Sermon Tone Analysis

Overall tone of the sermon

This automated analysis scores the text on the likely presence of emotional, language, and social tones. There are no right or wrong scores; this is just an indication of tones readers or listeners may pick up from the text.
A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
Emotion Tone
Language Tone
Social Tone
Emotional Range

Tone of specific sentences

Social Tendencies
Emotional Range
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9
Come And See
I love to see the excitement on a kids face when they discover something new or receive something surprisingly unexpected.
They get so excited about it they want to show and tell everyone about this new thing they have.
Just this week Eden went to the dentist.
As she was leaving they gave her a balloon filled with helium.
Corrie and her went while I was at the office and when I came home for a minute, Eden said “Daddy, Look at my balloon.”
Initially, I was busy talking to Corrie so I brushed it off for a minute.
But then she insistently kept saying “Daddy, Look at my balloon.
Look at my balloon.
Look at my balloon.”
And she kept saying it till I acknowledged her balloon.
Later that same day the balloon was hanging on her door in her bedroom.
She grabbed my Hand
And said, “Daddy come and look at my balloon.”
The balloon was her prized possession.
And she wanted to make sure that I got to see it.
She wanted me to enjoy her balloon as much as she enjoyed her balloon.
Whether or not I cared about the balloon or not, she wanted to show it to me.
She wanted me to experience the joy of the balloon.
And this is true of all of us.
When we truly love something.
When we truly love someone.
When we truly are in awe or amazed by something, we want to tell the whole world.
Some new parents are insufferable when it comes to this, I know Corrie and I were.
When we had kids, at any chance I got, I wanted to show people all of the 3,000 pictures I had of my baby.
If they sought my attention in any way, they were going to hear about my new child.
Grandparents gush over their grand-babies.
People get excited about their new car, gun, phones, or whatever.
You get a new dog, cat, bunny, or hip and everyone hears about it.
A love struck man won’t stop talking about his new girlfriend to his friends and family.
And vice versa.
This isn’t a bad thing, but eventually the awe, wonder, and newness wears off.
And then we don’t get as excited about it.
But what if there was something or better yet someone who never lost their luster.
Someone who loved us unconditionally.
Someone who saw our faults and our failures and loved us anyway.
That each day, hour, and moment with this person was greater than the last.
We never wanted to be out of their presence and we wanted everyone we know to meet this new love of our life.
That’s what it means to share Jesus with someone.
He should consume your life.
You should be like Eden grabbing someone’s hand and saying, “Come and See this Jesus who loves you.”
And In today’s text that’s exactly what we are going to see.
We are going to read about Jesus’ first disciples.
How they came to follow, love, and trust Jesus.
Let’s read how this all begins
Never-Changing Message
You may be thinking, that we read this last week and you would be almost right.
Jn 1:29 “29 The next day John saw Jesus coming toward him and said, “Look, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world!”
Up until this point in John’s Gospel, John the Baptist has played a pivotal role in proclaiming Jesus as the Long-Awaited Messiah.
He is out preaching about the Savior of the world and telling any one who will listen about the fulfillment of Scripture and the Son of God.
His message never changes.
He never uses his influence to pull attention to himself.
He never uses his followers to puff himself up.
He never uses his platform to promote himself.
He was always point to Jesus.
His message never changed.
He never had to try and make Jesus more appealing.
He never had to try and convince people about Jesus.
He never softened the need for a savior.
He didn’t plead and beg people to follow Jesus.
Rather he lived out his mission, he spoke out his conviction, and people either listened to him or avoided him.
There was no room for compromise for John.
He knew his calling.
He knew his mission.
He knew the truth.
And he wanted other people to know it too.
There are many people out here who want to make the message of Jesus more palatable.
They want to soften what the Bible Teaches.
They want there to be mass appeal.
They don’t want to hurt people’s feelings.
They don’t want to offend the masses sensibilities.
They don’t want to preach and point to the truth.
Or on the other hand they want to harp on only one aspect of the gospel message.
They want to scare people into heaven.
They want to teach that as a follower of Jesus all pain and suffering will cease.
They want to claim that if you follow Jesus he will give you everything you want.
Health, wealth, and prosperity.
I want put it as simply as I can.
The message of Jesus.
The gospel message is that we are broken and separated from God.
So God came down to restore us into right relationship with him.
This doesn’t fix all the brokenness around us.
This doesn’t change our financial status.
This isn’t just a get out of hell free card.
This is a call to Look at Jesus and to follow him.
That means as his followers we are not to obstruct or distract from the meaning of the message.
Those who herald and proclaim the message aren’t supposed to try and usurp the person and work of Jesus.
Rather we are to be claiming and saying “Behold the Lamb of God.”
When you come to worship here in this church or in any church its important that you know that the Pastor or preacher should be trying to point you to Jesus.
They shouldn’t ask you to submit to their authority over the authority of Jesus.
They are to be humble servants that are pointing and paving the way to Jesus.
This is something that you need to be on the watch for when looking for a church.
When listening to pastors or preachers.
When letting others teach you the word of God.
That must always be point towards Jesus.
That being said.
This is my commitment.
I strive to make sure that as I preach and teach and help to disciple each of you that I am pointing past myself and to Jesus.
If you ever feel like I am or have abandoned that commitment I pray that you approach and correct me.
I am not here to build my kingdom, but to help build his through the power of the HS.
< .5
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> .9