Together We Go: In Our Community and the World

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What’s your story gonna be?

John 14:6 (ESV)
6 Jesus says, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.”
When Jesus is your way, your truth, and your life, it changes the way you think, speak, and behave.

Israel walked through the Red Sea because God was their Way, Truth, Life.

Way was into the desert and walking into the sea.
Truth was remembering God’s promise as they walked between towering walls of water.
Life was reaching the other side dry while Egyptian soldiers drowned behind them.
What would it take for you to do that? What’s your story gonna be?

Today you get to ask: “What kind of person do I want to be?

When Jesus is your way, your truth, and your life, it changes the way you think, speak, and behave.
Living in the way of Jesus is not easy. Frankly, it’s a lot easier to live apart from Jesus:
You just go on living life. There’s nothing wrong with living life! High school, college, job, marriage, kids, move, new friends, new experiences. Keep on living story.
You could get away with never stepping foot into church again.
But when you live your life apart from the church, it’s easy to start thinking that there are other ways, other truths, and other lives.
But the harsh truth is this: any other way, truth, or life other than Jesus is death.
What kind of person do you want to be? What is your story going to be?

Your story started when God brought you in the Way of baptismal waters of death that join you to Jesus’s cross.

Jesus is the Truth who is always reliable and goes with you wherever you go: dark times, personal failures, worst of sins, feelings of abandonment. .
Christians would rather die than fall away from faith in Jesus because Jesus died & rose to defeat death; death in Jesus leads to Life everlasting.
When Jesus is your way, your truth, and your life, it changes the way you think, speak, and behave.

Living apart from Jesus is the way of life that ends in death.

Living in Jesus is the way of death that ends in life.

You learned Way of Jesus:
10 Commandments - how we live together as a community
Apostle’s Creed - the faith we believe together
Lord’s Prayer - our faith in action
Baptism - puts us in God’s story
Confession & Absolution - we forgive each other our sins
Communion - share in Lord’s Supper that gives us eternal life
Summary: die to yourself, live to Christ & others. That’s a story with Jesus as Way, Truth, Life.
When Jesus is your way, your truth, and your life, it changes the way you think, speak, and behave.
Here’s the truth: World needs you in church; greatest thing you do for world out there, is to be part of that kind of community here, b/c world needs Jesus.
What kind of person do you want to be? What’s your story going to be? Jesus gives answer: Together we go in His way, His Truth, His Life.
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