How to Keep Going

REjoice - A Study Through Philippians  •  Sermon  •  Submitted
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1) Attitude

REM the goal - keep focused, v. 15 let US - UNITY
Where we differ, Christ will show us, “It will be revealed”
Admit we need to grow, learn what we don’t know, admit that we need to learn (that’s the hard first step)
-Paul asked for trust in his leadership, teaching, so do I
Allow where God has brought you, to this point, today, to guide you - be a future-thinker, acting now. Future-focused, presently guided.
We already know, these are facts:
Resurrection to come
Attitude can be affected by
Assuming circumstances are permanent, or more important than they really are
Resistance to change, especially in ourselves

2) Stick to the Truth (no deviation), v. 17

Isaiah 30:21 NASB95
Your ears will hear a word behind you, “This is the way, walk in it,” whenever you turn to the right or to the left.
God WILL lead, let Him
IF unity is desired, it is only found in truth
John 17:17 NASB95
“Sanctify them in the truth; Your word is truth.
We have lots of alternatives to the truth - and false teachers abound

Characteristics of false teachers

Enemies of the cross - not just opponents, enemies, to keep others from the cross
Their “end” is not ours
Their desires are their god
Earthly success defines them
They actually derive glory from being anti-God

False Teachers today

Heretic - blatant contradiction to essentials of Christianity
Charlatan - interest in Christianity to fatten wallet
Prophet - “gifted” with revelation outside of Scripture
dreams, visions, lately about election
Divider - sly, un-Biblical doctrines, to divide a church
Tickler - focus on what people want to hear, craving praise and popularity, speak little of sin, speak Jesus, but no true Gospel
Speculator - obsessed with what may happen, same old truth is boring, need originality- End Times is big (and people love to follow this stuff…)
Know the truth, and avoid these false teachers - AVOID
Imitate others who do, and who follow the truth
Paul, Me, others?

3) Rejoice in Our Citizenship

If this election these politics, don’t drive us to cherish our true citizenship, I’m not sure what will.
Citizenship - not a place, but a PEOPLE
People who are here now, in Heaven forever
So we need to value each other
So we need to live together, productive citizens - unified in truth
False teachers cannot see beyond this time into eternity, they are not citizens there
Careful, we can take on the same characteristics...

Characteristics of True Believers

Trusting God, not some human system
1 Samuel 8 - Israel demands a king
When you trust in a human system (false teachers tempt)
Forget God
Trust in own strength - Prov. 3:5-6
Measure success by the world
Fail to trust and follow Jesus
(easy to want quick fix, feel better, make it go away)
We have placed great trust in our elections, as if our well-being depends on them
We expect laws to change hearts - faulty
Israel was under attack
Response? A king like the world’s kings, instead of follow God’s ideal - Deut. 17
Church is, and had been, under attack
Response? We want a president, or a justice, or a representative, or a false teacher to do something or provide security - security that we ALREADY have!
God still says to follow Him - all “this” is temporary; look toward the “then” which is permanent, eternal


John 14:16 NASB95
“I will ask the Father, and He will give you another Helper, that He may be with you forever;
John 14:18 NASB95
“I will not leave you as orphans; I will come to you.
John 14:26 NASB95
“But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name, He will teach you all things, and bring to your remembrance all that I said to you.
The Holy Spirit - the paraclete - the Helper, the Comforter


Focus on what will last
Even the body, yes, it will be resurrected to join our soul
The soul of the believer is already spiritually resurrected, awakened
Citizenship - we are an outpost, we have a central authority in Heaven - Christ
We represent Him here, NOW
Things we KNOW
What will happen tomorrow, next day, beyond - WE DO
Jesus will lead us, His Word will be available to us
Believers will follow Him, trust Him
He will hear our prayers
Believers deciding to follow, will decide to purposefully unify around the truth
Philippians 2:10 NASB95
so that at the name of Jesus every knee will bow, of those who are in heaven and on earth and under the earth,
Jesus promised tough times would come
It could well get worse
Panic, frustration, worry, FEAR
I’m glad I’m a part of the family of God - YOU!
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