Respond to Jesus' Call to Become Disciples & Experience His Kingdom Today!

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We began the gospel of Mark as a gospel for a return to in person Church. Remember a gospel - good news of great person - but completely unique - this is one which not present some teaching or moral example alone, but one by which the Gospel of God, the beginning of the good new so Jesus - take hold of you - a prepared way of the LORD opens up - remember why in the wilderness why by the Jordan, why it begins with baptism - job of Jehsua fulfilled Saviour lead us out of the loneliest lowest suffering and testing places - to the promise land. Repentance and forgiveness of sin spade work - for rich and poor, religious and loose - And do you remember the experience that John the Baptist said will happen if you step together with God’s people out in the wilderness, repent and believe in this Messiah - something so different - baptized not just with water - get the reality of baptized with the Holy Spirit.
And I am suggesting that this kind of following of Jesus together, the kind of meeting with Jesus has been harder this year, look at first half of the gospel of Mark - see how we can experience the type of salvation he was and is bringing, and follow Him, and then what it means to actually go out and serve Jesus as community following abiding in Him. That is Mark’s goal in this launch of action in Jesus gospel - to introduce us to character of the salvation and the kingdom Jesus brings us into.

Key Truth: Experience Jesus’ salvation & kingdom, by responding to His good and awesome authority to reign.

This is what Jesus is up to: then and now! He creates a space on earth where you and I recognize His ruling power! Gospel of Mark in many ways like a discipleship manual spelling out how that happens as we respond to Jesus’ lead with faith and repentance.
In rapid fire succession Mark has put together several scenes of Jesus early public ministry to show you and I don’t just need to try to adopt his teaching, follow his example, try a little harder to be nice. The gospel of Jesus is all about this One doing and being something in this world and in your life and nine that we can’t do on our own! Finding His authority and coming into His circle!

A. Meet Jesus in our Place of Curse & Testing to Receive the Near-Kingdom of God

It is striking that Jesus is anointed by the Spirit for ministry to save the world and the very first thing the Spirit does is drive this Saviour - to a place you and I know all to well in this world. There are places in our world and in our lives, right now - that have no seed, no water, no growth. What the Judean wilderness represents in the Bible, and guess who lives there - no one - lonely place without family or community. No friendly beasts like garden of Eden. This is a place of only frightening unwanted what? Wild animals. And that is where human race in so many ways driven in exile. Desert places are severe places, foundational place where God shapes us, molds us into a community, and identity! Everyone wants the promised land, chasing it, but its only in the desert really meet and are changed by God!
Do you understand what this unique comment about the wild animals would mean to those early Christian in Rome to whom Mark was now writing this first gospel. Peter had just been executed by Nero. After that fire, Nero blaming the Christians, sent into the Colosseum to be devoured by what wild animals? And Mark is saying, oh you face wilderness in your life, you face trial to stay true, oh no you are not alone - and there is one who has faced it all down for us, and shares that spiritual victory with us! Struggle of last year has been about. And Jesus begins his ministry immediately in the Spirit in those places. The gospel doesn’t start in paradise, or nice community, the church. It starts in our broken places! And you meet Jesus there and He will lead you to dwell with Him and each other. But did you see who else is in the wilderness? Mark 1:13
Mark 1:13 ESV
And he was in the wilderness forty days, being tempted by Satan. And he was with the wild animals, and the angels were ministering to him.
The wilderness in the Bible is the realm of a real and personal arch enemy - Satan. Do you believe in Him? No trust Him, but as real as God, not as powerful, not eternal. Jesus is determined to be tempted to go to the wilderness for us - and there he meets Satan. But here is the unique thing about Mark’s account: he doesn’t record Jesus victory, nor the content of these particular temptations. That’s not his focus. Mark is showing the whole rest of the gospel is Jess facing down Satan in the wilderness for us. Mark’s focus is that Jesus kingdom brings us into the huge cosmic struggle between God and Satan, and we have to find Jesus there!
And for how long? 40 days. Not 40 years. Why? Who else spent 40 days in the wilderness - Moses on mountain of the Lord - and believe me rocky rocky barren place. And Elijah into the wilderness of Horeb same mountain side. Kind of like the Plato’s cave, Frodo - real discovery and life change! You see the wilderness in the OT is also the place where you meet God and are transformed by Him. Makes the desert not just severe, but also beautiful! Did you see that - angels minster to God’s people, including the Saviour as they are confronted by Satan and Temptation. But Jesus like Elijah an angel visits in the barren wilderness and supplies His servant with nourishment . Three critical times Jesus said to go out to wilderness, lonely place to pray - in this gospel! Some of you faced wilderness, temptation, failure, some suffering, certainly we know others going through wilderness - and the gospel has to be applied there!
By way of application - do you acknowledge wilderness and Satan at work in your life, - where are the points of struggle, temptation, suffering and hunger? But do you also acknowledge that Jesus. authority to face both Satan and temptation down , and to give you the power by His rule and reign to meet you in your wilderness? You who have not yet professed your faith, aligned publically - this is how I face down the wilderness, how I meet Satan, how I deal with temptation - The Second Adam - - You have closed with Christ, do you come to this table set in the wilderness expecting strengthening grace? It’s pretty remarkable that the gospel does not begin with “you do this and that? But looking to this Jesus who who is working a victory in the wilderness for us - that we are called to receive and live into!
And that is the second characteristic of the Salvation & Kingdom Jesus is bring to us - It is not only about a spiritual victory over Satan and the wilderness in our lives, but the gospel of God pulls out of you two present day, now realities!

B. Entering Jesus Near-Kingdom requires your Now-Repentance & Now-Faith.

In the coming of Jesus into our world - the decisive act of God saving people has begun. In the person of Jesus people are confronted with the Kingdom of God, in all its nearness. Later Jesus would use the parable, when branch gets all tender and green and little leaves start poking out unfolding and buds little sprouts - summer has come near , ts the next thing. Do you have that sense about Jesus bringing God’s gospel, action, good news, into your life? Is it a far kingdom to you or a near one?
This is the now-ism of Jesus salvation and kingdom. All necessary preparations have been made, God has brought you Jesus - and you must decide do I turn my life to God in Jesus or do I choose the stuff of this world, my self, its riches and honours. Kind of what you do in professing faith in Christ, coming to worship, coming to the table! I am showing up in faith and saying I am living for Christ kingdom, I come to His kingdom meal!
There are some decisions in life that either/or - and as God’s final Word, Jesus says In me God is summoning you and your decision about me is the most important in your entire life, your existence, will submit to the summons of God - That’s what the word repent means in most basic -OT meaning TURN and TRUST YOURSELF TO SOMEONE ELSE. And its interesting that Mark only describes Jesus himself proclaiming - once in the whole gospel. Then his followers his church go out and proclaim or preach it - That’s what’s happening today. The gospel of God that Jesus worked, he got it going in terms of proclamation. And then he taught and taught and taught it. But the whole rest of the gospel it is His church, His Community that proclaims it. You have heard it, Jesus by Word and Spirit teaches it to you… but our neighbours need to hear it - need courage to invite other s to hear the lively preaching not of ideas but of the gospel of God. We are to be a proclaiming community! That they might repent and believe!
How are you responding to the nearness of the kingdom of God and the now-ness of the gospel of Jesus? Only one more thing waits for the fulness of the kingdom to Come and that’s Christ’s return,. But as Jesus said the Kingdom in right here now in our midst - Mark 1:15
Mark 1:15 ESV
and saying, “The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand; repent and believe in the gospel.”
To share in Christ and His victory - requires that now , and in an everyday whole life way, you turn and bend back to God’s will; you do that Turning to Jesus as Your New Way. What do you have to let go of, turn from? DO you see if you believe and trust, and we are going to see Jesus work wonders and bring salvation when they turn to Him in faith. Belief is all that’s necessary to be a Christian, but it must be a belief that changes your life! Not a Christian because you go to church, or do more good deeds than bad, or have been baptized or do devotions. No you are a Christian if you have a now belief and trust in Jesus and a now repentance - maybe you have little idea of what the Messiah’s way is like. That’s these first 4 disciples, but you believe and trust and follow and through failed attempts and new success -you are turning to Christ and His way - that’s what it means to be a Christian. What promise need to believe and lean into - that is the response announced from beginning, and recommit to as come to table as recommit to community of Christ here!
But then Mark actually gives us what signing on the dotted lines with Jesus the Saviour of the world, looks like. And he does this

C. Jesus has Come Fishing for God, and those who will Follow After Him become Fishermen Too.

In the calling of these first disciples, it is like Mark hits the slow motion button. He doesn't describe all twelve, but just four. And we are so used to the story, that we forget the disciples response to Jesus is by the Sea of Galilee and this activity of fishing, That’s also how the gospel ends too, the angel specifically tells Mary to tell the disciples and Peter what? Mark 16:7
Mark 16:7 (ESV)
But go, tell his disciples and Peter that he is going before you to Galilee. There you will see him, just as he told you.”
What happened on the shores of Galilee with fishermen with big round nets, brackets the gospel. For so many people there is nothing else on either side of the brackets of Jesus life, he just does all this God stuff, and he accomplishes salvation and that just happened back there and I need that to go to heaven. But there is nothing before or after the gospel. Mark is telling us the context of the gospel of Jesus is your life and mine, and our calling in this world for God. But why the beach with big round fishing nets?
You need to know that in the OT - God was described as the fisher of men. He is the one who has a great net like one described here - throws it out - And we think oh cute , we are to fish for people in the world nice analogy. But in the OT described the throwing of the net is done by God, and its thrown to catch the wicked to bring them in for judgment! Ezekiel 17:20
Ezekiel 17:20 ESV
I will spread my net over him, and he shall be taken in my snare, and I will bring him to Babylon and enter into judgment with him there for the treachery he has committed against me.
But now God’s kingdom has come, now His Son who will stand in judgment for sinners, His kingdom is upon us, and he says to those who chose to follow Him - The Day of the Lord is upon us, God ‘s kingdom drawing near, judgment - I am commissioning you to do God’s fishing, Witness to them that God’s Kingdom is so near. Tell them to turn, that judgment is near but that forgiveness is so necessary and possible for them.
And it is striking that Jesus call is never just to individuals. No, Jesus is the initiator and centre of a new life-encompassing community. He calls us to this in-person-community! Though Jesus’ at work doing the salvation, whole mission is lived out in a group - called the Jesus-circle - what you and I are called to the heart of discipleship : relationship with Jesus, promote His mission, and total commitment to his cause! Sure these disciples in Mark often may and will fail him, disappointment. Mark more than any other shows this. But God chose to do Messiah’s work through this flawed and vulnerable group of people. This community of training and development - one of Mark’s main focuses - this is how and where God’s kingdom is established!
So how do you respond to Jesus call? Look at the disciple, Mark’s readers would know best. Their beloved pastor Peter - he is listed first Simon and Andrew. They leave their nets and follow after, words for adopting a rabbi. But back then Jews would check out all the rabbi and chose fort themselves the one they liked best. kind of like people scroll through netflix, spotify, or churches on line what itches my scratch the best. Oh this turns my crank I like this teacher. But not with Messiah. No now the Living Son of God, just like He called planets and trees, animals and human beings into existence by the power of His word, so too now He sovereignly calls people to follow Him and they respond. In the same way we are going to see just speak demons out of people and speak healing, and forgiveness, He authoritatively sovereignly calls you and me to become disciples!
He doesn’t call us by saying, you become better and serious and spiritual and then I will save you and use you, No it is Christ who says, I will make you become fishers of men. He says that to us today. Peter brash proud, had to put his foot in mouth, had to fail, had to have sinful parts of nature tranformed, but remarkable Peter from Galilee - only orbit of life 12x6 mile lake, and the fish stands, thick accent, looked down socially -He responded to Jesus - and experiencing the forgiveness, experiencing the truth, experiencing the adoption, experiencing salvation and the kingdom - he went on to the world capital - small humble but like mustard seed God used him. Andrew that fishermen all the way back then Europe to the borders of Russia. And then there were James and John - sons of thunder - need of such transformation - but they too - leave considerable wealth a family business behind - John going to become the leader of church in Ephesus of Asia Minor, James key leader in the Jewish Christian church and first martyr.
You may not be called to leave your job behind, but each one called to leave sin and self-ambition behind to find life following Jesus. This paragraph is the program for the whole gospel, it is your call and mine. - and imagine what he will make of you and me - imagine whom He might touch as fishers of men.
Now you might expect them to march right to Jersualem or even to Rome with the Savior of the World at the head picking up speed and forces. But that’s not how salvation or the kingdom of God comes is it? Not how you and I are to experience and recommit to it in return to in person Church? Mark concludes this introduction with a snap shot of this salvaiton and kingdom with a 24 hour slice of Jesus kingdom.

D. Jesus Kingdom Comes by New Teaching, with Exorcisms, & Healing

We get Mark’s next immediately, and do you no where it takes us? To the heart of the Saviour’s saving action in this world. Mark 1:21
Mark 1:21 ESV
And they went into Capernaum, and immediately on the Sabbath he entered the synagogue and was teaching.
That’s a little surprising isn’t it? That God’s work of defeating Satan in your life and mine, of overcoming temptations of wilderness world, of delivering men from judgment and bringing them into the kingdom - that the epicenter is a sleepy little church buildings in Capernaum, and then through out Galilee And look at the end of our passage Mark 1:38-39
Mark 1:38–39 ESV
And he said to them, “Let us go on to the next towns, that I may preach there also, for that is why I came out.” And he went throughout all Galilee, preaching in their synagogues and casting out demons.
The disciples want the popularity of healing ministry or exorcist - Jesus says, not why I have I came out of heaven into this world - but to preach!!! And understand Jesus left hamlet in the lush hill country of Galilee, Nazareth out of the mix, to come to Capernaum - key centre of about 10,000, sizable synagogue and he says I have come to go into these other surrounding towns, Lit. village-cities, unique word, key centers that have a marketplace and key synagogues. I have come to replicate what just happened in 24 hours after being invited to teach in Caprenaum and perosnal ministry with people after it, replicate that - that is how my kingdom is coming, how Satan dethroned, little by little how salvation come to households.
This was what was so shocking in that 24 hours - Look at his authority through teaching. Mark 1:22
Mark 1:22 ESV
And they were astonished at his teaching, for he taught them as one who had authority, and not as the scribes.
The scribes at first just copyist, but then became experts of the law, but wrote down all oral applications, add rule upon rule, - dead religious way… ad nausea rabbi so and so has written but other one, so i would say .. And here comes Jesus reading God’s own holy word and declaring the gospel f God by it. And some guy going to synagogue all his life - cries out in the middle of the service - You are the Holy One of God - come to destroy us - only one evil spirit - but statement that Jesus bringing judgment not only evil spirits - power to cast into abyss but judgment of whole world all the people in the synagogue, everyone here today -= come to destroy us. And Jesus didn’t do any ritual or magic, didn’t even have to pronounce name, or strike host on head. Spiritual need not mental or physical or emotionally illness but real demon possession, and Jesus - says Shut UP, Muzzle, Tie Up your moth - stop - makes one with unclean spirit whole by power of His word and they know its tied to his teaching.
Then immediately done service go to house of Peter where he lives in sizable estate like excavated later - but extended family and mother-in-law. And unlike real casting out of evil spirits that Jesus does, never does it by touch or with magical showy flare, just power of his Word now in private and personal setting of a disciples home , we read what we will read again a and again with Jesus healings, 8x he touched - an wham oh whole person healing. He touches and helps her up. And not only that, those being healed given a place to serve in the community of believers!
And this one the Sabbath - which scribes fenced with rules can’t even help someone. But the towns folk wait until sundown Sabbath over and they bring hi sick and others demon possessed . And look at Mark 1:34 many
Mark 1:34 ESV
And he healed many who were sick with various diseases, and cast out many demons. And he would not permit the demons to speak, because they knew him.
It is clear that Jesus didn’t heal all who were sick in his ministry, nor did he consent to stick around just to be town healer and exorcist. Jesus didn’t purposefully go out of his way to find every sick person in this broken world. That wasn’t his mission, but part of his mission was when the need arose, Jesus did what COMPASSION demanded. When sick or troubled people crossed his path, his heart and hands reached out to them! When those oppressed and enslaved to Satan and his demons were right before Him, He exercised his healing power - before the fulness of the kingdom comes at the end of the age - and miraculously as a sign of what His Kingdom is about - he personally, in person, with deep concern for their whole wellbeing - he brought the wholeness, the peace the shalom of the kingdom of God. He set those in spiritual captivity free. This is the Suffering Messiah, the Servant of the LORD who transforms the hearts of men. Can’t understand it all, or fully until the Cross, silence unhelpful witness to his mission!
But as we are going to see tonight in Mark 2 how that his preaching the gospel that saves and His entering into the life and home in an person caring way . He touches the un-touchable to make them clean. He brings in the outsiders to recline at table to have a meal. He comes with his salvation and fellowships with sinners like you and me and brings us to the table-fellowship with the Messiah of the world.
But can you put Mark’s rapid fire introduction to the salvation and Kingdom all-together. The gospel is not a biography with some take it or leave teaching, moral example, some nifty ideas about the supernatural. It’s about the Person, living Person Jesus and Him coming with all authority to take on Satan to defeat death sin hell, sickness, and with all His sovereignty He calls to you follow me, join my community, become disciples together!
Hear the Call of the Kingdom
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