Science & God

State of Theology 2020  •  Sermon  •  Submitted
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God The Creator

In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. Gen. 1:1
This passage of scripture says many things but has one meaning. Let’s observe! First it says that there is a beginning. This is an element of time. Time is part of creation. If there is a beginning then there has to be an end. Science agrees that there is a beginning. They just have their own version. Some believe in a big bang theory where others believe in an evolutionary beginning.
The next thing that it says that God created heavens and earth. This is the subject of matter. Scientist will agree that there is earth and there is heavens. All you have to do is look around and you can see the earth and you can see the sun, moon and stars. It is obvious that there is heavens and earth. Now the size and age of the universe are in question based on scientific findings. However; this is not the reason Moses wrote Genesis.
The reason Moses wrote Genesis was not to answer the question how but why. People wanted to know why the environment was there and why they were put there. Moses inquired of God and God told him. He simply recorded what God told him. All Scripture is inspired by God 2 Tim. 3:16 God created the heavens and the earth to sustain life so that He could receive our praise and worship
We see this reason in Romans 1. 20 For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes, His eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly seen, being understood through what has been made, so that they are without excuse. God created the heavens and the earth to display his invisible attributes, His eternal power and divine nature, be understood so we are without excuse.
First of all because God is Spirit and cannot be seen he designed and created time and space so that people would understand that there is a creator of the universe. It just did not happen by random chance. There is order and design in what God created. To think that things just happened randomly and we evolved into what we are today is nuts. It is kind of like taking the letters of the alphabet throwing them up in the air and expecting them to come down as a novel. It just doesn’t make sense. God created the Heavens and the earth.
Secondly, He wanted to demonstrate His eternal power and divine nature. What this means is that even though God created the heavens and the earth and is a part of the creation, He is not limited by time, space or matter. God was before time. He always has been and always will be. There is no beginning or end to God. He is omnipresent. He can be in multiple locations at the same time. We can only be at one place at one time. He is omniscient. Our knowledge is limited by what has been created. We have no knowledge of that which has not been created. God knows about things that have yet to be created.
Thirdly, God created the heavens and the earth to be understood. God’s creation sustains our lives. This is a demonstration of His tremendous love. God created the trees, grasses, and plants so that we could breath. Without these we would not have the oxygen to sustain life. He gave crated fresh water so that we could quench our natural thirst. Without water we could not survive. God created the beast of the field so that we could have food. Without meat we could not receive the protein necessary for life. We need to recognize God as a loving God that has provided us everything we need to live.
The problem with science and creation is they are trying to answer two different questions. Science seeks to answer the question how was the heavens and earth made. The Bible seeks to answer the question Why did God create the heavens in the earth. There is a deeper purpose between the conflict of creationism and evolution. This deeper issue is a matter of authority. If God created the heavens and the earth, then He has authority over the heavens and the earth. However; if we evolved then we are our own authority. Let’s dig into this a little deeper.

God the Authority

11 Now the earth was corrupt in the sight of God, and the earth was filled with violence. 12 God looked on the earth, and behold, it was corrupt; for all flesh had corrupted their way upon the earth.
13 Then God said to Noah, “The end of all flesh has come before Me; for the earth is filled with violence because of them; and behold, I am about to destroy them with the earth. Gen. 6:11-13
17 Then the flood [a]came upon the earth for forty days, and the water increased and lifted up the ark, so that it rose above the earth. 18 The water prevailed and increased greatly upon the earth, and the ark [b]floated on the [c]surface of the water. 19 The water prevailed more and more upon the earth, so that all the high mountains [d]everywhere under the heavens were covered. 20 The water prevailed fifteen [e]cubits higher, and the mountains were covered. 21 All flesh that [f]moved on the earth perished, birds and cattle and beasts and every swarming thing that swarms upon the earth, and all mankind; 22 of all that was on the dry land, all in whose nostrils was the breath of the spirit of life, died. 23 Thus He blotted out [g]every living thing that was upon the face of the land, from man to animals to creeping things and to birds of the [h]sky, and they were blotted out from the earth; and only Noah was left, together with those that were with him in the ark. 24 The water prevailed upon the earth one hundred and fifty days. Gen. 7:17-24
Another discrepancy between Science and the Bible is the matter of the worldwide flood in Noah’s day. Scientist don’t believe there is enough science to show that the entire world was flooded. They substantiate it by saying it has never happened twice so it couldn’t happen the first time. Science is the study of repetitious events to come to a certain outcome. Something like this: If I do this then this will happen. Pavlov theory. If I ring a bell and give a dog a treat eventually all I have to do is ring a bell and that dog will slobber. Since no one has recorded a worldwide flood then it never happened. If it happened once then it should happen again. It hasn’t so it never happened to begin with.
Once again science is try to say that it didn’t happen because they can’t explain how it happened. The Bible actually tells how it happened, but the more important issue is why it happened. God saw that the hearts of men were wicked increasingly all the time. He is going to exercise His authority by judging the earth through destruction by flood.
Scientist and “intellectuals” discredit the authority of God because they want to be their own authority.
21 For even though they knew God, they did not honor Him as God or give thanks, but they became futile in their speculations, and their foolish heart was darkened. 22 Professing to be wise, they became fools, 23 and exchanged the glory of the incorruptible God for an image in the form of corruptible man and of birds and four-footed animals and crawling creatures.
24 Therefore God gave them over in the lusts of their hearts to impurity, so that their bodies would be dishonored among them. 25 For they exchanged the truth of God for a lie, and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed [q]forever. Amen. Romans 1:21-25
People that say there is no such thing as God have a deeper reason other than science to validate their doubt about God. It boils down to their authority. The Bible says everyone knows that God exists, they choose not to honor him or give thanks for what He has done for them. In essence, they become their own Gods based on their flawed speculations. Because they refuse to submit to the authority of the creator God, He gives them over to a darkened heart. They choose to serve the created rather than the Creator. This is foolish! Because they are replacing a perfect God for a corrupted man as their authority.
Everyone has an authority. It is which authority you choose. The Bible teaches that God is our authority. Science teaches that the discovery of what has been created substantiates authority. Basically, what man can prove is authoritative. To take it one step further, I am my own God!

God The Savior

Because God is our authority he is the one who determines Morality and Truth. Many people say morality and truth are relative. This means they determine their own morality and truth. This leads to chaos because we are all sinful people that don’t have the authority to determine what is moral and what is truthful. For example, if someone goes out and takes another person’s life who is to say it is wrong? Some may say society and culture have the right to determine morality and truth based on the laws that they establish. Let’s look at some around the world
2. Women can be beaten by their husbands
Currently, a wife-beating bill proposed by the Council of Islamic Ideology in Pakistan states that a woman can be ‘lightly beaten’ up by her husband in order to be ‘discipline’ her. The situations where she can be beaten up can be when defies his commands, does not dress up as per her husband’s desires, refuses intercourse or does not take a bath after intercourse/ menstrual periods.
In Nigeria, it is within a husband’s legal rights to beat his wife “for the purpose of correcting” her, as long as it does not cause grievous bodily harm.
4. Women can be murdered if caught cheating on their husbands
In Egypt, the punishment for a murder by a man becomes lessened if he had caught the women in an act of adultery. There is a similar situation in Syria, where a man will only serve up to 7 years of imprisonment if he has caught his mother, sister, daughter in an illegitimate sexual act.
You can see that Culture and Society in morality is flawed.
God is the Moral law giver and the one who holds us accountable for trangression of the law.

Romans Road to Salvation

Step 1 - Everyone needs salvation because all have sinned.
Romans 3:10-12, and 23 As the Scriptures say, “No one is righteous—not even one. No one is truly wise; no one is seeking God. All have turned away; all have become useless. No one does good, not a single one.” ... For everyone has sinned; we all fall short of God’s glorious standard. (NLT)
Step 2 - The price (or consequence) of sin is death.
Romans 6:23 For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life through Christ Jesus our Lord. (NLT)
Step 3 - Jesus Christ died for our sins. He paid the price for our death.
Romans 5:8 But God showed his great love for us by sending Christ to die for us while we were still sinners. (NLT)
Step 4 - We receive salvation and eternal life through faith in Jesus Christ.
Romans 10:9-10, and 13 If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For it is by believing in your heart that you are made right with God, and it is by confessing with your mouth that you are saved ... For “Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.” (NLT)
Step 5 - Salvation through Jesus Christ brings us into a relationship of peace with God.
Romans 5:1 Therefore, since we have been made right in God’s sight by faith, we have peace with God because of what Jesus Christ our Lord has done for us. (NLT) Romans 8:1 So now there is no condemnation for those who belong to Christ Jesus. (NLT) Romans 8:38-39 And I am convinced that nothing can ever separate us from God’s love. Neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither our fears for today nor our worries about tomorrow—not even the powers of hell can separate us from God’s love. No power in the sky above or in the earth below—indeed, nothing in all creation will ever be able to separate us from the love of God that is revealed in Christ Jesus our Lord. (NLT)
Scientist would tell us their is no such thing as sin and we are not guilty. Further, they would claim to believe that a dead person was resurrected is simply foolish. When people die they stay dead.
Friend This morning I want to offer you Truth. I will put it simply. If the scientist are right and I am wrong what have I lost. However, if I am telling the truth about Jesus and the scientist are wrong what have they lost. Let me make it personal. If what I tell you about Jesus is wrong and you believe anyway you will have a good life then it will end. If what I tell you about Jesus is right and you don’t believe, then you will spend eternity in the lake of fire. The choice is yours!
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