Establish Junior Church

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This week we are thinking about our
Establish Minisnrty as a Church
We’ve done ‘Engage’ the community in Love
Evangelise ‘the crowd with the Gospel’
So that’s mostly all about reaching people who don’t yet know about the love and forgiveness of Jesus.
Establish is the Minisnrty of our church that looks after all of us who do believe in Jesus.
And it helps us love God more and love each other more.
Let’s look at Acts 2 to help us think about what sort of things the first church in history did.
Soon after Jesus died he appeared to lots of people and then went up to heaven - and he told His disciples to tell everyone about him.
Which they did.
Peter, one of Jesus’s disciuples, talked to all the poeple and this is what he said
Acts 2:38 NIV
Peter replied, “Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins. And you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.
Well who wants their sins forgiven by God!
All of us!
And who wants to receivee God’s Holy Spirit!
All of us!
And so did lots of the poeple listening to Peter that days!
3000 people became Christians on that day!
Can anyone count to 3000?
They became the first church.
A church is not a building - it is people who have said sorry to God, and who believe Jesus forgives them!
So if that is you - you are the church!!
Funny looking church!
So now we know we are the church, (not a building or a service - or even a zoom call)
What sort of things should we do when we meet?
This is what those 3000 people did...
Acts 2:42 NIV
They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer.
What did the apostles (the disciples) teach about?
Yes - Jesus - we have their teachings about Jesus in the bible today.
What does fellowship mean?
Family, together, lovinging each other.
What does breaking break or Lord’s Supper or COmmunion - we might call it remind us of?
Jesus saving us!
So, we should also devote yourslevse tp the bible - God’s word.
Devoted means to put all your energy into something.
It means you put something first in your life:
SO, That first church put the following things first in their lives:
learning together from the bible,
loving others in the church,
remmebering Jesus saves!
So, we shouldn’t moan about Sunday School,
We shouldn’t try and get out of church,
We should sit still and listen and concentrate on Zoom Church.
We should try and go to everything we can at church
when God’s people are gathering to learn from the bible and love each ohter.
SO -
To summarise -
God’s people put learnign from the bible,
loveing each other
And Remembering Jesus’ forgiveness before all else.
And -
It also said those 3000 people prayed together -
so, who is brave enough to pray aloud.
Thanking God for saving us.
Thanking him for the church.
thankning him for his bible
asking him to help us always use our enegy to learn more togethr.
help us to love each other...
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