Sermon Tone Analysis

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This automated analysis scores the text on the likely presence of emotional, language, and social tones. There are no right or wrong scores; this is just an indication of tones readers or listeners may pick up from the text.
A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
Emotion Tone
Language Tone
Social Tone
Emotional Range

Tone of specific sentences

Social Tendencies
Emotional Range
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9
Over this past month, we have had a # of deaths—Joan Liechty died recently last month.
This past week—Jim Scott died, the Reverend Bob Liechty died, and some younger people died-
Turner Schwartz
and I-win (Sophie) Taylor
can we take a moment and pray for those...
Recently, I saw one of the best Christmas movies ever, part of Home Alone 2, a famous movie, where McKauley Kaulkin, who is a young boy, gets lost in NY City.
(although it is a little more stressful now that my kids are that age and thinking of it as a parent)
and the Home Alone movies always take place at Christmas time.
One of the things the movie does a good job showing is how NY City is just beautiful at Christmas with decorations, and also lots of beautiful Christmas tree lights.
The Rockefeller Center Christmas Tree is one of the most famous Christmas trees.
Do you know how tall it is—at least 75 ft.
This year’s model is 79 ft.
weighs 12 tons.
is a Norway spruce… (that was my guess)
from Maryland
roughly 85 years old
and most importantly—do you know many lights get put on it?
50,000 PLUS! that brilliantly light up the tree...
that’s a lot!
while we don’t have the Rockefeller tree in Berne, we have a pretty impressive tree—every time we drive by it our 4 year old—says “Look at the Christmas tree!!”
do you know who is credited with decorating the first Christmas tree with lights—Martin Luther—the reformer who started the Protestant reformation from the Catholic church—is credited with adding lighted candles to a tree (sounds dangerous).
Why do you think he did?
well most historians think he was awed by all the stars he saw outside.
but whatever reason he did--bright lights at Christmas time—should recognize that during this dark time, we have the true light of the world.
in fact, how many of you decorated a Christmas tree with light?
how many of you hung lights?
oh yes—we love light around Christmas time when darkness lasts longer each day!
Well, this theme of light—is what I am focusing on today.
and we are looking at the question—what is my light and life, this Christmas—what do I mean by that?
let me read some verses that show it.
Let me start in Isaiah.
this is over 700 years before Jesus came.
Isaiah and his people were facing a scary time—as foreign powers were threatening to come in.
war was coming...
they had bad leadership...
they needed hope.
they needed guidance.
and they were looking in the wrong places.
but look at what Isaiah 9 says:
the world was and is a pretty dark place.
When we say the world is dark, we mean it is tough, full of suffering, and evil, and hopelessness.
The Israelites were facing that—and we are, too.
This is one of the things i appreciate about the Bible—it is pretty honest that our world can be a dark place in need of light—war, suffering, poverty, injustice, conflict, tornados and tsunamis...
and to make matters worst—we often look for light in all the wrong places.
For example, what are some examples of the kinds of things humanity looks to for solutions:
government or political leaders—if we just get the right people in power
technology and science—as long as we have more advances—but do scientific advances equal greater light?
just study history and know that greater technological advancement does NOT equal world peace or more light.
experts in the world; if we get a lot of smart people - the Israelites were looking to their religious experts.
instead of looking out there---if we just look within and love each other—and stay unified.
but can you and I just look within and manufacture hope and light.
but look at what John in the NT--
and then John 1:1-5
so what does Scripture say our light and life are?
and where is yours?
when we ask the question—what is our light and life—think about light—what does light symbolize in Scripture, and even in our world:
(Light is 3 things (From Tim Keller - Hidden Christmas; chapter 1)
Light = life!
It is scientifically and physically true that we need light to survive.
if we didn’t have the sun—life would cease to exist.
we’d freeze out.
no photosynthesis…all of life would be in trouble.
same with the true light—Jesus Christ.
without him—no life—in every aspect, physically and spiritually.
Look what it says about Hebrews 1:3
Jesus Christ sustains all things by his powerful, life-giving Word.
the reason the world stays together and atoms stay together—Jesus.
why does your heart keep beating—Jesus.
we also know that in creation—in Genesis—that God the author of life spoke the world into existence.
and when Adam and Eve sinned, they were separated from the author of life, thus introducing physical death, but also spiritual death.
it’ why we struggle now with identity, addiction, meaning, hope and purpose.
so where are you looking for life? is it in Jesus or something else?
2. another thing that light = Truth (right and wrong), direction, guidance, shows what is evil in contrast to good
If you turn on your headlights at light—it shows you where to go.
It illuminates the path forward.
If you don’t, crash.
or if you go in a dark room, the first thing you need is light to show you where to go.
same is true of God, or Jesus Christ—he is our light, showing us where to go, and also showing us what is really reality.
we are a world in darkness—of confusing—Jesus turns on the light—brings clarity.
we are in a world of darkness—evil—Jesus is the Light and dispels the darkness.
God’s Word is a light...
so where are you looking for truth, direction, guidance, reality...
3. Light = Beauty
this is true if you have a diamond ring—and the lights reflect...
this is true of Christmas lights...
we need light this time of year when some of us struggle with a lack of the sun and vitamin D
Scripture says this about God:
there is something glorious and beautiful of light, especially the true light of the World.
Hidden within this is beauty, purpose, meaning, the reason for our existence, and compelling drive.
Joy, hope...
where are you looking for beauty?
our souls ache for it...
so where is your light...
—your life, your truth, your beauty...
< .5
.5 - .6
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.8 - .9
> .9