Sunday 15th November - Service

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Well, good morning in a very warm. Welcome to you. We have a marriage like a butterfly out of a cocoon and he we are after a long time of lockdown and a few Hardy Souls together to Worship the Lord in his place. insights a great blessing to be together with one another once more I like to type in the service with it couple of verses from Psalms 62 verses 1 and 2.

For God Alone. My soul waits in Silence from him comes my salvation. He alone is my rock and my salvation my Fortress I will not be greatly shaken. What shall we come to the Lord in a prayer of adoration confession and the Lord's pray? Let's pray.

Loving father we come together once more. We thank you Father for your Grace & Mercy by which we are able to gather together for corporate worship. We thank you for the blessing of seeing one another as well be welcoming friends not only to a company, but also before you the Living God. We know that it is a great thing and a great blessing to baby for you to remember you to remember where all our health and life and blessing comes from and to give all the honor and praise due to your Holy Name Lord. You give us the breath of life. We know that you always a lock itself for man cannot live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God And father is we come to he'll wait a bit later and remember the story of King David and his consolation. We might as well that it is the same constellation that we receive that you I nearest and eat. Your favorite is upon us. Lord as we do wish if we remember oil side that we not yet in the Eternal State and that we have elements of fullness that still with us. I buy died in April we can face y'all seem to you as scenes of many stripes and varieties that wedding Dave and we acknowledge that we are far from perfect father. We pray that you would remember the the attorney death of Jesus for a sake that his substitutionary atonement is the only thing that can fully satisfy the righteous demands of your holy law. Father we pray that you will bless us by your spirit as we worship you this morning and we ask this in the name of Jesus who told us to pray saying Our Father who art in heaven Hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come thy will be done on Earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us and lead us not into temptation. But Deliver Us from Evil for thine is the kingdom the power and the glory forever and ever I mean, Flat faced rating today's from 2nd Samuel chapter 23 and versus 8 to 17, and I'd like to read that for you. Now. It's titled David's Mighty Men.

These are the names of the Mighty Men whom David head. He was chief of the three. He wielded his fear against 800 him. He killed at one time and next to him among the three Mighty Men was Elie as a son of a son of a ho, he he was with David when they divide the Philistines it would gather day for battle and the men of Israel withdrew. He rise and strike the Philistines until his hand was weary as you can climb to the Sword and the Lord brought about a great victory that day and the men returned after him only to strip the slang. The next to him was, the son of Aggy the Hara ride the Philistines gathered together at Lahey where there was a plot of ground full of lentils and the men fled from the Philistines, but he took his stand in the midst of the plot and defended it and struck down the Philistines and the Lord with the great victory.

And three of the City chief man went down and came about Harvest Time to David at the cave of adullam when a band of Philistines was encamped in the valley of rephaim David was Dan in the stronghold and the Garrison of the Philistines was then in Bethlehem. David said longingly that someone would give me water to drink from The Well of Bethlehem, that is by the gate. Name the three marching men break through the camp of the Philistines Andrew Walter out of The Well of Bethlehem, that was by the gate and carry them brought it to David, but he would not drink of it. He pulled it out to the Lord and said pop it for me our Lord that I should do this shall I drink the blood of the men who went at the risk of their lives therefore, he would not drink it these things the three Mighty Men did I mean in May called at his Blessing to his reading of his Hollywood? I'm well. I actually wasn't going to do any announcements but I forgot the announcement of the announcement year old be masked and that that's a part of the requirement for the present time. You'll see me from time to time. We have to save it's not my stand that's just for the practice of speaking so you can hear me. I think Island done a terrific job in the old probably signed everything that was required. If you haven't play Same after the Civil and outside, there will be no offering through the service but a retiring offering the plane is just played there beside the glass door if you have come prepared to do that. If not, that's fine.

Sorry, there won't be any while I'm sure you know, I'm just going straight. I'm dying tree that the lure of the medes and Persians and he has nice Sunday school at night morning. That way I hear and we are sharing the Fellowship of the Lord with one another and it's it's a great thing. The other thing is that we singing with singing. This is a big discussion is efficient necessary when the wasting unfortunately, the mass will need to stay on. I will put my mask on for solidarity and before the Lord to sing the hymns and side V him is Before the Throne of God above I have a strong and perfectly a great high priest whose name is Love. Whoever leaves and plays for me invite you to stand as we sing.

I didn't vote Duncan to come forward in and bring us the prayer for the church in the world and followed by rating from John chapter 4.

Psalm 73 verse 25 And there is nothing.

Rainbow Magic


Thank you, Lord.




Thank you.

I'll just make a brief comment that you would have paid Duncan's feeling praying for cake by I didn't know if I know if I ever mentioned it that that Duncan has answered the code to the state of the wattage and it and engage in a very significant government's role with could pray and so that she could remember that and you'll praise and he's involvement if you want to know anything further about that. I'm sure thank him will fill you in but it said very significant role that he's undertaken at the present time. Well, let's sing again. Let's join to sing. And now him this time is the Lord is King lift up your voice and all you Heavens Rejoice from world to World The Joy shall ring. The Lord omnipotent is King.

With Remembrance Day not far behind us and with the material in front of us as you will see. I think it's fitting to remember in principle in a couple of specific example some of the acts of Bella that we're done during the war the the various roles and in particular the second world war Desert TV series. It was produced some Tommy guy called the color of war and in it once I'll just say is that at one time he found himself Paris shooting Behind Enemy Lines, and he just wanted to himself one time if heroin is life had sort of conspire to bring him to this point that he was jumping out of a plane in such a dangerous situation. In another documentary the secrets of world. I talked about technology that was Innovative at the time and again paperwork old upon to do heroic things Behind Enemy Lines and one of those things that's the only thing that I can think of was that that too silly TV series, but forgive me if I if you think it's not the greatest but it was cold allow Ally and I thought I had this this crazy r i t i said which was apparent to all and Sundry, but Friday I sent to communicate to England from from Paris. But in all seriousness people with upright these days right you guys never the size of a small suitcase in NY betide anyone who got caught with such a thing. Inside we have a story here about David King David of Israel and he's fighting man and the fighting men the Mighty Men guy Behind Enemy Lines to bring David some water. It's not a well-known story, but she may know it you may know well enough and I've spoken of it before he had some time ago. But what I'm going to do today is retell the story. That's my first point and then the following three points to three and four wheel Bay Point of application, but the the great bulk of the message that I will be on that first point. We talk simply titled David size for a drink. Inside the story needs a lot of contacts and that is that the first king of Israel of course was sold. He was the man that the people chose to be king. And he was King for aquatic quite a long time. During his kingship. He became aware that David the shepherd boy who slew Goliath and David had been anointed by Samuel the prophet to be king and side. So it was aware of this and it erased him and he sought to kill David and tell David had to flee Into the Wilderness and while he was out there. He got to the number of men about him a sizable unitive fighting soldiers. Map to fast forward a bit Fitbit solo Adventure Lee dies and David does become king. However, very sadly for David there is not wrist and not long into he's King sheet an outside enemy attacks. The Philistines attack the Philistines attack Israel. Inside David has this unit is fighting unit next to him and I a diver's military late. They become a very tight-knit Group by our family of sorts and battle-hardened and they were called his mighty men the Hebrew term means bold and audacious. And so we say then the defense as we come closer to the story that the Philistines were at war with Israel and it was a very dark time and date and it says that during Harvest I'm three of the day Chief man came down to dive into the cave of adullam while the Bandit Philistines were encamped in the valley of rephaim at that time. David was in the stronghold and the Philistines Garrison. Was it Bethlehem in other words? You have the Philistine Army encamp. Nevi and died. Just a few miles out of Jerusalem. And the Philistines had taken hold of Bethlehem itself. And that was their headquarters. The problem. Is that this is David time tan that ate the Philistines the enemy are in the hottest out of Israel and said that I just a few miles from the capital and with told it as a result David had to play and she said Sophie's kid cold is in the cave and this shows. How weak is Route was and the Philistines were on the brink of absolute victory over Israel. We see the old side to further emphasized the darkness of the time that it was Harvest Time. And so they the Israelites the people of God were on the verge of a very great disaster because the Philistines could either Take the Hobbits for themselves or destroy it in which an audit case which would be a catastrophe. Today is David. He is a king but he's in the wilderness in the Philistines about to Iva tracking and this is the background for the the the point the they caught the eventual climax of The Passage will not quite that the high point of the passageway. He simply says it simply says in 2 Samuel 23 verse 15 David long for water and said that someone would get me a drink from the well near the Gate of Bethlehem. Did the first thing tonight about these that that is a David is not touristy. We know this by inference that the camp would have whenever a military organization or small one set up camp the giant set up camp in Thursday's other than it be near a spring of spring of water so we can safely assume that this is not a physical therapist from one of his spring is nearby will David's not longing for water. Exactly. That's not the thing that he's after he wants something more and nothing more that he wants. He's a sign a sign of God's favor is god with them. God had promised that he would be with David. He promised that David would rule. He promised that he would sit David up and that did there would be these tremendous Destiny for King David for his line and then it wouldn't be just for Israel, but for all of world history. I'm sorry, but the thing is where is David he's holed up in the cave of adullam cast out of Jerusalem and out of bed with him fighting for his life with his friends and he's so ugly that he can't even get a drink of water from the well if he's home town and so it looks like the fade is inevitable and he's really saying will I ever be able to go back home again? Will I ever be able to drink that water in Elwell at Bethlehem? Will I ever really be king? We like fulfill my destiny that God has promised to me and called me to. So when he Longs for a drink of water, this is what he's expressing and the other thing about it, is that when he Longs for that drink, he's not commanding anyone to go and get him some water. It's not a it's not an instruction a demands that his subordinates do something. It's simply a side and wasn't sign match. That's not something that was hit as I overheard by his subordinates when he says I did that. I might taste that Sweet Water of Bethlehem again.

That what we find is that it was over Hood and the people that I have a hair that you remember from the reading that were three of the mightiest man and he's he's fight military ban. There was Josh Alianza and shama and that he and I understand the Kings longing and with that being commanded I take action to see the king gets his wish and sewing verse 16 with simply told the three Machi main break through the Philistines lines. They drew water from the well neither guide of Bethlehem, and I carried it back to David. In time in a few short with we had told of this tremendous heroic day die a hero's the Bible doesn't remember. I'm an to size it you would expect if we were a great legend that they would be all this embarrassment about it, but there is not it's simply states matter-of-factly that what happened. This is what happened when it's called. How did I go about it? We not told was it a great weight with it other great acts of heroism in Courage. Well, we can rightly assume that they wear that the Philistines wouldn't have allowed them and then invited the minions hello here have a drink of water from that carry some water from the gate. We will let you pass. We don't know what I did but I must have shown tremendous strength and courage do I become the enemies and so they returned David is a standard and filled with joy and it says, But he refused to drink it instead. He pulled it out before the Lord forbid. I load for me to do. This. Is it not the blood of the men who went at risk of their lives and David would not drink it starts with the exploits of these three Mighty Men. When you first read it seems that David might have been a little bit ungrateful toward the men but on closer inspection, he was far from ungrateful. He turned this act of heroism into a ceremony of worship and it says that he pulled the water rap before the Lord. Eternity string into an offering he turned it into a time of Thanksgiving before God. He turned it into an act of worship and he was as much as saying I realize that because of the sacrifice so the potential sacrifice of these men and going through the risk of their lives. Now. I know something that I didn't die before I know that God is with me. Inside God 3 days man has spoken of where the grace to David the God that it seemed absent the God that it seemed away the god that it's saying it seemed had forgotten the destiny in the promise of David and now returned to him and shine him this favor and it wasn't only that David McDavid me but the Machi menu and finally the mighty man, but all of the military unit and not only goal of the military unit, but the weird would have sprayed sign that the people of God knew that the Lord had not deposited from them. And so this is the first point that David's eyes and he saw his head Well a few points end of application the second point in the same and is that everything that we learn is a gift of God?

Inside we think of what day is Mardi mean did and we bring bring it back to our Ryan live? And we ask ourselves a question. What is the best and greatest thing that we have achieved? What is the highest-earning? What is our greatest thing the greatest thing that has happened so far in a lot. What have you want? These men were phenomenal, but the question is who made them 6.5 if I were in Daisy's for 5 who made them full of muscles, they gave him the constitution of encourage it with the Lord Our God in heaven who gave them unusual strength old from the Lord and David. Pouring a nap before the Lord was saying before the welding before they is Mighty Man this we know that this is your trifling but really this is something that the Lord has done before us that gave you the strength to Bright through those Enemy Lines. I'm some time ago. There was an article about the super-rich in America and in the article that I mentioned that well but whatever historical raising people no longer give his match of the net worth to charity to write a causes outside of themselves and you can you can speculate as I would that there is this less Christian Capital the raise the reason I believe that people If that is the case and I believe it is that it's a case that people don't keep as much of this substance is it does not this realization this recognition that the Lord has given all things to us to the reach to the pool to everyone in between and this this has repercussions for actions in people's lives. And sorry. What is the greatest thing that you have? It is all from God. It is a gift from God. He's Bryce and he's made it to us and say that is that the second point that the water was not a trifling it was a gift and therefore pulled out before the Lord. The third point then is that they Kings wish was their command the Kings which was their command. And of course, this is probably well. I would call it the main point of application for Eisenhower response in what way do the men were devoted to the king to them and to the monument was no difference between a command a suggestion or a song by Dwight Eisenhower the former General and president of the u.s. Said leadership is the art of getting someone else to do what you want what you want done because he wants you to do it. And this is why this is the case of diet. We might think of great leaders that we've heard awful 9 and a train time from the wall when I get to chill with such a lady in this trial weary. Weary Dunlop again. I have the same as a Mother Teresa or Martin Luther King jr. A great lay down and people will know that if they want something done then that's the thing to do. Well, this is the thing of Christians II United some easy guy. There was this thing of this thing is wwjd. What would Jesus do you know, but the thing is that the reality of the Christian faith is this had me to do what is what is the Lord Jesus one in this situation? What is the King's wish it is not. And this is the highest point. I think of the Christian Life when it comes to this. That that you want not what is what is the command? What is required for? What would the Lord want me to do my Lord it was done with this. What does he want me to do in this position? I am here. Now. This is something before me I can go this way or that way. What is the Lord want me to do here? And if we can come to that point we have come to a very bright point in a Christian walk and sorry that is what it meant for those men and They did it they did what they did because I heard that song and it gave them the utmost pleasure to fulfill the wishes of they came and this is a perfect picture about Walt before Jesus. Well that brings me to have funnel point when she is the reason why we might do those things, but Jesus is because he he is outside. And this is just as much water sermon is pointing to that the Lord Jesus he is outside and there's an invasion that happened to you that either way. We are not a king or a queen we are indeed made in God's image, but we we are not the King David. But how often to Wayside well, we do sorry and the point of the Bible is that it tells us that someone has ever heard that song. David what was he sign for he wanted time. He sort of bed for him. Jerusalem a kind of guy that when can I die then sometimes out of sentimentality that silly old Facebook app cooktop pictures of pastimes United Bocce to be a great look at the pictures of Noah Lane and there's where I used to go to school it's just a knife and Paddock no line High School is 9 more what a terrible thing all that, rattery and nice things while if I think of things then you can think of things to in your hide it in your early life in days gone by things that have happened friends people that have departed and these are all an element about restlessness and the desire in the heart to be home. The heart wants to be at home. Where is time? Well Haim is partly here because God is so gracious and good to us. The time is not completely here and say there's a restlessness I cry for water. That's what David had a cry for water the Water of Life and tie someone he is that sign and he's the difference that someone that person of Jesus he break through Enemy Lines only. He didn't break through at the risk of his life. He breaks through at the cost of his life. He didn't pull out water before the Lord. He pulled out himself before the Lord and this is what he did. This is what the Lord Jesus did for us. And this is who he is. And so he knew that the only way that we could possibly have the Water of Life the thing that quenches Outfitters and answers out restlessness. The only way that we could be like that woman at the well the Samaritan woman is it Pay the penalty for asking and died. Even if they could not hold him. This is the point that Jesus is the mighty man. He is out here. Oh and if you say the Martinez of Jesus, if you remember if you are mindful of that then there will be a Joy about you. It will be then that you can anticipate the wish the command the song of Jesus and do two things ahead of him for him ahead of time out of an overwhelming desire to do his will. Well, let us then remember this great story. It is a great story in the Lord's word and it perfectly sets forth the work and the person of Jesus our lord. Let's pray.

Father in heaven, we thank you for your word. You'll gracious way to us was tell incredible stories of Mighty Men doing heroic days. Father. We we remember that it really points to one here. I the Lord Jesus. He pulled out his own life as an offering that scene is might have the living water that he provides help us to know that water and truly live we pray in Jesus name, I mean,

Well, we have a fishing closing theme. It's as the deer pants for the water. So my soul Longs after you you alone are my heart's desire and I long to worship you let stain to sing.

That is received the notes padding blessing may the god of endurance and encouragement Grandview to leave in such harmony with one another in a code with Christ. Jesus been together you may with one voice glorify the God and father of our Lord Jesus Christ. I mean

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