Angels And Jesus

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How angels were involved in Jesus' life.

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If you probably tired save me up here again, I may be up here a little bit longer than the first time but maybe not too much now. No tomatoes Flyknit no spit flying it or anything like that. So that's right. Alright. Well today we are going to look at another sermon on Angels We Have Been All About Angels the last two or three months and I think this is appropriate today since yesterday. We celebrated, the birth of Jesus and we're going to talk about that today among other things. So let's look at our. Remember. This is our series Angels messengers of God. This is today's sermon angels and Jesus and we're going to look at how Angels were involved in Jesus's life. And so I think what here's our definition angels are intelligent moral and Spiritual Beings created by God who worship Him carry out, his will and purpose is in heaven, and on Earth. That's the definition we've used ever since we started this series. Well, it's kind of an awesome thing to think of the angels and Jesus because we see Jesus as the sinless son of man, but just think about this now, Before he came to Earth, as Jesus. The Angels knew him in heaven. Think of all the time, the Angels spent with him in heaven and wonder what the Angels thought when they found out that Christ was coming to Earth in the form of a human being. I mean, they had worship them in heaven all this time, but the Bible tells us all that they could do was to just look into it. They could wonder about salvation but they couldn't understand what salvation was all about. Why? Because Angels aren't saved. They don't experience salvation there, the creation of God, but they don't experience salvation. So when the father was going to send the sun down to earth to basically die for the sins of humanity. What would the Angels think they couldn't understand that? I'm sure cuz they never experienced salvation. So, when Jesus came down to Earth Angels, watch from heaven. As he was born into the world of humanity and so, but they did far more than just watch him from Heaven. They were involved with him every step of the way in his human life. And just as they had worshiped him before he became, man, the Bible commanded them to worship Him. As he became a man. Listen, I don't have this on the screen. But listen to what Hebrews 16 said, but when he again brings the first born into the world. Speaking of Jesus, he says, let all the angels of God worship Him. When he brings the first born into the world, the first premise is let all the angels of God worship him. Well, Paul wrote to Timothy and a wonderful statement and I want to put it up on the screen 1st Timothy 3 and verse 16 and I want you to look at this verse very carefully. It says without controversy great is the mystery of godliness. God was manifested in the flesh, incarnation. Justified in the spirit justification. Just forget that next line. Preached among the Gentiles Proclamation believed on in the world salvation received up in glory exaltation. What a wonderful verse that just described the entire life of Jesus. And look. Let me try my love pointer out. Look at this, this little phrase right here, right in the middle of all this Incarnation justification. Proclamation salvation exaltation. What does it say seen by angels?

Baseball at all. Good pups experienced by Humanity. Now, didn't put that put seen by Angel. So here's what I want to do today, very quickly. I can't see the clock. But will be lasting 30. Here it goes right now. I want to give you, I want to give you 7.

7, major events in Jesus's life that the Angels were involved in. And you going to see that these are vents were major major events. Let me give you first one. Number one. Angels, anticipated his coming. Well, the first instance was six months before the angel Gabriel went to Mary to tell her that she was going to have a baby, the same Angel Gabriel. He was dispatched to a priest named Zacharias. In the purpose of this visit was to announce the Zacharias that his wife Elizabeth who for a many years were she was childless that she was going to have a son? Now, what was that son's name? Said, you going to call him John and I look at it and Luke 1:13, but the angel said to him speaking of Zakaria, and I noticed, it said, the angel do not be afraid. Zacharias, for your prayer is heard and your wife, Elizabeth will bear you a son and you shall call his name, John. John, who is John the Baptist? You say? Well, what's so important about that concerning Jesus? Because John, the Baptist was the Forerunner of Jesus. He was the one who paved the way for Jesus to come and an angel, entrusted Zacharias with that message, 6 months before he went to marry. So Angels anticipated. Jesus is coming by now. Seeing the birth of John, the Baptist. Well number to Angels announced. Christ's birth. Well, this Angel remember, it was Gabriel. He had the authority responsibility of communicating the coming of Christ to Earth. First of all to marry. So six months after Zacharias was told of John's birth Gabriel appeared to Mary and told her that she was going to have a child, look at it and look, 130 + 31, then the angel said to her, do not be afraid. Mary for you, have found favor with God and behold, you will conceive in your womb and bring forth a son and shall call his name. Jesus. Now you see Mary was told about the miracle birth. But her husband Joseph, he didn't know that. The pregnancy was a miracle. And while he was thinking about remember what to do with Mary, he was thinking about putting her away. An angel actually came to him and explained what was happening to marry. So we have the birth of John, the Baptist Angel, the birth of Christ, Angel, and then explaining the situation to Joseph another Angel. So the name of our savior was introduced to the world of men by a messenger from Heaven by an Angel, just think the Lips of an Angel, was the first one to other the name Jesus, but since his name, I mean salvation of God, even the highest Angel, could not understand what he was saying, because salvation was not for Angel salvation was for men, Well, after the birth of Jesus, if you remember, The Angels continue to show great concern for him. Remember how I an angel warned his parents about remember hair. Its planned to kill all the children, 2 years and and younger. All the boys Angel instructed, instructed Joseph, to take his family and flee to Egypt. It was an angel who told him that, and then when everything calm down later, it was an angel who came to Joseph and said it's safe to return with your family. To Israel. Notice how Angels were all involved in the birth. So anticipated is coming, John the Baptist announced his birth to Mary, and Joseph and took care of them the whole time. Number 3. Angels, assisted him after his temptation. So, we're talkin about Christ here. The next recorded encounter, at least, but in Scripture that Jesus had with angels, was 30 years later. The 30 years later. He was laying, the Bible said, by the spirit, Into the Wilderness to be tempted of the devil. And remember at that time. That was right after his baptism the spirit, led him into the Wilderness and he fasted for 40 days and 40 nights when he experienced these three very intense Temptations from Satan, but then after he defeated Satan, with the word of God, what does the Bible say? Matthew for 11, then the devil left him? And behold, who came Angels Came and ministered to him our Lord's Temptation. He weighs Warfare with the Enemy and the power of the holy spirit with no aid from anyone else, but when the battle was over and he won the victory, the Angels Came notice that the Angels Came not during the midst of Temptation to help, but they ministered to him after the Temptation. Matter fact, that word Minister, there. It actually means spreading the table. You say well, what would that mean? Well, think of Elijah when angels ministered to him. They brought him food and water for him to eat and drink and this is probably the same thing that happened to Jesus. He fasted 40 days and 40 nights and then the Angels Came and spread the table for they ministered to him. So Angels assisted him after his temptation, but there's another time that Angels were involved in that is number for Angels attended to him. At Gethsemane. Now remember, Jesus had withdrawn from all of his other disciples, Peter James, and John was left in. The Bible, says he began to enter into Agony in Gethsemane. And the three disciples had never seen anything like it before. If you read the Bible, the way they described it. One of them said that he began to be sorrowful and very heavy. The other says that he was sore, amazed and very heavy. And another said that he was in agony, his sweat was as it great drops of blood falling to the ground. And it was at this very intense, emotional and distraught that the Angels Came. Look at it and Luke 22, 42, and 43. In this is Jesus speaking saying father. If it is your will take this cup away from me. Never the last not my will but yours be done. He didn't want to die on that cross. Oh, he was sweating. Great drops of blood. He was in agony. He says, take this cup from me, but then he says, nevertheless not what I want, but your will be done. Now, watch me. 33, then an angel appeared to him from Heaven, strengthening him that word strengthening their so different word. It means to invigorate to call someone to be strong, to make something firm. And only one angel came to minister to Jesus in Gethsemane. But remember what the Lord said when they arrested him, he said, I could summon twelve Legions of angels to come and help me, and remember Allegiant with six thousand soldiers. So, 12 was Jesus said, I can call 72,000 Angels if I wanted to, and they would come and help me. But Billy Graham said that he died alone in order to take the full death penalty that you and I deserve. So, he died alone Angels attended to him in. Guess, simony, where we said so far, anticipate is coming. Birth of John, the Baptist announced his birth to Mary and Joseph assisted him in Temptation when the devil tempted him and then attended to him in gas Symphony, Number 5. And this is an important one. It was Angels. Who affirmed his resurrection. You see, it was an angel who rolled away the Stone from the mouth of the cave there. It was an angel who appeared to the two, Mary's who arrived at. Jesus is too early on Resurrection Day and it was two angels who saw Mary looking into the tune? Now, watch the announcement of the Angels, Matthew 28 5 and 6. What's it? But the angel answered and said to the women to marriage. Do not be afraid for. I know that you seek Jesus, who was crucified not looking for 6. He is not here for. He Is Risen as he said come. See the place where the Lord say? We're not a, what a wonderful Proclamation. That was, what do you like to do that, too? Much more in the end? And that angel said, oh he's not here. He is risen, he is risen. You see. It was the Angels, who affirmed his resurrection, number 6.

It was also Angels, who were associated with him in his Ascension when he went back to Heaven, I think about it, birth of John. Birth of Christ.

Temptation of Jesus.

The mental distraught In The Garden of Gethsemane and then at the resurrection. But not only that. Also at the Ascension. Now, Luke, I don't have this on the screen. But listen to what Luke said about the Ascension. Now I came to pass when he blessed them that he was parted from them and carried up to heaven, Angels, Angels carried him to heaven. So certainly that was done by them. But look what acts 10 and Levin says Acts chapter 110 and left. This is When Jesus ascended, it says, and while they look steadfastly toward Heaven, as he went up. Butthole two men, stood by them in quite a while. Now that little phrase, white apparel means bright and shiny. No notice what it calls these angels here. It says two men stood by them. Remember angels can a why they can appear as men? Maybe even women. Nice, is that, who knows? We could have entertained angels before and not even know most time their Spiritual Beings, but sometime, they can appear to men stood by them, and shite white shining bright clothes right now. I look at the next birth.

Who also said, men of Galilee? Why do you stay in gazing up into heaven? This same. Jesus, who was taken up from you into heaven? Will so come in like manner, as you saw him go into heaven. That was the message of the Angels, this same. Jesus. He's going to come back the same way that you see him going up. The Angels were with him. When John the Baptist the news about him. When the news came to Mary about Jesus in the wilderness, in the Temptation, in the garden, in Gethsemane at his resurrection and at his Ascension, well now Jesus is in heaven. What other event could there be, Where Angels can be involved in? How about his second coming when he comes back Angels, accompany him at his second coming? If Angels were prominent which they were in his first coming, think how prominent they going to be in the second coming? You no matter of fact, in the Book of Revelation the word Angel, a 61 times. So angels have a big responsibility even in the Book of Revelation now. The angels will announce. The Rapture of the church. You say? Well, what are you talkin about? Look at it and 1st Thessalonians 4:16 for the Lord himself will descend from heaven with a shout with a voice of an archangel and with the trumpet of God and the dead in Christ. Will rise. First. This is when the Lord comes back for his church. If you believe in the Rapture, he comes in the clouds. He doesn't set foot on Earth. He comes in the cloud and the angels are with him and a trumpet. Blows in the Bible, says the dead in Christ will rise. First, what happened? They rise up out of their graves. Their body goes and meet their Spirit and the air, and they will forever be with the Lord. That is the Raptor and the angels are coming with him when Christ comes back for the Rapture, but they also come in with him when he comes back for his second coming. This is when he comes back to Earth to set everything straight. Look at Matthew, 16 verse 27, for the son of man will come in the glory of his father, with his angels. And then he will reward each according to his works. So the angels are coming back at the Rapture. They're coming with him at the second, Well, when Christ comes back, he's going to set things, right? And he's going to judge this world and guess who he's going to use to judge the world. He's going to use Angels. Let's look at it. Matthew 13, 49 and 50. So it will be at the end of a Jesus Christ. Second Coming. The angels will come forth, separate the wicked from among the just and cast them into the furnace of fire. That will be wailing and gnashing of teeth. Who does Christ used in the Judgment of this world. He uses his Holy Angels. So you just think about how they were involved in the Life of Christ. You see the purpose of angels is to glorify God? The same thing it is for us and to bring honor to his name. And as we studied about these angels for the last two or three months. I hope that you have been drawn closer to Jesus when you see how Angels were involved and let's think of it like this.

We ought to be thankful this morning that Christ came. That he was born into this world to redeem us from seeing, and Angels told us about that, it ought to encourage us this morning. That Christ overcame Satan in the wilderness in Temptation because he is showing us how to do the same thing. How we can find victory in his word and it was angels that come and minister to him. We oughta be moved by this account in the Garden of Gethsemane that Jesus was sweating, great drops of blood for you. And for me, he did that for us and Angels Came and ministered to him, and I'll tell you something else about the garden. We ought to be thankful that the Angels getting in a ring. they could have stopped it but they didn't, let's be thankful that they didn't intervene because if they had, we would still be in our seeing if they would have kept Christ and going to the Cross, then we would still be in our sin and how triumphant we ought to feel this morning because it was the Angels who said, He's not here. He is risen. They told us about the resurrection and then how expecting that we ought to be when we think of the Holy Angels coming for us. At the Rapture, the Angels coming at the second coming. And not only that if we were to die before the Rapture occurs, who is it? That comes and takes God's children to heaven, to be with the Lord, It's the Angels themselves. You see the voice of the Archangel, we can hear it today, and we know that we're going to be with the one whom we love and the one whom the Angels love is well, and that is Jesus Christ. Amen. Let's pray. Father. We thank you. And praise. You and love you today. Lord for this very important message. Lord help us to understand. The ministry of Angels in the life of Jesus and I only got in our own lives as well Lord there. So, prominent in your book. Lord help us not to have a secular view of angels and people turning into angels and growing wings and things of that nature. Lord help us to understand it biblical and how important they were in your own Ministry while you were on Earth, or we come to you this morning. We want to exhaust you. We want to praise you and we want to worship you forcing Christ name, I do pray. And for his sake, amen.

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