
Sunday He is Risen  •  Sermon  •  Submitted
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Unlikely Witness

As we come to this point in Luke’s gospel Jesus had be tried, convicted, sentenced and crucified;
He has been laid in a tomb, however not just any tomb - it was tomb that had never been used - but Jesus was only going to need it for three days not eternity;
Now many may be confused about the three days so let’s look at an explanation;

By Mark’s reckoning, Jesus died and was buried before sunset on Friday—the end of the 15th day of the month of Nisan. Sunset marked the beginning of the Sabbath (Saturday, the 16th of Nisan). The following sunset was the start of Sunday (the 17th of Nisan); later that day, as the sun was rising, the women visited the tomb.

Part of the burial process included “anointing” or covering with oils, spices and herbs mostly to help with the odor of decompression;
This was commonly done by women - who in this case would be “unlikely witnesses” - but why;
For the most part - during this time period - a women’s opinion was not valued;
Yet, once again we see God using the most “unlikely” to share in His mission;
Today you may be here out of what you feel is obligation, checking a box, or maybe just being curious - however God brought you here to tell you He wants to use you as an “unlikely witness”.


Have you ever tried to find something in the place you though you had left it;
You are certain this is the last place it was - someone had to of moved it, but why and for what purpose;
Could you imagine returning the grave of someone you love and respect and find the gone - their grave open and empty;
That is what these women discovered and emptiness, followed by panic, followed by explanation (v. 6,7);
I want to ask you the same question they were asked - “Why to you seek the living among the dead?” (v. 5);
Where are you seeking God - but more importantly are you seeking God.


From the very beginning God wanted a relationship with His precious creation - you;
However that precious relationship was broken and has remained broken;
God made a promise restore this brokenness - how He tells us in John 3:16;
He was willing to give of Himself to repair the brokenness;
That repairing - in the form of Jesus’ resurrection it what we celebrate today;
But why should you believe in the resurrection - because of the proof found in 1 Corinthians 12;
It is fine to look for proof - Peter and John run to see if what the women said was true - they looked for proof;
What proof are you looking for today?;
If you are a believer in Christ how are you handling your faith?;
CS Lewis
Bring it to the cross!
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