The Word of Life

1st John   •  Sermon  •  Submitted
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Good morning, if you have a Bible I want you to to open with me to 1st John towards the end of your Bibles.
Hook: What does an authentic follower of Jesus look like?
Context: The line is blurry can be blurry in our city between what a Christian actually looks like, does, behaves, versus someone who does not. And we know this to be true because the vast majority of the city would claim to be a Christian yet having no idea what the Gospel of Jesus Christ actually is.
So a natural issuse arises, and it has everything to do with Gospel clarity. What is the truth? What does a follower of Jesus look like? How can you tell? How can I be sure that I saved?
The sermon series is called AUTHENTIC.
1st John provides a assurance to those who are in Christ, and clarity to those who are not.
As we go throughout this book, you are going to learn much of who Christ is and the effects that he has on your life alongside what he calls you to do in obedience to him.
Proposition: My goal for you today is to faithfully apply this text so that you would fellowship with God and your joy would be complete.
The Word of Life
1 That which was from the beginning, which we have heard, which we have seen with our eyes, which we looked upon and have touched with our hands, concerning the word of life— 2 the life was made manifest, and we have seen it, and testify to it and proclaim to you the eternal life, which was with the Father and was made manifest to us— 3 that which we have seen and heard we proclaim also to you, so that you too may have fellowship with us; and indeed our fellowship is with the Father and with his Son Jesus Christ. 4 And we are writing these things so that our joy may be complete.
Let’s pray.
Transition: John in writing in this passage two distinctives about who Christ is, and two desires that Christ has for you.
Distinctive #1: Christ is eternal.
Explanation: Take a look at the passage here. He opens it open by saying “That which is from the beginning.” This has a parrallel strucuture to what we see in Genesis Chapter One, where we see “In the beginning God created the Heavens and the Eath.” to John Chapter One “In the beginning was the Word and the word was with God and the word was God.” So the truth here is that Christ has existed eternally. Not just temporarily, but has existed outside of time itself.
When we think about the trinity, God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit, the trinity, this is the essence of who God is. And it is important to note, that these are three distinct persons, but one in essence. So its not that God the Father became God the son, And God the Son, became the Spirit. But all three have existed even before the creation of the World: including Christ. He has truly been here since the beginning of the world.
There is a really cool tree that exists in the hills of Eastern California. Its actually the oldest tree in the world. It has a name, its name is Metheusaleh. This is a reference to Methusaleh in the Old Testament who lived to be 969 years old. Methesualeh is currently 4,852 years old. We think of a lifetime for us, and we know our average lifespan. And thats nothing compared to this thing. If someone lives 100 years, thats an amazing milestone. If an organism lives 4,852 years, thats a whole nother milestone.
Now when I see this tree, I think to myself, man this thing has been alive FOR-EVER. But here is the reality: Metheusaleh doesn’t even’t compare to the eternal Jesus Christ. Methuselah is a blink of an eye in comparsion to the eternal nature of Jesus Christ. One day this tree will pass. But Christ never will. He is the Alpha and Omega, beginning and the end.
Distinctive #2: Christ is manifest.
Explanation: Not only is Christ eternal, but Christ is manifest. He became present among the Earth on which we walk. This is parallel as well to the Gospel of John. Where in the Gospel of John chapter one we see that...
14 And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we have seen his glory, glory as of the only Son from the Father, full of grace and truth.
The word became flesh. A part of this world. So Christ who has existed externally has now been born into the world as a baby. The creator has entered into his creation for the redemption of those whom he loves. The idea here is simply that he was revealed to all the world.
Illustration: God created the world. Painted into existence. And the creator became a part of his own creation.
Application: He related to you, and you to him. He has stood where you stand today. He knows your pain. He knows your temptations. He knows the weight of it all.
The distinctives made possible these desires for you that can be met and found today. Without Christ being eternal, he couldn’t meet these desires. With Christ being manifest…he became the pathway, the means by which we experience the fullness of these two desires that he has for us.
Desire #1: Christ desires fellowship with you.
Talk about Koininia, daily fellowship…This is different than union or sonship.
Illustration: YOU KNOW CHURCH’S HAVE INTERESTING NAMES FOR DIFFERENT ROOMS? THE KOININIA KITCHEN. This is different than union or sonship. Illustrate the difference. Someone adopting someone into a family, but that’s diffferent than inviting someone to your dinner table
Application: So I’m not asking you, has Christ saved you, I’m asking are you close to him? If you are far from him, not close, understand that is not his heart or desire. He wants to be close to you. He wants to be deeply ingrained in your heart and soul. This is of highest priority of God’s desire for you that you are not only in him, but also with him. Isn’t that part of the heart of Jesus coming from Heaven to Earth? That he met us where we were, became a part of this life, so that not only we would be saved by him but we would ask walk with him.
Desire #2: Christ desires joy for you.
Explanation: The idea is that your joy would be complete, that it would be full.
Illustration & Apply:
Our joy and fellowship in Christ is made possible because of who Christ is.
Applications & Final Walking Point
The aim here is there a high level of closeness that comes to being a Jesus follower. Its not a superficial thing that occurs with God, but its an intimate, deep relationship that abounds in every way with Jesus Christ. Yes Christ saves you, but it doesn’t end there. You will grow close together. You will grow in joy as time goes on.
Pray for fellowship & joy in Christ.
Pursue fellowship & joy in Christ.
Partake in the salvation of Christ.
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