Ephesians 3:20-21

Ephesians  •  Sermon  •  Submitted
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A story is told of a man who loved old books. He met an acquaintance who had just thrown away a Bible that had been stored in the attic of his ancestral home for generations. "I couldn't read it," the friend explained. "Somebody named Guten-something had printed it." "Not Gutenberg!" the book lover exclaimed in horror. "That Bible was one of the first books ever printed. Why, a copy just sold for over two million dollars!" His friend was unimpressed. "Mine wouldn't have brought a dollar. Some fellow named Martin Luther had scribbled all over it in German." 
Doxology — A liturgical formula used to praise God.
Paul is concluding his prayer for the Ephesians with praise to God. To God be the glory. Verse 20 is an expression of praise to God.
Praise — “Praise” comes from a Latin word meaning “value” or “price.” Thus, to give praise to God is to proclaim His merit or worth.” Holman Illustrated Bible Dictionary (p. 1319). Nashville, TN: Holman Bible Publishers.
Paul is expressing to us something of the worth, power and character of God in this verse. And he does so by focusing upon the ability of God.
Able — God is able. This word means God has the power, skill or means to accomplish what He has determined to do. We are reminded of the words of Luke 1:37
Luke 1:37 CSB
For nothing will be impossible with God.”
Gabriel is speaking to Mary concerning the pregnancy of Elizabeth, an old woman who had lived her life unable to have children. But, God, when He is determined to do something, always accomplishes what He has determined to do. Elizabeth, well beyond child bearing years, was to have the joy of children on her lap!
Nothing, nothing, absolutely nothing, nothing is too difficult for God! He is able to do anything and everything. There is no impossible circumstance with Him!
In fact, not only is God able to do what we believe possible, or what we might think to be impossible, He is able to do things that we haven’t the intelligence or imagination to even consider!
Paul uses one word in the Greek which requires two words in our English translations in order to be understood: exceeding abundantly.
This Greek word implies that whatever is being considered exceeds any scale used for measure...”very great, excessive, extremely, emphatic, surpassing, all the more, much greater.” Louw, J. P., & Nida, E. A. (1996). Greek-English lexicon of the New Testament:
God is capable of doing so much more than we could ask, or think to ask of Him, that it is impossible to measure how much more.
We serve a God who is able! Paul reminds his readers of the unlimited ability of our God.
We need to remember, we serve a big, big God. Our problems, tribulations and hardships grow small in relation to just how big we see our God.


God is not just able to do something…He is doing something! His power is at work in us!
Power — Dunamis — to exert force in performing of some function.
This power of God never sits idle. God’s power is working inside of us all the time. What does this mean???
A young boy traveling by airplane to visit his grandparents sat beside a man who happened to be a seminary professor. The boy was reading a Sunday school take-home paper when the professor thought he would have some fun with the lad. "Young man," said the professor, "If you can tell me something God can do, I"ll give you a big, shiny apple." The boy thought for a moment and then replied, "Mister, if you can tell me something God can't do, I"ll give you a whole barrel of apples!"
God can do anything…even change you and me! Paul is referring to the power of God to change us. The power to strengthen our inner man so that we might have faith in God, experience Christ more, understand more fully His love for us and be filled with the fullness of God...
Fullness of God — That his readers may experience to the extent of their capacity the totality of blessings God is willing and able to bestow. That is to say, he is requesting that their whole being may be filled with God’s presence and power, so that there shall be no room for more—like the teacup on the seashore filled to overflowing with the swelling water of the vast ocean. Vaughan, C. (2002). Ephesians (p. 83). Cape Coral, FL: Founders Press.

Glory: Honor God’s Ability

When we consider God, His power, ability and intentions for us we are naturally led to give Him glory. Paul leads us to just this in verse 21.
Glory — To speak of something or someone as unusually fine or deserving of honor.
God is unusually fine and deserving of honor. How so? In this passage we see that God is unusually fine in terms of His power and ability. A power and ability which exceed all we could think or imagine possible.
Our God is big and powerful. Can we consider for a moment what this means for our life and walk with Him?
Do you ever feel as though you aren’t measuring up? That you are not doing so good at this whole Christian thing? That you are struggling to live holy. That you struggle to love and obey God? Struggle to love others well? If this is you, and it is all of us at one time or another, this passage us for you.
Our life in Christ and what we become in Christ, is never dependent upon us and our ability to make something of ourselves. It is completely dependent upon God, His grace and His ability to make something of us for Himself. Too often we think it has something to do with us...
Five young College students spent a Sunday in London, and were anxious to hear some well-known preachers. They found their way on a hot Sunday to Spurgeon's Tabernacle. While they were waiting for the doors to open, a stranger came up to them and said, 'Gentlemen, would you like to see the heating apparatus of this church?' They were not particularly anxious to do so on a broiling day in July, but at once consented. They were taken down some steps and a door was thrown open. Then their guide whispered, 'There, Sirs, is our heating apparatus.' They saw before them 700 souls bowed in prayer seeking for blessing on the service about to be held in the tabernacle above. Their unknown guide was C. H. Spurgeon himself. The Prayer meeting is the Powerhouse of the church.
Everything is dependent upon Christ. Paul understood such and thus his prayer for the Ephesian church…and surely for himself!
And remember, His ability is so big we haven’t the imagination to consider what He is capable of doing for us.
Paul has asked some big and wonderful things for the Ephesians but he realizes that even with the grandiose things He has prayed, God can and will do more.
We can never make ourselves a Christian. We can never make ourselves into a little Christ. Romans 8:28-29
Romans 8:28–29 CSB
We know that all things work together for the good of those who love God, who are called according to his purpose. For those he foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the image of his Son, so that he would be the firstborn among many brothers and sisters.
God has determined to make us like His Son and He will do the work. Philippians 1:6
Philippians 1:6 ESV
And I am sure of this, that he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ.
He has begun the work and will be faithful to complete it. Philippians 2:13
Philippians 2:13 CSB
For it is God who is working in you both to will and to work according to his good purpose.
He is the one working within to change us from the inside out. He is changing our mind, will and emotions. He is molding us into the likeness of His Son.
What is our part to play? Love Him and give Him glory. Our love for Him will cause us to want to obey Him. The changes He is making within us will be realized in a new attitude, speech and actions.
Did you catch how we are to give God glory? “In the church.” In community with one another.
Unto God be glory in the church — The church exists to give God glory. We live in such as way in community so as to lead one another to praise and give glory to God better.
This is the purpose of the church in the past, present and future. For all time in this age and in the age to come, world without end, we glorify God together for His ability and willingness to make us His own people…to make us like Jesus.
God does the work of making us and we simply respond to what He has done and is doing by giving Him the glory.
If we think the work depends upon us or if we take responsibility for what we are to become, we rob God of the glory due Him. He and He alone is able to change the life of a sinner into a saint. He alone can bring us from death to life. He alone can make us born again.
To God be the glory Great things He has done So loved He the world that He gave us His Son Who yielded His life an atonement for sin And opened the life-gate that all may go in
Praise the Lord, praise the Lord Let the earth hear His voice Praise the Lord, praise the Lord Let the people rejoice Come to the Father Through Jesus the Son Give Him the glory Great things He has done
Great things He has done, is doing and will do someday! To God alone be the glory…everything about who you are and what you become depends upon Him alone…have faith, love and give Him glory for the work He is doing.
Let go...Just pray, have faith and give Him the glory. He will do the work to change us. And He will get the glory for what is done.