Sunday Service

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What do I do now?

Directions to write down what is none like you?

weather in the heavens Hallelujah

magnify the Lord

the name of Jesus

90 robots in the Holy Spirit Thank you, Lord.

Find people someone in heaven in Canada for your goodness Hallelujah.

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now we are to let you know this is nothing wrong thing that you could watch over last night. Hallelujah. Thank you Heavenly Father. For waking us up this morning, and I've been reading your God willing for making a popsicle.

We are here to Worship You Hallelujah that it's always been you on our side. We know more about you. But we asked for your name to say go down so that we would be careful Hallelujah. Your name is Wilkinson.

What happened to Father we come on board.

a bar spoon forgive us Lord. Daddy. Did you would strengthen us to go on and you Lord that because there is nothing else.

there is nothing nowhere else that we and so we come before you today.

Because you are The Great I Am Hallelujah.

King of Kings Hallelujah Thank you, Lord. Hallelujah by Brooks Ravenna Pizza

Hallelujah y19. Thank you God for your wisdom.

Hallelujah. I didn't open this service

you coming Lord time the liquor store name we come to learn more. Yes from you Lord God and to be obedient.

but if we can and used it like that for every area of Our Lives.

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What do you mean?

Thank you in French.

Thank You song Have you ever know. English?

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He is Lord. And we honor him this morning because I didn't even know. I like you, too. Open run lights with me as long as you see I hope you have a great leader.

scripture Hallelujah

Amen break is awesome.

How's the weather today? Hallelujah, hallelujah.

and one You are amazing. Hallelujah We all know him. Thank him loving kindness and his tenure. Hallelujah

How great is our God He is able.

when you are you

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Austin Hallelujah




No one. Moana Hallelujah

7 70 Hallelujah Bless His. Holy name.

Hallelujah, the Lord is magnified. As long as English take in your state. The Lord is knocking.

We're teachers that said we are the one.


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May I hate God?

Make me old.

Let them be ashamed and confounded. Let them be turned back and Confused.

Let them be turned back because of their skin.

Let those who love your salvation station to me that's going to be magnified. but I am I need make case to new open. You are my pop and my deliverer. Anyway, do not dinner and then do not delay.

That goes along with another song. that sounds both along with sound And it almost said the very same thing sounds party the little bit longer.

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That is confirmed for a real.

Sounds that allows us to I got more. Hallelujah

Let your loving kindness and your teeth. Is there a snake?

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all of them the word says that they are

But we also need.

1 million Hallelujah

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But that's not the last face paint. That's not what I said you can do for him.

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And then that way sometimes I hurt.

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Active warrants in Hallelujah and I because of the power in his name because of the power we can go to him and I Purim he's stable we can go to him and then we can play for those work for and meet with c. baby imagine if We can still go to, Hallelujah and he goes to Singapore and then I will have the same measure lower. May the Lord be nice. I really tight. Hallelujah

And I'm very happy Black History Month out there and let's see what it has to say.

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it is for Africa the birthplace of humanity and civilization in the second largest continent in the world.

Obama the first African-American president of the United States

Please reject Scott and I'm sweating black man, who unsuccessfully appealed to the US Supreme Court for his freedom in 1857.

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I am I to do that.

Jackie Robinson

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Dennis Martin Luther King jr. The most prominent figure in the Civil Rights Movement. Peaceful protest against racial and social inequality in America.

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But this is what I did before I went to sleep. I had to let me say my prayer.

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the word of God has power.


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You are welcome.

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Hallelujah, and thank you.

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His name is Mike.

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All you have to do.

Hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah. I'm about to check on residents in my shirt before you do something when I think about his love when I think about him when I think about him.

I don't know why.


Hallelujah, hallelujah.

I think about his goodness and his grace and his Mercy.

Lil Mama Mom, there is nothing good in something better than a Father's Love.

and Men

That's natural. But we do you have a supernatural act. And we talked about the Father's Love with your father's learn how to love.

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that makes a difference.

and his Mercy And as far as the Heavens to the Bone. What is a measure?

everything from the East as far as the East is from the West.

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about phone How are you? How are you? Thank you.


Yeah, because he can you turn this down if I go like this down. I mean, I do like this there are mean turn this them.

Just make a mess with this one for my mic and that will play music.

Mom is going to be a woman.

I hate message. God is an awesome God this morning. Moto X pure

I'm going to find it because you don't understand the importance.

With some of the things that's going around over the years evening. Bonaparte was absent. You say you love Satan?

Ask him be a good morning.

If you were bouncing a box of twenty something that you've never experienced the school for good for him.

You know how when you go to that apple tree with that pantry with a function and fruit that has fallen onto the ground.

If you can't we be from the top so you go over there and get gas and then you stop taking it. The white one home, but there is something that is not quite ready for picking Bay Still Remains.

Italian people are not recognizing God really is melamine. So God is in the Supernatural taking something to a place where you think.

People are not taking you to the word of God. We also stabbing on stuck in our way you want to do things that we want to do about how easy it is.

Calendar event led to the founding of this year and I can get back to what seems like a sense of normalcy. I want to leave park with you this morning was taken from the Book of Joshua.

I will not stop until I win. What does that mean to you? exacerbate

full of obstacles

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we're back. Is starch good know your purpose? Start with knowing who you are. And do you recognize I just told you the wrong thing.

You are a royal you sit in a family of three Springs and Prophets. The question is for the weak thing. I would suggest to you all week. And are we aware of what's going on around us and you?

If you look at our texts. Dakota Sport gold hours

professional it was one because I don't want you to stop doing right now. Remind me to stay with me and miss. Who was the Book of Joshua chapter 16? versys 650

Turn on DVD from TV.

remember video black guy server I want to ask quickly. Play Kings of the MRI says well in mountains are gathered together against Trump. Joshua Sigmund are God heat and all the people involved with them all the night Man of Mine. I'm going to the gym now. I have a little little today. They're still not a man of themselves the 40. Rockford Airport

What is a SKU number? It's been a long wait, but goes up until death alarm and smoke with an Indian and onto methadone.

There were more with spy with 12 Stones that dies home for children.

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the Joshua sticking to the Lord. Is it raining in the north of living up with Emma Rose before the children of Israel? type of Israel

Banfield announce.

It's real and they're doing baby under the people had a vengeance upon their enemies.

Is Michael Jordan in the Book of Joshua? so the song scripture in the midst of Heaven

414 that was not a baby. Like that is supported or accurate, but the Lord Hawking. voice of annoying with the mole of it

Thank you for what you're doing for me and God bless you now God because of what you're doing and how are you doing? And how you going to make a quick attach plate? I praise you as one of the hospital.

Professional play I'm not famous person.

in the name of Jesus.


I will not stop. Irene office time looked at life and life circumstances will come. And we still like especially of life is just She's Mine. We have nowhere to land you can have nothing to do with you. But I want you to tell you this morning. That's the way you feel. The word of God runs deep. Do you want to go by once they hit point? It will have pool and it will cause you to have some stability. I really would like challenges come your way.

I'm working on this morning.

But as we all know.

If you gave that will you ever card game you can?

In case the life experiences you will play with that thing that you can sometimes you have to play.

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that you want we all need something from Spain players. You don't remember if you hit the card that you point you can't sit there and thought until the dealer. What you got?

Do you automatically?

What do you want? wife or not Sometimes you gotta let them things. Before it is packed.

the power of Jesus Christ in Home Group I want you to understand this one.

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Emoji from price on Joshua. Joshua was free and taught by one of the greatest part that ever walked the Earth because you did not see it. Why because

on God's word Spektor Dental Joshua Bruce Taylor.

So I want you to just understand two things this morning that God will never change. And if God was this your mother. He will be with me. If God was with your father. Repeat with me. And if you want God to be with your children. Did you have to do the things that God Can Be With You Hallelujah? I want to text talk briefly about understanding why you cannot stop.

You have to stay the course. Because do you understand your purpose in life, and I know we've been talkin about purchase for a long time. Pulling out our dreams and putting up with Grayson.

my purpose

is that God has put me in the earth to get an answer for somebody else.

My purpose is that answer and somebody else. That's why I exist.

Because I am the answer to somebody else's phone.



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Did they live?

Oh Holy Ghost

The answer to come by there. When somebody is about you.

Alexa or Siri?

So now is in coming for you to have the word of God in your spirit.

I can't respond as Alexa. If I don't have God's word in my heart. Will you ask Siri a question and she will understand? What did she say?

Dawn What on Earth?

God will not withhold no good thing.

The question that I have for you this morning if you have what it takes to win?

You have what it takes to win?

If you have what it takes to win, you should not have another set date in your life.

Because you don't even answer.

Note to self ready or something. I don't know. pretty little something

What causes us to have the ability?

What do we call a movie on speaker?

What is what?

That's what you call it. Human Stain

Good evening.

You are human being which means being mean you are doing something.

Did not stagnated. not crippled You don't like to know who you are speaking you are growing. You are a organism mean that you are constantly belching.

human beings it means that we need to do two things to be to God told us to

Ruby that is the question.

I told you it was all right.

I'll do my sugar rock ballads of a group or whatever it is.

The question is to be or not to be. 2.2 win

Did you have to prepare yourself to do something to get the good results? because

I have too much sex.

Have you ever been in a place where there's so many people that depending on you that the only thing is?

You want to go into work?


You working two jobs? Why because somebody

there's not too many people that work two jobs just to pay.

Now we have to transition that over to our spirit.

We cannot stop until you win. What is aspect of it is making Across the Threshold of Kevin Gates?

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do you have What is pink or the will to win?

I want to talk about is the witch.

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Lifehacker There's no stopping that. Things we ask for certain things. We burn ourselves free things that happen. But having the will to fight.

about you

it is also speaks about the God that you trust and believe What God would things happen in life? You can't take no for an hour.

I don't know about you. I just can't tell you someone tell me more. without a valid explanation You don't have to explain to me and show me why I can't have my axle.

If you don't have a legitimate reason then we outside. Do you understand? What persistence?

What does it mean to persevere?

Bubble give you a working definition this morning.


Define Even in the face of difficult or with or no?

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That's what it means to me.

working definition of perseverance

the Continuum of course of action in place of Dublin OH Google Play and look like that way. You know what the Red Sea where Moses along with the people live without are they look at their circumstance? You got the Army at your back and got to see some fun. There is nowhere to go. But if you do.

more you have access.

Now we've been dealing with changing our way of thinking. Transforming Our Hearts Holy ghost things would be not as though they were.

I will not stop until I win.

How do you spell bowling in front of your adversary with the man things the change? It's all about perspective and how you speak your situation and your ability to recognize who you are in.

If you walk up to your house if you have the keys.

What are you doing?

You at the wrong house phone? Do you want one?

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You staying strong not today?

Why does Fear come over?

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Okay, don't text me because I know in school. I believe. We won't be back to the brink of the Red Sea and the water was beating up against the shore because you could see the clouds coming in behind them for the Chariot and Moses stood there with the people face.

What do you have in your hand?

When you have a relationship with the master. He will speak to you and missing your situation and he will give you a way out.

Who God have come down and did it?

What team don't want you to exercise your face?

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need to talk to you no computer your purpose. Go to take what you have in your home.

What happened?

because in the Old Testament

remind me the book of Acts the same as Aldi.

Which means congealed mean to become Frozen?

God is such a strategic dog that would hit you in the water to Jaylon Smith.

That's how God images.

If you want anything from Dunkin. And you have a winning mentality. You cannot give up.

But look at the text. I want to return the Bible chapter 18 verses 5 through 8.

And being persistent. Adventure Time You have to understand something.

This is the story of a widow.

The lady who has been cheated on Jessie. Acts chapter chapter 18 work one

men ought to always pray and let that resonate with you. because as I stated earlier that the theme for the Book of Luke 18 The deals with the unjust judge and the power of perseverance.

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I'm jealous and we understand that life comes our way, right. And you have people that say that they are God-fearing and here we have a job or people that that are over us that we know it for a fact that they are you got in bed.

But that's because they are so it doesn't mean that God will not on your behalf. Just because you the bill for the situation that it fails to go away.

that's because

God has a way of working something out. verses like this text

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And he doesn't care about anybody but himself.

you have a

recognizing that she want something and somebody has come in and taking her stuff.

You have somebody came in and take him to the laundry.


you don't have to tell me.

Is that okay?

Mama said vengeance is the Lord. I would appreciate that you had before the Houston. is the text code for that because you will probably I will do what

going to the king. Daily, I didn't save the time frame but every time.

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Who would you took some stuff away from here?

You can go today.

Back in the store or we start back to you. The text says dipstick was this will probably I will Adventure. I meant by her kids.

Bring Me to Life

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Why am I spending too much time on this? Because if we start off by saying man must always pray in Jesus come back and using a parable.


Assisting prayer for calls her to get it. She will not stop until she win.

You have to have a winning mentality.

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and chill. God is God.

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give the wonder what you want. What more would a just God do for those on a kid?

You need not worry when situations don't work out the way you you.

Delayed does not mean denial.


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So is it in the Earth? old sugar beet in the shower And if you don't call it would not matter.

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Jim Smith sells mentally prepared they sticking out all of it extra energy that's in that extremity. All of the Lights by the buildup in their neck eventually

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are we waiting for?

Are we in the starting blocks? Ready to go so we can Holy Spirit.

Told us to do.

Or are we standing around?

Everybody was installing blocks.

You know how it's going. Did you want to win you have to be?

You have to be prepared. You have to know God's word and helping you.

Not just a pretty color answer. But I can tell you this. Don't come knocking at your door.

Are you going to come with something more than just a word? You are wrong with you. Because if you don't you'll be just like descendants songs and Steven. mint

Joshua scripture and verse 6

adverse effects of Joshua a portion of that and the men of gymnast it from to Joshua to the cast of Gilligan's Island. Saying what? knock knock down Ramen


come up to us quickly. favor three top up

Who was quickly lose what agency? When you pray Will you get the phone call and you persisted the answer is a Mercedes?

I'll tell you what was you woke a bench them.

Motherlode what's up, man? Come he she'll find face.

Do you understand this morning that you cannot stop until you win? Because the answer is bad.

Dog has something in store for you.

Do you have the desire to win?

Persevering is one thing. What did you have to do?

Woodhaven go out with him playground took my basketball at home.

I'm going to pay you back.

No problem.

You also must understand that.

I want your throat to 2nd Chronicles 10 Chronicles chapter 20 verse 17

This is the thing.

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All the tunnels, we believe that we have to sell the last.

If it don't get one because win in the fight.

some things you don't have to worry.

That is a prerequisite for blessings.


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When we sit there and God said I need you to relax I got this. Who is Chris? Inferno I do better than God and we say something.

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You can do that. God is trying to get our pictures because he got already knew that they're about to pass. about to go down

What are keeping him until about to take his kingdom?

For the one thing about it is he?

This is where we run into problems.

read the story 2nd Chronicles chapter 20 verse in the Bible says that you took that dick and call for fast, but all of the people to include

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Because when you read this story. Before we finish the fan.

You need not.

You don't need to fight.

You do not need to fight.

You need to do three things.

Banfield respect yourself first

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and see the salvation of the Lord.

Do you want to hear or be dismayed? tomorrow

tomorrow go out against him and the Lord will be with you.

We can if we things.

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Don't allow me. stop

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The movement has more.

The Lord is a strong tower. He is our Fortress. and all we need to do to run to Lord and it will be

you don't have to feel. What does it mean to be safe? Play football performance agent safety from Bad hail Satan from black and loan you put a name on a ranch is.

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look at Joshua. Why did Gideon mean?

What do you call the Joshua? Who do you call when you know?

What do you have a drinking problem?

Someone who has proven themselves in the past that they can handle that situation.

You do a poll somebody who has failed you who let you down who is never pick up the phone when you call?

You want to call that person who you were tragedy wait for you in trouble? You called someone who has been through some stuff and who didn't know they can get themselves out of a situation. The reason why I give you a call.

Joshua is because fighting chapter 8 Joshua utterly destroyed.

The story tells us how when Joshua sent spies to spy out the way and they went into overtime during but for whatever reason they were adequately prepared and they lost.

Sometimes we will lose things upfront. But just because we lost things apart that doesn't mean that we should pack our bags and go home. We have to have the winning mentality and I'm not going to stop until I win. Joshua being a military man a strategist. He recognized but don't. It was a second time. Joshua did something strategizing.

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and one thing I like about this text Josh.

Sometimes we call for help. We need somebody who's going to drop everything and come running.

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make you feel that you're not a priority. You just call for help. You say is come up here spilling so you wasn't exactly so those three things put the color should let me know that the situation is dire.

When someone call you on the phone, and you can hear your voice.

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Because the power might be too late.

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We live in the atmosphere. It was. So when someone calls you at 2 in the morning and said

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my mother was talking to her about it, and she said

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I think that because we because most tragic.

When do most people lose their life?

Is there something that you can do that?

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Joshua was chosen because he was a leader leader. He was God leader. He was Fearless. Because of this attribute. Call Detra. He was proven and tested because the Bell the what she.

No worries. He was proving.

Because you could get your job.

Did anybody say that about?

Have you proven yourself? Are you texting about that usually Midnight Hour to pick up the phone and call you when they in trouble? Would someone rather save me I'm going to deal with this by myself than cold sore so easily.

This is where we going.

I will not stop until I win.

Your world time to get your kitten to have a minute attack.

Going to be out here.

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Pound cake what's up?

Wake me up at 4.

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So just because you've been jumped on. Home Alone You're still asking y'all doing? It doesn't matter. How life too much. Reminder to call did you wait for me? Still in North America.

You still here if we ignore the human? It doesn't matter what you did with. It doesn't matter how many people have Tiffany and torches and do your way? You pick yourself up. This is

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Just because people have taken me and phones away and just started you when it's all said and done.

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if he is telling the truth.

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Why'd you leave me alone? other people's skin

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Broad and Pattison get along I'm go back to work. Next December 7th will see that with Joshua and stones.

But not only did you go by himself. the mighty man of God with you He took the name that he moved to where you are. And your York you are considered the brother today was a mighty man of Valor.

You're still the one that went down and drink wine by the dog right you missed you go back home and see the calories. You you go back to me you shot it out. See if you go back and you guess I'm filled with the with the horses. You ain't got the battlefield for you. Will you get into a bad situation? You mean somebody who know how to play? You didn't get in contact with someone who can. Did you go to a situation going on?

Was Joshua Jones Mighty Man of violence?

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If you didn't know.

You're not.


What date is it? Play something from today's message. Something that was made in 2010. Rojo Mexican

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Covid-19. I want to reach out to me. phone number search Who is Luke Combs? Believe it or not, I want you to pray for that. I love you. That's fine. But two of them so brothers and sisters like father and mother who don't know crimes in Florida City.

That don't know what to do in the Mission Hospital Laguna Burger.

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We want to exercise our proof. They call those things that be not as though they are.

Because if we don't make it home.

You will not win.

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I know that I missed your game by social media. Do you listen to email if you want to talk website is going to be connect 4G Paisley Whiskey on email and you can finish your friend request. You are the Proprietor in the playoffs.

between the lines. Our Father I talked down. Thank you God for your brain and emotion. I can do it today having problems for you. And keeping us right where we are.

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thank you for showing up in a mighty way. I'm asking around garbage.

Alone on The Great. I Am. No problem is you continue to pass today gone. I'm asking. You know that she will give us his strength and his family that you need to stay awake. It doesn't go down.

All the winners of the situation get with my family.

The problem is in the name of Jesus.

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Where are we?

Promises of God are yes and amen?

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Is purgeable come together and measure up to your standards and 1/2 hour? Bless you, my father. So what you doing and what you tell me how you're moving through the atmosphere.

Say what you doing in this area? Is Melbourne? Hallelujah. Thank you in advance. In Jesus name amen. Hallelujah

Hallelujah. Thank you.




13 * 7

what was the problem with that?

No, not the number it is just a number. I can again.


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He's really this number for me. You got to do anything about it. Where is Mammoth?

I was so that was done with yesterday was revealed to me yesterday. How God can already make a provision as my spiritual father for the absence of not physical for her exactly what they did the exact day. He is a replicant a representative of this Earth to do with physically what I needed.

higher journaling yesterday And I can't even say the day it was about 10 years ago when I met my father's brother. Come to my job. And when I seen him it was just like for me was writing and seeing her father. You can only imagine what brought them to look like. It's not going to be with you but it's going to be glad he's going to be bigger. He's got to be more radiant and actually work when I see my uncle in person. He was he was more of everything that I thought the men of the side of my family does. He was more of it and when I walked up to me and I just saw it in class and I was so embarrassed cuz I was at work, but I just say freak and I'm going to try to keep up. But it was what I needed from my father that I did not yet. But God has sent me and it was someone that has never hurt me or getting started from a reason not to receive it.

But it was all very intricate like your mother and I went into her room and she started calling me up when I'm done. In NFL that she did have dementia. She was asking for a friend of her life when she died. Not even for her. Are you in Everett? Are my keys cuz I went out tonight. Is it supposed to be?

Hey, baby, how's your daddy?

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Tell me why you think you know me and that's how the conversation started and she said your thought your uncle was married to my daughter and I don't have no. Yes, you do. Well, I don't know who you think you are, but not saying Jabroni.

From North Carolina where they live at to come and see her but I had their daughters on Facebook and they were coming.

I like him me and my uncle and I found some of that was seen him or talked to him since I'm going to take a nap. So hit it was right in his arms around me and Sophie. It's okay on your mind. It was the same. Thank you very much when he's got sick in The Chew him out, you know.

I don't know baby. I mean that was years ago.

What it is?

How do you say brother yesterday?

Places you have to text already.

cuz I got

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