Sermon Tone Analysis

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This automated analysis scores the text on the likely presence of emotional, language, and social tones. There are no right or wrong scores; this is just an indication of tones readers or listeners may pick up from the text.
A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
Emotion Tone
Language Tone
Social Tone
Emotional Range

Tone of specific sentences

Social Tendencies
Emotional Range
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9
Joel and Mary Nadel, Covenant Church
From J.C. Ryle’s “Expository Comments on the Gospels - Mark”
House Rules: Phones, Respect, Stay on the Text
Mark 4:35-41
Mark 4:35-41
Introduction and Review:
The beginning of Jesus Ministry
The Gospel message
His healing and teaching ministries
Building the kingdom of God - parables of the soils, the grain/corn, the mustard seed
Today - the reality that Jesus is God, made man
A storm on the sea of Galilee
While crossing it, Jesus performs a miracle, taking control of the weather
This would have gotten the disciples attention
four were fisherman (Peter, Andrew James and John) - knew the dangers of storms here
This account contains much instruction and is important
Mark 4:35-37
Storms are a fact of life for Christians
Christian faith and service do not exempt us from storms
Twelve disciples faithfully and obediently following Jesus wherever He went
They were helping his ministry, listening to His teaching
They were telling others about about Jesus, in spite of the opposition of the Jewish leadership
They were not afraid to give up everything for Jesus
If we are true Christians, everything will not be smooth on our way to heaven
sicknesses, losses, deaths, disappointments like anyone else
Jesus promised us pardon and forgiveness, grace and in the end glory in heaven
Never promised we wouldn't have trouble along the way - loves us too much to promise that
We learn many lessons when we experience troubles
Shows our weakness physically, emotionally, intellectually
Draws us to the throne of grace - forces us to rely on Jesus
Takes our focus off the world and makes us look forward to heaven
When we come to the Lord at the end of our lives, we will say “it is good for me that I was afflicted”
We will thank God for every storm and trouble
Mark 4:38
Jesus was truly a man
Jesus was truly a man (as well as God)
When the storm began and waves started coming in, Jesus was in the stern, asleep
He had a body exactly like ours - hunger, thirst, suffer pain - no wonder his body needed rest
had been preaching in open air all day, needed sleep when the evening came
Another important lesson, Jesus is as much man as He is God
Understands us, knows the difficulties we face, has felt them all
Understands when we call out to Him for help in this hard world
He is the perfect Saviour and Lord for men and women who are tired and suffer aches and pains - who need someone to comfort and love them every night
“For we do not have a high priest who cannot sympathize with our weaknesses, but One who has been tempted in all things as we are, yet without sin.”
New American Standard Bible: 1995 update.
(Heb 4:15).
La Habra, CA: The Lockman Foundation.Bringing it home
Mark 4:39
Jesus, because He is God, has the power of God
Jesus has almighty power
Here we see Him doing the impossible
He speaks to the wind and it obeys
He speaks to the waves and they obey - submit to Him
He says to a raging storm “peace, be still” and it does
This is the power and words of the one who created the universe, created our world, created us
The weather knwe the voice of its Master and was quiet immediately
Another important lesson - With Jesus, nothing is impossible
No stormy emotions, like anger, frustration, disappointment are so strong that He cannot calm them
No one can feel so badly about themselves, that He cannot comfort them and bring peace
Christ can do miracles on our hearts - No need to lose heart, fear for our lives, fear for the future, if we commit ourselves and our souls to Christ for safekeeping
Christ will carry us through every danger - help us overcome any enemy
So what if our family opposes us?
So what if neighbors laugh at us?
So what if our living conditions are hard?,
So what if we suffer powerful temptations?
It is all nothing, if Christ is on our side and we are in the boat with Him.
Greater is He that is for us, than all that are against us.
Mark 4:40-41
Finally, Our Lord Jesus is very patient and loving in dealing with His children
In this case we see His disciples showing a great lack of faith, and showing great and unnecessary
They have forgotten all the miracles and care He has given them in recent days
They cannot see past their present trouble
Panicked, awoke Him, “Don’t your care if we die?”
This is another great lesson - Jesus is very concerned for us and shows us great kindness
Psalm 103:13
He does not deal with Christians according to their sins - He understands their weakness
He knows all our shortcomings
He knows our weaknesses in faith, hope, love, courage
All this and He doesn’t reject us - He puts up with us
He loves us to the end
He picks us up when we fall
He forgives us when we sin
He is patient beyond our understanding
When He sees our hearts are right, it is to His glory to overlook our short-comings
Bringing it home
Let us remember that Jesus never changes
His heart is the same now, as it was that night he crossed the sea of Galilee and stilled the storm
High in heaven, He remains at the right Hand of God
Still sympathising, still almighty, still caring, still patient
We need to show the same love and patience to our brothers and sisters
They may make many mistakes, be annoying, but if Jesus still loves them, shouldn’t we?
If we have not trusted in Christ, then there is much reason for despair - for we are doomed.
But there is hope: turn to Christ
For Christians: Let’s not be hard on ourselves - we may be weak, frail and moody, but if we truly believe on Christ, we can take comfort.
Question is not: Are we perfect like the angels?
Question is: Are we real and true in our commitment to Christ?
Do we truly repent and believe the gospel?
< .5
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