Sermon Transcript Tone Analysis

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A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
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Social Tone
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Social Tendencies
Emotional Range
< .5
.5 - .6
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> .9
Back then.
Alright, praise God.
We are talkin about enemies of Faith with tackling tackling some of the major enemies to our faith and we're going to begin in 1st Timothy Chapter 6, verse 12 it says fight, advise a fight.
Fight the good fight of faith in the fight, the fight that we have as Christians is a faith fight or not to fight the devil.
He is our enemy but he's been defeated.
That's why it's a good fight, because a good fight means you win.
Thank you, Lord.
And it's a good fight because Jesus already won the victory for us on the cross.
When he said it is finished.
He defeated the devil on our behalf and now we are more than conquerors through him.
Who loved us not, we who love him but he who loved us to see.
It's not about your love for God but about his love for us.
God demonstrated his love for us in that.
While we were sinners Christ died for us and he died that you could have the Abundant Life.
We are more than conquerors through him, who loved us.
So, what we're doing is we're demonstrating Satan's, the fleet we don't fight the devil.
We're in the only fight that the Christian is called a fight, is a face fight.
We don't fight the devil because why, he's defeated.
What do we do?
We cast them out.
The Bible says, in my name you will cast out demons.
We walk on serpents and scorpions and over all the power of the enemy and nothing shall by any means hurt you.
So we don't walk on the devil where they give the devil no place.
The Bible tells us to submit ourselves to God resisteth.
And he will flee from us, so cash them out.
Resist him, give him no place, not to give place to the devil, walk on him.
The devil is not a problem but we should not be ignorant of his devices, okay.
The only thing that he tries to do is to get us off of our faith.
Because that's the fight that were in, he wants to take away your testimony.
He wants you.
He wants to stop you from looking at Jesus.
He wants you to take your eyes off of Jesus and get your eyes on the circumstances.
So, we're looking at enemies of Faith first enemy that we dealt with, and I want to finish that up today is Enemy Number One, what is that?
No, you go ahead of me now.
That's what I'm going to be home today.
But Enemy Number One, alright?
A lack of knowledge.
Of the word of Christ, it's the word of God but but really is is the word of Christ.
The the word that we're under the day, in this new, covenant is the word of Christ.
The scriptures to Jesus.
We looked at that story of the man who were the two men on the Emmaus Road and Jesus rode up on them.
After he rose from the dead and open up.
The scriptures to them beginning at Moses and the prophets, he showed them in all.
All the scriptures, the things concerning him self-praise, got heat, open the book up to them, he just didn't tell him.
Okay, I'm on.
I want y'all know about me, something about me.
I'm just going to just going to talk to you.
He didn't just talk to them without opening the book he showed them in the scriptures that they had at that time, the things concerning himself.
Now, I'm going to share with you a revelation.
I've said this before, but I want to talk about it today.
Then I got while I was riding my bike a couple of years ago.
And we're going to look at Galatians chapter 1.
And verse 11 now.
Paul is riding and he says for I would I would have you to know brothers that the gospel that was preached by me.
Say the gospel.
Is not man's gospel.
Thank you, Jesus Paul.
Look at Paul's history before Jesus had appear to him.
Jesus revealed himself to his name was Saul at the time on the Damascus Road.
Now, Paul was a persecutor of Christians.
He was sent with letters to arrest them, take them to jail, he stood by while they were murdered.
All the cost of the testimony of Jesus.
So he was against Christianity.
He was against the gospel, he was against the cross, but Jesus revealed himself to Saul on at Damascus Road prior he called himself.
Now he knew the word listen to the words, but he didn't know the gospel.
No, he didn't have.
This is he didn't have Galatians, he wrote it.
He didn't have his face as he wrote it, he didn't have to live in.
Is he wrote it?
Okay, if you didn't have 1st, John Colossians those books.
Okay, he didn't have 1st Peter, right?
So what do you have what Jesus had when he showed?
What would this the scriptures that Jesus had when he showed himself to those two guys on the road to Emmaus?
Fear the law and the prophets.
That that's what that's what Paul had.
And so, Paul was referred to as he called himself.
He said I was a Hebrew the Hebrews which means I was at, I was a Jew of the Jews.
All right.
He said concerning, he said concerning the law blameless and you can see this in in the book of Philippians and he said, as after righteousness under the law,
Philippians 3. As to righteousness under the law blameless.
But we're at whatever gain.
I have, I counted as lost for the sake of Christ, in D, I count everything is lost because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ.
Jesus, my Lord, he said concerning the righteousness under the wall, I was blameless.
So he knew the word but he didn't have the gospel Jesus revealed himself to him and Caesar showed it to him personally.
The gospel he end up reaching the very thing that he used to persecute.
Okay, the gospel that was preached by me.
Is not man's gospel.
Next verse for, I did not receive it from any man, nor was I taught it.
I want you to understand this, those of you that don't know, but Paul was not one of the disciples that walked with Jesus.
Okay, so the gospel.
Did he preach?
He didn't get it directly from Jesus.
Neither did Peter teach it to it.
Neither did the John teacher to it.
He got it directly from Jesus.
He said, I didn't receive it from an this gospel that I'm preaching.
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