To Avoid Confusion (part 2) - 14:34-35

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1 Corinthians   •  Sermon  •  Submitted   •  Presented   •  48:39
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Read verses 34-35
These verses split churches.
They do.
They ruin friendships, sever relationships, and bring discord and disunity into the body of Christ.
Because these things are true, it is vital that we understand what these verses actually teach.
That is our Goal this morning.
I am going to show you a couple of things that are specialized tools.
Here’s the first one.
This is a sprinkler repair tool. It is specifically for pop-up sprinklers.
You use the tip to grab a hold of the sprinkler then the you clamp it on once it is pulled up so you can change the head.
It is a great tool. However, it is limited in its use and function.
You cannot use it to repair impact sprinklers.
Why not? Because that’s not what it was designed to do.
Here’s what you use to fix an impact sprinkler.
The top is used to pry the impact from its housing, then you slip this around the bottom and can unscrew the internal part to replace or repair it.
Both of the tools are extremely useful.
However, they are also extremely limited.
The have a specialized purpose designed for them by their creator to enable them to do a specific task.
Because they were designed for a specific task, there are other tasks they simply cannot do.
This is the situation we find when it comes to the roles of men and women in the church.
It is also the situation when we talk about spiritual gifts in general.
You have a particular gift and calling from God.
That means that when you function according to his purpose, you will accomplish the task.
When we don’t function according to the design of our creator, we get into trouble really quickly.
When gifts are exercised according to there design and within Biblically defined roles, they cause the body of Christ to grow.
When they don’t they bring confusion.
The best solution to confusion is focus and clarity.
To avoid confusion we are given three priorities.
Lives are changed when communication is clear.
Three priorities to avoid confusion.
Priority #1…

1. Maintain Proper Order vv. 26-33

When things stay in order, their function is enhanced.
In the exercise of Spiritual gifts, it is essential that we use them in an orderly fashion.
To maintain proper order in the use of Spiritual gifts, there are some things we need to know.

a. Know the goal v. 26

“Let all things be done for edification.”
This is the whole point when we gather together as the body of Christ.
The Church gathers to build up the Body of Christ.
To maintain proper order in the use of Spiritual gifts, we must
#1: Know the goal.

b. Know the limits vv. 27-32

There are God designed and God defined limits on the use of Spiritual gifts.
These are clearly laid out in these verses.
Tongues - 2 or 3, in turn, with an interpreter.
Prophecy - 2 or 3, in turn, examined by the other prophets, new prophecy take precedence over older.
These are the limits.
Spiritual gifts strengthen and equip the body of Christ.
To maintain proper order in the use of Spiritual gifts, we must
#1: Know the goal.
#2: Know the limits.

c. Know the outcome v. 33

God is not the God of confusion.
When we do things God’s way, peace is the result.
Confusion benefits no one.
Submission and obedience bring peace.
To avoid confusion we are given three priorities.
Priority #1: Maintain proper order.
Priority #2…

2. Maintain Proper Roles vv. 34-35

In our culture and world today there exist words that are loaded with meaning they did not previously have.
“Patriarchy” is one such example.
This word used to mean “a system of society or government in which the father or eldest male is head of the family and descent is traced through the male line.”
Bing search result powered by Oxford dictionary. Accessed 2/12/2022
Now its most common usage is “a social system in which men hold primary power and predominate in roles of political leadership, moral authority, social privilege and control of property.” Accessed 2/12/2022
Patriarchy has become a word loaded with seemingly sinister meaning.
It is used to refer to female oppression by males and reflects distrust and fear of men especially in positions of leadership.
The difficulty lies in the reality that for many years, there was inequality and oppression of women. In some places, this is still the case.
However, our natural reaction when faced with a system we disagree with is to swing the pendulum the complete opposite direction.
That is what we see taking place in our society.
Christians have often been accused of patriarchy.
Unfortunately, these accusations have far too often been grounded in fact.
Historically, there has been a patriarchal attitude in the church.
However, as we seek to correct that error, we must be careful not to swing the pendulum to the other extreme.
Our best resource to guard against extremism on either side is a proper understanding of the Word of God.
When handled correctly, Scripture offers clarity and guidance on the issue of gender roles.
While the teaching of Scripture may still be unpopular and not agree with society, it comes from the loving heart of our good God.
Understanding is needed to maintain proper roles.
What do we need to understand?
First we must…

a. Understand the roles v. 34

1 Corinthians 14:34 NKJV
34 Let your women keep silent in the churches, for they are not permitted to speak; but they are to be submissive, as the law also says.
Before we all get bent out of shape, before Paul is accused of misogyny and chauvinism, before any of that, we need to remember what Paul has been talking about.
He has just finished explaining that when God’s rules are not followed, there is confusion.
The Corinthian church was not following God’s rules, that is why Paul sent them this letter of correction.
When tongues are practiced improperly, there is confusion.
When prophets speak improperly and out of turn, there is confusion.
In the same way…
When men and women reject the role and place God has given to them, there is confusion.
The first half of this verse hits pretty hard.
Women are to be silent, they are not permitted to speak.
This is a blunt statement that must be viewed in light of what has already been revealed.
With that in mind, go back with me to 11:5.
1 Corinthians 11:5
What we pointed out when explaining this verse is that women were praying and prophesying in the church!
Scripture gives us several examples of female prophets.
Miriam in Exodus 15:20.
Deborah in Judges 4:4.
Huldah in 2 Kings 22:14.
An unnamed woman in Isaiah 8:3.
Anna in Luke 2:36.
Philips daughters in Acts 21:9.
In light of these things it is very important for us to understand what Paul is not saying.
He is not saying that women cannot speak at all in the gathering of the church.
He is not saying that they must maintain absolute silence when the body assembles.
vv. 34-35 must be understood in the context.
Consider Paul’s topic.
The nature of tongues and prophecy is revelation.
Revelation is instruction or preaching.
Paul is discussing what should and shouldn’t happen in the preaching portion of the service.
In that portion of the service, women are to be silent.
It seems that women in Corinth were using this as an opportunity to teach.
They were speaking in tongues, interpreting, and prophesying.
Paul has just said that the prophets were subject to other prophets.
This would mean that for women to engage in this judgment would be exercising spiritual authority over men.
This is explicitly forbidden in 1 Timothy 2:12. More on that in a moment.
Furthermore, this introduces confusion into the God-given roles of men and women in the church.
The issue seems to be the confusion that is caused when roles are ignored.
However, as already stated, the women are not to be silent all the time because of what Paul states in chapter 11 verses 5 and 13.
Basically, the only thing forbidden is for a woman to preach the message.
Why are women not to be pastors of churches?
Now let’s go to 1 Timothy 2:11-14.
1 Timothy 2:11-14
It’s not that women cannot teach!
It’s not that they are inferior!
It is about the created order of God!
This is what God has ordained, will we submit to it?
God has exclusively called men to serve as leaders in the church, why? Because He did.
He created them first giving to men the rights and authority of the firstborn.
Also noted here is that Eve was deceived and Adam was not.
We could spend a lot of time here explaining the differences in the roles of men and women.
However, back in 2017-2018 we did a class that did a deep dive into all these issues.
If you go to our website, click on sermons, and sort by series you will find those lessons.
There are about 30 lessons total.
This is a difficult and controversial issue.
We want to handle it with grace, love, and carefulness.
With that in mind, I do want to comment on a few things from our passage.
Based on 1 Tim. 2, there are two things women are not to do in the context of the local church.
Teach men and have authority over men.
Let me stress something here. Both of these statements apply only to the local church.
The leadership of the local church is given to men according to 1 Tim. 3 and Titus 1 where the qualifications of elders and deacons are given.
In those qualifications it states that the elders must be able and willing to teach.
Therefore, in 1 Cor. 14, when Paul says women are to be silent and submissive, it is the local church context that he has in mind.
Women who prophesy were not included among those who judged the other prophets, to do so would be to take authority over men.
It is also clear that prophesy was different than teaching or preaching.
Women could prophesy, but they could not teach or preach in the sermon portion of the service.
Let’s talk about submission for a minute.
This is not a forced submission.
It is a voluntary submission.
The context here is that of the local church.
Just so everyone is clear, Both men and women are to submit to local church leadership.
In Acts 21 the apostle Paul himself submits to local church leadership.
This is something all of us are to do.
It is illegitimate to use this passage to teach about a wife submitting to her husband.
Ephesians 5 does command that, only after commanding us to submit to one another.
The idea here is that Submission is given as the leaders are following Christ.
Why does Paul go into all this?
This is where we need to take a step back and be reminded of the big picture.
Paul is writing to correct the Corinthian church for their disunity and misuse of spiritual gifts.
As he answers their questions about spiritual things he describes how to properly use spiritual gifts.
As the Corinthian believers were using their gifts they were crossing boundaries set up by God.
One of those boundaries was the role of men and women in the church.
In their desire for prominence and popularity they ignored God’s instructions about church leadership and structure.
The result was confusion.
As Paul writes to correct what they have been doing, he has to speak to the roles of men and women in the church.
Women are not to teach or have authority over men.
Not because they are less than men, Scripture is clear that men and women are both created in the image of God (Gen. 1:27) and co-heirs with Christ (Rom. 8:16-17).
Men and women have different roles and functions because that’s what God has given them.
We are going to be most fulfilled and satisfied in Christ when we function within our God-given role.
Embracing your God-given role is about obedience to Christ.
Repeat - Read Aloud
We place ourselves under His authority and function as He has directed.
Only when we do this can we have internal peace, joy, and fulfillment.
This is not an easy thing to do.
It is, however, a necessary thing.
Understanding is needed to maintain proper roles.
What do we need to understand?
First we must: Understand the roles.
Second we must…

b. Understand the responsibility v. 35

1 Corinthians 14:35 NKJV
35 And if they want to learn something, let them ask their own husbands at home; for it is shameful for women to speak in church.
Again, before we react, we consider the context.
What does Paul mean when he says “if they want to learn something”?
Learn what?
That is the question.
Consider again 1 Timothy 2:11.
1 Timothy 2:11
1 Timothy 2:11 NKJV
11 Let a woman learn in silence with all submission.
People look at this verse and get all bent out of shape and miss one of the most important things the verse says.
The first four words: “Let a woman learn.”
This is a culture defying statement from Paul.
In a time where many preferred their women to be ignorant, Paul demands that they be taught!
We must understand that Paul is not contradicting Himself here.
He doesn’t say that women can only learn at home in 1 Cor. 14 only to turn around and say that they must learn in the church in 1 Tim. 2.
These passages must fit together. And they do.
The context in 1 Cor. 14 is of prophets judging other prophets.
As we have noted, for the women to do this would be exercising authority over the men which violates God’s design.
What I believe Paul is referring to here is that particular issue.
If the women have a question about something that was done in holding other prophets accountable, the appropriate place for that question is not the corporate gathering of the church.
Why not?
Because it could violate the boundaries placed by God around church leadership.
To avoid confusion, it is better to ask those questions at home.
Paul says it is shameful for women to speak in the church.
The idea is that it brings dishonor to Christ.
At the risk of sounding like a broken record let me clarify this one more time.
Paul is not saying that women cannot utter any speech in the church meeting.
This is clear because they are to pray and prophesy.
What is shameful is if they speak in the preaching portion of the service.
Because it violates the God-given order and authority structure.
It brings confusion on the roles God has given for the home and the church!
The corporate church setting is not the place for a woman to teach.
Why not?
Is it because she is not capable?
Is it because she is less than a man?
Is it because women cannot have the gift of teaching?
So why?
Because of the God-ordained order.
I know that is not a satisfying answer to everyone.
But it is the only answer God gives us.
As His children, we submit ourselves to what He has revealed.
This does, however, raise another very important issue.
The command here is for the women to bring questions to their husbands.
First issue: What if you don’t have a husband? OR. What if your husband is an unbeliever?
Answer: Ask your Dad, Pastor, or one of the elders after the service. You can also ask your unbelieving husband. It may peak his interest into spiritual things.
Second issue: What if your husband doesn’t know the answer?
Answer: Ask him anyway. It may prompt him to get deeper into the word.
Men, I’m going to talk to you for a minute.
This verse implies that the husband is an active and engaged part of the church who is approachable and able to answer the questions his wife has!
Let’s deal with a few things here.
#1: Are you actively growing in your walk with Christ?
Here’s what I mean.
Are you spending time in God’s Word for yourself?
Are you praying?
We have a Bible reading plan and a prayer guide. Use them.
#2: Are you engaging with the church?
Are you using your spiritual gifts to benefit the body of Christ?
Are you enjoying the fellowship of other believers?
Do you stay for the luncheons? Come to any of the extra classes?
#3: Can your wife approach you with questions?
Do you listen when she talks? Not hear, listen.
Do you dwell with her according to knowledge?
1 Peter 3:7
1 Peter 3:7 NKJV
7 Husbands, likewise, dwell with them with understanding, giving honor to the wife, as to the weaker vessel, and as being heirs together of the grace of life, that your prayers may not be hindered.
If we are not communicating with our wives, listening to them and hearing their needs, God will not hear our prayers.
This is the biggest part of this.
Your wife needs to know she is loved and cared for.
She needs to know that she is valued and will be safe and heard when asking questions.
#4: Do you know Scripture well enough to answer questions?
If not, learn it.
Let me say that again. If you do not know Scripture well enough to answer the questions of your wife, learn it.
We have classes Sunday morning, Sunday afternoon, Wednesday Afternoon, and Wednesday evening.
We have a website filled with resources.
There are no valid excuses.
Wives. Let me talk to you for a minute.
If you spend all your time tearing your husband down, he will not do these things.
You are called to be his biggest cheerleader, his helper, his support.
Nit picking and nagging will never give you the husband you want.
Don’t do it.
Pray for Him.
If your husband is not leading spiritually, don’t do it for him.
That is his role and his responsibility.
Get out of the way and let God deal with him.
He will do a better job at getting your husbands attention than you could ever do.
Here’s our lesson
I am responsible for my own obedience.
Repeat - Read Aloud
You are not responsible for anyone else.
Don’t try to be.
Stay in the role God has given to you and trust Him.
He is at work in the heart of your spouse.
He will deal with them.


We must avoid confusion.
That is the issue here.
Anytime we fail to walk in obedience to Christ it brings confusion.
The unbiblical use of tongues brings confusion.
Unbiblical prophecy brings confusion.
Going outside our God-given roles brings confusion.
God is not a God of confusion.
For the body of Christ to be effective, we must speak and act with clarity.
To have healthy relationships there is a commitment we all need to make.
I will submit to the Holy Spirit and walk in obedience to Christ.
Repeat - Read Aloud
This means that in my relationship with myself, I will be Biblical.
I will see myself as God sees me.
In my friendships, I will be iron that sharpens iron.
In my parenting I will train my children and not provoke them to wrath.
In my marriage I will love and respect my spouse for who they are.
Here are some final thoughts:
Bring edification to others. Build them up.
Use spiritual gifts within the limits set by God.
Seek peace for the church.
Serve in the role God has given.
Never stray from obedience.
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