Graduation 2021: A New Mindset

Standalone   •  Sermon  •  Submitted
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Every Christian can experience the joy of a new mindset when receiving salvation.


READ Colossians 3:1-17

Paul wrote to the church from prison to help remind the believers to seek true Christian doctrine and to avoid the modern the modern messages that were poisoning their culture.
Messages that sounded good but didn’t hold truth.
There is a new mindset that scripture calls every believer to carry through salvation. A focus that will help you navigate through the daily struggle of temptation.
Graduating seniors face the task of “moving on” in life. The message I share with you today is the key to having the correct mindset.

1. “Look up child”

Matthew 6:33 says, “seek first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness, and all these things will be provided for you.”
On the throne of God, Jesus has the position of favor, honor, and authority.
We seek the higher places.
Before salvation: Alive to the world and dead to God. Now believers in Jesus have undergone a 180 degree turn.
“Mind” - Inward impulses. Direct your impulses to look up and see the Lord, seated on His throne.
New spiritual life that isn’t for the earth but with the risen Christ.
A new age has dawned.
Jesus is not peripheral to life. He is life.
Believers are hidden with God, and the world does not recognize Him.
1996 Olympics. Kerry Strug - Bella Karolyi. “Keep your eyes on me. Don’t look down.”
Christians. There is nothing in our life that can change whatsoever whenever our gaze is focused on this world. We’ve got to set our minds on heavenly things.
Philippians 4:8 says, Finally brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable—if there is any moral excellence and if there is anything praiseworthy—dwell on these things.”
This is where we find the “heavenly things”.

2. “Throw away the old shirt”

Paul wrote about the deeds of the flesh that reveal sinful nature.
All of these elements of sin stem from idolatry.
If Christians have died to their old life, they can refrain from going back to the old way. (Even if these sins are acceptable to other people.) God will have divine judgment against all evil.
Put away all of these elements of sin that lead to dysfunction.
Evil speaking and filthy language.
Send it out of your life like an intruder who has broken into your home and doesn’t belong.
Lying to other believers
Distinctions we make between different types of people.
Christ, in Himself absorbs all distinctions.
My old shirt.
Put a name on what ails you. Write it down and say it out loud.
When sin has a name, we can’t justify it anymore.
Don’t stick your old shirt in the closet. Throw it away.

3. “Put on your new shirt”

New, there are no distinctions with God. All who call upon His name are His chosen people.
The church is God’s chosen people.
The church we are part of must be patient toward one another.
Even in the community of believers, the actions of some can offend or hurt someone.
God forgives so we can forgive.
“Above all” - outer garment
Love embraces and knits together all the virtues.
In Romans 13:8, Paul wrote, “Do not owe anyone anything, except to love one another, for the one who loves another has fulfilled the law.” (God’s love is perfected whenever we love one another.
Other virtues become distorted and unbalanced without love.
“Peace” (Cirene) Refers to the wholeness or absence of conflict in a relationship.
Gratitude is a safeguard against complaining.
“Rule” Literally to “be umpire”. Only here in the NT.
Allow Christ to rule your passions.
I cannot express enough the importance of joining in the mission of God’s local church.
You must find a body of believers where the gospel of Jesus is preached and lived out by the people.
Where God’s people worship together.
Everything we do for the Lord can be done to honor our savior. As you embark on the next part of the journey, don’t leave God behind. Walk with Him daily.
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