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Prayer class 1


Intro to Altar Team and General Information

Have someone pray to open us up.
Before we begin lets go around the room and introduce ourselves and say what you want to get out of this class. I’ll start.
Introduce yourself. Ryan. Just graduated from liberty university with bachelors in worship studies. This week I started Seminary at AWKN School of Theology and i’m working on a masters/doctorate combination program in Theology.
Feel free to stop me at any point and ask questions
The goal for Altar team is to have a schedule of prayer volunteers who will stand at the front to pray for people during worship and altar call
When worship starts whoever is scheduled that day will come forward and stand up front at the beginning of worship.
I’ll make lanyards for you so people know your part of prayer team.
Id like you to arrive 30 minutes before service starts at 9:30 and get a seat in the front row.
Make sure you do not block the altar.
Have some tissues close by to offer if they get emotional.
Breath mints will be behind altar, make sure you don’t have bad breath because theres nothing worse than that.
If we have the manpower we would love for you guys to pray in teams.
If you think someone on alter team needs help then go help them. Do not hesitate to go help.
look inviting, make sure to smile, don’t look angry or upset, if your having a bad morning then sit out that day and tell me or find someone to cover for you. We want your heart to be in the right posture.
If you feel like the Lord is giving you a word for someone then you should say “I feel like the Lord is saying...” Make sure it is edifying, encouraging, or uplifting.
1 Corinthians 14:3 ESV
On the other hand, the one who prophesies speaks to people for their upbuilding and encouragement and consolation.
Make sure you ask permission before touching someone. Demonstrate
Obviously if your not scheduled and feel like praying for someone listen to the Holy Spirit and go pray.
If someone reveals something to you that is deeply personal do not go telling people their problems.
I made a Facebook group for scheduling and questions
Explain how to join facebook group
This group is a safe space where you can a practice praying, ask question, mess up, and all that stuff. I want everyone to feel comfortable with each other and have the freedom to make mistakes and step out of your comfort zone.
During these classes feel free to stop me at any point and ask questions.
3 handouts
Code of Ethics
Identity Confession
Altar Team Ministry Training & Guidelines
Anyone have any questions about that stuff before we get started?
Lets get started...


How many of you have seen the incredibles?
A family of superheros.. each with their own unique gifting… living undercover… yet saving the world.
Imagine a church that mimicid this family.
A church where people would come in sick… and leave healed..
They come in with a broken marriage… and leave restored..
They come in demonized… and leave free..
This is what normal Christianity should look like!!!!
These things can all be accomplished through prayer.
But Before we get in to how to pray powerful prayers that change lives, we must first understand our identity in Christ if we want to be effective.
Luke 6:43–45 ESV
“For no good tree bears bad fruit, nor again does a bad tree bear good fruit, for each tree is known by its own fruit. For figs are not gathered from thornbushes, nor are grapes picked from a bramble bush. The good person out of the good treasure of his heart produces good, and the evil person out of his evil treasure produces evil, for out of the abundance of the heart his mouth speaks.
Jesus says that if we want to have good fruit, we have to be a good tree!
That sounds simple, but look what Jesus closes with: “your fruit is determined by your heart.”
Being a good tree and producing good fruit is a product of the good treasure in your heart, and vice versa for evil.
The majority of the world produces bad fruit, because they have a false sense of identity.
They try to draw their identity from the world rather that drawing it from God.
So how does the Gospel solve this problem? The way the identity issue is solved is that the old us is killed, and the new us is born.
When Jesus died, He brought the old us with Him to the cross.
And when He was resurrected, we were born into new life.
We are quite literally a different person than we were before we believed in Jesus.
Paul talks about this in 2 Corinthians 5:17
2 Corinthians 5:17 ESV
Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come.
Now we are gonna go through the first 2 pages of packet.
code of ethics
identity confession
One of the perks of being a child of God is that It is always God’s will to heal. God does not have to use the devil's means to fulfill His will.
To believe that God does not want you to be healed from a sickness or injury goes against the very nature of God. To think that God gave you an illness or disease to teach you a lesson or punish you goes against the very nature of God.
Why would a God who is all-loving use sickness, disease, and death to fulfill His will? Why would God desire for one of His children to be sick or killed? Those are the devil’s methods!
In the New Covenant we are living in, God is never the source of any type of sickness or disease. The kingdom of darkness is the source of everything evil and destructive.
In order to be effective in ministry prayer, We must live with the practical conviction that God wants to heal and restore everyone who has an affliction back to their original glory.
So if it is always God’s will to heal, why do we not always see healing when we pray?
This is something you need to understand so you do not get discouraged if you do not see results when praying for healing.
We do not always see healing because our world is a battleground between 2 opposing kingdoms.
People call this spiritual warfare.
The Bible refers to God’s side as
Kingdom of God
Kingdom of Heaven
Kingdom of light
Age to come.
The Bible refers to Satan’s side as
Kingdom of darkness
The present Evil Age
Explain spiritual warfare chart in packet.
Before we move on does anyone have any questions?

How to Pray: (bottom of page 3 and page 4 in training & guidelines handout)

Always leave your eyes open when you pray. Explain
Interview: Connect with that person, build trust, get their name, ask what they want prayer for.
Always ask Pain level 1-10 if they have pain so you can ask again after praying.
Diagnosis and prayer selection (we’ll get deeper into this next week): Ask clarifying questions, Listen in your spirit and try to determine the root issue. You do not want to dance around the issue. If the person says they struggle with anxiety, then you want to ask questions and get to the source of that anxiety. But we’ll get into this next week.
Pray for effect: Invite the Holy Spirit: wait for His presence to come and engage with that person. Keep your eyes open and watch for what you see God doing, because He very well may reveal something to you.
Our Goal is to partner with the Holy Spirit when we pray.
We must believe that when we invite the Holy Spirit, He will come. You cannot have any doubt in your heart. If you do, you need to pray for God to change your heart posture on this.
Say “Holy Spirit Come” like something is going to happen. Explain
If healing, then reinterview: Ask person to give you an update about if they feel any better.
(repeat if necessary) 3x
side note if the pain gets worse or moves to a different part of body then typically that indicates the root issue is spiritual, and not physical. So you’ll need to adjust your prayer as such.
Thank God for healing
Aftercare: Refer the person to any useful resources, thank them for letting you pray for them.
If the person is a new Christian then we have these new believer packets behind the altars. Ask them if they need a Bible.
If healing or a miracle happens, make sure you give Jesus the credit.
Talk about Jesus, connect what just happened with who Jesus is and how He wants to touch their life.
Any Question about what we just went over
Show everyone an example of how to pray on someone, then do the activation.
Anyone have any type of pain in their body?
Tell them assume the position. Explain
Explain what I am doing throughout the whole thing step by step. Point out manifestations. Breath etc..

Activation: What’s in a name

Activation: Bible Character Activation

Feel free to use phones.
give example
Ask holy spirit what bible character this person reminds you of.

Activation: Healing

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