinking… obviously… leads to good actions.
This section of scripture concludes with a call to action.
These things you are called to think upon… - Learn them… receive them… hear them… ++
And then what?
Vs. 9 says… -practice these things-
and notice this… something is going to accompany these practices…
Good thinking… leads to good action… which leads to ‘the peace of God’.
There isn’t a lot of peace out there. You go outside of these doors… or you stay in here and open up the world on your smart phone..
There is very little peace…
Because there is very little… good thinking.
But we have been given.. a unique opportunity. - And, tell me… who doesn’t want peace?
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