My Soul Magnifies the Lord

Breaking Heaven's Silence  •  Sermon  •  Submitted
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We have some enduring cliches in the Christian church, that are catchy (especially when they rhyme), but don't really mean a whole lot:
"When God closes a door, He opens a window."
He might not open anything...
"You're never more safe than when you're in God's will."
Eternally, yes. Physically, no.
"Christianity is not a religion, it's a relationship."
Um, actually, it is both.
"Let go and let God."
Justification is passive, but our personal sanctification is never passive.
"God will never give you more than you can handle."
Actually, God often gives us more than we can handle so we will learn to depend on Him and His people and not ourselves.
"God helps those who help themselves."
This was a phrase from Benjamin Franklin, who was a great American forefather, but not a biblical Christian.
Another saying I believe has become cliche in the church is, "Praise the Lord."
When we say that, are we really praising the Lord, or are we simply happy God gave us something or did something we want?
This morning we will explore what true praise really is and why a believer praises God.


Verses 39-40
Exact location unknown...
Mary's reason for going unknown…but I imagine she wanted to celebrate with Elizabeth that Elizabeth and Zechariah were going to finally have a child, but also seek Elizabeth’s wise advice when it comes to her incredible, but likely overwhelming news.
Verses 41-45
John was celebrating Jesus even while both were in the womb...
Elizabeth was "filled with the Holy Spirit..."
The baby leaping for joy inside of her tells Elizabeth that God is at work...
Elizabeth responds to Mary's incredible news with praise...
Mary is blessed...
Her unborn baby is blessed...
Elizabeth is blessed...
Those who have faith in God's promises are blessed...
Verses 46-55
The Magnificat...
Looking at Mary's song:
Hebrew poetry...
VV. 48-49 - God has shown mercy and favor to someone of low estate...
V. 50 - God shows mercy for those who revere Him...
VV. 51-53 - He is for the outcasts and the lowly, and brings down the proud and rich...
VV. 54-55 - He remembers the promises to His people...
Verse 56
Why does Mary stay with Elizabeth for three months?
She probably waits with her until John is born...

Big Idea: Why should a believer praise God?

We should praise God because He is worthy of praise.

These godly women remind us that God is worthy of praise because of who He is...
These godly women remind us that God is worthy of praise because of what He has done...
He blesses His people, regardless of our station in life...
He cares of the outcasts and lowly...
He gives mercy to those who revere Him...
He remembers His promises to His people...
These godly women remind us that God is worthy of praise because of what He will do...

We should praise God because He shows mercy to us.

Praise is, in part, very personal...
“Count Your Blessings...”
These are examples of His mercy to us, because, ultimately, God owes us absolutely nothing...
Praise is always humble...

We should praise God because He shows mercy to others.

Praise is, in part, communal...
Sometimes when others are blessed, we are secretly jealous...
There is nothing but joy in Elizabeth because of Mary’s news…she makes no complaints that she didn’t have a child when she was young like Mary…just praises God for what He’s done, what He’s doing, and what He will do.

We should praise God because He always keeps His promises.

Praise is focused on God and His activities...

So What?

The Big Idea this morning might seem like a silly question, especially to be asked to people at church on Sunday morning…
However, I’m not sure everyone can honestly say they truly praise God every worship service, at least not to the degree that Elizabeth and Mary do here.
Unfortunately, much of what is called “praise” today becomes one of two things:
Mouths reciting what the mind and heart do not really feel;
A religious duty instead of a heartfelt response…
Self-centered emotionalism;
Having less to do with a response to God and more to do with personal tastes and feelings…
“Me Church” video...
In that climate, the “Why?” of worship is lost and the first focus becomes the “How?” of worship.
It’s why people fight about worship in churches today, because the wrong question is asked and answered first…
So, let's personalize this:
Is my worship truly centered on God and not myself?
Much of what is called worship today is man-centered, not God-centered...
Have I praised God for what He has done for me?
Part of praise is rejoice in God's activity...
But, what if I don't see God's activity in my life?
Have I praised God for what He does for my brothers and sisters in Christ?
We must learn to rejoice in the community of faith...
Our faith was never meant to be an individualistic faith...
Have I praised God for what He has done, what He is doing, and what He will do?
God's Word in the central guide in worship...
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