Sermon Tone Analysis

Overall tone of the sermon

This automated analysis scores the text on the likely presence of emotional, language, and social tones. There are no right or wrong scores; this is just an indication of tones readers or listeners may pick up from the text.
A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
Emotion Tone
Language Tone
Social Tone
Emotional Range

Tone of specific sentences

Social Tendencies
Emotional Range
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9
From That Time Jesus Began To Preach...
If you are going to be like Jesus, you MUST care about the lost
How can you think yourself to be a “Christian”, a follower, or mimicker of Jesus, if you are not at all troubled about the condition of lost souls?
Or worse, how can we deceive ourselves into thinking we are Christians when we look in the mirror and we don’t look anything like Him?
The bible instructs us to “examine ourselves” and see whether Christ is in us...
Do you know yourself that Jesus Christ is in you? (2 Cor.
How do you know?
can you see him in the mirror (of the Word)?
How do we handle temptation?
Are we Preaching the gospel to the poor? to the lost?
Jesus began by preaching the gospel.
Christians become Christians through preaching
this is an irrefutable, and unchanging fact.
God so Loved the world that He sent His only begotten son...
Through Him, we are saved -
through His work on the Cross
through His resurrection from the dead
Through believing His Word
This does not happen without learning of these things
that requires preaching!
Preaching, at least in this context, is simply the deliberate communication of the message of the cross, of salvation, of the life, death, burial and resurrection of Jesus.
This does not mean shouting the message from a pulpit, or a street corner
It does not mean being on TV, or radio, or podcasts
It does not require a title, or a robe.
But it does require communication, and is deliberate.
People do not get saved without it.
How Shall They Hear Without a Preacher?
The passage asks the rhetorical question -
again this context of the word “preacher” is not speaking of a vocation, a title., or a pulpit - simply someone willing to communicate the message of salvation
Willing to communicate from a sincere desire to save their souls
Ever Christian has this “obligation”
Paul said he was a “debtor” to both the Greeks and the barbarians, both to the wise and the unwise - so that as much as is in me, am am ready to preach the gospel!
He saw himself has having an obligation to share this measure
we have received a treasure of great value -
like having a life saving cure in a world plagued by a deadly disease - how can we not share it
I recall one of the first times I shared the gospel - it was for that very reason
Repent: For The Kingdom of Heaven Is At Hand!
The message is specific.
It is not just a self help, positive mental attitude message for a happier life here.
It is not a matter of building a bigger club than the competition, or raising money to build this or that.
It is a message of imperative urgency, critical warning and immeasurable value.
It is a message to Repent.
to turn around and go the other way
to change your mind about a thing
To stop doing that which is wrong
to begin to do that which is right.
It is not a passive message
The reason is given, and is clear: The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand
How can you continue in sin and error, when the kingdom of heaven is at hand?
Anyone who believes that, would fear to continue on the wrong path, on the selfish path, on the worldly path
Why would you want to continue in error, when the kingdom of heaven is at hand
the message is not merely a warning against sin, it is an invitation to enter in
Many people stay on the outside becasue they don’t think they are welcome on the inside -
Jesus said this kingdom is “at hand”,
It is not only imminent, and it is, but it is also available - to you
People should repent, not only becasue the path they were on leads to hell, but becasue there is an immediate offer of salvation and fellowship with Him, today
It is a message of love, a message of opportunity, a message of invitation
Yes, there is a warning, but the motive for the warning is love
we must have that motive in our hearts as we preach also
Preaching a message of repentance does not mean screaming at people to “turn or burn!”
If we are going to be like Jesus, we must preach this message today.
You are called to Preach The Gospel!
As Jesus began to call His disciples, He said He would make them “fishers of men”
Are you a fisher of men? Do you even want to be?
We should be intentional about this - whether we think we are good at it or not
many people make excuses - thinking they would, they just aren’t good at that.
they just don’t know how, etc.....
I like the way I do it wrong better than I like the way other people don’t do it at all.
In fact, if you see someone doing it so poorly that you want to mock them, consider for a moment, they may be there as a testimony against you -
Preaching the gospel is not a chore that we accomplish to earn a prize
It is not a ritual we complete to pass a test
It is the byproduct of an internal compulsion we have to save a life from death (James 5:20)
It’s something we do becasue we can’t help but do it when we see the state of a lost soul -
Being like Jesus includes sharing your faith like Jesus
Jesus has set an example that we should follow
Christianity is not hereditary
It does not occur through osmosis
It is not a prize in a lottery
It is intentional, and deliberate
It is by faith, and this faith comes through hearing - through preaching
So God, and save the world!
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9