Noah’s Ark

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Genesis 6:5-22


We all know the story of Noah, but do we realize the monumental task that God gave him?

I. “The wickedness of man was great in the Earth…But Noah found grace in the sight of the LORD.”

A. Times are very similar now to what they were in Noah’s day.

1. God is coming back soon to take his children away.
2. Violence is everywhere. Little Rock has reached an all time record for murders this year.
3. The signs of the times. Matt. 24:4-8.
4. Is he coming for you?

B. Does your life bring pleasure to God?

1. Which side of the ark would you be in—inside or outside?
2. This is not simply a question of “am I a good person”, but do I know Jesus Christ as my savior, and if so, am I leading a life that reflects his will for my life.
3. It is impossible to please God if you are not saved.

II. How do we “find grace in the eyes of the Lord?”

A. By keeping a close walk with God.

1. We cannot be in fellowship with God unless we are communicating with him on a regular basis.
2. Wouldn’t it be nice for someone to say that you “walked with God?”
3. By keeping in a close relationship with God, we can know what his will for our life is.

B. By doing exactly what he says to do, when he says to do it.

1. God gave Noah a monumental task—to build an ark that would fit two of every kind of animal in the world.
2. Notice the specifications God placed on the construction of the ark.
a. Gopher wood, pitch/tar for sealant, 450 ft. long (football field is only 300 ft.), 75 ft. wide, 45 ft. tall, a window 1.5 ft. tall, with 3 stories.
b. Noah probably was wondering at this point why in the world God was asking him to make this huge boat.
3. God doesn’t always tell us “why”.
4. He does, however, ask for our obedience.
a. 9/11 story.
b. Story of the ant.
5. This task took Noah many years to complete; it was not just a couple of weeks.
a. Noah suffered persecution.
b. His friends probably thought he was crazy.
c. Sometimes God asks us to undergo tough times.

III. Conclusion

Noah did all that God asked him to do. Could someone looking back at your life say the same thing? Will you be remembered as someone who walked with God, or went their own way? God has a plan for your life, a purpose. Following God’s plan will bring you joy and fulfillment you never dreamed of. Will you accept his plan for your life today?
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