Rejoice in the Process

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Just want to stay with me to get I get it. I get it. I get it.

Before we started I want to pray for Mike and one Yak & L you guys know what happened yesterday. I'll have a heart attack. And right now he's in the hospital with Jim Beam there with him still there, right? Okay just hurt his back pretty bad this morning and I just want to spend some time and pray with them. Alyssa is leaving right now. She's go there help Mike cuz he's hit. She left him in the bed and a run it spring. It is right now I pray. Are you go to the new on the X home right now? And I know Mike is watching right now. We pray healing upon his back or anything was out of place in anything was generating pain in ham. Larry review. Can your name? Rebuke in Your Name Lord. I pray before you pour out your blood and your healing upon him right now and in his house right now or we pray because we believe in trust in you and we know you're the god of Miracles and I pray to Jesus right now visiting him and take away all the pain the same way. I pray for l o field in the hospital. I pray for Gemma there with him. I preferred him to be a light in that room. I pray for Albia light in the room spray and pray for the healing with your talking El right now Flo from there for his room to the album through the whole hospital. I pray Lord for today. We can hear your Miracles was flowing and now it waits hospital and many many others being healed because your power is there cuz the real life is there. Name of Jesus we pray believing you of the item Miracle the living you able to do beyond what we imagine Nation can go. Thank you, Jesus. I will ready. Thank you for the miracle. We are seeing in their life. Amen. Amen. drive safe

Hey, man.

I want you to open your Bible with me and Philippians 4.

And lose my check my my table close to you today.

The word of God give it to me today is are you content? Are you content? What do we have today? and so I want to

I want to share something and I think we're going to build something together today, and I want to hear from you guys. Wow, Philippians 4:12. Said I know what is to be in need. I know what's to be in plant. I have learned to the cigarette being content in any In-N-Out. Any and every situation whether well feed or hungry, where do you live in plenty or once I can do all things through him who gives me strength? Do you know? We leaving. I'm going to start that I believe we are billed to only get parts of the Bible. We make our happy if you like me like that. Maybe just me when you read the Bible. I don't know.

See if you can see I'm Mark things on my Bible over and normally things is good for me. How you like that to a promise right here or I want that promise. I want to be friends with you in my life. Let me go back to Philly. But you will forget what all the promise God gave it to us. It is a way for that promise for few in your life. And when I know because I memorized that verse my whole life I can do all things through him who gives me strength. I'm like right there and you play video games video game had the street fighter in the name of Jesus everything going to happen everything going to be in your way and if you're not in your way anymore. We are mad at we upset if you want we are to start fighting with their own strength to do things in your own way. Right and one thing I learn. When you read the the gospel in room you see when the disciple went to review of the demon and it went back to so I'm selling man. I didn't even been out in the name of the guy Paul preached.

I rebuke you in the name of the the name of the goddess Artemis preaching his notoriety. The story of the name of Jesus is and when we position our self. It's hard because it is a fight inside of us. I would say maybe you know 90% a statistic is that is a lie. Why is it supposed probably this one too, but maybe like 80% of the time are you you say the name of Jesus. Do you want to him to do something to you or your like you sure you're not sure but I'm thinking that's the God will probably didn't even ask him. Probably you like okay, I feel I just feel like this is the right thing to do and you like position yourself in that direction and we forgot to talk to God. Endo Torchy's in in in walk and in God's path is here him. Is a position and we going to fight against our own wheel you're going to fight against to our life sometime against to not not sometime the time against the society right side is pushing you away from the Lord and do things. In his name mean doing thing is in the way he want. and that means go against the flow of the world. And it's generating happiness inside of us when we have to go against 2000 people. You know, sometimes we look around like how everyone is doing. All the church is doing why we not doing this. Play God is giving different direction between churches or different countries and like what we wanted to fulfill.

We want to just do something because everyone is doing what you want to search got hard and do what his his in his heart. That doesn't have to be a fight in your mind everyday.

when you read the Bible in God's Army of yourself, like I'm seeing this because other people's doing and Guys open my eyes or or is because his that's his will for my life.

And when more relationship we have with God when more time we spend with the lore more we hear his voice. I like to say it is in your mind right now three voices repeatedly talk to you that's your voice the enemy voice and God's voice the one you spend more time. Is the voice going to be louder in your ear?

If you're walking with your own father your own desire, that's that's the only thing you're going to hear. I willing to try to walk with the Lord we have to like cancel that sound. Trevor been in a concert in the sound was so loud. I tried to talk to the people next to you right now. God is doing to me right now. Does year this concert right here have a so many voice so many things happening. And God is trying to communicate with us trying to communicate with us. But he is a father he he have the promisor life. We can do a lot of all the things in in his name before this thing's we fulfill all his promise me fulfilling life. We have to understand what the process for that promise. The pastor of the church I grew out but he said like every time you see a promise in the Bible read to Chapel before two tampons after and you understand, why did God promise there and it just read my Bible you someone teaching and Alyssa. I wanted to chat before you have to understand why God's promise that thing. Why we because every time we we we see one promise in forgot to to read the contacts of the promise is just a opportunity for the enemy confuse your mind. And we have to be focused God give us.

A Bible this Bible tell you everything we need to know even how make bread in a cake is in the Bible. Everything we need to do is right here right here the way we need to leave our lives. So in here cuz I have a lot of notes today. You guys not in a hurry right today. So if you know anyone that's so Philippians 4. In a verse for sale rejoice in the lord always I will say it again rejoice. Let your gentleness be evident to all so we can do when you keep it raining here. We remember I can do everything all I can do all this through him who gives us the strength. We have to remember I feel worse before it's saying let your gentleness be evident to all the way your interests to others need to show God's love.

Right here. The Lord is near look just listen to let your gentleness be evident to all the Lord is near the interstate when you walk in the in the place and you are gentle in the lava guys are flowing from you. You are still down. The Lord is near. Lawrence here and rejoice in the Lord and I know it's so amazing because you see a lot of creation. When you go to Mission areas. They have no food. They have no things to buy no TV no cars and when you walk there they have a smile from here to here and it's amazing like Pastor who he was saying late in the Africa in the year. He was walking in the kids always smile. They all happened because you're there and and you're all like in the in the place. He did share food everyday all day. They're feeding to hunt 350 people everyday and in the ministry and the kids are happy as possible. I may have barely have food probably like 80%. The kids the parents run away and probably have children with the other family just steer. And suffering and why do they are smile because their hope is not in the circumstance. They're leaving. The hope is in the Lord we find joy not when the circumstance that is in your favor, but when your heart is in the right place.

The win your heart in the right place. So it doesn't matter how many how much how big is your problem your your your joy is in the lore in here. He is it that's a letter from Paul to the church in Philippines. And that's the final is rotation. And he was not saying please if you can do this now. It's like rejoice in the lord always and I would say it again you want to reaffirm Can you send me the Church of Philippians? We need to rejoice in the Lord?

You know what we need to do when we when the sacrifice come to Allah. We need the time for we sacrifice in time. During a time of persecution. It's hard to enjoy.

Cuz our eyes is most of the time is forbidden and what God is able to do for me. And so I turn to be the center of the universe now in Portuguese. We say like are bad but in the center of the world to make a lot of sense in English and Portuguese, like, you know when we understand us.

We we walk around in the middle of the problems with a big smile on her face my mom.

Because my mom Joanne that my mom. My mother never see my mom said I was lying and I seen my mom walk and smile and hug people and in the middle of service and my dad was outside and try to break the church. And she walk at home with my dad smiling and contains me to buy if you don't like red that come from I will be so mad and I understand. And I'll see how to find the joy in the Lord. When we find his choice doesn't matter. What does it depression is something so big. I we don't hear a lot of depression in it in the place of people being tortured because of what happened in their eyes in the lure. People being killed all the time in China and most in the Muslim country and never found the report in my email saying they are all depressed because of the persecution and sometime God bring persecution around us for shake us out of our comfort zone. Make us understand. It's not about us. What about his can do for us and we you know, don't. Take this the wrong way. God is a father he wants to blast. Okay. God is not like what is the best way to church on champ? I taught him today. But he is just one us to understand doesn't matter what the circumstance he is our joy. Even though even if you walk in the place, everyone is laughing at you because you're Christian. You showed the love of God in it and Everything's changed. Everything's changed everything changed

So what is the first thing we need to do to be a proved right? Because anxiety depression, because when you feel fail right beautiful feeling you start getting depressed we start again. So what do we need to do? Tell me what would I need to do to be approved by God for Phil approve? Do you know?

Come to Jesus now. It's part of it. anything else all his well. Yeah, it's it's part of their trust is part of what we need to do.

It's very important to me to be a proof. We need to go to the test. Write with no text. No proof right how you get proving to school. How are you? You pass the next rate when you go through all the tests in the teacher like good job. Next year. You going to be in a 7th grader know the test. We cannot be approved and that's something we pray against every day. I don't want to go to this and we we we even gave it to the enemy. God test if I destroy my life has God given a chance for you to show his glory and different way. Most of the Testament the end we put in a lot of cat cannot take it out of his shoulder what he does against but we go through a lot of tests. And we started rejecting the test because only in the fact you think about the test and we started thinking about how I might fail in this test and it said it we change or did we change to win? We need to step away. And when we stop awake, maybe God will not put you in Spanish. If you did not go through the process to be there, you see a lot of this happen when a famous people come to Christ now and receive Jesus the next day have 2,000 people invite him to preach in church and all the sudden he disappear from the media because God like you not I'm not going to put you there if you're not if you don't go through the process to learn, you know, and in God is doing that to us to sometime we want to jump jump the the the staffs and gods light. You cannot be here. Like we weren't we know where we want to be or how you are likely want to be by we don't want to go through the process and tassel your life any test. It is SunPass in your life and we fell over and over and over and over again. And it was the failed test mean I feel test mean it is time for you review your life. And study again. For you win?

You know why a new believer walk in the children and you see their life change so fast. Know why because their heart is open for change. And sometimes we are in the church for so long. We think we know everything.

When it all over no, no, I know. I know. I know what to say. I know it was the right thing to say, you know, I did a lot of class. I went to Seminary or I did, you know, it's right in your mouth when you're in the tip of your tongue, but your heart is not in the same place and of the study we fail again. When will you get hurt in the same spot?

No, we created a trauma in that place it sometime we are in the church a lot of trauma in our place to be in our heart in Japan areas. You know what happened when we have trauma when you hit someone up someplace or break something. I remember Gary going to use Garrison Temple when he did his finger. I don't know which one was the pinky and every time I walk in the room he like a raise his hand. And used to say it's a bubble around Grandpa. And that's amazing. And that's something because because he hurt his finger and somehow we want to protect the finger. By the proper business is a natural way. We need to to create it to protect your life. Of course my if he he keep his whole life inside the bubble finger whenever movie.

I may be when it cut my finger the first thing he did to put a cast and for two months. I was like being asleep in the right way and had to put my hands up and Gary always telling you want to say something about it.

Protection one day I went to the doctor and he called that thing off and expose me. SIU fine now you need to move that finger need to do. This is a terrible push that think I maybe he give me a sponge. Today I did this and I practiced much better mean when the first tear is a terapia was like, yeah, I'm touching the palm of my hand now and I'll be able to move now. I have it to go in the process. Anxiety depression come to us when we dream. About a place you want to be. I don't want to pay the price.

And we start believing the lies Enemy Bring it to us because he's going to look at you like you not worth it to be there. You should be here. Probably not even what you have you deserve. And we start believing those lie. The Devil is a good preacher can make us to believe intensely and that and we start to reject the process.

Full-length healing or if you want to heal your soul. The Bible is clear in James in the Book of James when he said come fast you're going to other can you be here? If you if you go in your room right now downtown and confess your sin. God will forgive you. Healing come when you come fast. When you expose the hurt to other in end account and someone come and pray for you. Without come fast without verbalize healing don't come to her heart. You know what happened when you're not here we try to protect again. Don't want to talk to me in that area. You can talk to me. All the air is not this one.

a recreated Barrel around

we create protection. And we want to do comfortable in Napa protection area, but in your mind you want to be over there?

Enjoy in in in the Fulfillment of his promise in her life. And we need to be open or hardly to be open for change. for change what when do the thing I heard this guy saying another day it was listening to teaching and he said when questioned we come to the lower in the middle of the test and could be school today as it could be a good Christian. And before they did the test, you know, you don't know anything then I start at all. But if you close your eyes Lord help me. You know what? He not going to help you. Doesn't matter. How strong is your faith is? Cuz if you do went to the process to learn he's not going to bring back to memory. When does the people was on the way to the promised land the word got to give to them like remind yourself you one day you were slaves in Egypt remind yourself. We are walking in the process. App for 40 years. That was the word of God. Remind your mind. Tell your children. That's what that's the reason of Passover reminder to drink.

Remind now you're in a way to be free. So in the person sitting next to you, and maybe he's I'll see you believe in Islam whatever and he's there but he went through all the process pain for 5 days learning studying call people text Googling and he he he passed of that and you feel like God. I'm a Christian but that guy study. When one to be Victor and we and we tell ourselves Romans 12 all the time when we are more than conquerors and in Jesus Christ, and we we we believe it or hard. He forgot to study.

I forgot to change. LEP study over a lot of views. If you read about the math, what is the the the thing to do you have to do to make that math the right way the phone will everything vinyl ask me if you decide I'm not going to do them best formula. I think this my phone is better the teacher going to come with cool fail. It is what formula you cannot decide that's not what I need to do. So, like I said here doing one thing over and over again and expecting different results is the one the definition of crazy.

That's what I feel what I'm doing sometimes. Are you are doing maybe we're doing to you in the area you need to change right now talk to you right now. But sometimes we are doing over and over and over again is an area. We start like testing the waters. I know.

for example

gossip Let's Pretend gospel music problem and we don't gossip. We we talk or we can pray for the people. Sci-fi, is that guy over there you going?

I'm just going to stay there and not going to say anything. And we lend our ears to the enemy. And I'm just letting you know the information was there and it came to you and you have nothing to say and I'll let you know if it is a problem.

Walk away is easy. If you want to talk about it right in different place right now, but we all have areas pornography. Don't have a problem pornography. It's so hard to look at the computer doesn't matter. If you are in the church Bible study group online and it and you'll like oh nice of the are watching the reading about the teaching of the study come up a drain Akron. And your fingers have been sent them to click. And the anime is there I have a video here. I forgot to to. to put over there today, but I wanted you to see

yeah, it is this video is Tennessee Honey baby

Yeah in this video it is a big big rock. mail put in a WhatsApp later for you guys can see

No, no, it's hard to say, I'm sorry guys. I was saying today in the WhatsApp.

And five guys try to break that rock and a half so they make a little crack and put something new. hammer and Hammer of the solid rock maybe 10 times taller than him have a little crack. And they're not give up here still breaking a thing. Try to break in the crack. Just get bigger big enough. Sorry the whole thing. So down. Listen to me this week this week and I was like three guys for guys with wouldn't be able to bring the movies Rock and that's what the enemy is doing to our lives.

And we forgot to close the gaps. A button when we don't go close that the little crack cuz we are firm in a rock was Jesus right? We are part of that rock but it and income step and you like it's fine just a little crack and he's just keeping hitting hitting hitting and that crack this increase increase of the sunny re Who wants to be part of the rock we enemy?

Dumper down in the ground and embarrassment can come and you know, you know all the result because one little thing. We have a gentle father. The Bible said he's on the door and knocking and he was very very clear and said if you open. The enemy is not like there. if you see a little crappy going to hit it at cracking to you for till we fall in.

So rejecting the truth. Don't make you right. The Bible said that I'm not sure if it doesn't matter if you don't want to believe or not if you listen to true if you don't change your life if you don't change to your way. We're not going to see the Promise. Doesn't matter how much you dream? We are eyes and ears has to be for was in God. And and if you reject one little thing of the Bible and I know but I think this way.

That's the first indication you're walking the wrong way. That's why it's so important for we as a church continue everyday reading Bible cuz it's another life words. You're going to learn new things everyday even read this and every day going to going to come to you and your friend away.

Open your Bible in. Romans

Romans 12 I'd like to repeat this verse. He said therefore I origin you brothers and sister view of godmars to offer your body as a Living Sacrifice. Holy and pleasant to God is your truth and proper Worship in here. I said do not confirm. To the pattern of This World by transformed by the renewing of your mind. Can you be able to test and approve? tasta in approve What God's will is his good pleasure in perfect wheel, but the further verse 36 one before that. He said for him and through him and for him are all things to him to be the glory forever. Amen. Our sacrifice to remember when Paul wrote his Bible what he did not divide in first for the ladder, right? So all this was together with number 12 right here then for the first number one. It is coming after work to help us to organize the Bible. That was a good thing. Otherwise, if you going to be like going back and forth and didn't know how to get in the right place, but Paul wrote a letter and he said for him and to him through him and for him are all things to him be the glory forever. Amen there for Are origin you brother and sister? So even your sacrifice before you offering your sacrifice, you have to understand this for him.

You're not doing this for you to see what you're doing. You're not doing this because I even or offering cuz it is love offering in the sacrifice of rain in the Bible the Old and New Testament have eight times eight different types of offerings and now you don't give to someone because all because he told me a bad story or because he's in he's in the need it is at this, but when you give someone you are giving to the Lord The Bible said like when you give to the Lord when your heart Sally I don't give him this situation. But in my heart, this is a son and daughter of God and giving to the Lord to give you back in the good measure Porsche down breast down in overflow by the ideas giving to the Lord.

That's that's that's right here Romans 11:36 for for from him and through him and for him is all things the way you dress the way to go to work the way you talk to people you're doing for him.

God use the light he's put upon you to fade away the darkness in the world. Understand where you walk doesn't matter how how dark it is. If you walk in that place with the light the darkness will fade away cuz nothing is go against the light of the door. nothing You can turn turn off all the lights. Put it like one little candle random metal here. Authorized going to see the light. Even though everything's dark around but your eyes are going to be focusing there. And that's you and me. Guessing you and me.

so I want to finish the The turtle point I wanted to tell today is correction bring healing in life. So I want you to open your Bible and Jobe 5.


silver 5 verse 23

men Okay said for you, we will have a covenant with a place for you. We will have a cabin with the stone of the field. I don't think it's the right one.


Hey guys, I'm sorry think I I Road.

Okay, I'm out.

Maybe the real sorry. Yeah.


17 guys, I'm sorry, 517 said blessed is the one who got corrected. So do not despise the discipline of the mighty for the for his room be for him room, but he also bind up he injuries injuries, but his hand else he'll so that's We are talking about when you talk about job here. We talked about the most richest guy in the world in Italian.

Knock knock knock knock knock the Bible tell in Genesis 523 that he was not even worth it to die. Talking to himself now is my favorite here. I want to know that guy, you know when I get there in like tell me about your life, but he was very And God was telling him blessed is the one who whom God corrected and now so do not despise the discipline. God is using the most creative person in the world here to show his discipline. Correcting him. We we see

Saul when he was rejected that King the first thing he says he told the prophet Samuel it was please go back with me. and forgive me go back go back to me cuz I want to show others for two times and Where is unbelievable? Go back where I can show the others on the first time. He revealed his alive. Please go back because I Want To Worship the Lord and Samuel will look to himself as a king in the second time that please go back parking show the other Elders of my people. And I worship your God. So he pushed yourself away. So we see two people one God chose him to be a king one. It was a real it writes this guy and God it was a test. And here we see Bob story. Job fair for a long time in the end. He correct his life, but Samuel now. Salts are thank you and it's so now if we're his whole life of his goal was to persecuted the king the next King David. Whole life and he didn't and out kill himself. And so sometimes we are more.

We are more focused and what other people's going to see the King Saul was rejected because people in the Bible was clear that the same with a going-away the deal was waiting for 7 Days. Okay. What should I do? I do the sacrifice and boom got rejected ring a repaired in his heart and his tried to change the lights. Just go back to me or I can show others. And that's another secret why our lives cannot don't don't change so dramatic. cuz we are we are focus more and what others 120 will say about you then the ra pain in your heart. and God God's not it's not like you guys don't care about the others thinking but he's focus. Is you to be a better person. For you to show his glory. Listen, if you read The Book of Proverbs you see all over. Are we love the discipline? How do you correct for kids for we reposition our hearts in all over the book 90% of the results came proverb proverb because they show us a lot what we need to do. to accept and change intercepted the discipline and it may be someone correct to you and your heart like I do it again. How did it again doesn't matter how much that person correct you you never going to change? I'm a retired I was so badly and then we will say something to him and he like don't don't jump he like. 1 feet

It all but sometimes it inside of you just not saying the way the kids do are your urine the same way. We go to church or we go we hear we're either in or devotional and we know we need to do inside. We start fighting like I'm not doing I'm not doing I'm not doing I'm not doing And baby still want to leave the the blessing of the promise of the Lord. God will fulfill a blasting. I promise if you that we don't go through the steps and sometimes that's why sometimes people walking super for so long to see people live in the same thing for the rest of their life and you know, who who who who was the work-life if you were using drugs for example, and it's a big example and we always say to the to the guys like there's no matter how long you stop using your I was always a drug addict. the force time you tried to to task this you're going back to square number one. Can I end it will be a fight, but it doesn't mean that you had to quit had to fight. And this what God is doing to us. Harvest Christian Church into me and you that's going to be until we receive a glorified body in heaven. But they're having all these problems going to be gone until we leave here doesn't matter if you're 5 or if you're hungry. You got a fight against or or desires? And I want to tell him to you. second floor signature God's word I know a person that you trust to confess your sins. I'll add the Holy Spirit change your life. And always sometimes we want to teaching you going to shake as we going to go back home tomorrow. Yeah. Yeah. We need to have a teaching how to make us think. I'm not here to point. You're saying am I here to tell you we all do this?

Is that because I'm a pastor doesn't mean I I I don't have anything to fight. Every day every day and sometimes you feel you conquer something here and God show another are we need to change? And we down the word of God. Without your heart your eyes your ears be in the Lord.

God is calling me and you to review ourselves. Analyze ourselves analyze how we interact with the word because all this from the first promise to Hebron ever had for him, but the phone number he's probably was live through you all the family in the world be blessed.

If that was not only for people for all the people you blast. I hate something has to change.

When when Hebron and Abraham and Sarah laughed and she was just in case the angel she was she was old no strings and Jesus is walking from that place to order of the Chaldeans the king of that place fall in love to her old lady. The king can have any girl in town, but when you walk in his purpose. God's refrigerator strain God make his light his glory shine your face in it. I think even your physical change when you walk and it changed so much in that walk and I can fall in love to her. And that's me and you? God going to change even the way we are faced shine. Like when we walk in his purpose.

And we walk into walk in his purpose mean we need to be.

I need to let him mold or our heart or heart every day a man and pray for you. And for me God we are here this morning.

Lori You more than anyone know our battles, you know the secret hearts. Jesus I pray for right now with you. You can fix your heart. And our mind Laura will come fast my strength. Sometime is nice strong enough to do this. I know you're Holy Spirit and come down right now and change and make me strong. We know your words. We know the truth. I pray for you help us to remind or self. And in the time of difficulty and the timing of when the problem problems show up to our shoulder in our lap, and we don't know what to do or help us to remind what what year was Krypton tell us to 2. Play weekend when are we can get proof? The audit a c you put us and I know you was given nothing we can we not be able to to support. If you are going through something, you know, we are able to conquer that problem. the only the only ways through you and I pray for your words be life inside of us in the name of Jesus. Amen. Amen. God bless you guys. Have a wonderful week.

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