The Work of the Gospel

Ready and Waiting  •  Sermon  •  Submitted   •  Presented   •  41:16
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We have spent the last few weeks laying the groundwork for our study in this precious book. Paul was well aware of the faithfulness and influence the church in Thessalonica had on those around them. He was encouraged with the presence of their faith, hope, and love. It appears that Thessalonica had grasped the New Testament model for the church. They weren’t a perfect church, but they were being used of the Lord.
As a means of encouragement, Paul shifts his focus from the trials that he endured at Philippi, the trials that we looked at last week… He shifts his focus to a reminder for the church of their obligations in ministry along with a confident assurance of their authority in the Word.
I fear many have lost sight of their obligations in ministry and often lose sight of the authority by which they minister. For many today, ministry has become like a chore… It was either last Sunday or the Sunday before, during our evening service, Dave Colburn uttered a phrase and it stuck with me. He is not the originator of this phrase, but I believe that there is quite a bit of truth in it...
The modern church tends to major on the minor and minor on the major!… The modern Church is more concerned with the minor things… (Color of the carpet, the types of shades in the windows, how people are dressed, so on and so forth)… instead they should be focused on making sure the Bible is being preached (accurately), making sure that they, as individuals, are living out what they say they believe, making sure that the gospel is being shared with the lost in their communities… these are the major things…
An evangelist once made the statement... “Modern preachers are preaching more and more about less and less until they have explained everything about nothing!”
So many preachers today do not want to put in the work to preach about the major topics associated with the Gospel, because they don’t want to “step on toes”… They use phrases such as “God is a loving God”, “God is a merciful God”, which is 100% true!
But they avoiding telling you that God is a Just God!, the avoid telling you that Salvation requires repentance! Salvation requires you to turn away from your sinful lifestyle… Does this mean that we never sin again?… Not necessarily, we will still be faced with temptation and at times may even give into these temptations... but we should be making every effort to lean on the power of the Holy Spirit, that is now indwelling us, to help us to say “no, I am not going to indulge in that sin anymore.”
To often people say “it’s OK to do this, I will just ask for forgiveness later” But Paul addressed this very issue in Romans 6 when he said (I will quote the NLT paraphrase) “Well then, should we keep on sinning so that God can show us more and more of his wonderful grace? 2 Of course not! Since we have died to sin, how can we continue to live in it?
Now that is Romans and we are supposed to be in the Book of 1 Thessalonians...
In our text verses, Paul speaks of the work associated with a fruitful and biblical approach to ministry and the sharing of the Gospel.
Lets look at today's passage… (Read 2:4-9)
The first thing that I want you to see about the “Work of the Gospel” is the fact that it is…

1. A Work of Liberty

In John Chapter 8 Christ said...
John 8:31–32 (NKJV)
31 ... “If you abide in My word, you are My disciples indeed.
32 And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.”
The Gospel is what sets you free from the bondage of sin and it sets you free from the punishment of hell… Paul, Silas and Timothy knew that and they also knew they couldn’t keep that information to themselves. Many may have been influenced or even bound by the dictates of society, and the religious legalists of that day, but these men had discovered a refreshing and productive liberty in the Gospel of Christ.
This work of Liberty was...

1.1 Approved by God

The First part of v.4 says...“But as we have been approved by God to be entrusted with the gospel
These men had been approved by God to be put in trust with the gospel. The word approved is a powerful word that reveals much about their ministry. It means “to test, examine, prove, or deem worthy.” It is evident that God had examined these men; He had tested them in many ways, preparing them for the work to come.
God called and placed them in the ministry… and I think we could safely say that they were humbled by such a calling. They knew that God had been gracious to them and they wanted to serve the Lord and share His Gospel with anyone and everyone.
These men also knew that if they were going to succeed in this work of Liberty and if we are going to succeed in this work of liberty, then…

1.2 Faithfulness is Essential

They had been entrusted with the gospel and that is the message they shared. They were not entangled with the bondage of legalistic Jews or the heresy of the doctrines of the world. They were faithful to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ – His death, burial, and resurrection.
As you look at our world today... there is clearly a growing trend of deviating from the gospel, even among the churches. As I said earlier, many major on the minor, personal preferences and traditions, and they minor on the major... the gospel.
We have not been called to present the bondage of legalism or the easy-believism of the liberals. We have been called to preach and teach the gospel of Jesus Christ! That is the only message that will bring about profitable change in the hearts of people.
This Work of Liberty Requires...

1.3 An Unwavering Focus

v.4 goes on to say “…even so we speak, not as pleasing men, but God who tests our hearts.
Paul, Silas and Timothy did not desire to gain the approval or acceptance of men. Their focus was to share the gospel and edify the Lord. At the end of the day, they didn’t care what others thought about them… they only cared what Christ thought. Did they honor Christ with the way they lived that day?... was their main concern.
We certainly need to be mindful of our witness and our testimony, but our actions cannot be dictated by the desire to please men. God knows our motives and He knows our hearts! The harsh reality is... Being a people that please the Lord will not gain us popularity among the world. In fact, we will likely be labeled “old fashioned, narrow minded, and even fanatical.” That is all right by me. I am not interested in the approval or acceptance of the world, but I want to make sure that I am honoring Christ each and everyday.
It is interesting to note that the word “tests” in the text is translated from the same Greek word rendered approved in the beginning of the verse. God had examined these men prior to their ministries and He continued to examine their lives as they proceeded in ministry.
Secondly, The Work of the Gospel is…

2. A Work of Loyalty

vv.5-6 “5 For neither at any time did we use flattering words, as you know, nor a cloak for covetousness—God is witness. 6 Nor did we seek glory from men, either from you or from others, when we might have made demands as apostles of Christ.
This work of loyalty…

2.1 Requires Sincerity

V.5 starts out with “For neither at any time did we use flattering words, ”…
Warren Wiersbe says “A flatterer is a person who manipulates rather than communicates. A flatterer can use either truth or lies to achieve his unholy purpose, which is to control your decisions for his own profit.
This goes along with what we looked at last week… Paul, Silas and Timothy did not try to boast, brag, or flatter. They did not seek to use deception as a means of advantage. They spoke clearly and honestly, regardless of the outcome. They were sincere in ministry, being open and honest.
Many today have a hard time accepting the truth. Our modern society has promoted political correctness and tolerance, so heavily, that a lot of people (and unfortunately, a lot of Pastor’s) today... are only willing to tell others what they want to hear, rather than speaking the truth...
We need to openly, unashamedly and sincerely proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ, regardless of the circumstances or approval.
This work of Loyalty also…

2.2 Requires Integrity

v.5 goes on to say “For neither at any time did we use flattering words, as you know, nor a cloak for covetousness
The phrase “cloak for covetousness” could also be translated as “Greedy Motives”… Paul is saying “We didn’t use flattery, nor are we motivated by greed”…
They did not possess a “greedy desire to have more.” These men were not engaged in ministry for personal gain or profit. When looking at Paul specifically, often, we find him going out of his way to prevent being perceived as burdensome to the church. He was considered a “tent maker”… He worked to support his own missionary journey’s as to not be a burden on the Churches and also, he didn’t want anyone to say that he was taking advantage of the people of the Church.
If we are serving the Lord for personal prestige or profit, we have missed it altogether. Modern ministry has been scarred by those who sought only their prosperity at the expense of others. Ministry isn’t about what we can receive or how we can benefit from others, but how we can give of ourselves for the cause of Christ!… I don’t think anything has caused more damage in the church today, than the sins of Jealousy and pride… The “Me, myself and I” attitude…
Being mindful of their calling, Paul, Silas and Timothy sought to show forth integrity in every aspect of ministry… The end of V. 5 says… “God is witness”… or “God is our witness that what we just said is true”. This is such a powerful thought…
Pastor and Author Dr. Tony Evans says “If you walk with God, God himself will testify on your behalf. No slanderous accusation of greed or self-interest or flattery will stick when God takes the witness stand for you.”
What a humbling thought… That God would testify on our behalf…
And that leads to the last requirement of this work of Loyalty. It...

2.3 Requires Humility

v.6 says “Nor did we seek glory from men, either from you or from others, when we might have made demands as apostles of Christ.
Keep in mind that we are dealing with the apostle Paul. In his day there were none who rivaled his fame or authority among preachers. Some would say that “he was the first Billy Graham”… Billy Graham may have even modeled his ministry after that of Paul’s…
Even in his fame and authority, Paul remained humble. He was aware God had used him greatly, but he wasn’t consumed with pride. He didn’t demand large sums of money for speaking engagements. He didn’t demand the church provide a lucrative salary. He didn’t want to be a burden, but rather a help.
Traveling philosophers and orators were common in the Roman Empire. They basically toured from place to place, entertaining and seeking a personal following for fame and fortune. Paul wanted to make sure that everyone knew, he, Silas and Timothy had nothing in common with such men! Rather than seeking something for themselves they delighted in giving to others freely.
May we not fall into the trap of seeking fame and fortune as we do the Work of the Gospel. May we never forget that apart from the Lord we are nothing;... we can do nothing… God doesn’t have to use us for the kingdom work to continue. It is a privilege to be used of Him...
May we never see ourselves as anything but sinners redeemed by His merciful hand! Regardless of how much the Lord uses us, we must remember that we are just born again sinners that God chooses to minister through... I am just a sinner saved by Grace, doing what God has called me to do.
Finally, this morning… The Work of the Gospel is…

3. A Work of Love

vv.7-9 “But we were gentle among you, just as a nursing mother cherishes her own children. 8 So, affectionately longing for you, we were well pleased to impart to you not only the gospel of God, but also our own lives, because you had become dear to us. 9 For you remember, brethren, our labor and toil; for laboring night and day, that we might not be a burden to any of you, we preached to you the gospel of God.
The first thing that I want you to notice about this work of love is that...

3.1 It is Patient

v.7 says “But we were gentle among you, just as a nursing mother cherishes her own children.
As I read these words, I imagined a small child being tenderly cared for by a mother or a loving baby sitter. We all know that children lack maturity. Their thought processes are different. They behave differently. They lack the understanding and commitment that an adult possesses....
Spiritually Paul had achieved a level that few ever obtain. Intellectually he was likely superior to many he taught. But these things didn’t hinder Paul. He continued to work faithfully and patiently with those who had not yet matured.
We certainly need to develop that attitude in our day. We can’t expect new believers to possess the wisdom or understanding that we possess. We would not be where we are had someone not taken the time to teach us.
Along with that… If a nursing mother does not feed herself, she cannot feed her baby. If she eats certain foods, her baby will get sick. Similarly the spiritual diet of a parent Christian is vitally important to the health of a newer Christian.
We need to be patient...

3.2 It is Passionate

The first part of v.8 says “So, affectionately longing for you...
The care that these men had for the church was not superficial or financially motivated. They genuinely loved and cared for them. They were passionate about the ministry and about the gospel message that they were sharing.
We need to be driven by that same love and compassion. We are part of the family of God. We are going to spend eternity together. We need a love for one another!

3.3 It is Pleasant

So, affectionately longing for you, we were well pleased to impart to you not only the gospel of God, but also our own lives, because you had become dear to us.
Paul, Silas and Timothy loved the church so much that they were willing to give and give of themselves for the benefit of the ministry... This was done without complaint or anger. In fact they were ‘Well Pleased” to do it.
The Greek word translated as “well pleased” in this passage, is the same Greek word that is used at Christ’s Baptism, when the Holy Spirit descended in the form of a dove and God the Father says “This is my beloved Son, in whom I am “Well Pleased...”
It was a pleasant experience for Paul, Silas and Timothy to speak the truth in Love to the believers in Thessalonica.
Also, speaking of this work of Love...

3.4 It is Persistent

The first part of v.9 “For you remember, brethren, our labor and toil; for laboring night and day, that we might not be a burden to any of you,...
These men never wavered. They had determined that they would give of themselves for the benefit of the Church and they wanted to make sure that they never caused any sort of financial burdens to any of its members. They labored tirelessly and continually for the church, even when it seemed as if it was profiting very little.
This should challenge and encourage us to press on for the Lord. There is no place to give up, even when times are tough and it seems our efforts are unnoticed and unappreciated… We must be persistent in sharing the Gospel of Christ… Even more so now as we draw closer and closer to the Return of Christ.
Lastly, this morning… This work of love…

3.5 It is Precise

For you remember, brethren, our labor and toil; for laboring night and day, that we might not be a burden to any of you, we preached to you the gospel of God.
It is abundantly clear that Paul, Silas and Timothy never lost sight of the goal. They never lost their passion for the Lord or their love for the church. They were committed to preaching the gospel to all who would hear.
And that is the same commitment that we need to make as well. That is the main part of being “Ready and (actively) Waiting” for our Lord to Return.
That, my Beloved, is the work of the Gospel....
Maybe you are here this morning and are wondering, just what is this gospel that I keep talking about… Paul summarizes it for us in 1 Corinthians 15
Moreover, brethren, I declare to you the gospel which I preached to you, which also you received and in which you stand, 2 by which also you are saved, if you hold fast that word which I preached to you—unless you believed in vain.
3 For I delivered to you first of all that which I also received: that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, 4 and that He was buried, and that He rose again the third day according to the Scriptures, 5 and that He was seen by Cephas, then by the twelve.”
This tells us that “Christ died for our sins”… Why would He do that?? Well, Romans 3:23 “23 for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God,” and then Romans 6:23 “23 For the wages of sin is death...”
Christ paid that wage… He took our penalty… God poured out His wrath on Christ instead of on us… Jesus Took Your Hell That You Might Have His Heaven…
1 Corinthians goes on to say that “He was Buried...” It was a public execution, it was carried out by Roman soldiers, who’s job was to infect as much pain and suffering as humanly possible upon a person, and they would not take down any person that was not dead from the cross! Then he was laid in a tomb and a stone was rolled into place to cover the entrance!
And then… “He rose again”… When you buy something at a store, the clerk accepts your money and gives you a receipt confirming that the bill was paid in full. If there is ever a dispute about whether the payment was made, all you have to do is produce your receipt.
The resurrection is our “receipt” from God the Father that He accepted His Son’s payment for our sins on the cross.
Romans 10:9 “9 if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.”
Salvation is By Grace alone, Through faith alone, in Christ alone… Ephesians 2:8-9 “8 For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, 9 not a result of works, so that no one may boast.
That my friends is the Gospel that we should be working so hard to share with any one who will listen.
May we stop majoring on the minor or minoring on the major. We need to remember that we are here for a purpose. We are here as salt and light, to share the gospel with the world. The church engages in other beneficial aspects of ministry, but they must always be secondary to the spreading of the gospel of Jesus Christ!
I end with this question.... Are you willing to do the Work of the Gospel?
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