KBM Revelation 19

Kids Bible Minute  •  Sermon  •  Submitted
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Hello again and welcome to our 208th episode of Kids Bible Minute. I’m your host Landon Rowell and I’m also the local preacher for the church of Christ in Ramona, OK. I want to thank Bible Way Media, out of the Oologah cofC for giving me the opportunity to do this podcast and each of you for studying God’s Word with me. I enjoy our studies together and look forward to it each week. As always, I want to make certain you have “your” Bible with you so that when I mention a Bible verse you can read that verse for yourself and not just take my word for it. Now most of the time I will read that passage mentioned out loud so it’s best if you pause this podcast when the scripture is mentioned, turn to the verse and read it, then unpause the podcast and read along with me as I read out loud. If you are new to our study, first I want to say thank you for studying with us and secondly I want to let you know that you can reach all archived or past episodes easily at ramonacofc.com in the podcast section where there is a direct link to Kids Bible Minute past episodes. Well it’s good to be back again this week because I wasn’t sure I would be able to. My grandmother was not doing very well for a bit and that is why I didn’t have last week’s study, because I was doing there spending time with her. Thankfully she is bouncing back well and I appreciate all the prayers on her behalf. Today, we are going to pick up, in the book of Revelation, in chapter 19. Now as way of reminder, in chapter 17 the reason why Rome fell was given (Babylon or Rome fell because of her gross immorality). In chapter 18 we noticed the results of her demise (She was never, never, never, to be resurrected and her collapse actually cased the dark ages). Here in chapter 19 today, we are going to see the rejoicing of her destruction and “who” destroyed her as told through “two suppers.” In verses 1-10 we “the Marriage Supper of the Lamb.” In the first 5 verses we read the “multitude in heaven” joyfully worshiping God. When you read this notice the twofold aspect of properly worshiping God. Worshiping our Creator is always founded in “praise for who God is” and “praise for what God has done.” It reminds me of the psalmist in Psalm 150:2.
Psalm 150:2 ESV
2 Praise him for his mighty deeds; praise him according to his excellent greatness!
In the following five verses we see a continuation of rejoicing from the “great multitude in heaven” about the bride (which is the church Ephesians 5:23; Revelation 21:9) and the Lamb or Christ which is the groom. As the multitude rejoice the angle reminds John that those that are invited to the “marriage supper of the Lamb” are truly blessed. In other words those that obey the gospel and are married to their Christ are the happy ones. Also notice, by implication of marraige, that Christ is rejoicing with us in this marriage. Our Savior is just as excited to be married to us as we are to him. There is then a transition from the “marriage supper” to the “Supper of Punishment.” It’s here we learn that it is Jesus, King of kings and Lord of lords, that defeats Satan and his puppet the Roman Empire. The land beast, the sea beast, and the rest of their army they have gathered come to battle but there is no battle. The beasts thrown alive into the lack of fire and the army is destroyed and left for the birds to gorge themselves on the supper. As stated in our study on Armageddon, there will never actually be any battle against God for God cannot even be fought in such ways. He is Creator and mightier than any creation. And so we see “who” actually defeated Babylon the great and are again reminded that the ungodly cannot allude judgment, no not one.
2 Corinthians 5:10 ESV
10 For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, so that each one may receive what is due for what he has done in the body, whether good or evil.
Well, that concludes this Bible study for today. As always, I want to thank you for studying God's precious Word with me and I want to encourage you to continue to study God's Word every day. Be sure to use the wonderful material and other podcasts made available through the BWM App or website at biblewaymedia.org. I also personally have a website at gospel-preacher.com. Of course, make sure you ask your parents if it is ok by them before you download the app or go to those websites. I also encourage you to contact me personally with question about the Bible at the Ramona church of Christ email address ramonacofc@gmail.com or through our Facebook Page. Make sure you message the Ramona church of Christ in OK not California. Until we have an opportunity to meet again, peace be with you in Christ Jesus our Lord.
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