Sunday February 28, 2021

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Well, good morning and welcome to Burlington Church of God on this last Sunday in February last Sunday in February where we're moving into March and that means we're heading toward Easter. So are you excited that Easter is coming? You'll notice there are calendars that are available to be handed out on the backside of that except the one I'm looking at. The one I'm looking at that doesn't have a letter on the back of it. I think Dale our secretary knew that the I already knew what the letter was because I did it. But in the letter it states that the ministers in our local ministerium and your pastors the presidents of our Union City area Ministerial Association have all decided that for this year. We will again at 4 go on having our Unity service because of covid-19. Concerns so there will not be a Unity Good Friday service for Easter, but there is going to be we have some ladies in the church who are putting that together for us. We're going to be having on Thursday of Holy Week. We will be having our satyr or Last Supper remembrance a supper as we joined together for what a traditional Jewish Passover meal is like at seder meal and that will be at 6 on the Thursday of Easter week just mark your calendars for that. I believe that is in your calendars. What may not be in your calendars is in 2 weeks? What is that put us at the 14th? What is in your calendar?

Just need for you to know that I'm the Sunday. The 14th is spring forward Sunday Daylight Savings Time kicks in so you're going to want to set your clocks forward one hour. You'll lose an hour, but that's okay. You'll gain it back sometime lose an hour of sleep and get here on time for our service. I'm at particular Sunday. I think that's all that the announcement that I have for you at this time. If you are able would you stand with me for our call to worship?

And let's read together Thou Art my Hiding Place and my shield. I hope in Thy Word. Are gracious and loving Heavenly Father you are our hiding place. And as we discussed that as we get to your word this morning, I pray that it would not fall on deaf ears, but that we would hear from your word. We would realize how we are to live hidden in you. And father, I just pray that this morning in our worship and then are going to your word. May you strengthen us? Would you challenges and changes and father were thankful that once again, we can come into the house of the Lord that we can Delight in your presence your Holy Spirit to Quicken our lives and our souls to love you more and father is we leaned into you and we learn to love you more. Would you pour out your love so richly End up being able to the availability of it father is you liberally pour it into US Bay. We Splash onto others. The excess is it pours out of us fill us that we might fill out others bless us that we might be a blessing to others. That is our prayer this morning in Jesus name and everyone said Amen, as you are seated. We're going to do something a little different this morning. Just give your pastor some some slack. We're going to have three hymns this morning 3 and they're going to be Kim's. And two of them are going to be on the screen for you to see and there is truth in each one, unfortunately, because they are the two that are going to be done on screen are from our camp meetings in the past that Anderson, Indiana. during the Heritage hymn sings

and I can't but help but be a little tender as I looked on the screen and I see people that I know and love who are in the choir singing and the those who are in the choir. Some of them have gone to be with the Lord already. They've already passed on because of this being an older. An older video, but I want you to know the words aren't going to be there, but they're going to give you a him number and you have him those remember but what those are like we used to use those you have him nose in front of you and when they say 161 or whatever. The number is just opened it up there that you can sing along with it or they may be hymns that you already know the middle him that we're going to have between those two. Joe Mallory is going to come and lead us in Great Is Thy Faithfulness? And the words will be up on the screen with him. So. You can follow along and sing with him as he ministers to us and music and leads us in this great Hymn of the church. So 3 hymns. No hers today.

If any of my jokes go over your head feel free to stand up. We're going to just enjoy supper. Some old fashioned Church of God music and that's okay because there's a method to my bandhas and what we're doing today.

I was going to sing another song today and I was practicing one night and it wasn't the right song and I looked this up in my old. Large print book and it's great is thy faithfulness and I had wrote in here. Not that we have earned it but through God's Eternal mercy and Grace we we get it. So anyway, there is no shadow of turning with no compassion day. That will be Great Is Thy Faithfulness greatest I faithfulness morning by morning new mercies. I see greater.

Summer and winter and Springtime and harvest sun moon and stars in their courses join with two greatest greatest. I faithfulness morning by morning new mercies. I see. All I have is my hand has provided great Lord on.

Pardon for sin and up. He sighed and Dora Scrooge here and to go straight for 2:04 tomorrow with him. So I faithfulness greatest I faithfulness morning by morning new mercies. I see.

greater greater greater Lord

in the fullness of his love Let me hide. Let me hide.

The message title is seen here is hidden in Christ. It may be hard for you to see in the green in the background is the word Christ. hidden in Christ

You see I heard that old hymn being sung so beautifully.

It made me stopping and think.

What is being meant by being hidden in Christ in the fold of his love? Let me hide. And the word of the Lord came up into my spirit. And it was not about being hidden in in Christ. So that the enemy can't get to me that you can't see me. There's there's that and David Rose so often in the psalms about hiding in the Rock, I mean in the cleft of the rock hiding

in God and trusting in God

and David more than any and I'll address that a little long a little later in the message, but David new. But it wasn't going out in his own strength.

But it was going out in God they gave him strikes.

and so I took the task of thinking about. Ruminating over the subject this week what it means to be hidden in Christ. You can tell a lot about people by the clothes that they wear. Whether we want to acknowledge it or not. There's truth to that. We respect certain people because they dress. a certain way or we look up the people because they dress in a certain style and a lot of young people want to imitate what they see in other people. And they've got to have the the Michael Jordan shoes. Because you don't that's what school. When I was a kid, it was PF Flyers. run faster stop on a dime in your PF Flyers

But there are certain images that people see. in the clothes the people wear

play my time as a Salesman for Dayspring greeting cards and those times when I'd go out and represent the radio stations that I was selling radio time for I would dress wonderfully in a suit and a tie. Ended my first years is a pastor always find suit crisp starched white shirt and tie in them. I've gotten beyond that. Call it old age or call it X Change. but

I'm not trying to impress anybody. Used to have the shiny shoes and sometimes in our sales meetings at the radio station. We shine up our shoes as we talked about sales strategies to go out and sell kfia AM 710 and FM the light.

The clothes that we choose to wear off and reflect our state as our values and even our priorities at Hollywood Red Carpet Events. reporters often are seen asking actors and actresses

Who are you wearing? Who are you wearing as if the style that they were wearing the dress that they were wearing the clothes that they were wearing were designed by somebody special that we would all have to go out and Empire those clothes Who are you wearing in ancient days ancient world? Clothing had similar status remember if we talked about?

How Esther's Uncle Mordecai when he was elevated to that position of being advised ear over all of the safe traps and all of the governors and the princes. He came out in Royal Robes of blue and white satin and a purple robe wrapped around that a gold crown upon his head and the people all cheered when they saw him in Royal fashion.

the New Testament imagery of being clothed has three different. Related aspects to relationships with God verse the emphasis is the union with Christ that happens at our conversion and in Galatians chapter 3 verses 26 through 27, the Apostle Paul writes these words in Christ Jesus. You are all sons of God through faith. For as many of you as were baptized in Christ you have put on Christ you have put on Christ.

Therefore everyone who has committed their lives to Christ by faith has the status of having put on Christ. Second of the clothing imagery that is vivid in portrayed in transformation that results in our relationship with Jesus Christ. Again, the Apostle Paul writes in Romans 13:13 need to put on the Lord Jesus Christ and make no provision for the face. Eating flesh. Excuse me, make no provision for the flesh. But put on Christ Jesus. But you might not gratify the desires. of this world

third the clothing imagery that's described by the Apostle Paul again in the transformation of our bodies that will take place when we are resurrected. We die here. And we're Resurrected. And we put on our Heavenly clothing. We're dead to this world, but Then we are alive in Christ. And this Markle Paul says 1st Corinthians 15 53 in this Mortal body must put on immortality.

Also that we we put off the perishable to put on the imperative schiphol body. Someday, we'll have a new and glorious body. Because we we yearn to be close we don't want to be naked. And so when we die to this body God gives us a new and glorious body like his own wouldn't that be wonderful just to be here one minute and then the next we want to

Be somewhere else that we could be transported in a second with the new body. We can be. When Jesus was resurrected. They wondered if if that was really him or a ghost and he ate some broiled fish in front of them. Do you have anything to eat and they gave him some broiled fish? He ate the fish. And he invited doubting Thomas. To come and touch his hands and see the nail prints in and the common touch his side and see where the sphere.

Had gone into his side then he saw the scars.

Why did Jesus in his resurrected body? Leave the scars, I think because he leave scars in his life. So we recognize him as being the Christ who died on the cross for us and in his resurrected new body, he could walk through walls, but he could be solid enough to touch. That's a marvelous body. I might want one like that. I do want one like that. I think you do too. But putting on Christ last clothing putting on Christ. I am hidden in Christ and it's not be that is being seen But Christ being seen our scripture this morning as we go to Colossians.

in chapter 3 starting with verse 1 we are going to go 1 through 4 here. Colossians chapter 3 verses 1 through 4 Since then you have been raised with Christ set your hearts on the things above set your hearts on things above that you are affections.

Your affections should be on things above not on the things of this Earth.

There's so many people especially worldly people. Who use people and love things? And Jesus came that we might turn that around that we might love the people and just use things because their temporal they're staying here when you leave this world, you're not taking any of these possessions these things of the world with you are staying here only treasure that you have or the treasures that you lay up in heaven. ahead So our affections those are the things of our heart. Should be set on the things above where Christ is seated at the right hand of God.


in that same vein. Set your mind on things above set your mind on things above not on Earthly things. Those are your attitudes so your affections and your attitudes are your priorities while you're living here. Your priorities need to be set on the things above. My affections my attitude on things above where Christ is seated. with its Heavenly Father And if we are in Christ when we die. To the old man. That's what we are Madrid BC in baptism, isn't it not? Then when we die to the old man and Bubba come up out of the water. We've been buried with Christ in the water when we come up. We are Resurrected. If we should have a new attitude about us. a new affection for the things above not for the things above or below our priorities need to be on Heavenly things our Lord secondly our position our position with we looked As Paul writes for you died and your life is now what? hidden with Christ in God we are hidden with Christ in God.

That is our position. We are with Christ in God. No longer it should be.

The people see us. Living our life for us, but we should be in Christ and Christ in us and Christ in Us in God that we are living Our lives our position in him so that it is no longer I who is being seen. But it is Christ being seen in this world.

And then Paul kind of wraps things up and he says when Christ who is your life now when Christ who is your life now that you've died to the old? And you've been resurrected into a new life with Christ.

Then you will also appear with him in glory when Christ who is your life appears? Then you will also appear with him in his glorified state.

And that is our portion. And it is our privilege to our portion and our privilege is being with Christ. But when he appears in his glorified State, what do you pierce to the world again? And he's promised he's coming back a second time a second Advent. If you will when he comes again, may he bring us with him or may we be found with him? It's a symbiotic relationship. Is it not we live in Christ and Christ lives in US?

And no longer is it's me being seen But Christ being seen in me. David said to Saul. You remember the story of David and Goliath? and how

the Philistine Army gathered together to make war on Israel and King Saul gathered all of his men all of his soldiers together on the other side of a hill and made camp and every morning and every night there champion from the Philistines the giant of a man Goliath would come down and Shout in the valley. send your strongman send your Champion to fight me. We don't have to go to a bloody war or Army against your army your Army against our army. Many people could die. But send your Champion to fight me life said in a loud booming voice that roared through the valley and scared because who was going to be their champion.

King Saul could have been he had armor that a Greatsword he could have gone down as their champion. They chose him to be their King because he was handsome and he was strong and he was Head and Shoulders taller than any other man in Israel. He was a tall man himself do giant. But they look to him to be their King and he stayed in his tent.

And every morning and every night, they called up and said send us your champion and what David came to bring food to his brothers bread to them and cheese to the captains of the army. He saw this giant and he be charged. Send down your Champion to fight me and whoever wins if I win then you Israelites will serve us and if your Champion wins then we Philistines will serve you. Make sense didn't it? But who was going to be the champion to go down and fight him David comes to Saul that's where we join the scripture David said the King Saul let no one lose heart on account of this Philistine your servant will go and find him. You are serving David says me I'll go down and fight him. King Saul replied the David but you were not able to go and fight against this Philistine and and fight him because you were just a young man. You're young you're on train. And you're not a warrior. He has been a Warrior from his youth up. But David said it's all your servant has been keeping his father's sheep. You may not know what a Shepherd goes through. But when a lion or a bear came to carry office sheep from my father's flock. I went after it and I struck it and I rescued the sheep from its mouth and when it turned on me, I seized it by its hair and I struck it. And I killed it.

Your servant has killed both the Lions and the bear but I guess he's trained isn't isn't that, you know, a prerequisite if you killed The Lion and the bear you can go kill a giant. I've killed both The Lion and the Bear in this uncircumcised Philistine will be like one of them. But he had to defy the armies of the Living God the Living God. so The Story Goes On the Lord who rescued me David says from the Paw of The Lion and the Paw of the bear will rescue me from the hand of the Philistine and Saul said the David go and the Lord be with you. Pencil dress David. Well, that's what he thought he needed to do. He dressed David. It is own tunic of armor. And he put a coat of armor on to him and a bronze helmet on his head. And David fastened Souls sword over his tunic any Pride to walk around.

She tried to walk around in all of this heavy. armor list chainmail This heavy sword. It didn't work because he wasn't used to fighting in them. I cannot go in these he said to solve because I am not used to them. So he took them off. He took them off. He did have them put on. But he took them off turn to your neighbor and say he took off Saul's armor.

He wasn't used to it.

Then it says the David took his snap is Shepherd's staff, which he had fought off the bear and he thought off the lion.

Eddie took that Shepherd's staff in one hand and he reached down and he took five smooth stones. from the riverbed and he put them in his Shepherd's pouch. And they took his sling in the other hand and he approached down into the valley the philistine.

Meanwhile, the Philistine with his shield Bearer in front of him and he picture this this man who was a strong man.

But a quarter or half the size of this giant. The Shield Bearer is going before him with the shield. in front of him They kept coming closer with the Philistine behind him for David. She's been.

He looked at David. He looked him over and he saw that he was just a little boy. Well in terms of it being a little boy. He wasn't a little boy. He was little compared to a giant. He was a young man. rib ready Been out in the sun had a suntan. glowing with health he was handsome.

In this ugly brute despised him.

He said to David am I a dog that you would come at me? with sticks

and the Philistine cursed David by his gods

come here. He said and I will give your flesh to the birds in the wild.

Getting a little dry there. Come here. I said that I will give your flesh to the birds in the wild animals. And David said to the Philistine and here's the important verse for you to mark this is where we were going he tried on. King's armor Too heavy. He wasn't trained in it. What are you trained with was his Shepherd staff and his slingshot? David said to the Philistine to this great Giant Goliath you come against me with a sword and Spear and a javelin.

dressed in armor clad in armor, but I come against you clad in the name of the Lord Almighty the god of the armies of Israel whom you have defiled. How was he dressed? He was dressed in God hidden in God.

Hidden in God so that what everyone would see? What's the god? Abby Israelites not a little buddy. sunburned and handsome young man

The Apostle Paul writes these words speaking of being hidden in Christ and Christ in that symbiotic relationship hidden in our hearts. the Apostle Paul writes in Galatians chapter 2 verse 20 I have been crucified with Christ. I have been crucified with Christ. I've died with Christ Jesus. And it is no longer I who live but Christ who lives in me.

And the life which I now live in the flesh. I live in faith. I live in faith. I live in Christ in the Son of God. He says Who loved me and gave himself up for me. He died for me on that cruel cross Christ died for me. He died for you. If Paul says it is no longer I who live but it is Christ who is living in me. It is Christ and I am in him. And it is Christ that you see not me.

Would that the world would see Christ and not David?

Would that the world see Christ? inhu And not you. As my prayer for you.

here's the song that Dale and I were introduced to just after we had met each other and got married some of our brothers and sisters came over from England to share Jesus with that's American songs. And they brought this song with them and I don't know who wrote it. The author is unknown. And I've arranged the melody to this. I've got the blood on the door of my heart. So if you would just bear with me. And hear the words of this song. I've got the blood on the door of my heart and all my sins are beneath. Its Crimson flow. Now when God he looks at me, he no more sees the things I've done. He only sees the blood of his cruise ship find some when God looks at me, he no more sees the sinful man that I was put the blood of Jesus his son shed for me cleanses me from all my sin and unrighteousness. And I am seen by him. as his son the blood of his son that washes over me if you'll remember if the first Passover

Thank God. It's still bit every household that was following him should sacrifice a lamb and put Blood on the door post and that the angel of death when it came would see the blood of the lamb at Passover that home. Hence, we got the name Passover. That we celebrate the angel of death passed over every home that had the blood of the Lamb on the doorpost. Do we have the blood of the Lamb on us? Are we hitting in Christ so that it is no longer me that is being seen but it is Christ. Vida scene rather than me.

Your takeaways are these these three? Our priorities we talked about our priorities. Our affections of our heart and the attitude of our mind should be set on the things above not on the things of this Earth are priorities as Believers or settling setting our sights. other realities of Heaven because it is a reality. We are all going to die and we're all going to be leaving this world someday. Some of us are leaving sooner than than others. Anyone that leaves our church family leaves a big gaping hole. Because we love them and we don't want them to be leaving us. But the reality of them being in heaven with Christ is so much far greater than being here. The reality of heaven with all of our hearts and with all of our mind. Our priority should be fixed on Heaven not on the things of this world are affection should not be after the things that we acquire or have.

number two our position with Christ our position with Christ. As Believers we are being closed with. Christ And being placed in God. Being clothed with Christ and being in God the father. That is what Paul says is Our Hope of every believer that we should strive to have that position of being in Christ and with Christ in God. at last lie and most importantly our portion as Believers is when Christ is revealed to the world. We shall also be revealed with him in his glory if we have truly died to the old man. And been resurrected with Christ and living in Christ.

And this is so hard for us to get ahold of that. We could actually live with Christ be like Christ than whenever people see if they see Jesus wherever we go. And for some the only Jesus they'll ever see is you how are you representing him?

And the truth, is that for many of us the allurement. The affections that we have to the things of this world. Keep us from being released. To have our hearts and our minds set on the things above.

hidden with Christ

hidden with Christ in the fold of his love Let me hide his love is so fast. So deep so wonderful. I want to live in his love. I want to live in him. Those are my priorities my affections. My attitudes are more days to live in Christ. My position is to be in Christ and my portion is that with my privileges that when he is revealed to the world for who he really is king of kings and Lord of lords.

We will be wrapped in Royal attire. With crowns upon our head that we have have. To earn but that he gave to us because we were faithful to him. And those very crowns Weevil cast that his feed and sing Holy Holy Holy. Is the one who is worthy to be called the son of God?

That is what my hope is for you to be hitting in the folds of his flock.

Would you stand with me that we might pray?

Are gracious and loving heavenly father as we come before you this morning? We come rejoicing that we are privileged to be a part of your Forever family. You have invited us to live in you. And if we don't live in our own strength, we don't fight in our own strength. But you fight the battles for us as we live in you in the world sees you and not us. And the world hated you and they will hate you here.

But we can endure because we know there is a day coming when you will return it all of your glory and majesty and you will take us home to be with you forever. And ever amen. And I'd advise you to sit and sing this song in closing the while we will have our benediction.

There is none like you.

Hey, Ben.

Would you stand with me to receive the benediction?

Is it good to be in the Lord's house today? Amen now to him who is able to guard your hearts and your minds. Even our Lord Jesus Christ to him be all the glory and the honor due his name this day and forever more. Nobody goes before you and behind you is strong and mighty arm is ever there to uphold you in all things. But his plans for you are for good and not for harm to give you a hope and a future in him because he loves you. He always has and he always will and until we find ourselves together again. May you find that he is faithful for you as you were faithful. For him may you live in him? May you find the victory is in living with him with your affections in your attitudes placed above? In the Heavenly Realms and is you think on these Heavenly things may you and Dee Find yourself living in heaven with him Victorious here on Earth in all things until he comes again in Jesus name and we all say amen. God bless. You. Have a great week in Jesus.

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